enstarstracker · 1 year
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Well Rei is still going to be there for the event so... yeah. Knights is most likely to be after this then BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER NOW OH MY GOD THANKS HAPPYELE
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It's been a while, but it's time for a new post! This time I'll talk about some speculation for the next event after 2wink!
The new 2wink event is the last even of this rotation, meaning whatever event is next will be the first event of the new rotation.
Traditionally, a new rotation starts with a song event, with the following events introducing the rotations:
1st - Subaru center
2nd - Eichi center
3rd - Wataru shuffle
With the first event starting on April 15, the event after that should get announced or teased during the 8th anniversary broadcast somewhere late April (similar to how Obbligato got teased in the 7th anni broadcast). During that broadcast we'll also get information on the rotation regarding things like a possible new main story.
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So, let's look at the next event. First thing to note is that the 3rd rotation started with a shuffle unit. Can we expect the same things for the rotation 4? Considering that we have had every shuffle unit and that they're completed, the answer is likely a no. If we are getting new shuffle units (or something different), it'd be most likely for HappyEle to announce this during the anniversary broadcast first.
Which leaves us with just the option of a regular unit event. Now, let's look at the current top 20 most due and who in there hasn't had a unit center yet.
-2nd Izumi (did have a shuffle center)
-5th Tsukasa
-7th Kanata
-14th Rei
-15th Midori (did have a shuffle center)
-19th Kohaku
-20th Nagisa
Now, in a 4Gamer article earlier this month, it was mentioned that everyone will get their (unit) event centers by 2023. While we'll likely get further information on this from the official account/during the 8th anni broadcast, we can at least work with this a little.
But before that, we can eliminate some of the characters on the list. This is because so far, the minimum time between (unit) events is 4 months. There was a time of exactly 4 months between Mao and Makoto center song events, so seemingly this is the minimum waiting time between unit events.
(I am aware that in the 1.5 tours there was 2 months between Tomoya/Aira and Mitsuru/Midori tours. However, tours aren't unit based anymore according to HappyEle)
With this information, we can eliminate Ryuseitai and Eden (Adam/Eve), and also DF (MaM and DF usually get counted together) from the possible options as the waiting time would be less than 4 months. This leaves us with Izumi, Tsukasa and Rei left.
Now if everyone were to get their center event this year, it would still mean shuffle centers as those would get counted in there as 5 members units can't get all unit centers in 4 rotations if we get the regular 14 unit events in a rotation. Now, we know that Tsukasa nor Rei has had a center event yet, even in shuffles. This makes them most likely to get a unit center, while Izumi is more likely to get a tour due to his shuffle center.
Considering Tsukasa is far higher up the due list than Rei is, it is more likely for Tsukasa to get the event after 2wink.
In conclusion, the likeliness of getting the next event for the three characters mentioned here would be:
Tsukasa > Rei > Izumi.
One thing to keep in mind is that if Izumi gets the Knights center, it means that Tsukasa will get a shuffle center (or whatever else they could have planned)! Also, KnightsPs should watch out regardless of who gets the next event. With both Izumi and Tsukasa so high up the due list, either of them could get a scout soon.
Hope this helps everyone a bit with planning out their dia spending!
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enstarstracker · 1 year
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It's been a while, but it's time for a new post! This time I'll talk about some speculation for the next event after 2wink!
The new 2wink event is the last even of this rotation, meaning whatever event is next will be the first event of the new rotation.
Traditionally, a new rotation starts with a song event, with the following events introducing the rotations:
1st - Subaru center
2nd - Eichi center
3rd - Wataru shuffle
With the first event starting on April 15, the event after that should get announced or teased during the 8th anniversary broadcast somewhere late April (similar to how Obbligato got teased in the 7th anni broadcast). During that broadcast we'll also get information on the rotation regarding things like a possible new main story.
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So, let's look at the next event. First thing to note is that the 3rd rotation started with a shuffle unit. Can we expect the same things for the rotation 4? Considering that we have had every shuffle unit and that they're completed, the answer is likely a no. If we are getting new shuffle units (or something different), it'd be most likely for HappyEle to announce this during the anniversary broadcast first.
Which leaves us with just the option of a regular unit event. Now, let's look at the current top 20 most due and who in there hasn't had a unit center yet.
