gotchagirl · 2 years
New fic: Genshin Impact
Zhongli has his first crush as a mortal...
Steamy dreams, outdoor sex, a small scuffle
Minors do not interact....
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Ever since he saw her he couldn’t get her out of his head. 
To tell the truth he could smell her first. It was subtle, something nostalgic that made him turn and see what it was that triggered the sense of familiarity. That is when he saw her she hit him like a ton of bricks, took his breath away. Her long hair in a haphazard ponytail, her bangs plastered to her face with mud and sweat. Blood on her clothes and she was smiling at Katheryne as she handed in a package. 
Katheryne was asking if she needed medical attention and she laughed, She actually laughed. It was like music to his ears. That's when he realized he was smiling like an idiot. Hu Tao did not miss his reaction either. She elbowed him in the stomach and said look a new customer as she grabbed Zhongli by the wrist and dragged him over to the two women.
"Heya, I am Hu Tao the director of the Wangshen Funeral Parlor and this is my esteemed assistant Zhongli." He nodded once, keeping a straight face. "We would like you to be our newest customer. We even have coupons for our services."
The young woman looked Hu Tao up and down and smiled. "You know I am not quite dead yet and I don’t have any family so I don’t exactly need your  services right now.
Hu Tao laughed and continued on, "I didn’t say you need them now but you don’t want to be left dead on the side of the road with your corpse decomposing and your soul left to wander Liyue forever. We would gladly come find you and I can personally assist your soul in crossing over…"
Her smile faltered for the first time and Zhongli stepped in. "Hu Tao, mind your manners before you try to sell anything should we not ask this young woman her name."
She looked up at him with a playful smirk and raised an eyebrow. "This young lady is probably twice your age, and my name is y/n."
That was amusing to him seeing as he did not know anyone currently who was older than him. Smiling politely he extended his hand to her and she took it reflexively and he leaned down to lay a gentle kiss on the back of her delicate hand. Before his lips could connect she drew her hand back. "You shouldn’t do that. I am somewhat dirty and fresh from the road."
Hu Tao interjected "aaaand, so you should clean up and meet us for dinner. I have a proposition for you. I will work out the details of the commission with Katheryne and we can meet at Wanmin restaurant in two hours."
She shrugged, "sure why not, but dinner is on you," she said to Hu Tao who smiled brightly, "Oh I just knew you would be fun! I’ll see you soon." 
She grabbed Zhongli and turned to walk away. Ever the gentleman he bowed and said a polite goodbye.
Zhongli spent the next few days thinking about that dinner. How she was dressed was unexpected. She was wearing a beautiful form fitting gown. it hugged her curves quite splendidly. The collar was high and there was no inappropriate skin showing. The dark green color made her eyes glow and the silver trim sparkled like jewelry. He noted she had absolutely no jewelry on her person and she had styled her hair up in a bun tied with ribbon to match the gown. She was elegant. It was such a contrast to how she had looked earlier he wanted to know more about her. 
He had listened to Hu Tao's proposal and drafted the contract as per her specifications. She was to go out and secure a safe location for a new burial mound for Wangshen. She would be gone for two to three weeks.
The timid glances she stole of him did not go unnoticed. He met her eyes and lingered a touch longer than polite. She would look away first with a faint flush on her cheeks. 
She seemed to enjoy Hu Tao's quirkiness. So they got along quite well and she agreed to the contract. When he presented it to her she seemed surprised. 
"So this is how you assist the Parlor by making the contracts?"
 He smiled, " I do other work as well." he left it at that. 
Hu Tao spent the next few weeks razzing him and calling him lovesick. He didn't understand it himself. She smiled and told him not to worry. "We will be seeing lots of her from now on."
The first week passed and he had a great idea. He would visit her in her dreams. 
He prepared the ritual that night and when he found her she was indeed asleep under her tent. He sat there staring at her sleeping form amazed at the complex feelings whirling under his calm exterior. He was excited, anxious and full of adrenaline. It was like preparing for battle. She was making a sad face and he wanted to sooth it so he sat beside her and closed his eyes entering her dream. 
She was on a snowy cliff, a blizzard raged all around her and she was with a man with their weapons drawn. She was wounded and her blood painted the ground beneath her feet red. The man had rushed her and instead of deflecting his blow she dropped her sword and grabbed him using his momentum against him she rolled back and took him with her as they both went over the cliff.
Zhongli stood in shock at what was transpiring before him he ran to the edge to see her climbing the barren icy wall as the other figure fell out of sight. He reached his hand down to her and she looked up in shock loosing her grip she began to fall but he caught her and pulled her up with such strength that she fell into his arms. He held her there steady feeling her heart race uncontrollably against his chest. Letting her go as she calmed down. 
the next night….
He knew the area she was surveying quite well so he thought it would be natural enough to have her dream about wandering the ruins near her campsite. He knew there was enough cor lapis to make the caverns glow like candles and the ruins had maintained travelling campsites so he thought the setting would come across as safe and even romantic if he could get her in that mindset.
When she finally drifted to sleep he felt her shift into his dream world. He waited patiently at the campsite drinking tea and reading a book in the dim light. He could hear a faint shuffling and his heart fluttered. He frowned. What was wrong with his chest? Was he falling I'll? She came into view and smiled. 
"Refreshing, to see a campsite. Mind if I join you?," 
He looked up at her and his heart stuttered again. "Sure the company would be nice" he gestured to the tea. There was already another cup set out waiting.
"Were you expecting company?" she inquired.
He smiled, "I was hoping for it."
She looked at him and her cheeks flushed a deep pink. Picking the cup up he poured her tea ever so cautiously. 
Hmmm she moaned," it's so good." 
That sounds set of a thrum through his whole body. He wanted to hear it again. He simply responded with a Hum. 
She smiled to herself and began talking.
