foxvowed-blog · 7 years
  Ah, Ferelden boys. The few she’d encountered were so flirtatious, so charming in their own way. Rather more enjoyable to speak with than most Orlesian men she’d been around. Who were far more preoccupied with playing the Game (poorly) than holding a conversation.
  Subtly a brow raised, eyes concealed beneath her long lashes as she allowed him to close the gap between the pair. One finger tapping lightly against the wine glass she grasped. So this evening would actually prove interesting, after all. “ Careful, my lord, or your admirers might find themselves wanting this evening. ”
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  Bianca turned, lithe fingers running along his bicep as she did so, lips drawing closer to his features as she whispered, “ I’d not want to incur the wrath of those who desire such…scandalous things, hm? ”
A chill ran up his arm from her gentle touch; and his eyes lit up with amusement--as if she issued some sort of challenge that he was all too eager to face. The lovely way that she spoke was charming to him; not many Orlesian found his Ferelden pedigree appeasing. 
Still, the woman before him proved to be more entertaining than he first had guessed. Tapping his finger against his own glass for a moment; his gaze fell upon hers as his fox like grin only seem to grow. 
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Slipping his hand delicately under hers; he gently brought her hand to his lips where he gently planted a polite kiss upon them. “ Wanting, my lady?” he jested. “ I believe you are putting too much stock in me; after all, who would want to be made wanting by a lowly Ferelden dog lord? Besides--I certainly aim to be scandalous, it is part of my southern charm.” 
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
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i accidentally drew the cutest fen in existence
my commission info 
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
For all you filthy icon hoarders… // Accepting /// @goldenhaircd
🚫- One of my least favorite icons
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It makes his nose look really big. XD 
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
💸- A random icon you click on without looking!
For all you filthy icon hoarders... // Accepting /// @brother-sebastian-vael
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
For all you filthy icon hoarders...
Send a symbol for…
🌟- One of my favorite icons 🚫- One of my least favorite icons 🐑- One of my muse being cute 🐉- One of my muse being beautiful/handsome 🎩- One of my muse being silly ⛈- One of my muse being sad 🌶- One of my muse being angry 🥈- An icon from a random AU/verse 🎲- An icon I use frequently 🛵- An icon I don’t use very much 🚜- An icon I haven’t used at all 🏘- An icon from another RP blog (if applicable) 🏦- An icon that was given to me 📸- A thumbnail I used/have used 🎞- A thumbnail I have not used 💸- A random icon you click on without looking!
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
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“ A man from Starkhaven once told me that a spear can be used as a walking stick but that does not change it’s nature.” 
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
Send my Muse a word or phrase and they will attempt to respond with a pun. If you stump them, you win!
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
Send '💋' for my muses reaction to yours kissing them on the lips.
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
☽A Midsummer Night's Dream☾
Sentence Starters
❝ Though she be but little, she is fierce! ❞
❝ Lord, what fools these mortals be! ❞
❝ The course of true love never did run smooth. ❞
❝ My soul is in the sky. ❞
❝ Take pains. Be perfect. ❞
❝ O, hell! to choose love by another’s eye. ❞
❝ Masters, spread yourselves. ❞
❝ I’ll speak in a monstrous little voice. ❞ 
❝ I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove; I will roar you, an ’twere any nightingale. ❞
❝ I am amazed and know not what to say. ❞
❝ I have an exposition of sleep come upon me. ❞
❝ The true beginning of our end. ❞ 
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
Last rights
Bard: we should give him his last rights.
Rouge: I got this.
Rouge: You have the right to remain silent.
Rest of party: NO.
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
Meet the People in My Muse’s Life
Send a Symbol, and they’ll tell you about:
🌻 - Their Father 🌷 - Their Mother 🌟 - A Different Family Member 🐶 - A Pet 👊 - A Best Friend 👋 - A Friend 🔍  - An Acquaintance 🍼 - A Child (Theirs or Not) 🎭 - A Former Friend 👿 - An Enemy 📪 - A Neighbor 💘 - A Love Interest 👻  - Someone They Don’t See Often 💀 - Someone Deceased ☀️ - Someone who Can “Turn Lemons into Lemonade” ☔️ - Someone who Can “Turn Lemonade into Lemons” 🍀 - Someone Lucky 🍰 - Someone who Loves Food 🍜 - Someone who’s A Great Cook
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
"Are you ok?"
