fionaosmvn · 7 months
I'm not a saint, so just gimme the blame / I know what I want, and it gets in my way / I know I'm not easy, darlin / (I'm kind of a freak, my darlin) / when you see me out / I hope the taste in your mouth / is still as sweet as I wish it could be / believe me, darlin
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
fiona: ok ty for telling me 😔😔 fiona: she must have mentioned it to u i assume? she lied right to my face abt it when i was in an uber w her
mack: No mack: I was just bummed out and didn't want to be alone and I figured she would answer mack: It's not a feelings thing
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
Fiona: yes 🤭
Aiden: yeah sure w/e Aiden: want me to come get you?
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
location: maura and fiona's apartment for: @maura-cortes
"Oh, here's a good one," says Fiona, stopping her scrolling through Buzzfeed quizzes on her phone and sitting up a little. In her other hand is a glass of white wine that'll need a refill soon. "'Go fall thrifting with me and I'll tell you what era you really belong in,'" she reads off. "I already know what era I belong in but I think we do actually need a final answer for you. Wanna do it?"
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
🍒 cherry pie: describe the lover of your dreams!
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
do you believe that we’re alone in the universe?
"Of course not. And if the next question is would I fuck an alien, of course I would."
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
Does your muse get jealous easily? 
"Yes, oh my god, it's a sickness. I'm not really the type to, like, be crazy about it to anyone's face though necessarily unless I'm blindsided, I'll just write the most absolutely vile shit online about whoever it is and maybe try to do some witchcraft or something to make their life miserable. Nothing too insane."
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
+ lily matthews
ask meme 🌹 ✨
☀️ lace mornings: what’s your favorite breakfast food?
🌸 spring window shopping: what’s one thing you desire above all else?
🍓 picnics in july: what would be your ideal date?
🍒 cherry pie: describe the lover of your dreams!
🌟starstruck fireflies: do you believe that we’re alone in the universe?
🗺 roadmap: what’s your life philosophy/motto?
💕sweetheart: what act of love could someone show to right now that would mean the world to you?
💧teardrop: are you okay right now?
🌉 city lights: what would your ideal living space look like?
🌦light in the darkness: what’s something that’s happened to you recently that gave you hope?
🔮 granted wishes: you have one chance to have any possible wish granted, what do you wish for?
💝 self-appreciation: what’s one thing you love about yourself?
💓 love transmission: what’s one thing you love about the person(s) closet to you?
🍏 picking fruit: what do hope to achieve from your life?
🎨 self-portrait: how do you hope others describe you?
💖 conversation hearts: what’s the key to your heart?
🎼 love notes: what music do you think describes who you are as a person?
🦋 stomach butterflies: how would you show your s/o your love?
🌌 galaxy sculpture: create and describe your ideal world!
🌹rose colored glasses: what’s your #aesthetic?
🧛🏻‍♀️ vampire gf: what monster/cryptid do you think would be the best lover? explain why!
🔥 aries season: what really grinds your gears?
🌑 dark side of the moon: would you rather have answers to all the questions you have in life even if the answers were scary, or would you prefer to live in blissful ignorance?
🔪 screamer: plan your own horror movie death!
🌊 exploration: would you rather search the depths of the ocean or the void of space?
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
+ lily matthews
☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆          Love and Romance
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened. 
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not? 
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first? 
🎁 = Does your muse become flattered to receive gifts? 
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they? 
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with? 
❤️ = Does your muse focus on one person, or do they like to go and date as many people as possible?
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? 
💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy? 
💙 = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in? 
💜 = Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both? 
♡ = Is there any kind of person that your muse will never date? 
💞 = Does your muse believe in soulmates? 
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date? 
💗 = Would your muse prefer a large, public proposal, or do they prefer a small, private one? 
💵 = Is money an important factor to consider when dating? Does your muse prefer rich partners? 
💎 = What kind of gemstone would your muse prefer on their engagement or wedding ring? 
💍 = Big or small wedding? 
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
+ lily matthews
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TIDBITS HEADCANON PROMPT - For multimuse blogs, please specify muse.
How does your muse relax?
Is your muse a good kisser?
Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
What does your muse wear to sleep?
What does your muse normally wear?
What is your muse’s earliest memory?
Describe how your muse greets others.
Describe what education your muse has.
What plans does your muse have for the future?
What physical trait is emphasized on your muse?
Is your muse good or bad at learning new things? 
What type of music does your muse enjoy listening to?
Would the muse get along with the mun? Why/why not?