"You must have made quite the impression on me. I keep thinking about you. Now you're in my dreams. Mr dreamy Zhongli." He choked on his tea and coughed. Pulling out a napkin from his coat he cleaned his face and she laughed. 
"I can't imagine someone as dignified as you actually doing that in real life. It makes you cute. Endearing even." She put her tea down and rested her hand on her head watching him affectionately and sighing. 
He was used to being stared at but this was different. He wasn't cute. His ears were burning and his heart was in a tangled mess. He put his book down and then set his tea cup to the side. 
"What would I be like in reality compared to the dream me?" Curiosity coming out genuine.
"I think the real you is bigger, more imposing. Too smart. I know you didn't speak much when we met but I felt like you're the true gentleman and always in control. I don't think your eyes glow in reality but wow are they intense right now….and I really want to touch your hair. It looks so silky. I would never dare be so bold as to ask. It would be so rude."
He knelt before her holding out a hand she placed her in his and he grazed the back of her knuckles with his lips. Watching her lips as they parted and her breath hitched. 
"My lady is more than welcome to touch my hair if it is her desire."
She was torn between staring into his eyes and touching his hair. She settled on leaving her hand in his while raising the other shaking hand to run her fingers through his bangs brushing them aside so she could see his handsome features up close. 
He could feel her trembling nervousness through her hands and the way her eyes darted from his lips to his eyes and when her fingers touched his hair he reflexively closed his eyes, nuzzling into her hand. How long since he felt and affectionate hand towards himself. She gasped.
Both of her hands were in his hair now and he chuckled. The sound of his laugh had an unexpected reaction on her. She shifted slightly and pushed her legs together. He could smell her arousal. He opened his eyes and looked at her. She was flushed and her breathing was heavy. Her tongue darted out and swept across her lips. 
He reached up and pulled her by the waist toward himself. How could he resist such an honest reaction. By pulling her forward she was forced to open those legs lest she hurt him and she did, now he was kneeling nose to nose with her as her hands that were previously in his hair were now on his chest to keep her from falling forward. 
Her breath was as fast as her heartbeat. Zhongli nuzzled his cheek against her nose and then moved his head lower letting his breath hit her ear. In his naturally sensual and masculine voice he said very slowly and clearly, "Was there something more you wanted? I would gladly oblige any wish from My lady."
He felt her legs tense around his hips. He could feel her pulse race uncontrollably. He knew his voice was like an aphrodisiac to her. Her body temperature spiked. He pulled away enough to look at her face letting a smile play at the corner of his mouth. She stayed silent, running her thumb across his lower lip, he kissed it gently. Looking into his eyes he could see the effect he had on her. her pupils had gone wide and black. She leaned forward and kissed him, a tentative peck on the lips soft and sweet. 
It was all the permission he needed to press his body towards her and take her mouth. claiming every crevice exploring her tongue, her lips, her everything. The kiss was deep and it forced her to make mewling sounds as if she were drowning and he was her air. Her hands ran from his chest around his neck and he deepened the kiss letting out a deep rumble of approval. When they broke the kiss for air she leaned her forehead against his. Her eyes closed, her mouth smiling. Catching her breath. Her chest heaving against his. 
"Gods, I wish you were real. That this wasn't a dream." 
Zhongli chuckled. "I can be whatever you need me to be for you" 
She was giddy from the kiss and feeling bold. She kissed him again. He ran his hands up her back and she pressed further into him. He could feel her heat, her arousal pressing against him. He was grinding against her core as she rode him with her clothes on and she was getting wetter and wetter. He left her lips to trail kisses down her neck and up her jaw. She was moaning and panting. She was close to her peak. He could smell her scent changing and he grabbed her hips and helped her change her angle. 
"Oh My Zh-Zongli. I'm too sensitive. I- I can't. it's too much."  He lifted her now supporting her entire body, his hands under her ass as he continued to grind her core against his erection. She rode him as they kissed and then it hit her hard she exploded into a moaning mewling mess and still he continued. rubbing against her core riding her down her high gently mewling Kissing her along her neck and her face. setting her down. Looking at her sweaty pink face he moved her hair from her cheek and kissed her nose. 
Her arms still around his neck he chuckled. "I thought you simply sought a kiss. I am now in your debt for the gift you have bestowed upon me."
She laughed. 
Zhongli woke up the next day absolutely mortified that he did that. It was amazing and awesome. She didn't know he was there. Even with her consent if he had been there in person would the result be different? probably. He felt guilty. He spent the next few days wooing her by bringing her gifts showing her beautiful locations. Kissing but not letting it go past that. He would have to see her in person. Do this properly.
When her expedition was over she came back to the funeral parlor to give pictures from the Kamera of locations and show Hu Tao what she came up with. 
Zhongli had walked on the door with a handful of books and Was talking about the importance of understanding a family's beliefs as to knowing what type of service to provide for the last rites to a young man with pale blue hair eating a popsicle. When he saw her he nearly dropped all the books. 
Hu Tao laughed. "Chongyung, how come you're not helping Zhongli with the books?"
The young man smiled and said, "I really needed to cool down so he took my share from me."
Zhongli nodded as he picked up the handful of books that fell. Looking at you with a straight face he nodded. "Welcome home y/n."
She turned bright red. Chongyun handed her a popsicle. "You need one too huh?"
She smiled and accepted. The two of them sat and listened to Hu Tao discussing the best locations as Zhongli put the books into their new homes on the shelves. He felt her eyes on him the entire time. It was a great feeling. She may find him agreeable in person as well. 
The door burst open and a young blonde man stood there.
"Zhongli. I need you. There are geovishaps attacking Minguang village and there are too many for me to handle. "
"Aether!," Hu tao exclaimed, happily.
``You can take these two as well. They can help. I need to do some work so it will give me time to prepare."
"Sure," he nodded. The four of you set off. Aether turned to y/n and smiled. "I'm Aether, this is paimon. Are you a fighter?"
She nodded ,"more like an adventurer actually."
