Hands are weird because one of them can do absolutely everything without a problem and the other one can’t even hold a spoon
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"Guess whose birthday is it!"
She said with a huge smile as she jumped out of bed in exciement.
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((I’m so sorry for always being here for just a couple hours :( ))
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((That beautiful moment when your muse sings for you :’) ))
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((I finally got a look at your new theme. It looks so nice! I wish I had the design smarts you seem to have; I never feel comfortable changing my theme because I can't choose from all the themes I find and then stumble over the colors... so I've had the same theme for years! XP))
((I can give you the link if you want to, it has +400 themes and it’s pretty awesome ^w^ I change my theme every month cause, new month, new start so yeah. And thanks for the nice comment :D))
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Have you ever felt so stupid that it actually ends up bringing you down? Well that’s me right now :(
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Taffyta didn’t know exactly how to react, to neither of both his words and his looks. She had a confused expression on her face. Besides why would he be covered in something that didn’t exist in the gaming world. She should’ve already know by now that you could expect anything coming from Gloyd.
-“So what, now you’re gonna tell me that’s cherry juice?”- she sarcastically asked.  
Where had Gloyd been? Around. Or at least that’s what he’d say if anyone asked. Right now though, he’d just gotten back into Sugar Rush, had already run into some of the other racers,  and was now talking to some of his candy corn fans about his tattered and rather bloody appearance.
“It’s not my blood. It’s not blood period. It’s a long story.”
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Although Taffyta felt really uncomfortable with Vanilla tying up the rope on her waist, she let it pass. The amazing light show she had in front was more important. After a simple okay, she started “swimming” towards it until she reached the middle. Vanellope’s code was slightly bigger than the other ones. Wanting to feel it she raised her hand to touch it and when her fingers were inches away the president’s code with a quick sound suddenly changed. The box hadn’t gone away but it showed a thousand of mini codes inside it!
Taffyta blinked and gasped as she swam backwards, it was better not to touch anything or who knows what it could do.
It didn’t take her long to find her own, it was a little bit farther and hers was pink. ‘Taffyta Muttonfudge’ she read in a low voice with a smile. Doing the same than with Vanellope’s, she poked the box and it instantly opened. As she went on looking for her things her smile dropped. –“This is only golden trophies, and it says I have Sugar Rush’s record for most first places”- she said to herself, disappointing of not being able to find much.
She looked back at the door, that now it seemed to be incredibly far. –“Vanilla! Where are the emotions and memories!”- she called, loud enough and swimming a bit back.
 With a serious face, Taffyta attentively watched ever move the little princess made. She, obviously, looked calmed on the outside, but anyone looking at her sapphire eyes could tell she was about to explode from excitement. This was amazing; a whole life wanting to know what was hidden behind the castle’s door and now it was happening, right in front of her nose.
When the door was opened, her jaw slightly dropped as she silently inhaled.
-“Yeah, a tour like that”- she murmured. Vanilla’s voice echoed on her ears, like if she was miles away. Unconsciously she started walking towards the blue light; it almost felt like if she was dreaming…until a strong impulse brought her back to reality. –“Whoa!”- she looked down. She was slowly spinning around and…floating?
She looked back to where Vanilla was, -“Uh how do I move in here?”- she called.
*Vanilla saw Taffyta’s dilemma pulling Taffyta’s leg back to the front, the 6 year old turned on her heel to the side opening up a metal compartment pulling some twizzler rope from the drawer. She brought the rope to Taffyta’s waist tying it tightly around her to the best of her ability but she may need some reinforcement she was only six.*
“You need someone to hold the oddur end while you soar through dere, dat’s tis what Mister Bill said’ta me.” “So I could hold’dit or you could tie it, to dis bar hwere.”
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 With a serious face, Taffyta attentively watched ever move the little princess made. She, obviously, looked calmed on the outside, but anyone looking at her sapphire eyes could tell she was about to explode from excitement. This was amazing; a whole life wanting to know what was hidden behind the castle’s door and now it was happening, right in front of her nose.
When the door was opened, her jaw slightly dropped as she silently inhaled.
-“Yeah, a tour like that”- she murmured. Vanilla’s voice echoed on her ears, like if she was miles away. Unconsciously she started walking towards the blue light; it almost felt like if she was dreaming…until a strong impulse brought her back to reality. –“Whoa!”- she looked down. She was slowly spinning around and…floating?
