formiforma · 8 days
Optimisation des espaces de travail dans un Laboratoires de Contrôle Qualité Pharmaceutique : Stratégies pour une Efficacité Maximale
Cet article met en lumière l'importance cruciale de l'organisation spatiale dans les laboratoires de contrôle qualité pharmaceutique, soulignant son impact direct sur l'efficacité opérationnelle et la fiabilité des résultats. L'auteur explore différentes stratégies visant à optimiser les ressources et à accélérer la fourniture des résultats, avec un accent particulier sur la structuration des espaces de travail.
L'évaluation des flux de travail est présentée comme une étape fondamentale, permettant de comprendre les processus actuels, d'identifier les goulots d'étranglement et les opportunités d'amélioration. L'auteur propose un processus en six étapes pour mener à bien cette évaluation, allant de l'identification des objectifs à la mise en œuvre des recommandations.
Une analyse des mouvements et des transferts est également abordée, mettant en avant l'importance de minimiser les déplacements inutiles et d'automatiser les transferts d'échantillons pour améliorer l'efficacité globale.
Trois modèles de structuration des laboratoires sont présentés : par spécialité, par tâche et par débouché d'analyse. Chacun de ces modèles offre des avantages spécifiques en termes d'organisation des ressources, de suivi des processus et de spécialisation des équipes, contribuant ainsi à la qualité et à la fiabilité des résultats.
En conclusion, l'auteur souligne l'importance de ces approches innovantes pour répondre aux défis du contrôle qualité pharmaceutique et encourage la collaboration continue et l'innovation dans ce domaine essentiel.
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formiforma · 1 month
Quality Control vs Quality Assurance... Explore the nuances!
You can read the full article through this link:
Contrôle Qualité Vs Assurance Qualité - Formi Forma
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formiforma · 2 months
Understanding the Difference Between Quality Assurance and Quality Control
In the world of Quality Management, two heroes emerge: Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC). They’re not just part of the process; they ARE the process. But how do they differ? Let’s dive in! QA is your strategic planner; it’s all about prevention. Think of it as a guardian, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly from the get-go. It’s about setting up…
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formiforma · 2 months
Role of Potency, Purity and Assay in Pharmaceuticals Analysis
Terms like Purity, potency and Assay are widely used in Analytical research and Quality control departments in Pharmaceutical Industries. Analytical Scientists and Quality control Chemists have a lot of confusion related to Purity, potency and Assay. Check out this post to know the answer to the following questions: What is purity? What is potency? What is assay? What are the differences among purity, potency and assay? Read more
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formiforma · 2 months
his insightful passage delves into the critical importance of quality control in the age of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). The author adeptly points out that while automation can indeed foster innovation and efficiency, without proper quality control measures in place, it risks displacing workers and resulting in either subpar products or exorbitant costs.
The analogy drawn between the evolution of art and the potential fate of other industries such as clothing underscores the profound impact of quality control—or the lack thereof—on consumer experiences and market dynamics. The shift from artisanal to mass-produced goods, as seen in the example of tailored clothing versus ready-to-wear, highlights the stark consequences of prioritizing profit over quality.
Furthermore, the author raises valid concerns about AI's role in creative endeavors, suggesting that while AI may excel at imitation and synthesis, true innovation requires human ingenuity and originality. This sentiment resonates particularly strongly in discussions surrounding the future of literature and creative expression, where the risk of formulaic, commercially-driven content looms large.
Moreover, the author advocates for governmental intervention and oversight to enforce quality standards in automated processes, drawing parallels to existing regulations in sectors like healthcare and food safety. This call for proactive measures to safeguard against the erosion of quality standards reflects a broader concern for consumer welfare and societal well-being.
Ultimately, the passage underscores the need for a balanced approach to technological advancement—one that prioritizes quality, creativity, and human welfare over unchecked automation and profit-driven motives. It serves as a compelling reminder of the importance of maintaining standards of excellence in an increasingly automated world, where the pursuit of efficiency must not come at the expense of craftsmanship and human dignity.