He smiled at her. "What vision do you use?"
She frowned," I don't use one." Everyone stopped. 
"Can you defend yourself?" Aether asked. 
She shook her head," Absolutely!"
Zhongli nodded and they began  the long trek to Minguan village. Along the way Zhongli watched the woman with interest. He also saw how easily she got along with the other two. She smiled and laughed easily. He also noticed how she kept a respectful distance to him. He wondered about this. Did he offend her? Why was she so nervous? 
The first night they camped out Chongyung convinced him to tell a story about Minguan village and how the people came to settle there. They were all rapt with his story and his undivided attention. The story was sweet about two lovers who were separated and when they finally found eachother again one had passed so the young woman buried him and stayed she built her home where he died so they would never be apart. Aether and Chongyung were excited and talking about the story speculating there may be hidden treasure. Y/n was looking at the fire introspectively. 
"Zhongli", she asked. "How do you know this story or the history of this place? Are you from Minguan?"
He smiled softly, "no-"
Aether piped up "he's really old. Older than Venti- and as a go---"
Zhongli cleared his throat," Aether it's impolite to call someone old."
Y/n Laughed. "I don't know your friend Venti so I have no clue but it's not like he can be hundreds of years old...the village has spanned a few generations now."
Zhongli choked on his tea. so did Aether.
She turned beat red as she saw this. "Oh did I say something wrong?"
"Ehe–" Paimon piped up, "actually Morax is really-"Aether grabbed Paimon suddenly yelling, "Paimon look, black bass let's grab a fish." Distracted, she flew excitedly over to the water near the campsite. 
Chongyung followed. "I'm hungry."
Zhongli looked sideways at the young woman. She seemed baffled. He smiled. 
"Would you like some tea?"
She nodded and held out her cup clearly nervous as her hand was shaking. 
He steadied her hand with his as he poured her tea carefully and took his coat off draping it over her shoulders. "If you're cold say so. It wouldn't do to have you sick on the journey." She reflexively nuzzled her face into the collar smelling it. This made him preen at her response. 
She cuddled into his coat."Thank you. its so warm."
He sat closer to her. She seemed to have trouble meeting his eyes. 
"Zhongli, do you have more stories?," she asked. He chuckled and she shivered in response. 
He knew her reaction was due to their time together in her dreams and he wanted to tease her. However he was a gentleman and he would maintain propriety. 
So he began telling another story and this time she fell asleep leaning on his shoulder. She smelled so wonderful like a lost memory to him that he couldn't quite conjure. So he stayed like that until the boys returned. They teased him a bit for boring her to sleep but he just smiled picking her up. He laid her in the tent with his coat and spent the evening watching the boys talk about their adventures.
She woke up smelling a familiar scent letting out a small contented sigh as she nuzzled her face further into his coat. Zhongli watched her wake slowly. She was so cute with her messy hair and her sleep heavy eyes. Sultry. was the word that came to mind. As her eyes adjusted she realized she was snuggling his coat and she sat up in a hurried state. He looked away. 
She crawled out of the tent standing up to her full height and stretched. His coat dwarfed her and she looked so small in it, he just wanted to pick her up and take her right back into that tent. Instead he busied himself with his task of making breakfast. It was the fish the boys caught the night before.
She shuffled over to him and leaned over his shoulder to see what he was doing. His cheeks flushed. "Good morning," he said softly. 
She was startled, unsure he knew she was there. 
She came around to sit in front of him. "Mornin'," She yawned. 
Cute. he thought. as he skewered another fish. 
"Can I help?" He looked up and his first thought was the way she looked the first time he kissed her. He had made a mess of her hair and that's when he stabbed the inside of his palm. 
Hissing  he pulled out the stick and handed it to her going to the river to clean his puncture. How could he be so clumsy? she came running up behind him. 
"That must have hurt, let me see."
He held out his hand. She took it with both of hers. His hand was so big in comparison. She bit her lip and looked up at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to distract you." She began to clean the wound for him.
"This is nothing but a small tick. I'll be fine."
She shook her head. "Even small injuries can become serious if left untreated in the wild."
She looked up and met his eyes. Her breath hitched. He held her gaze steady and sure. Waiting for her to continue. She realized she was staring and flushed, looking back to his hand, "stay here I'll grab antiseptic."
He sat cross legged as she returned. She took his hand and poured the stinging solution onto the wound. He didn't react. she wrapped his hand and her hair kept falling onto her face as she kept blowing it out of the way. 
He raised his other hand and tucked her hair behind her ear in a familiar way and she leaned into his hand raising her face to his as if expecting more her lips parted and her eyes were heavy. 
Suddenly she opened her eyes wide and fell back on her rump. 
He laughed. 
"Sorry," she murmured." I guess I got too close."
"If My lady wishes to be close, who am i to deny such an innocent request. Any solace I can offer to ease your angst over my imminent injury would be due payment for your tender care."
She turned beat red and hid her face in her hands. He knew full well she was not thinking innocently. 
"Zhongli," she groaned. "You have such an eloquent way with words."
"Thank you," he said sweetly.
"It wasn't a compliment." He frowned. 
She peeked at him through her fingers. "Oh hell maybe it was. I don't know."
He pulled her hands away from her face.
"Please, don't trouble yourself on my account. There is no need to hide from me." He kissed her knuckles.
"I assure you I am fine'' he stood up and helped her to her feet with a little too much force she fell into his arms. Her hands on his chest he patted her head," let us go make breakfast."
It was in that interaction he understood what was happening. She was thinking of him in a sexual manner and that made him happy but also made it hard for you to speak to him because there was no real foundation to build upon. it was all in your dreams. 
He helped you cook the fish and let you wake the boys. While he scouted the area ahead for the best path.  When he returned he found the camp torn down and everyone ready to go, he was impressed at the efficiency of your team. 