She looked back to where Vanilla was, -“Uh how do I move in here?”- she called.
“You wouldn’t try to rig the game Taffyta?” “I thought Bill locked this room, he gave the key to me to keep Vanellope from sneaking in here?” *Vanilla checked her pockets*
-“Well the door was wide open”- she said not paying much attention to any of the little girl’s words. She kept looking back with admiration and curiosity at the door that separated her from the life of the game. And that’s when she heard.
Vanilla was offering her a tour, wasn’t she? She turned her attention back to her and bit her lip; different from her sister Vanilla was a little bit more….”accessible” when it came to certain stuff and she was sure sarcasm wasn’t on her vocabulary yet so…
-“A tour sounds good yeah, but not of the castle”- she began-“Do you think that maybe pretty pretty please you could guide me into the code?”- she didn’t mean any harm, just wanted to take a look around.
“Wide open?” *Vanilla kept looking for the key fumbling her words she retrieved a sheet of paper and a small golden key* “I shoul-like toooo-uhhh…-HA!” “There’s the liddle devil!” *holding it up to her face in her small fingers* “Thing of bueaty.” -(“Yes!” “Not in trouble, no way.”._.) *Vanilla slid the golden thing in and opened the code room door a voice activation processor came down she spoke into the microphone device* “Purple-Monkey-Dishwasher.” *she uttered Vanellope’s gibberish voice code in her best impression of her sister.* *Vanilla looked up at Taffyta punched a few things in on the keyboard and unlocked the door with the code paper she looked a little befuddled with her decision. but the door opened and the codes sparkled blue, pink, purple and dark-blue reflected off her face* “Like perhaps…-A tour like dis one?” *Vanilla took a bow and looked up at the beautiful light show she unleashed before her and the Strawberry themed racer. her blue eyes sparkled gleaming with wonders. beyond her innocent mind unaware of being anyone’s ticket she was ready to tour! There was a big change she could get in HUGE trouble! Her child like mind soared at the opportunity to help one of Vanellope’s friends innocently blinded, she smiled as the code danced in her irises of bewilderment*
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Rolling her eyes, Taffyta left her magazine on her seat as she stood up and walked towards the other racer with crossed arms.
-“Why does it always takes you so long to appear? And it would be nice if you actually smiled and said ‘hello’ for once”- she noted in annoyance.Sometimes they got along perfectly, well as long as some rivals can tolerate each other; and other times…not really. Today was one of those days.
-“And yes I do, I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Listen, how…many of those princess-y stuff do you have?”-.
And there she was again, waiting. After the incident with the code room that last time Taffyta ha decided that the palace wasn’t THAT interesting, not as much as the whole game, and said to herself that from now on she would just take some magazines and make-up and simply wait until her rival was done with her presidential duties.
Of course, even with some entertainment waiting wasn’t really pleasurable for our pink racer, so with every minute that passed her mood dropped even more. She finally gazed up when a familiar figure appeared in the room.
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Rules: Once you’re tagged you have to fill in the information below and then tag 25 people when you’re done, you also have to tag the person who tagged you.
What was your… Last drink: Coke Last phone call: Flor (best friend) Last text message: Flor (”me too sweetheart don’t be sad”) Last song listened to: Adelante - Operación Triunfo 2006 Last time you cried: Yesterday
Have you ever… Dated someone twice: Yes Been cheated on: No Kissed someone and regretted it: No Lost someone special: Yeah Been depressed: Yes Been drunk and thrown up: Yes but not for the same reason. I mean I’ve been drunk, but I’ve never thrown up cause of it.