I've been through a few AI posts these two weeks, and the obvious needed measure here seems to be quality control.
With it, there could indeed be innovation. Automisation isn't of course inherently bad, if it actually frees people up to do other things. But without quality control, you're going to drive people out of industries and the resulting work will either be very poor, or insanely expensive. Honestly, if you wanted your portrait sketched in 1823, that would likely have cost you today's equivalent of $20. Not anymore. And well, who really misses it, in this time of selfies? Abstract art however has flourished, which has of course also heavily influenced film; meanwhile, a painted portrait is now a luxury item. As is experiencing live art. Is that better or worse? Depends whom you ask...
Clothing, I'd say, is a bit of a sadder tale. Clothing made to measure costs an absolute fortune. Clothing off the rack is both poor quality and expensive. Because quality costs more to produce and you have to pay three times as much for the privilege of a little decent cloth.
If there'd been a law that you're simply not allowed to sell clothing that will fall apart after three washes, things may have been different. Now, the only way to find decent quality clothing for a reasonable price is second hand, and God help you if you have any requirements. You have to throw yourself to the mercy of art students (lack experience tailoring), or make it yourself, which not all of us could if they wanted to.
Whether or not AI is using fanfic and project Gutenberg to write story isn't that important. By it's whole setup, AI can only copy and recombine, not truly innovate. AI books will probably be very bland, based on which tropes get used the most. If it is going to be used to write ad copy, uh, well, ad copy is what we all go to do to sell out anyway. If it's all that's going to be offered bookwise, we have a problem. Now, there is some form of quality control in books - fine, 90% of it is "will this sell", but still. The absolute worst of it does not often get adapted. If that doesn't matter anymore, we may be in for a rough ride.
Corporations care only about money and have no eye for quality. They will try to sell you any dreck. And they will always drive creatives to the fringes. Creatives are their enemies! All the humanities to a certain extent, boohoo, why can't we be shit to people? So there will have to be a movement against that, too. Europe does that with state sponsored arts grants (which they always cut again, I'm not naieve about those), and quality control of goods can and should exist for anything automated. It can simply be made mandatory to have a trained expert go over anything that is being allowed on the market (if this isn't already the case). Fail to do this (and the US probably will), and it will probably be very bad. But this isn't the first time human expression has been partly automated. We're still here. And I'm pretty sure "manipulating AI to do something cool" will become just another art form, just like, say, sampling.
The race to the bottom is something you can protect people from. But you can't really do it without some kind of third party interference. And that has it's own issues, as always.
Brave New World.
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formiforma · 2 months
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formiforma · 2 months
Wait, I thought y'all lolbertarians told us that the mere existence of a "free market" would magically prevent companies from profiteering off of society's hardships (like dead/sick infants) and protect us consumers?? 🤔🙄
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formiforma · 2 months
"Researchers at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) have discovered a new quality control mechanism that regulates energy production in human cells. This process takes place in mitochondria, the power plants of the cell."
"Mitochondria play a central role for cellular metabolism. Therefore, malfunctions of the mitochondria lead to serious, often fatal, heart, muscle or nerve diseases. Mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes, an outer and an inner one, which separate them from the surrounding cell. The final conversion of food into energy takes place in the inner membrane. Proteins are involved in this process.
Central proteins for energy production are formed in the mitochondria, transported to the inner membrane and inserted there. The protein OXA1L is mainly responsible for the insertion of proteins into the membrane, where larger complex structures are formed with other proteins that interact with each other and ensure energy production. How the incorporation and assembly of these structures works in detail has been poorly investigated thus far."
continue reading article
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formiforma · 2 months
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5 billets !
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formiforma · 2 months
Hey buddies! You know, with all these questions flooding my inbox about good document practices, I thought it was high time to do a cool little share with you and post this awesome article titled "The 11 Golden Rules for Writing an Unassailable Quality Document." So that everyone can benefit... It's definitely worth a look, trust me! 🚀
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formiforma · 2 months
Welcome to the world of culinary adventures where food poisoning is like villains trying to spoil your gastronomic feast! We're diving into the murky waters of foods contaminated by nasty microbes and diabolical chemicals. But fear not, we're here to guide you through this edible jungle!