The five of you did great work that day and Paimon told the story of how she and Aether met and He called her his emergency food affectionately. Zhongli watched how y/n laughed and teamed up with paimon to chase Aether. Chongyung was unusually quiet. Zhongli stopped and listened to their surroundings and he felt an unusual aura up ahead.  Chongyung nodded to Zhongli and they told everyone to hear up as trouble was straight forward. 
As the team came to the peak of the hill they saw a large group of three abyss mages and hillichurls guarding the pass. There were at least two Mitachurls and the abyss mages were ice, fire and water. An ugly combination. 
He looked to the team, "Chongyung you deal with fire mage. I'll support first with a geo amp pillar to boost your powers. Aether Since your attuned to anemo I want you to draw them to attack you and use your swirl to throw all the elements back at them."
"Y/n how do you fight?" She smiled with these and she manifested two daggers out of thin air one was crackling with electricity and the other was on fire. "Close combat or stealth?"
She shrugged,"Whatever you needed, sir."
He just malfunctioned at the title, his mind going blank and Aether started snickering. Congyun was covering his mouth, shoulders shaking in silent laughter.  Paimon waved her hand in front of his face. 
Shaking his head he brushed it off and said I thought you didn't have a vision. 
She smiled. "I don't. Just a keen mind and lots of luck."
He frowned. I'll recommend you start with the archers; they can take us down fast if were not careful. She nodded. 
They all jumped off the ledge and glided down from above. Y/N landed just behind an electro hillichurl and cut his throat. 
Zhongli bombed the centre of the group with a heavy spear drop taking out the first samchurl and following with a massive geo pillar that began pulsing. Aether landed in font of the group and slashed a mitachurl and bean running away as they gave chase. Cjongyun landed his spell on the fire mage before it's shield went up. 
From above y/n crept up to the next archer taking aim on the young exorcist. She took him out as the third archer took aim on her. She threw a dagger hitting him in the forehead and he dropped from above. She frowned. She had to go down to get that back. 
Zhongli made quick work of the second Mitachurl as it rushed him; he kicked his spear at it impaling it mid rush. He grabbed his spear and spun kicking a rushing hillichurl so fast it went up into the air and he kicked again as it landed unconscious on the ground the water mage shot a spray of bubbles catching Aether, thwarting his attack. Zhongli watched as you landed on the ground just behind Aether and popped the bubble. 
"Thanks," he said as the ice mage began raining giant spikes down upon the two of you and the water mage began a spray attack of bubbles. Aether shot what looked like a tornado out of his sword and it picked up both mages and their attacks as well as the pyro mage. they ended up in a heap at the far end of the pass. None of them are moving. The Mitachurl that had chased Aether was rushing Y/n. 
Zhongli rushed to her side and stopped the rush with a barrier. He then took the giant beast on hand to hand kicking vital spots knocking out its knee as it dropped to one leg. He came up kneeing it so hard in the face he sent it reeling back and its horn broke as it hit the ground. 
She watched his movements and his fighting with awe. Slack jawed Aether elbowed her back to her senses. 
That's the last of them. he said. 
Chongyun was picking up items from their remains and inspecting them. "It looks like they have an agenda." He handed a paper to Zhongli. 
"Hmm it would seem they are the cause of our disturbance. They are looking for the heart of the ruin guards...rumored to be hidden in Minguan Village."
She came up beside him and he showed her the missive. Nodding "yeah its rumored to be a giant key that can control them right?"
Aether was mortified. "That would be awful if it fell into the Abyss's hands."
That night when they set camp everyone went to sleep fast. Zhongli did not. He watched y\n she had been so honest in her dreams but afraid to open up in reality. He wanted to talk to her. What did she think about him in the real world? Why couldn't she talk to him? If she liked him it would be easy right? 
He decided to enter her dream tonight so he set himself up in a meditative state. 
What he found when he got there was quite unexpected. She was already talking to him. This made him smile. She was standing in a bedroom and he was circling her. It looked like he was teasing her. 
Zhongli watched as he ran his hand across her shoulders and she shivered. "You need to tell me what you want or I won't know."
She closed her eyes. "I am too embarrassed. You're so intense, so collected, so calm." 
His dream self pushed up behind her pressing his body to hers. 
She moaned. "I want the courage to touch you," she said so quietly he almost didn't hear. "mmhmm go on…"
'I want you to touch me. I dont think I'll ever have the courage to reach out. Your just too sweet. I can't because it's way too embarrassing. I keep thinking bad things when I get close to you I can smell you and it makes me dizzy, like being drunk. I get wet down there when you lower your voice and speak softly. it's so bad I'm so dirty I can't stop my mind from fantasizing about what you would do to me."
Zhongli was flattered and also sure this was going on. He quietly watched as his other self ran his hands down your stomach to your thighs. his hands coming back up to your breasts pinching your nipples through your shirt. you moaned and your legs gave out but he was there holding you up his thigh between your legs. One hand came down to the soft wet core rubbing gently. 
"Please Zhongli." 
He chuckled,'' you need what love, my voice?"
"my touch…"
"my fingers…"
"Oh Archons," she collapsed before his hand could go inside her pants. kneeling in front of her. He smiled softly and kissed her. 
"I need your consent. I can't even have a naughty dream about you without feeling guilty damnit…besides the real you is so sweet and charming and so damned sexy I want to touch you and ravish you. I might want you to ravish me. I don't know which is better. But I feel like it would be horrible of me to do, you're so damned innocent." 
Zhongli opened his eyes looking at her tent. He decided to set some things straight. He approached her tent and shook her foot lightly. 
Hmmm. "y/n,"he ran his hand higher up her thigh and called her again. this time she woke up. 
Zhongli? she asked. 
"Hey, you were tossing and turning. It looked like a bad dream. You alright?"
She sat up. "Yeah I'm ok," as she turned red.
Zhongli leaned forward. "Come,"he said as he helped her up. 