-2nd Izumi (did have a shuffle center)
-5th Tsukasa
-7th Kanata
-14th Rei
-15th Midori (did have a shuffle center)
-19th Kohaku
-20th Nagisa
Now, in a 4Gamer article earlier this month, it was mentioned that everyone will get their (unit) event centers by 2023. While we'll likely get further information on this from the official account/during the 8th anni broadcast, we can at least work with this a little.
But before that, we can eliminate some of the characters on the list. This is because so far, the minimum time between (unit) events is 4 months. There was a time of exactly 4 months between Mao and Makoto center song events, so seemingly this is the minimum waiting time between unit events.
(I am aware that in the 1.5 tours there was 2 months between Tomoya/Aira and Mitsuru/Midori tours. However, tours aren't unit based anymore according to HappyEle)
With this information, we can eliminate Ryuseitai and Eden (Adam/Eve), and also DF (MaM and DF usually get counted together) from the possible options as the waiting time would be less than 4 months. This leaves us with Izumi, Tsukasa and Rei left.
Now if everyone were to get their center event this year, it would still mean shuffle centers as those would get counted in there as 5 members units can't get all unit centers in 4 rotations if we get the regular 14 unit events in a rotation. Now, we know that Tsukasa nor Rei has had a center event yet, even in shuffles. This makes them most likely to get a unit center, while Izumi is more likely to get a tour due to his shuffle center.
Considering Tsukasa is far higher up the due list than Rei is, it is more likely for Tsukasa to get the event after 2wink.
In conclusion, the likeliness of getting the next event for the three characters mentioned here would be:
Tsukasa > Rei > Izumi.
One thing to keep in mind is that if Izumi gets the Knights center, it means that Tsukasa will get a shuffle center (or whatever else they could have planned)! Also, KnightsPs should watch out regardless of who gets the next event. With both Izumi and Tsukasa so high up the due list, either of them could get a scout soon.
Hope this helps everyone a bit with planning out their dia spending!
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enstarstracker · 1 year
Natsume and Yuzuru are the only 3rd years left for a scout this round, NatsumePs and YuzuruPs should watch out!
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Mar 6th: Scout! Where We Go Together has been previewed. More updates to come on Feb 14th. Cards for all Yumenosaki Private Academy third-years will appear in the event and the event scout.
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enstarstracker · 1 year
I know I said this blog won't have any fancy graphs, but...
I put together a quick overview on who will get a center song next rotation! I also have elaborations on some less obvious ones.
Here it is:
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First of all, let's get the ones who are guaranteed out of the way. Trust me, it's a lot of them. In fact, it's almost all of them.
"what makes them guaranteed?"
Basically the ones who are guaranteed are the characters who are the only ones left for their unit for a center song! Whether it is the unit's first cycle (four person units) or their second cycle (two person units), they are the only ones left for their units.
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these characters are:
Tori, Hokuto, Tatsumi, Rei, Tomoya, Nagisa, Shu, Yuta*, Rinne, and Kohaku*.
*We are still awaiting the upcoming 2wink event after valk, but Hinata is 1st most due for a 5 star so it is basically guaranteed that he is getting the center song. If for whatever reason, it isn't him and Yuta gets the upcoming event, ignore Yuta on the overview and replace him with Hinata.
*I know the last Madara event was technically a MaM one, but MaM and DF usually get counted together which leads to Kohaku being next.
That's ten characters that are guaranteed to get a center song (I said it was almost all of them-).
For the ones not guaranteed, I will provide an elaboration on why it will be them (or in Knights' case, why I have no clue at all).
-Kanata: Ryuseitai's center is between Kanata and Midori. However, Midori has already gotten two events in his shuffle center and the recent 1.5 tour event. On the other hand, Kanata has so far only gotten one event in his SS tour. To keep balance within the numbers of the unit, Midori won't get his third event before Kanata gets his second one. Not to mention that Midori has had a center song with his shuffle and therefore takes priority over Kanata in the next Ryuseitai center song.
-Keito: Akatuski is going to start a new cycle of center songs in the next rotation. So you would think that it could be all three of them to get the center song, however this is not the case. All three of them have gotten two events. However out of the three of them, Kuro has gotten two center songs so far: Akatsuki center and shuffle center. This means we can leave him out as he won't get a third center before the others get their second. Which leaves Keito and Souma. Considering Souma only got his center song recently, it seems unlikely that he will get one so soon afterwards.
"but Mika-" I KNOW. However, Valkyrie is a two person unit which leaves for very little choice, especially when they want to switch things up. Considering Keito's center was longer ago, it would make more sense for HappyEle to go with him over Souma for next rotation.
