goldensonshine · 4 years
Your muse walks in on my muse undressing and catches the various scars along their body. What is your muses reaction? What do they do?
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goldensonshine · 4 years
Lorenz: So what do you have planned for the future?
Raphael: Lunch
Lorenz: No, like, long term
Raphael: Oh, um...dinner
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goldensonshine · 4 years
One of life’s greatest blessings is the freedom to pursue one’s goals.
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That crazy Auntie J has done it again! I’m back, my niblings, with a hot and fresh blog for one(1) Leonie Pinelli from Fire Emblem: Three Houses! Do you have a soft-spot for tomboys who could kick your butt? Do you love competitive girls who’ll do whatever it takes to get stronger? Do you enjoy mercenary types who try to earn and save as much money as they can? Then, this might be the blog for you!!
If you’re looking for a bit more Leonie in your lives, or you just want to spread the word, show this blog some love and I’ll be sure to check yours out! Thank you so much, loves! I look forward to writing with you all~!  (っ˘ω˘ς )
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goldensonshine · 4 years
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Nick Pulos
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goldensonshine · 4 years
raphael wants to wrestle balthus that is all thank you
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goldensonshine · 4 years
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L I F T S   Y O U   U P 
because he can... 
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goldensonshine · 4 years
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based on the dialogue between cf raphael and ignatz
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goldensonshine · 4 years
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raphael’s smile..........
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goldensonshine · 4 years
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              she’s a mess of gorgeous chaos                  and you can see it in her eyes
                       ind. makoto niijima
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goldensonshine · 4 years
fight honourably /  fight dirty / prefer close-quarters /  prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance  /  high pain tolerance / attack in bursts  / attack steadily / go for the kill /  aim to disarm  / fight defensively /  bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first /  provoked easily  / provoke their opponent  /  tease  /  get visibly frustrated  /  shout while attacking  / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle /  rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly  / fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to  / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  /  hide wounds  / take a blow to protect another /  prefer a blade /  prefer a gun  /  prefer a bow  / prefer a shield /  prefer an ax  /  prefer a spear naginata  /  prefer a personalized weapon  /  prefer magic or spells /  prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental  /   their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle /   fight as they appear  / rely on  strength /  rely on speed  /  use everything they have  / hide their full potential /  exhaust quickly  /  high stamina  /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution /  behave arrogantly  /  brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities  /  use psychological tactics / use brute strength  / avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians / damage surroundings /  avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style  /  making it up as they go  / mastered skillset  / learning their skillset / fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork / messy fighter  / elegant fighter /  accept defeat  / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy /  compliment their opponent  /  insult their opponent  /  use unnecessary movements  /  move efficiently /   prefer to dodge  /  prefer to block  / defend their blindside /  has no blindside  / use all available advantages  /  strictly use one main method  /  play around /  hold back  /  fight ruthlessly / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  / strike when opponent isn’t ready /  fear death  /  fear pain  /  fear killing  /  has PTSD /  avoid fighting  /  has lost a fight / has won a fight /  has killed /  refuses to kill  / want to die standing  /  would succumb slowly  .
TAGGED BY: @ophithea TAGGING: you! :D
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goldensonshine · 4 years
i don’t write them but
hc that edelgard hugging byleth at the start of crimson flower was the first time they’ve been lovingly embraced by anyone other than maybe jeralt when they were younger (and rhea after merging with sothis in part one if that counts)
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goldensonshine · 4 years
01.    NICKNAME  :  Auntie J, J, Satan 02.    REAL  NAME  :    🤔 03.    ZODIAC  :    Taurus! 04.    HEIGHT  :   I am a very tall lady............ (not as tall as Raphael but really close!!) 05.    WHAT  TIME  IS  IT  ?  :    7PM! 06.    FAVOURITE  MUSICIANS  /  GROUPS  :   yes (i’ll listen to everythinnnnggg) 07.    FAVOURITE  SPORTS  TEAM  :   What is... sports..... i guess Red Sox since my dad dragged me to a game of theirs once 08.    OTHER  BLOGS  :  My sad blue wife Aqua @xnymphae, my angry daughter Makoto @papessedefer, and dozens more that are inactive/not checked anymore. Also don’t forget the sunshine girl Maya @shinedaughter ! She’s a sideblog to Raphy here :3c 09.    DO  I  GET  ASKS  ?  :   Surprisingly, yes 10.    HOW  MANY  BLOGS  DO  I  FOLLOW  ?  :   A little over 100 here... 11.    ANY  TUMBLR  CRUSHES  :    Nooo 12.    LUCKY  NUMBER  :   4 13.    WHAT  AM  I  WEARING  RIGHT  NOW  :   a big poofy sweater and sweatpants because, while I may be a hot mess, I am a comfortable and cozy hot mess-- 14.    DREAM  VACATION  :  New Zealand 15.    DREAM  CAR  :   One that works... and will last for many many years... 16.    FAVOURITE  FOOD  :    Yes. 17.    DRINK  OF  CHOICE  :   Sweet Iced Tea (can you tell I live in the South??) 18.    LANGUAGES  :   English, Spanish (not totally fluent but passable) 19.    INSTRUMENTS  :    When I was in middle school (so centuries ago) I played the French Horn pfft... I do want to try and learn a few new instruments though, like the flute and guitar! 20.    CELEBRITY  CRUSHES  :   Gideon Emery........ 21.    RANDOM  FACT  :  Both of my parents were ballroom dance instructors (it’s how they met!) and yet I have two left feet when it comes to dancing. 