He walked quite far away from the camp to a spot overlooking the sparkling waters and glowing flowers of Liyue.  
"y/n, I must confess something to you." He said looking at her. 
"What?" She looked up to him as he leaned down and kissed her lips. A soft gentle press of the lips nothing more but did it ever burn. Setting him on fire. 
He pulled back, she was stunned, eyes wide. Cute he thought. 
"Was that wrong of me? I don't know but I can't stop thinking about how soft your lips must be and I have just confirmed that they are as delicate as flower petals."
He leaned in again and kissed once more tracing her lips with his tongue. She opened her mouth letting him in his tongue enter her mouth crossing the line breaking a barrier as she responded in kind, her arms wrapping around his neck deepening the kiss. Her fingers found their way to his hair. she moaned into his mouth so sensual it sent tingles from his head to his toes. He let himself moan right back and her knees gave out but he was ready and had been holding her to his body. 
She broke the kiss and turned her head down pushing her forehead to his chest. "wow"
He chuckled, "I need to finish my confession."
She looked up to him and gasped. "Your eyes are glowing?"
He smiled, "yes, of course. How else would I see at night?"
She brought her hands to his face. running her hands across his lips, his cheeks and his eyelids. touching, exploring. "Zhongli, I'm not dreaming, am i?"
He sat down with his back to the vertical cliff wall and he pulled her atop him straddling him. 
"No, you're here with me. Now let me have my moment of honesty because I haven't been honest with you." She frowned and sat back on his thighs. He held her hands in his.
"I have been thinking that I like you, I rather enjoy your company. If it stops there that's alright or proper. However, it does not stop there. I want to tease you to make your cheeks flush. I want to touch you and feel your touch." He touches her hand to his cheek. Her breath hitches. 
He looks into her eyes. "It still doesn't stop there." He places his hands on her hips and pulls her close so she can feel his growing desire for her pressed to her core. I want to possess you and give myself to you. I find my growing desire becoming more and more difficult. I am not generally so dishonest." He pauses letting her react to his bold confession.
"Will you think less of me if I give into your desire? Will you think I'm improper or unclean?"
He smiles softly, "Do you think of me in those ways for having confessed to you so crass?"
She shakes her head. He kisses her again. He feels something wet on his cheek. She has tears running down her eyes. He brushes them away with his thumbs. 
"Zhongli, I'm so happy right now," she chuckles. wiping more tears. 
He frowns confused, "Why are you crying if you're happy?"
She hugs him hard and his chest constricts. "Because I really like you but I thought of you and me doing improper stuff." Her face became redder as she struggled to speak her mind. 
He grabbed her hips and ground her against his erection. She let out a surprised mewl and covered her mouth. 
"I know, I can smell your arousal. I'm particularly sensitive to you." He leaned forward and nibbled her earlobe. Deepening his voice, "I'm desperate to sate your desire." flexing himself against her core she reflexively ground herself against him. "a-hnnn"
"I can't, I'm too embarrassed." He pulled her hands to his chest.
" If you don't mind, I can help with that. I am a gentleman after all."
He turned her around, laying her back to his chest. He ran his hands down her sides up her stomach. "Close your eyes," he commanded.
She did. He cupped her breasts in his hands letting their weight rest in his warm palms. He massaged them and when he found her nipples he squeezed them between his fingers. She almost jumped out of her skin. He let out a low growl as he continued massaging and pinching. she was rubbing her thighs together seeking friction.
He ran his hand up to her jaw kissing her neck he placed his finger at her mouth and pinched her nipple hard when she gasped he slid two of his fingers into her open mouth. rubbing her tongue. She started to paint. He knew she was wound tight with need. He felt that tension thumbing through her body. 
"Suck," he commanded as he pushed down on her tongue. She did and it felt good. She was a mewling panting mess. He could feel her moaning and sucking and trying to concentrate on his fingers as he dropped his free hand to her core. He rubbed outside her pants feeling how wet they were. 
"This is for me, he said matter of factly. I'm truly honored you would want me as much as I want you." he slid his hand inside her pants stopping for a brief moment to note she didn't have underwear. Dropping lower he rubbed her core. She was warm and moist. He dragged a single finger down her slit and he felt the moisture pool. He spread his fingers covering her entrance in her own slick. 
She grabbed his wrist as if to stop him.
"What's the matter, kitten?,"  he purred in her ear, pulling his fingers from her mouth and her whole body shuddered. He left his thumb to rub the moisture on her lower lip as he waited for her response.
"I can't take it. My body can't handle this," her legs shook with a growing need. 
"You can't take what?"
" I feel like I'm going to die. Like something's going to happen and I'll explode."
mnhmm he murmured. "I see, is this your first time?"
"No," she panted, "but I've never felt like this."
"Good," he said. "Let me show you how it's supposed to feel. Let me take you to the edge and fall with you. I'll be right here. You'll be safe with me in my arms."
She nodded, "Okay. Please be gentle. I don't know how much more I can take." 
He let his forehead fall onto her shoulder. "Me too kitten, I'm in a desperate state all for you."
He curled his finger inside of her core and she gasped, grabbing his wrist he dipped in and out pulling her moisture to her sensitive clit. Both of her hands shot up to the back of his head. Her fingers in his hair and her legs spread wide as her knees came up.
"oh wow." her hips bucked and he inserted a second finger. Dipping in and out rubbing her clit on occasion. Her moans were getting louder. He was getting stiffer. As she bucked against his fingers, her ass was rubbing his erection. He was starting to push back so she could feel him hard against her body. That's when he pushed his fingers in deeper and began to make a scissoring motion inside. Her jaw dropped and she stopped breathing. He knew at that moment she was ready. He increased his pressure and she began screaming his name. He pulled her against him, arm across her waist so she couldn't run away. bracing himself as she lost control, bucking against his hand uncontrollably squeezing his fingers as he continued his ministrations. He did not stop, she couldn't stop, as she shamelessly rode his fingers chasing a pleasure she had only known in a dream. 
