eli-journal · 5 years
March 10, 2019
Second day of Spring Break and I already feel like it’s moving by too fast. Like I’m already running out of time, even though it just started? It’s the beginning of the semester all over again.
Time isn’t real and Bill Cipher was right.
Looks like the weather report, as always, is on the fritz. It was 87 degrees this morning but I woke up this afternoon to a downpour. Best thing to wake up to unless you have a friend like Cam. He sent me a message complaining since apparently he forgot his umbrella at my dorm last night, so now he can’t leave his apartment.
So like the good friend I am, I went to take it to him. My kinda-bad Dollar Tree umbrella is starting to break on me, but thankfully it wasn’t too windy at first. But oddly enough, as soon as I started crossing the road, it hella picked up and my umbrella just concaved on me. I couldn’t stop to fix it since I jaywalking in the middle of the road so I got completely soaked.
The wind didn’t slow down until I got to Cam’s. I don’t have clothes at his place like I do did at Ethan’s, so now I’m stuck wearing Cam’s until mine decide to dry.
We were talking about going to the dining hall to eat, but of course at that exact moment, the rain came down even harder and we heard thunder. Cam counted out loud and figured the storm was right on top of us. I love thunderstorms as much as possible, but no way was I going out there.
Not only that, but someone freaking banged on his door not long after I got here. It sounded like somebody taking a bat to it. We’re both socially anxious people, so we just kinda froze at first. All of his roommates are gone for the week, so it probably wasn’t someone looking for one of them. And Cam said his R.A. never just bangs on people’s doors.
Whoever it was just kept banging a few more times before it stopped. In hindsight, one of us should’ve at least gone to the window to see who it was, but after that encounter Cam had, I think we were both too worried to see if it was actually him.
I guess I’m staying the night here. Cam’s Nintendo switch uses the same charger my phone does so that’s not a problem.
What is wierd though, is when I went to plug it up, I checked the weather widget to see when the rain would stop and it said it was a clear night? Either the thing is broken, or maybe I was looking at the wrong city. I’m too tired not to go check again. Oh well.
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eli-journal · 5 years
March 9, 2019
First day of Spring Break and I’ve already wasted it. I didn’t bother getting up until 2pm, but apparently neither did Cam so at least I’m not the only one catching up on sleep while the sun is awake.
I was hoping for some rain again this week, maybe even a lightning storm if I’m lucky, but I just checked the weather forecast and it’s all sunny the whole week. Not even nice sunny with 75 degrees or even 80. 45 degrees all week. So I’ll have to find something to do inside.
Maybe I can hang out with Cam in my room. My roommate left last night before I got back, so I won’t have to worry about them. Plus that way he can’t argue about me walking him home afterwards. He always says it’s not necessary, but screw that. After that encounter he had with that psychopath? No way am I letting him walk out by himself late at night when I can go with him. If that guy did show up again, I dunno if I could do anything about it but hey, bros stick together right?
The dining hall should be opening up soon, I guess I’ll text Cam and force him to eat with me. And bring his umbrella, just in case.
Can’t tempt fate with Southern weather.
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eli-journal · 5 years
March 16, 2019
It's the end of Spring Break. Near it anyway, there's one more day officially. People are returning finally. The parking lots are filling up again, more students are going in and out of buildings. The loud far off noises across campus are gonna be sparse but much more loud.
It’s nice out today; after a week of a balanced cold, I’m happy to be able to wear short sleeves again. It’s midday too, noon just passed with a wait until sundown. Still a long time left in the day. Even so, the sky is a comforting gray. Not signalling a coming storm but enough to make people carry their umbrellas.
Don’t wanna be caught in a rough storm do they?
Electricians are in the parking lots too. Hovering over the pavement as they work at light posts. Light posts whose bulbs had been blown out just the other day.
As more people drove in, I scanned the cars and sidewalks, looking for my friends. No one else paid me much attention, just someone sitting out by the road. ‘Probably enjoying the last bit of free time before classes start on Monday’  I can imagine them thinking. They’re close at least, they can’t see the scars on my back and mind. The developing PTSD.
They don’t know what happened over the week. And they probably never will. And I'll never forget.
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