TAGGED BY: @dracepis  TAGGING: You. Yes, you, reading this right now--
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goldensonshine · 4 years
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Raphael is... surprisingly not that overprotective when it comes to Maya courting or being courted by someone. He’ll always keep an eye out for her and whoever might express such an interest in her, just to make sure they’re a decent person, but he otherwise doesn’t stick his nose into her business. He knows that eventually, Maya will be too old to keep running the family business, just like their grandfather... and, just in case he doesn’t have any children, he wants to make sure that his sister can without too much trouble, if the desire strikes her. 
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goldensonshine · 4 years
Attaining one’s dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.
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Auntie J is at it again, bringing you one(1) roleplay blog for Maya Kirsten of Fire Emblem: Three Houses! Do you like blogs that are heavily reliant on headcanons and AUs to exist? Do you like blogs that explore characters with practically non-existent canon information? Then, Maya is the girl for you! 
This is a sideblog to my Raphael blog @goldensonshine​ so any follows will come from everyone’s favorite gentle giant. If you’re keen on exploring and developing Maya with me, feel free to show this post some love, and I’ll check you out! I really look forward to writing with you all, thank you so much!  ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
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goldensonshine · 4 years
r e c r u i t a b l e  m a y a  k i r s t e n  p o s t aka plz add her with the dlc intsys
Recruitment: Maya will automatically join at the beginning of Part Two, but only if Raphael was previously recruited. As a result, she is guaranteed on Verdant Wind, but can be missed on all other routes. In a way, she can be considered the ‘exclusive’ Part Two recruit for Verdant Wind, like Jeritza and Gilbert for Crimson Flower and Azure Moon respectively, even though she can be recruited on all routes. Maya is the youngest recruitable character, beating even Cyril: she is 17 at the beginning of Part Two, and 18 a couple months later.
Skills: Maya has a strength in Flying, Reason, and Lances. Her weaknesses are Axes, Brawling, Authority, and Heavy Armor. She possesses a hidden talent for Authority, however, and will learn the powerful Rally Spectrum for mastering it, allowing her to grant +2 to all stats on an adjacent ally for one turn.
Stats: Unlike her burly brother, her HP, Strength, and Defense are average at best, but she makes up for that in Speed and Dexterity, allowing her to evade and get double attacks far more frequently than Raphael can. She also has acceptable Magic growths and high Resistance growths: while she still pales in comparison to someone like Lysithea, she can make for a serviceable mage with her strength in Reason. She is best suited to becoming a Pegasus Knight or Falcon Knight, but can potentially serve as a Gremory, Paladin, Dark Knight, or Holy Knight. 
Support: Due to her young age, her S Support with Byleth is platonic, much like the S Supports with Gilbert and Alois. She has a few A+ Supports, including Ignatz, and several A Supports, including Raphael and Hilda. Her B Supports include Sylvain and Ferdinand.
Paired Endings: Maya can achieve a romantic paired ending with Cyril, Ignatz, or Lysithea(!), and can achieve platonic paired endings with Byleth, Raphael, Leonie, Hilda, Petra, Mercedes, Ingrid, and Manuela. In most of her endings she successfully takes over the family business and makes high profits, using them to offer financial support to her ending partner, though in some endings, such as with Petra, she leaves her home behind. 
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goldensonshine · 4 years
less cringy NSFW/intimacy memes
ACTIONS: (add + to reverse who does the action)
✦ to finger my muse  ✧ to give my muse oral  ☆ to get caught doing something sexual in public ✻ to catch my muse masturbating  ✸ for a drabble about my muse having a sex dream about yours ❆ to tease my muse  ❁ for our muses first time  ✶ for something awkward to happen during sex ♢ for something to make our muses laugh during sex  ♤ for my muse to help yours undress  ☽ for my muse to have trouble taking off an article of clothing  ♧ to guide my muse’s hands where yours wants to be touched  ♜ for my muse to kiss an area where yours is insecure  ♞ my muse gets a cramp during sex ♦ my muse sneezes during sex ♟ my muse says the wrong name during sex ✪ for our muses to be intimate in nature © for morning sex  ✘ to eat food off of my muse  ♕ make your own scenario 
“god, you look so good”  “fuck—” “i got you, baby”  “you’re being so good for me”  “i promise i’ll be a good”  “please”  “you have to be quiet if you want to cum”  “say please?”  “are you gonna be good for me?”  “shit— i have to pee” “wait, that hurts” “not there” “that feels so good”  “touch me here”  “did you just yawn?”  “you make me feel so good”  “do you like this?”  “i want to hear you when you cum”  “i’m so close”  “i need you”  “how much do you want to cum?” “turn around” “your fingers feel amazing” “i’m yours”  “you’re mine” “tell me you’re mine”  “you sound so pretty when you moan”  “harder” “wait—” “is this okay?” “say it again” “i love you”
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goldensonshine · 4 years
((If Maya were added to the game somehow, I hope she's a Pegasus knight. We don't have enough natural Pegasus Knights.))
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((I think only Ingrid and Cyril automatically become flying units if not recruited/customized, with Seteth already starting as one, and of those, only Ingrid rides a pegasus… Thankfully some units have the strengths to excel as a flier, like Petra, Edelgard, and Leonie, but it’d be nice if more units automatically became fliers if not recruited. 
Then again, enemy fliers are really strong, especially Ingrid, so having too many of them would make life very difficult if they aren’t recruited… Maybe the big story DLC coming in a few months will add Maya to the game… I can hope…))
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