Tears threatened to spill from the corners of her eyes as she came down from her high. She slowed down and his pace slowed with her. They were both panting heavy breaths in unison. She closed her legs trapping his hand as she brought her hands down to his, as if covering what they had done. 
His fingers still inside her he gently massaged her down as her breathing slowed. She rubbed his hand coaxing it in and out as if she couldn't decide to ask for more or to stop. He understood. This was her first orgasm. He unraveled his forearm from her stomach and took her hand to his mouth laying an open mouth kiss to her palm. She moaned, finally relaxing her legs. His wet fingers intertwined with hers. He brought them to his mouth and licked their fingers clean one at a time excruciatingly slowly, causing her to shake from the aftershock. 
"You taste amazing," his eyes met hers as she turned to look at him.
She was beautiful. In a daze and still hungry. He let his eyes wander her disheveled form. She lazily smiled at him. "What did you do to me? I'm tingling all over."
He quirked an eyebrow. "Are you still feeling safe In my arms?"
"Yes, I do." He took his coat off and wrapped it around her.
 His needs can wait. He had to ensure she was as enamoured of him as he was of her. He wanted her for a long term not simply a fling and he would work towards that goal. He simply held her stay here with me for now he said as they cuddled.
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gotchagirl · 4 years
Reblog this if your blog is a discrimination-free zone.
When it comes to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, etc. You treat everyone like human beings who deserve equal rights.
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gotchagirl · 4 years
Wow two pulls of 10 and I got three cards, I didn't realize the sp's were still available, got Victor!
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gotchagirl · 4 years
Okay, so heads up I don't have the slightest clue how to shorten posts or put stuff "under the cut" so to speak. Please bear with the length of them. I'm super new to this...
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gotchagirl · 4 years
Accidental Confessions!
Mr. Love Queens Choice boys overhear your thoughts on them. 
You're out for dinner with Anna, Kiki, Willow and Minor and they begin to grill you on your ideal man.
Minor starts it off with, “so, your single and not even looking for a guy. What's up with that?”
Kiki grabs your phone and starts scrolling through your contacts. All you have are Gavin, Victor Lucien, Minor and Kiro. Everyone else is female and they begin guessing who you like. When you hastily grab your phone from her you accidentally hit the dial and as you put it down on the table it happened to dial him....
“Hello MC?”It's then he hears the sound of music and the voices of teasing. 
“Come on MC i’ll bet you go for the tall handsome type am I right?” You turn bright red. “Oooo she is totally blushing. Who do you like?,”Kiki giggles
Victor looks at the phone in his hand and thinks about hanging up but he just has to hear your answer.
“I really do like someone but I could never do anything about it. We work together so it's unprofessional of me to think that way.” 
Victor feels his ears heat up.
“Is it that sexy professor you have who consults on our show? “
 “Nope, it's definitely not Lucien. He’s too sweet to be my type,” you sigh.
“Oh my GOD Kiro, is it kIRO HE TOTALLY HAS THE HOTS FOR YOU ALWAYS SENDING YOU SWEETS AND CUTE THINGS?’”Kiki is practically bouncing in her seat.
Victor is surprised to hear this and bothered by it as well. 
He hears your laugh, “Nope, he’s older than me, not younger.”
Minor pipes up, “I know, It's your high school senior, the one and only Gavin who gave you that charm bracelet you never take off. I mean why else would you always wear jewelry unless it's from a guy you like.”
 Victor is squeezing his phone now angry with himself for not thinking of jewelry as a gift. How could someone else beat him to it. He gave you a camel, who's the idiot now he thinks.
Your frowning, “No, listen guys, it's not Gavin either and the bracelet is for my safety not for love. It has a tracker in it so if I get taken by BS the STF can come get me. It's his job.”
Anna walks in. “What's up?”
“We are trying to guess MC’s crush…”Willow smiles.
Anna pipes up laughing “...and you didn’t guess on the first try? It is obviously Mr. tall dark and handsome himself. Only one man can make her jump through hoops and piss her off all at the same time while she hopelessly pines for him. Duh, it's Victor.” 
Everyone goes quiet looking to you for confirmation and your bright red and not saying a word. 
Minor pipes up “Wow look at how red she is!” 
The girls all laugh,”So MC if you could have him all to yourself what would the first thing you'd want to do with him be?”
Victor smugly thinks she’ll want me to treat her to a date of course!
“I want to spoil him, I feel like he may be the boss and CEO but no one ever really gets close to him. I'd bake him a cake on his birthday or treat him to dinner. Or maybe just curl up on a couch and watch a movie together...you trail off.” 
Victor is bright red now she is way too observant, as he goes to rub his face he accidentally hung up the call. 
The next day he’d be asking you to go see a movie, just the two of you.
“Oh my God MC we all know you like older men…”Kiki teases.
You're shaking your head, “No guys I actually like someone closer to my age.”
Kiro is waiting with baited breath. 
Willow riles you up with, “Officer Gavin take me now…”
Kiros heart drops, he’s met your officer Gavin and he knows just how manly he is compared to himself. He’s feeling pretty defeated. 
You giggle, “Maybe for you Willow but sexy and blonde is more my speed. I am so in love with that sweet sweet voice and his deep ocean eyes, I just want to drown in him forever. The way he can shake his ass I want to grind that man on and off the dance floor. Kiro one hundred percent.”
Kiro had never heard you talk so dirty before he was on cloud 9.
“Ohhh spare some deets, We know you spent a whole week as his stand in manager, living together and all...so what happened?,” Minor pleaded.
You sigh wistfully, hand going to your new pendant. “We did kiss, but nothing else.”
 EEEEE all the girls squeal and Kiro drops his phone in shock hanging up. 
Tomorrow you get a surprise invite to a dessert shop from Kiro himself.
