geepeanut · 20 days
I want you any way
You come or go
On your doorstep
Dripping wet
I’ll watch you through the window
And you’ll look back at me
Tell me to go home
Maybe if I listen
You’ll invite me in
I’ll be here
Before you go
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geepeanut · 1 month
If I could hold a star
In both my hands
I think it’d feel like this:
It’d glow and sizzle
And warm my chest
And radiate past my wrists.
It’d turn me yellow and white all over
So my darkness would never return.
And through my hollowed eyes
And between my leathered thighs,
The memory of you would be burned.
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geepeanut · 2 months
Rotten Strawberry
I’ll throw up
If I eat this strawberry
The way it smears
Its rot
Across my fingertips
Makes it
All the more tantalizing
Whip the flies away
Dark dark red
Squishy wet
Can’t —
Shove it in my mouth
Suck its skin
Mash it with my teeth
Dripping sour
This must be grounds for hell
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geepeanut · 2 months
Breakfast in Early Spring
[Robert has been grieving the death of his mother. His girlfriend, Carol, is 20 years younger than him, and he often finds her difficult to connect with, difficult to take seriously. She has been overly compassionate about Robert’s loss, so that he has perceived the sympathy as disingenuous and naive. For the first time, Carol says something he respects.]
Carol looked through the kitchen window. “Oh, check out the ducklings! I bet their mama is in the pond. Gosh, the dandelions are bigger than them.”
Robert walked past her and sat at the table, set with breakfast for two. “Mm, that’s sweet.”
Carol turned around and looked down at the back of his head. She walked around the table and sat. She fiddled with her spoon while Robert crunched and slurped.
Carol looked up from her bowl. “Don’t you think spring is funny?”
“What do you mean?” said Robert, his attention bound to his cereal.
“Well, your mother died just a month ago from pneumonia, and now the bushes are pink and there are ducklings in the dandelions.”
Robert paused. He did not look up. Half a drop of milk dribbled from his stopped lips into his wiry, graying beard. After a second, he finished his bite of cereal, and wiped the dribble with the back of his wrist.
Robert nodded slowly, and then met Carol’s gaze for the first time. “Yeah. It is funny, isn’t it.”
A smile broke on Carol’s face.
“Hm,” Robert let out, and grinned.
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geepeanut · 2 months
Happiness The Butterfly
Lands softly
On my shoulder
Like a butterfly
After a long winter
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geepeanut · 3 months
Divine Order
Your heart
Catches light
Like crystal,
Refracts it into rainbows
On white walls
Like some
Happenstance muralist.
I could never be so free.
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geepeanut · 5 months
Staring Into Space (What Are You Thinking About?)
God talks to me
Through shapes on the ceiling
And shadows on the wall
And clumps of mud
On the floor.
In the white morning
Gray afternoon
And the black night,
In the pockets
Of reality
That validate
My life,
I can’t ignore
That I don’t love you.
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geepeanut · 5 months
Where We’re Going
I don’t need my body
For the places we will go.
I see them in the distance,
Beyond the snow-
Capped mountains
And listless homes on hillsides
On some starlit night,
We’ll marry in a church.
I’ll never know the way down.
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geepeanut · 5 months
Silver Sheen
Your heart’s
Silver sheen
Shows me
It is pure.
When you place it
In my pocket,
I wonder all the more
How you knew
I could keep it.
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geepeanut · 5 months
The Spring of My Life
The birds flit soundlessly
From tree to tree,
And do their picking
In the buggy soil
When I’m inside.
The bees only whisper
In their hives.
I never see them pollinate.
Even the rain
Is novelly
The flowers grow
In their perfect quiet
As always.
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geepeanut · 5 months
You remind me
Of that 1500lb hunk of quartz
Half a mile down my property.
Cloaked in fresh, wet moss
Yet quiet and ancient,
Impossible to move
From its dent
In the earth.
I could sell you off in pieces
But I’d rather know you’re mine.
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geepeanut · 5 months
I believe in you
The way a seed
Believes in spring,
With quiet might
To find rain
To capture golden light
Sordid intentions
Of neighboring weeds
And winter clouds
Reluctant to leave.
I trust you.
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geepeanut · 6 months
I don’t like eggs,
But I make an omelette every morning.
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geepeanut · 6 months
House Fire
The moulding caught aflame last night.
I sat for a moment
In its dazzling light.
What was really strange
Was how slowly it seemed
To skid along the drywall’s seam,
Like it thought I was still sleeping
So it tiptoed by.
It hoped not to see my opened eyes,
But they couldn’t help reflecting
The petrifying glow,
And the wretched flame
Doused in nightstand water
Was the last poor soul
To know.
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geepeanut · 6 months
I’m not the same woman I was four minutes ago.
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geepeanut · 6 months
I’m This Close to Getting a Flip Phone
I chase the ball
Right down the road,
Past love
And theft
And moral code.
I’ll never stop
Its shiny roll;
Still I accept this fate
As the church bell
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geepeanut · 6 months
The Guilt of an Only Child
Wish my fingers weren’t so sticky
Wish I didn’t peel potatoes from your plate
Wish I didn’t steal your stick of gum
Then leave without a trace
Wish I could feel more than greed
Wish I knew how to do good deeds
Wish I wouldn’t whip you in the garden
Then go plucking out your seeds
I’m so misunderstood
I live with so much grief
Wish I could climb under the hood
Wish I could slip between the seats
You bought me this new car
I’ve jammed myself beneath the clutch
All I wish before I crash
Is that I wouldn’t wish so much
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