In the last year have you… Made a new friend: Yes Fallen out of love: Nope Laughed until you cried: I...think so Met someone who changed you: Nobody can change me Found out who your true friends are: oh yeah Found out someone was talking about you: No Kissed someone on your fb list: Yeah
General… How many people on your fb list do you know irl: eh let’ say half Do you have any pets: A dog and a lizard Do you want to change your name: Sometimes I think about it but not really. My name is kinda original here and my mum picked it with so much love. What did you do for your last birthday: I visited the casino for tha first timer and I spent a whole night with my friends. What were you doing midnight last night: talking to my favorite person in the world. Name something you can’t wait for: To meet him in person Last time you saw your mother: I’m seeing her right now One thing you wish you could change about your life: My aggressiveness and jealousy. What are you listening to rn: Nothing really Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: haha well not Tom, but yes Thomas XD it’s pretty much the same I think What’s getting on your nerves rn: Not being able to find a song I like, final exams, not having time for shit. Blood type: 0+ Nicknames: Zo. That’s about it. Relationship status: It’s complicated and I’d rather not talk about it. Zodiac sign: Taurus Pronouns: She/her Favorite TV shows: Friends, Two and a half man, Gravity Falls, Will and Grace. High school: 12th grade. Hair color: Chocolate brown Long or short: short Height: 5'2′’ Do you have a crush on someone: Neh. I had one but that lasted two days XD What do you like about yourself: That I’m passionate about what I like and want. Tattoos: Nope Righty or lefty: Righty First surgery: N/A First piercing: my ears when I was a baby. First best friend: Flor, she’s the only one that deserves that tag. First sport you joined: Swimming First vacation: Las termas de rio hondo, Santiago del Estero (Argentina). First pair of sneakers: ???
Right now…. Eating: Nothing. Drinking: Nothing. I’m about to: idk Want kids: yes, two or 3 Get married: Of course!
Career: I’d like to be a professional actress or singer. But I’m gonna study Graphic Design and Journalism in college.
Which is better… Lips or eyes: Eyes Hugs or kisses: Both Shorter or taller: taller Older or younger: Older Romantics or spontaneous: Romantic Nose, stomach, or arms: Nose Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble maker.
Have you ever… Kissed a stranger: Yes Drank hard liquor: yes Lost glasses or contacts: No cause I don’t need them. Sex on the first date: Of course not Broke someone’s heart: I hope I haven’t. Been arrested: Never Turned someone down: I tried with many people, but for good. Kiss on a first date: No Angels: Raziel
Tagged by: coolgirl6love, parasomnico, citrusella-flugpucker, douxaigre, orangestboar​, sassandsnideremarks​, smourice-toastygraham​.
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((I will do the Random Roster Race now :3))
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Body language that conveys embarrassment other than blushing
Because some of you fanfic writers need this
Taking steps backwards
Hiding your face in your hands
Shifting glances all around the room
Wide eyes
Crossing your arms across yourself
Taking a defensive stance/pose
Scratching the back of your head
Shifting weight from side to side
Exaggerated hand motions (fanning self, vague gestures, etc.)
Nervous quirks (playing with your hair, picking at skin/clothing, etc.)
Turning head sideways to avoid staring straight ahead
Keep in mind that blushing comes from blood running to the face, so people aren’t going to turn cherry red, especially if they have darker skin where it’s less obvious. 
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((New theme and URL! :D What do you think?))
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-“Well the door was wide open”- she said not paying much attention to any of the little girl’s words. She kept looking back with admiration and curiosity at the door that separated her from the life of the game. And that’s when she heard.
Vanilla was offering her a tour, wasn’t she? She turned her attention back to her and bit her lip; different from her sister Vanilla was a little bit more….”accessible” when it came to certain stuff and she was sure sarcasm wasn’t on her vocabulary yet so…
-“A tour sounds good yeah, but not of the castle”- she began-“Do you think that maybe pretty pretty please you could guide me into the code?”- she didn’t mean any harm, just wanted to take a look around.
“What are you doing in hwere?” 
-“oh! I was just looking for Vanellope, but one of the servants told me she wasn’t here so I was just….looking around and I ended up here”- she explained to the little girl in front of her. She deserved it, she was, after all, the next in line for the sugar rush throne. Maybe just maybe if she asked nicely she would be able to have a really close look inside the code. Who would it hurt?
“What would a rich girl, that can have anything she wants, want to see the president for?” Even if she doesn’t like the princess title, by birth she is says Mister Bill.” “If she wasn’t hwere why stay?” “Do you want a tour?” *Vanilla noticed the code room door with the console ready to be tampered* “You wouldn’t try to rig the game Taffyta?” “I thought Bill locked this room, he gave the key to me to keep Vanellope from sneaking in here?” *Vanilla checked her pockets*
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