”Come on Kiro all the way,” yelled Kiki. 
“No. I am not actually sure he actually knows my real name and we've known each other for months and he still calls me Ms. Chips.” 
“Gavin because he was your highschool sweetheart right?,” pops Anna.
“God no he was so scary in school and he’s way too strict now. I need someone to treat me like a queen.” 
Lucien smiled at that thinking he knew just how you wanted to be spoiled. 
“Mr CEO himself could totally treat you right…”
Lucien thought he had this in the bag but he should not rule out Victor Li. 
“Yeah,” said Anna, “He does give you lots of presents and takes you out all the time. Dinner’ movies and even Paris, so romantic.”
Lucien had no idea Victor was pursuing you romantically. It made his fist clench and his demeanor crack. 
You scoffed at that, “He thinks i'm an idiot, not ever gonna happen.”
Kiki laughed, ”No guys, this girl likes to roleplay so who better than the illustrious Professor Lucien. I am sure he would play any games you asked him to MC.”
You gasped at Kiki’s blunt words, “Well…he will go comic shopping with me and take me to the most romantic getaways, he humors me all the time no matter how crazy or silly the request.” 
“What?,” Minor protested, “He's such a dork…”
You sighed, “but he's so good at teasing and subtlety and drawing out a slow burn, I want to know how that translates to physical intimacy with him.” 
Anna weighed in, “Teasing edging, maybe some kinky stuff…”
“Anna we are having dinner in public…”you chided.
“So,” Willow laughed. “If that's the case why don't you call him? See if he wants to play a little truth or dare? Maybe we can all go to your place after work. Ask him if he’ll play with us.”
Lucien abruptly hung up heart pounding a mile a minute waiting to see if you would call. 
About an hour later you were knocking on his door. He let you drag him to your place knowing you were putty in his hands as he joined you all for your silly little games.
“This is a prank call isn’t it?,” Gavin stated and when no one answered he was about to hang up but he heard Minor.
”MC we all know your dying to jump Gavin's bones, you can’t even look at him without thinking something dirty,”
Gavin gasped, turning red himself, helplessly listening for your response. 
Willow laughed, “Yup like the time you asked me if cops were allowed to take their handcuffs home.” 
Gavin's eyes went to his handcuffs and then his bed post, swallowing hard.
Kiki piped in “How about the time he saved you at the Kiro concert and you came back in a stupor and all you said was you wished you had the courage to tell him to take you right there?”
Gavin's jaw dropped. He had no idea you were thinking something so indecent.
Anna piped in with her own goofy memory, “or the time she fell asleep at her desk and started moaning his name….Gavin, oh Gavin please.”
God he was both dying inside and jumping for joy that she really liked him. 
Minor laughed “just jump his bones already so we don’t have to suffer with you two anymore.” 
Gavin was thankful he wasn’t there in person; he was dying on the inside. What he wouldn’t give to bury himself in your sweet hot….
Your sweet voice cut off his train of thought, “Gavin's really sweet and such a gentleman and he is so innocent I feel like I would really break him or at least his view on me if he knew I wasn’t so pure. I could never have the conversation with him about kinky sex or say stuff like Hey Gav will you **ck me in the ass tonight. 
Minor and Gavin choked at the same time and the girls giggled. 
“Usually when they are super sweet like that it hides a very different interior. Like you, maybe you're misjudging him before you give yourself the chance.” Anna mused.
Minor smiled “MC he’s so hot for you he would do literally anything you asked. He is already putty in your hands.”
Gavin was ready to throttle Minor so he hung up and dialed his phone. “Hey Minor what are you up to, I just got off shift and need to grab some eats, wanna grab a bite?
Minor laughed, “You got great timing man. Meet me at the hot pot stop.”
“Sure ‘ll be right over,” Gavin grabbed his coat and ran out the door thinking he needed to drag Minor away from you ASAP before he gave you any more crazy ideas. 
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gotchagirl · 4 years
I'm in, totally watching.
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MLQC Anime Coming Soon!
Let’s accumulate logins & anime views to unlock tons of rewards like [Galaxy Wish Coupon] x10 and an anime special avatar frame to celebrate the anime premiere! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Schedule: July 15th 05:00 - Aug 15th 23:59
Have a fantastic time watching the anime & playing MLQC! ♡
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gotchagirl · 4 years
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MLQC: Victor
Victor x M/C
Sweet fluff
Summary: You decide Victor needs some real downtime and decide to invite him on a day out, It’s a surprise thanks for supporting you. He begrudgingly obliges you.
Word count: 3027
You agree to meet at a coffee shop near downtown. You're there early dolled up in a bohemian style white skirt to your calves and a loose fitting hemp blouse with a v neck and large sleeves, you have donned a brown sunhat and you have matching brown sandals on that lace up to your knees. Underneath it all you are wearing a swimsuit and you have lots of wood bead bracelets on your wrists but no other jewelry. You left your hair loose and flowing as that was the theme for the day. 
You were excited to see Victor, you told him to dress as casual as possible. You have never seen him outside of a suit. It was also very hot out so you guessed he would wear shorts and a t-shirt. You had waited for him outside in anticipation. Watching the hustle and bustle of people go about their day, you feel your excitement bubbling up. 
As you turn around to look the other direction, you step into a hard sculpted chest. Big warm hands had to grab your arms to keep you from falling on your ass. You noticed he barely stifled a laugh and felt your face turn bright red. 
“Victor,” you squeaked meekly, taking a step back looking him up and down. 
He was wearing a pale green polo shirt that made his grey eyes look green, light brown khaki shorts, he also had sandals with thick brown straps and buckles. Victor's hair was dark and tousled by the gentle breeze. You could still see the hint of a smile on his lips and the mirth in his eye. 
“Enjoying the scenery?’”
You smiled up at him, “yes I am very much. I never expected to see you without socks so soon.”
“In what context were you expecting to see me without socks?”
