//I’m terrible at doing replies lately... but I made some art?
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You shaped this century
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There was so much that he didn’t understand, begging to be questioned, but Cam was also pretty sure the answers wouldn’t make sense to him. Looking at Bucky, he seemed pretty determined. “Sae ye’re jest gonna run an'hope they’ll get tired of et?” He heard his words ring like a bell, true as sunrise. They both knew these people weren’t the kind to let go.
“Well, staying put is practically suicide. Besides, I’m good at disappearing. They didn’t find me this time because they knew where I was hiding. It was just dumb luck and a bad move on my part.” Bucky shrugged as if it were casual, as if they hadn’t nearly killed him or worse. 
Besides. That’s not the plan. I just need to lay low long enough to heal up, and then I’m going to end this.” For just a moment, there was something vicious in Bucky’s tone, but it didn’t linger. The sharp edges dulled to something more like sorrow. “If they don’t have me, they’ll just find someone else.”
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Not-doing-too-good sentence starters
“Whoa, are you okay?”
“You took that hit pretty hard…”
“Don’t stand up yet.”
“That definitely looks broken…”
“Walk it off.”
“How are you feeling?”
“When was the last time you slept?”
“You look like shit.”
“Have you been eating enough?”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Why are you limping?”
“You’re really pale…”
“Did you just go throw up?”
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“______? You’re bleeding…really bad.”
“That looks infected.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”
“I told you you’d get sick.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Wake up–you were hyperventilating, are you okay?”
“It was just a dream, you’re alright.”
“Look at me–you’re safe.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“Are you bleeding?!”
“How’d you get a bruise like that?”
“What happened?”
“Let me help you!”
“Can you hear me?”
“You hit your head pretty hard.”
“Don’t move.”
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
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A commission I did for a friend uvu
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He looked none the wiser. “What’s Hydra?” Alive? “I dunno.. I jest tauld ‘em th'thruth that should be,” he said with a shrug.
Campbell didn’t understand half the stuff Bucky said. They’d made him into something? “Useful?” Cam frowned deeper. “Ye gonna be okay tho’ right?” He didn’t think people should be defined by their use.
“That’s a long and complicated story. I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you,” Bucky admitted quietly. His brows furrowed in confusion at Cam’s talk about truth. It admittedly didn’t make any sense to him, but none of the little bit he remembered of the last seventy years made much sense, so it wasn’t so different from business as usual. 
“I’ll be fine. I heal fast,” Bucky said vaguely. He hadn’t confided anything in anyone since his escape, and the fact that he oddly found himself trusting Cam was at odds with the paranoia that kept him alive. 
“Honestly. I’m okay,” he said again, as if that would somehow make it entirely true. He gritted his teeth as he stood up, even though it was the last thing he wanted to be doing. “I should go before they decide to come back and check again. You’re safer if I’m not here.”
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“I dun get m'door almost knocked down by a secret service ev'ry day, ya know.” It was a joke but fell flat. “Ef.. ye know, uhm-” Cam tried to work up to asking why they were looking for Bucky. Why they insisted he was dangerous. What that video had been. It was a difficult thing to ask. Campbell wasn’t afraid of Bucky getting angry, though, but rather worried he’d hurt his feelings.
Either way, that’s when Bucky poked at the hole in his side. “Dun stick yer finger in, ya plonker!” he burst out, more vehemently than he meant to.
Bucky stiffened at the mention of secret service. He really had to tell Cam something, at least. Probably best to at least make sure his friend understood that it wasn’t any legitimate government entity after him. “They’re not the secret service, Cam. The only people Hydra serves is Hydra. I still don’t know how either of us made it out of that alive.”
His eyes went wide at Cam’s admonition. It was a little bit startling, but Bucky recovered quickly, his tone even. “I was just assessing the damage. It’s not as bad as it looks. I’m... not like normal people. They made me something else, and it’s at least useful for this.”
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Bucky + guilt 
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“A bit confused,” he admitted, though cracked a smile even though he felt rather adrift and worried about what the future would bring. “Better now that ye’re awake. I thought ye might not make et or sumthin’..” Cam took a deep breath and got up so he could sit next to Bucky. He did look better, at least. A small mercy. “How are ye?”
“Confused?” Bucky returned the smile, despite not feeling like there was much to smile over. 
“I’ve survived worse,” he admitted, expression softening further when Cam sat beside him. Anyone else, and he probably would have found a way to put more space between them, but he trusted Cam, for whatever reason. Bucky chalked it up to Cam having chosen to keep being kind to him, even when it stopped being convenient. 
He owed Campbell and explanation. He knew that. It was just that he didn’t really know where to start, or how much he could tell his friend without just overwhelming Cam. One step at a time, he guessed. Prodding at the wound in his side with a grimace, Bucky shrugged, “Well, I’m not going to to die on your couch.”