-Knights: I am gonna be real with you, I DON'T KNOW. I can give arguments for both sides here. Let me explain: Izumi's shuffle center was alllll the way back in the first rotation, meanwhile Tsukasa had a tour for the SS. So you'd think Tsukasa will get the Knights center because Izumi already had a center song, right? WELL, we all know what happened with Kaoru, he got his center song last rotation even though he had a shuffle center in the first, leaving Rei in the dust. The same thing can happen with Izumi. Not to mention both of them have only gotten ONE event, it can go either way here. Frankly, I think whoever doesn't get the center song will get a tour anyways, but we can't be certain.
"but they wouldn't give Tsukasa another tour, right?"
Yeah they would, look at Tatsumi and Tomoya. I can't use the 5 star due list either because:
they are so close to each other that it can still go either way
the due list will change sooooooo much overtime that you can't tell the far future from it
In my opinion, both sides here are on equal grounds to get the next center song. Even though I feel like it will be Tsukasa, I can't be sure of it. So instead of putting one of them in the quick overview, I am leaving it open and advice that both IzumiPs and TsukasaPs prepare for an event. Just remember that they both only have gotten one event so far and that it's therefore likely that one might get a tour.
Now onto the last one:
-Sora: you could say that this one is kinda easy to determine. Tsumugi already has gotten three events, so he is definitely out. Natsume has gotten two events, while Sora only has gotten one. Since Natsume had his center song recently, while Sora had his event in the first rotation, it is easy to assume that Sora will get the next Switch center as well. Not to mention that in the current gacha round, neither Natsume or Tsumugi have gotten a 5 star yet. When they do, it will bump them way down on the due list, leaving free game for Sora to get the Switch center (or an event in general). Even in the off chance that Natsume (or maybe even Tsumugi) will get the next Switch center, there is a big chance Sora will get a tour or a shuffle center to get him up to two events.
So yeah, there you have, an overview on the next rotation + my elaborations. I don't have much to say as a closing statement other than just prepare. Prepare for anything, HappyEle is full of surprises. The guaranteed ones are likely to not change, so I wouldn't worry about those?? Just prepare for worst case scenario for the not guaranteed ones and also for the tours and shuffles!
I am hoping to get out a quick overview on who to prepare for for shuffle units next rotation as well once this gacha round is over, so be on the lookout for that!
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enstarstracker · 1 year
I wanted to make a post about who was gonna get the next event, but then HappyEle dropped a broadcast announcement and now I'm going through it. It's on March 6th and the guests are Shu's and Hokuto's VAs!
Hokuto's VA as one of the guests, I'm going through it. I'm scared (<- TrickstarP if you hadn't noticed). It's one day after my birthday as well, what are the chances.
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enstarstracker · 1 year
Sorry, no fs2 prediction this time. Uni started up this week and I haven't had time to get around to it.
Will try to get a thing up for the valentines scout tomorrow though! Just waiting for the fs2 first before making a final speculation on it.
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enstarstracker · 1 year
Monthly broadcast is happening on February 10th, 2023! This time's guest is Osaka Ryota, Ibara's VA.
Ibara valentines event is coming...
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Finished setting up the blog, so let's get started with this post!
A few days ago I was talking with some moots about the valentines event and who'll get it: Eden or Valkyrie?
And I have seen other people saying things about this as well... so here we go.
There's only three units left in this rotation left to get their unit event: 2wink, Eden, Valkyrie. We all know that 2wink got the valentines event last year, meaning they won't get it again!
Which leaves Eden and Valkyrie.
(Continued below the cut👇)
Now, Happy Elements isn't one for repeating a unit getting a holiday related event, that usually also includes what happened in the ! era. Looking back at that, Eden didn't get a valentines/ChocoFes event from back then.
However, Valkyrie did. Valkyrie was part of the Marble♡Heartfelt Chocolat Festival event from 2019 as the event point reward. This had Shu as the 5 star and Mika as the 4 star, featuring the following cards:
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This order of card rarity is also how the next Valkyrie event should look like with Shu supposed to get a new center song.
Therefore, we can conclude that it is highly, incredibly unlikely that Valkyrie will get the upcoming valentines event. It would be a repeat of something they already did and they have a unit at their disposal that hasn't gotten a valentines event yet in Eden.
Yes, Hiyori currently has a fs2 going on, but that hasn't stopped them before. There have been times where they did a unit event when it hasn't been too long since someone from that unit got a gacha card. Just as long as it's different characters that get a 5 star.