Send "Are you ok?" to walk in on my muse crying // Accepting // @endtablefororphans
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The overwhelming sound of silence had draped over the Hawke estate like a blanket of snow. It had been like it for days; and really the only thing that Cidius could consciously hear was the meandering crackle of the fire place. 
A sigh left his through his nose from a heavy chest; it felt like a pile of bricks were pressing down upon his chest and pinning him to the floor; yet the champion; as he was so called, remained in his chair. The death of his mother weighed heavily on him; her blotched face gazed at him with pride and love; it was too much to bear. 
Some champion he was. One of the few people worth saving in the city and he had failed them. If he only had taken his role more seriously-or if he was stronger he could have saved her, it was thoughts like this that kept him homebound and dejected. 
He hadn’t heard the front door open or the foot steps against the hard floor. Cidius was too transfixed of staring into the half drank wine he had poured himself--the empty bottles cascaded sloppily over his floor. When he finally realized he wasn’t alone; his head slowly picked up to face his elven friend. 
“Oh, Fenris, I didn’t hear you come in.” he muttered and rubbed any evidence of his tears away--though his eyes remained sunken and red. 
“I’d offer you a drink; but as you can see I have consumed the contents of my liquor collection.” He spoke as a sad, bitter laugh escaped him. 
0 notes
foxvowed-blog · 7 years
Send "Are you ok?" to walk in on my muse crying
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
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So new headcanon, Cidius idolized the stories of  Lord Remi Vascal. He loved them so much that he insisted to be called the Black Fox Of Lothering. As he grew into his teens; it stuck since Hawke only seem to go out at night to party and sleep with pretty people in the tavern. 
To this day, he still loves those stories.
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
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“I prefer you not use them at all.” She looks away, his look of amusement somewhat grating. She was sure he thought himself some suave man. How disappointed he must be, to find that his silver tongue wasn’t working on her.
“Your presence isn’t revolting. Just grating. One that requires copious amounts of alcohol to deal with. Also, I doubt you would. You’d just try to come up with a different approach.”
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“ You give me too little credit, dear lady.” Cidius replied with a feigned look of hurt upon his stubbled face. “ If you were one who detested the ideal of pick up lines; perhaps we could bond over something else. Have you heard of the tales of Lord Remi Vascal? I grew up with his stories back in Lothering.” 
If charm and wit didn’t impress the fair lady, then perhaps a discussion of literature would. He’s not giving up. 
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
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  Her laugh fluttered effortlessly forward; though calm. Making sure to not attract much attention to the pair with such a sound. Head bowed so that chin grazed against the left of her collar bone as it turned, eyes taking in the surrounding folk. All covered in their best silks and gems. Awaiting compliments to pour in as they stood, poised, within the center of the room. Truly, her ilk must look like wandering peacocks to Fereldens!!
      “ Perhaps the Comte put pebbles in her pockets; weights to keep such a thing from occurring. ” Fingers tapped playfully on her wine glass, leaning closer to her new found friend with an alluring whisper, “ Imagine the scandal that would cause. ”
continued from X with @foxvowed
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Hawke had to admit that the ball was shaping up to being more entertaining than he first thought. It was nice to meet someone who could appreciate his wit and humor--To find someone so pretty is a bonus. 
A chesshire grin formed on the map’s lips just as he took a sip of his wine. 
“ Scandalous, indeed.”  Hawke replied with a sultry tone. In turn, he leaned in to speak delicately into her ear. “ Although, I can think of a thing or two that would be equally scandalous.” 
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foxvowed-blog · 7 years
Send me “✧” to catch my muse in nothing but sexy underwear.
Alternately, send  “✦” for my muse to catch yours.
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