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Bucky slept for quite a while, though not so long as one might have expected with those injuries. He woke up slowly, half surprised he was still in one piece. It shouldn't have worked out that way. They'd found him, and yet here he was, safe on Cam's couch.
"Hey, " Bucky called out, his voice smoother than it had been. He was pale and exhausted, but looked better than he had. Hissing through his teeth, Bucky sat up, clinically assessing his current state. He was far from optimal, but far less dire than he had been. "Are you okay? "
“Ye shouldn'ave stayed awake. Have sum sleep, dun worry fer a bit. We can talk when ye wake up,” Cam said gently. He couldn’t believe this was the same guy who he’d seen in that video just now. That was another reason why he’d like Bucky to sleep. He needed some time to make sense of the puzzle pieces he’d acquired.
“I thought you were in trouble,” Bucky protested weakly. He would never have forgiven himself if Cam had gotten hurt hiding him. 
Bucky finally relaxed after that. However unreasonable, he trusted that he was safe with Cam. Pausing only long enough to flash Cam a watery smile, Bucky caved and allowed himself to drift to sleep. 
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“Ye shouldn'ave stayed awake. Have sum sleep, dun worry fer a bit. We can talk when ye wake up,” Cam said gently. He couldn’t believe this was the same guy who he’d seen in that video just now. That was another reason why he’d like Bucky to sleep. He needed some time to make sense of the puzzle pieces he’d acquired.
“I thought you were in trouble,” Bucky protested weakly. He would never have forgiven himself if Cam had gotten hurt hiding him. 
Bucky finally relaxed after that. However unreasonable, he trusted that he was safe with Cam. Pausing only long enough to flash Cam a watery smile, Bucky caved and allowed himself to drift to sleep. 
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Bucky couldn't quite believe what was happening. It was so far outside normal behavior on the agents' part. When Cam sat down, Bucky was still clutching the gun, expecting them to change their mind.
"I'm so sorry," Bucky murmured, trying to sit up despite how painful it was. His voice was soft and a a bit lethargic still. "I shouldn't have come here. "
“Thanks.” He tucked the card into his pocket. At the offer, Cam snorted a laugh and shook his head. “My rent might make ye think thes es a big place, but there’s nae room tae swing a cat an’ nae doors except th'bathroom an'I jest did business there.” Awkward jokes scared people off right? “Honest, ye got more chance hurtin’ yerself trippin’ o'er my junk ‘an findin’ him. I’ll let ye know ef I see anythin’.” He paused briefly, looked thoughtful. “Try my neighbour two doors over? She’s a snoop. Ef anyone’s seen anythin’, she did.”
There was no way the agent should have bought that. Bucky listened, forcing himself to focus. He braced himself to defend them both when Hydra agents inevitably pushed their way through. Only that wasn’t what happened at all. 
The agent listened, glancing past Cam into the apartment only very briefly. There was a pause, where it looked like he might push the issue anyway. In the end, he agreed, addressing one of his fellow agents. “There’s nothing here. Let’s move out.”
He flashed a smile at Cam. “Be sure to let us know if he turns up… and please do be careful. He’s dangerous.”
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“Thanks.” He tucked the card into his pocket. At the offer, Cam snorted a laugh and shook his head. “My rent might make ye think thes es a big place, but there’s nae room tae swing a cat an’ nae doors except th'bathroom an'I jest did business there.” Awkward jokes scared people off right? “Honest, ye got more chance hurtin’ yerself trippin’ o'er my junk ‘an findin’ him. I’ll let ye know ef I see anythin’.” He paused briefly, looked thoughtful. “Try my neighbour two doors over? She’s a snoop. Ef anyone’s seen anythin’, she did.”
There was no way the agent should have bought that. Bucky listened, forcing himself to focus. He braced himself to defend them both when Hydra agents inevitably pushed their way through. Only that wasn’t what happened at all. 
The agent listened, glancing past Cam into the apartment only very briefly. There was a pause, where it looked like he might push the issue anyway. In the end, he agreed, addressing one of his fellow agents. “There’s nothing here. Let’s move out.”
He flashed a smile at Cam. “Be sure to let us know if he turns up... and please do be careful. He’s dangerous.”
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Cam’s expression at the footage wasn’t an act. His hair stood on end. “Holy shit.” He had to clear his throat and had to say it again because his voice locked up on the first try.
Involuntarily, he shuddered as the clip looped. “Uh- thanks.” He averted his eyes. “I’ll keep a luk out. How dae I reach ye? Jest in case? I mean-” He swallowed. “Ye’ll make sure ye doesn'kill me ef I call ye, right?”
The agent handed over a nondescript card with a phone number on it. “Of course we will. Call us if you see anything.”