Ibara should be the one to get the next Eden center, who obviously is a different character from Hiyori.
So it would be time to prepare for an Ibara valentines event.
Honestly I think that's gonna be really interesting and I wonder what it's gonna look like...
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enstarstracker · 1 year
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Finished setting up the blog, so let's get started with this post!
A few days ago I was talking with some moots about the valentines event and who'll get it: Eden or Valkyrie?
And I have seen other people saying things about this as well... so here we go.
There's only three units left in this rotation left to get their unit event: 2wink, Eden, Valkyrie. We all know that 2wink got the valentines event last year, meaning they won't get it again!
Which leaves Eden and Valkyrie.
(Continued below the cut👇)
Now, Happy Elements isn't one for repeating a unit getting a holiday related event, that usually also includes what happened in the ! era. Looking back at that, Eden didn't get a valentines/ChocoFes event from back then.
However, Valkyrie did. Valkyrie was part of the Marble♡Heartfelt Chocolat Festival event from 2019 as the event point reward. This had Shu as the 5 star and Mika as the 4 star, featuring the following cards:
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This order of card rarity is also how the next Valkyrie event should look like with Shu supposed to get a new center song.
Therefore, we can conclude that it is highly, incredibly unlikely that Valkyrie will get the upcoming valentines event. It would be a repeat of something they already did and they have a unit at their disposal that hasn't gotten a valentines event yet in Eden.
Yes, Hiyori currently has a fs2 going on, but that hasn't stopped them before. There have been times where they did a unit event when it hasn't been too long since someone from that unit got a gacha card. Just as long as it's different characters that get a 5 star.
Ibara should be the one to get the next Eden center, who obviously is a different character from Hiyori.
So it would be time to prepare for an Ibara valentines event.
Honestly I think that's gonna be really interesting and I wonder what it's gonna look like...
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enstarstracker · 1 year
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Welcome to enstars tracker!
This blog's purpose is for theorizing and speculating on future scouts and events! All of this is just for fun and will not always be accurate.
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> Hi, I am Panda! I run this little blog for the fun of it. I have been doing scout speculations in my moot circle on discord and thought I'd take it to tumblr as well!
> Any interactions will be from @actuallylgp aka my main! It's also the place to be if you want to get to know me!
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Important links:
> blog info | basic info | askbox
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enstarstracker · 1 year
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This blog is for speculating and theorizing on future scouts and events for enstars! This is all for good fun and hopefully will be a little helpful.
> Predictions are only for the regular scouts and events and will be following the JP server. So no special global scouts or anything!
> Predictions will usually be a few days bedore the actual announcements. There is no regular schedule for them, just whenever my brain comes up with something. You'll also notice that there might not always be a prediction every single time.
> Feel free to ask my thoughts on something! I'm completely up to do speculation or something similar when asked for.
> I don't have any fancy graphs! Sorry. I am a busy person and don't have time to make graphs for this. Not to mention it'll halt my thought process and takes the fun out of theorizing when I feel forced to make a graph. The only thing you'll occasionally see are images of the most due list (5 stars/4 stars) I keep track of for myself. Otherwise just plain text!
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⇒ fs tracker - speculation on feature scouts
⇒ es tracker - speculation on event scouts
⇒ event tracker - speculation on events
⇒ updates - blog updates
⇒ thoughts - random thoughts, not necessarily speculation
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enstarstracker · 1 year
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Info on certain terms used on the blog, in case people aren't familiar for them or for new players to get to know them.
> Feature scouts (fs) - scouts for a character's 'personalized outfit'. Starts on the 10th and 25th of each months (announcement the day before).
> Event scouts (es) - also known as themed scouts. Gives score bonus for event. Starts the day before an event (announcement on the 13th and 28th*).
> Events - start on the 15th and the last day of the month (announcement on the 12th and 27th*. Date sometimes varies in occurrence with Tsukisuta/monthly broadcast).
*February moves both of these to the 26th
> Monthly broadcast - officially known as Tsukisuta, but sometimes I use 'monthly broadcast' because I often forget how to spell Tsukisuta and rather not mess up on it. Broadcasts contain information on upcoming happenings in the game, usually reveals an event MV too.
> ! era - the "first part" of ensemble stars. The time when enstars only had the Basic app, anything before March 15, 2022.
> !! era - the "second part" of ensemble stars. Everything since March 15, 2022, when the game was split between the Basic and Music apps.
-more terms to be added when needed or on suggestion-
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