What type of music does your muse not enjoy listening to?
What would your muse describe as ‘comfortable clothing’?
Does your muse enjoy snacking? What do they snack on?
Does your muse pour milk before cereal or cereal before milk?
Does your muse prefer to be in the company of others, or alone?
How does your muse sit? Do they take up space, or keep to themselves?
Describe your muse’s nighttime/whenever they get ready for sleep routine.
If your muse were to go on vacation, what would be the first thing they packed?
Is your muse a breakfast person? If yes, what do they normally eat for breakfast?
What is your muse’s ideal environment (e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, e.t.c.)?
If social media existed in your muse’s universe, would they be on it? Which plattform/s?
What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine.
Does your muse pour milk/sugar in warm beverages (e.g. coffee/tea/e.t.c.), or prefer them plain?
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
fiona: it’s not my business if you’ve been sleeping w cricket, we’re not dating, u can sleep with whoever u want. it’s just that u used to date her so i just wanna know if like fiona: do u still have feelings for her
mack: I think I know where this is going but yeah, ask
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
Fiona only grins and doesn't argue further, which is sometimes her favorite way of winning.
"Babe, that's not the disappointment you think it is," she laughs. "You just told me you're a bottom, that's a huge win. No wonder we vibe so well. Bottom to bottom communication."
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Repressing a smile as best she can in the face of Finn's stupid little pout, Fiona shoves him and starts off towards another game.
"I actually slay at PacMan lowkey," she says, passing her nickels off to him and pushing a few into the slot in the game. And she does do fairly well, turning to Finn with a smug grin when it spews out a line of tickets. "I used to play it all the time, I thought it was sexy running from the ghosts." @finnbrooks
“Excuse — wow, you’re jumping to conclusions like a professional gymnast. I am not under the impression I’m babysitting.” A pause is given for a show of contemplation, and Finn twirls the dumdum in the air while his eyes look to the ceiling as if searching for an answer.
“Just chaperoning. You can find someone else for a game match and be a menace towards. I choose the spectator role.” He’s laughing, hard enough he feels it in his belly, Fiona Osman ever the character. Always one hundred percent, unashamedly herself. “Heh, wouldn't bank on me being authoritative in any sense of the word. Especially not in the bedroom, so there's your disappointment for the day."
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Finn has a proper sulk on her face, lower lip pushed out and eyelids batting for an added effect. If anyone is merciless, it would be her. “Aw, no. You can’t even spare one for me? A watermelon one? A spare breadcrumb for a lowly peasant boy who can’t win his own tickets because he’s just so bad at games?”
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
Fiona: will u buy me a milkshake
[ two days later ]
Aiden: want to go get burgers
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
fiona: can i just ask u one thing and then i wanna be done w this for good
mack: Think we probably both could have benefitted from maybe 2 less drinks and 2 minutes of thinking before we started saying stuff mack: I will. Promise to make more of an effort to count to ten and be less of a dick about shit thats not even that deep mack: ❤️
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
fiona: i guess i was also kinda drunk 🤭 i shouldn’t have come at u like that in the middle of a rave anyway like i cld have at least saved it for after in retrospect fiona: i promise to try and be more reasonable in the future if u promise to be more gentle w me when i do dumb stuff fiona: i miss u too a lot 😔
mack: I know it just felt like you were cause you came at me so heavy mack: I didn't know you were serious serious about it if I did I wouldn't have offered you any I thought it was just one of them things where you say it but don't actually mean it mack: Like when I said I was going to stop smoking and lasted 6 hours mack: Okay sick I missed you. mack: My days are boring af if we're not talking
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fionaosmvn · 7 months
Fiona smiles a little, both surprised and pleased to have been shut down so effectively. It's good reasoning, is the thing — paying off debts to cut ties. It sounds like something her brother would do with their parents, and she's very grateful he never has.
"I see," she says, grinning understatedly. "Well, good for you. Fuck them and their mafia debts."
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Rolling her eyes, Fiona says, "I can't imagine having five million dollars to basically buy my way into being a professional groupie, it's called using your imagination."
"I guess that's the problem, isn't it?" Jules laughed, shrugging his shoulders. "I have no idea how much five million dollars is. And I'm not pretending to be some do-gooder, if I was then I'd, like, also buy my family houses or some shit, but I wouldn't do that 'cause I actually kinda don't get along with them. Getting rid of their debt is just so I don't get saddled with any of it when they're gone," he explained. "Kinda hard to even imagine having so much money that I don't know what to do with it."
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