He paused for a moment before adding. “It would really be in your best interest if you let us check your apartment. The suspect is highly skilled at getting in and out of places unseen. He might be hiding in your closet for all anyone know.”
Cam’s expression at the footage wasn’t an act. His hair stood on end. “Holy shit.” He had to clear his throat and had to say it again because his voice locked up on the first try.
Involuntarily, he shuddered as the clip looped. “Uh- thanks.” He averted his eyes. “I’ll keep a luk out. How dae I reach ye? Jest in case? I mean-” He swallowed. “Ye’ll make sure ye doesn'kill me ef I call ye, right?”
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"You'd know if you saw him. He has a very distinctive metal arm," the agent replied. He fished out a picture anyway, one that had been floating around the internet since Hydra's files about the Winter Soldier (and everything else) had been dumped. It was security footage of the Winter Soldier counting a particularly brutal murder.
"As you can see, he's quite dangerous. For your safety, we're sweeping each apartment individually," the agent pressed. He seemed to have bought Cam's ruse that he hadn't seen Bucky so far, but they all knew what their escaped prisoner was capable of.
“Here-” Cam guided Bucky to lie down on the couch in a position he hoped was comfortable. Bucky’s limbs were heavy and difficult to manoeuvre, but he liked to think he did a relatively good job. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket as well, then wedged himself into the corner of the armchair with a cup of coffee, watching his friend, worrying quietly.
Bucky was too out of it to be much help, but he didn’t struggle or fight being shuffled around. He sagged against the pillow, pale and wrung out, but breathing steadily. For a while, he was entirely dead to the world, lulled into resting by his strange, confusing urge to trust Cam. 
It was only a matter of time before Hydra found him. He stirred at the sound of them down the hall, banging on one door after another. Too weak and weary to get up, Bucky tried to reach for the gun he had holstered along his hip. 
There was a banging at Cam’s door and Bucky dredged up the energy from somewhere to give his friend a miserable look. “Go.”
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Bucky tried to stop Cam once he realized what the young man was dding, but it was already too late. The door was open, and from where he was on the couch, be could just make out part of a familiar uniform.
Hoping for the best, Bucky played at being asleep. He'd managed to get his gun, but he made no move to attack just yet. If he moved too soon, if he wasn't fast enough, he'd get them both killed or worse.
There were four Hydra agents at the door, not accounting for the others in the hall, ready to take down the Winter Soldier. It seemed they were trying to pass themselves off as government agents given the fact that they didn't immediately force their way in.
"We're looking for a suspect. He's a dangerous assassin believed to have committed several very high profile murders, " the agent in front said gruffly, choosing his words carefully to lend credence to the way he was trying to fool Cam. He looked pointedly at the blood, Bucky's blood, in the hallway outside Cam's apartment. "We have it on good authority he came here. "
“Here-” Cam guided Bucky to lie down on the couch in a position he hoped was comfortable. Bucky’s limbs were heavy and difficult to manoeuvre, but he liked to think he did a relatively good job. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket as well, then wedged himself into the corner of the armchair with a cup of coffee, watching his friend, worrying quietly.
Bucky was too out of it to be much help, but he didn’t struggle or fight being shuffled around. He sagged against the pillow, pale and wrung out, but breathing steadily. For a while, he was entirely dead to the world, lulled into resting by his strange, confusing urge to trust Cam. 
It was only a matter of time before Hydra found him. He stirred at the sound of them down the hall, banging on one door after another. Too weak and weary to get up, Bucky tried to reach for the gun he had holstered along his hip. 
There was a banging at Cam’s door and Bucky dredged up the energy from somewhere to give his friend a miserable look. “Go.”
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“Here-” Cam guided Bucky to lie down on the couch in a position he hoped was comfortable. Bucky’s limbs were heavy and difficult to manoeuvre, but he liked to think he did a relatively good job. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket as well, then wedged himself into the corner of the armchair with a cup of coffee, watching his friend, worrying quietly.
Bucky was too out of it to be much help, but he didn’t struggle or fight being shuffled around. He sagged against the pillow, pale and wrung out, but breathing steadily. For a while, he was entirely dead to the world, lulled into resting by his strange, confusing urge to trust Cam. 
It was only a matter of time before Hydra found him. He stirred at the sound of them down the hall, banging on one door after another. Too weak and weary to get up, Bucky tried to reach for the gun he had holstered along his hip. 
There was a banging at Cam’s door and Bucky dredged up the energy from somewhere to give his friend a miserable look. “Go.”
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Dear god, sleepy intimacy makes me so very happy.
One person sleeping with their head on the other person’s lap. Getting all drowsy-snuggly when they’re too tired to see straight. Being tucked in and kissed on the forehead before they pass out. Gentle touches while they drift off. Trusting the other person to watch over them and make sure nothing happens to them while they’re out.
Just… sleepy intimacy, man.
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