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(Also, thank you, that was a really nice analysis)
Does anyone have any logical explanation as to where the kids are getting these real world things from? I guess Presto could have conjured them up from his hat, but the cash, Eric carries in hisā€¦ pocket?. But since when did Presto have a watch?
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Diana: I wish you would just admit that you made a mistake.
Eric, stirring his coffee: I actually prefer it with salt.
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In this fandom itā€™s called Hankgst actually
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Dungeons and Dragons - Eric x Lorn | Diane
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Dungeons and Dragons | Blinding Lights
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They always ask ā€œWhereā€™s dungeonmasterā€ but they never ask ā€œHowā€™s Dungeonmasterā€šŸ˜”āœŠ
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Because in that episode Prestoā€™s Hat is confiscated as well... (Hey yaā€™ll welcome to part 2 of dumbgeons doesnā€™t understand Easter eggs)
Does anyone have any logical explanation as to where the kids are getting these real world things from? I guess Presto could have conjured them up from his hat, but the cash, Eric carries in his... pocket?. But since when did Presto have a watch?
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this is how it happened, right?
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ha HA! I think about this a lot too! I mainly thought about that one scene from the one where theyā€™re all trapped in Vengerā€™s dungeon, and Eric is fanning himself with a Spider-Man comic (obviously an Easter-egg but still) and my thoughts instantly went to: ā€œeither Eric is a secret comic book nerd who stuffed that down his shirt when they went to the theme park, or Vengerā€™s dungeon canonically has magazines like a fucking dentistā€™s waiting room.ā€ Anyways head canon that Iā€™m literally just pulling out of my ass now: Maybe they belong to other humans who have been there before to try and reform Venger or for literally other reason?
Does anyone have any logical explanation as to where the kids are getting these real world things from? I guess Presto could have conjured them up from his hat, but the cash, Eric carries in his... pocket?. But since when did Presto have a watch?
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And now may I present to you my latest project:
Iā€™ve seen loads of Brooklyn 99 Intro edits for different fandoms so I thought Iā€™d give Dungeons and Dragons a shot. In my opinion, the title credits to the show are completely shit compared to some of the other cartoons of the same decade so I think this is how every episode should start from now on.
(Please donā€™t ask how long this took me cause Iā€™d rather not say)
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Here we are! Itā€™s ya boi Eric YÅ«sha from my rebooted version of the 1985 Dungeons & Dragons cartoon, Heroes of The Realm. In my adaptation heā€™s going to work like a D&D5e Oath of Devotion (sometimes Oath of Conquest) Paladin In my interpretation, Eric is going to have a enemies to friends to student and mentor relationship with Hank, and a romantic arc with Presto, and of course unique friendships with the other characters. The local rich kid who must choose between following his heart, sticking to his friends and going to the school he wants to go to (represented by The Celestial Knights from the episode Quest of the Skeleton Warrior) or giving in to the pressures of his overbearing family, preying on his ambition and desire for their approval to get him to go to boarding school and join their software firm (as represented by Tiamat and her many heads) as his main arc.
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Tintin OC concept, rough sketch trying to figure out my OC Dannyā€™s counterpart, random woman I drew???, some DnDC sketches
Mostly these are just warm up pieces or absentminded sketches that didnā€™t go anywhere, but I still like them.
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Enter the world of Saturday morning cartoons ā€“ Pick a Path to Adventure: Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon Show Book 1-6 by Margaret Weis, Jean Blashfield, Linda Jacobs, Linda Lowery, with Jeffrey Butler covers, TSR, 1985
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Okay so Iā€™ve come to realise not everyone has insta so I thought Iā€™d give you guys a little look at my Eric cosplay (Also I hit 10 followers and thatā€™s literally the most exciting thing thatā€™s happened to me in a long time so THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH)
I have upgraded this outfit so much since I first decided to do Eric as his cosplay is now low-key my fave (itā€™s proably something to do with acting in character as him because its so much fun)
I also do a casual Eric but am yet to get to that goddamn theme park to take some nice shots.
So these are my 3 (out of over 250 SO FAR) favourite pictures edited by me of my upgraded Eric cosplay.
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As promised... VOILA, a magic hat
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Iā€™ve seen many vine compilations in my life, but Iā€™ve never seen a DnDC as vines which is a real shame, so I thought Iā€™d gift this to the world.
Iā€™m sorry youā€™re welcome.
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