First up, let's take a quick look at the causes of these food poisonings. We've got bacteria playing hide and seek in your dish, viruses sneaking around like ninjas, parasites thinking they're on vacation in your gut, not to mention chemicals crashing the party and natural toxins acting like celebrities. And of course, we'll give you a heads-up on symptoms to watch out for, so you don't get caught off guard.
But wait, there's more! We'll give you the keys to overcoming these gastronomic trials. How? By drinking plenty of water, relaxing, and giving a shout-out to health pros at the right time. We'll stress this: no self-proclaimed superheroes diving into self-medication!
And to avoid traps, we're offering an arsenal of practical tips. From the art of handwashing to cooking things just right, to storing your provisions properly and keeping them cool, we'll turn you into a Jedi master of food safety.
In summary, we're offering you a little magic potion to better understand food poisonings, avoid them, and know how to react if you ever fall into their trap. Because in this realm, prevention is like super armor for your meals. So let's go, onward to new culinary adventures, but this time, with safety in mind! 🍴✨
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formiforma · 3 months
In this article, I'm dropping some deep thoughts straight from my experience at the helm of quality control. Along the way, I've picked up on a crucial insight: truly knowing my collaborators is the ultimate key to smashing it in the quality game and reaching our goals without crashing.
In the complex game of management, it's essential to understand that getting a handle on your teammates isn't just a technique; it's an ever-evolving art. By investing time and energy into this, you'll absolutely see how it can elevate your role as a boss.
If you're itching to ace your leadership mission, I seriously urge you to keep on this quest for understanding because that's where you'll unlock the hidden talents within your team, creating a vibe that pushes everyone toward excellence.
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formiforma · 3 months
🚀 Plus besoin de chercher partout. Nous avons rassemblé les ressources essentielles pour vous dans un site convivial et intuitif, car Formi Forma  est devenu l'univers de la Connaissance en un Seul Endroit! 🌐, Alors sans perdre du temps : 🔍 Plongez dans nos Guides et Référentiels Pharmaceutiques en un seul clic : 💊 ANSM - Documents de référence 📑 💊 FDA - Guides et réglementations 🇺🇸 💊 IPEC - Guides et documentations des excipients 💡 💊 ICH - Guides pour l'harmonisation internationale 🌐 💊 USP - Catalogue des substances de référence 📚 💊 EDQM - Catalogue des étalons de référence 🌍 💊 BP - Étalons de référence de la Pharmacopée Britannique 🇬🇧 💊 MIPH - Ministère de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique 🏭 💊 PIC/S - Documentations 🧪 📚 Explorez nos Guides et Référentiels Alimentaires sans quitter la page : ✅ FDA - Produits alimentaires et nutrition 🇺🇸 ✅ CODEX - Normes alimentaires internationales 🌍 ✅ LNE - Normes et référentiels pour le contact alimentaire 🧪 ✅ ANSES - Sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation 🛡️ ✅ CODEX - Publications officielles 📘 🚀 Innovez votre recherche, simplifiez votre expertise! 💡 Rejoignez-nous sur www.formiforma.com et transformez la façon dont vous accédez à la connaissance. Ensemble, découvrons un univers de ressources, au même endroit, tout de suite! 🚀
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formiforma · 3 months
Dear Tumblr network, 🌟 I'm super excited to give you an exclusive sneak peek of my new baby - the "Formi Forma" blog 🎉. Even though it's still under construction, it's already packed with 10 exciting articles! 📚
✨ This blog is my dedicated space to the thrilling world of quality - with 5 articles on quality control, 4 on quality management, and a gem on food poisoning 🍽️. I've poured my heart into these articles, and I can't wait to share my insights with you.
📹 Check out this introductory video that gives you a taste of what's in store on Formi Forma. Beware, it might leave you wanting to know more! 😉
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