“Nevermind….” You trailed off, “Lets get some Iced coffee and go for a walk.”
Victor followed you into the cafe and you both ordered Iced coffee and walked out towards the park. You snuck a quick glance at Victor who was sipping his coffee and surveying the surroundings casually. You smiled to yourself, he already looked relaxed. You leisurely walked halfway around the park chatting at Victor about your week. When your drinks were done you threw away your cups in a trashcan. 
You had been eyeing up the dock full of paddle boats and you wondered if Victor would be up for it. 
Victor turned to you and at the same time you asked each other, "Do you want to rent a paddle boat?”
You giggled and he smiled simply taking your hand and walked you to the boat rentals. “One boat please!,” He paid, taking the key for the boat. 
“It will be number 5,” said the worker pointing to the dock, " I'll keep your purse, bags and belongings here into the same number locker. He opens the locker and puts your phones and wallets in locking it.
The two of you walked to the dock and Victor helped you into the boat and climbed in himself. Once he was in he unlocked the chain and used his foot to cast off the dock. You started paddling in time with him. It felt like you two were in sync. It was very calm and peaceful. 
“So, this is what you do for fun?” he inquired.
You smiled, “No, this is what you do on a date. I would not do this with just anyone you know.”
He nodded, “I wouldn’t like it if you went on one of these with another man…”
“Victor, was that jealousy i just heard?”
He looked at you with such a serious face,”Have you been on one of these before?”
You were trying to tease him but he was so serious right now your smile faltered, “Yeah, I have.”
Victor frowned.
You raised an eyebrow at him and gently touched his hand, "When I was little my dad would bring me out here.”
He seemed to relax at that, “I see…”
The two of you stayed on the lake and stopped paddling just sitting there enjoying the bobbing of the boat on the small waves. Holding hands you sigh. 
“Is this your first time on a paddle boat, Victor?”
He nods his affirmation,”I quite like the pace, I don’t often get to just stop and take a breath.”
He leans his head back and closes his eyes for just a moment. You find yourself studying his profile, his sharp jaw, his angular face contrasted by his soft lips and thick dark eyelashes. You follow his neck past his adams apple to the sweep in between his collarbones. You swallow thinking you really wanted to lick that spot as you run your hands across those shoulders. 
The breeze blows his cologne towards you and you automatically breathe in his scent and close your eyes. You feel the boat shift and something soft touch your cheek as you open your eyes. Victor's hand came to rest on your cheek and he caressed your lower lip with his thumb. His steely demeanor seemed to soften in the warm sunlight as he looked from your eyes to your lips. He leaned in close, you hold your breath in anticipation of something more.
"Your lipstick is smudged," He states simply as he tucks your hair behind your ear as he leans back. you feel disappointed but brush it off.
The two of you continue paddling and talking when suddenly a frog hops from a stray branch onto your lap. It startles you and you automatically try to stand up which tips the boat off balance and Vicor tries to steady you but you grab onto him and fall backwards into the water with a huge splash taking him with you. 
You resurface and see Victor is okay too. You grab the boat and swim to the other side putting it between you two. Victor grabs onto the boat and sees your huge grin and playfully splashes you with a handful of water. 
"Idiot…"he says but he's softly laughing. 
You both cimb back into the boat agreeing it's time to find dry land. You return to the dock and secure the boat. You were both sopping wet. Victor's looks you up and down. You blush under the scrutiny. 
"Was this your plan all along?"he motioned to your swimsuit visible under the soggy blouse.
You shrug, "Well, I can cross it off my bucket list,"you giggle, "I always wanted to go swimming with a shark."
He shook his head exasperated.
Once you returned the boat key, collecting your belongings, you grabbed Victor by the hand and found a great soft patch of grass. Let's dry out in the sun and watch the clouds. Victor played along and lay on the grass hands behind his head and you plopped yourself beside him.
"That one looks like an ice cream cone, you started and that one looks like a rabbit." 
Victor watched with you even giving a few suggestions himself but slowly he started to drift off and you'd hear the occasional soft hmmm in agreement when you looked over he was almost asleep. He must really be exhausted, you think to yourself letting him nap. After all you suspected he was more run down than he let on and that's why you planned this outing initially.
You watched him sleep for a bit and decided to occupy yourself with a cute phone game you have been playing. You rolled over onto your stomach so your backside could dry. Kicking your feet up in the air you played for a bit and started yawning yourself. 
Glancing over at Victor you smiled, watching him sleep made you warm and fuzzy. He looked so completely different. The tight features you were used to seeing were now completely gone. His furrowed brow now smooth his tight lips slightly parted his tension replaced with relaxed demeanor. It was special, a treasure to be hoarded for your eyes only. You wanted to carve this sight into your melting heart forever. You took a picture and hugged your phone to your chest for just a moment. You watch him for a while longer nodding off yourself. 
When he woke up from his nap you were holding your phone to your chest protecting its precious contents while lying on your side. Victor gently brushed your hair out of your face noting that it was so thick it was still heavy and wet. He would remember that for later. 
Looking around it was still early afternoon and he watched people sitting on the grass, noting couples and families with their children. It was calm and simple. Something he wasn't used to but it felt good. He had known he was overworking himself but ignored his need to rest in favor of faster results. However sitting here right now he felt so completely at ease. How did you know he wondered? 
His eyes trailing back to you. Watching the swell of your breast as you breathe shallowly, noting the soft curve of your hip and the cute sandals that made your ankles look so dainty. Your tiny hands desperately clutching your phone. Your soft lips part as you sigh in your sleep. He wondered if you were bored, surely falling asleep on a date was not acceptable. Frowning he thought he might need to make it up to you later. He wasn't one to disappoint.
He caressed your shoulder, "____you should wake up." The deep cadence of his voice drifted into your dream making your toes curl. 
"Victor…"you moan contentedly.
The tone of your voice unhinges him shooting him in the gut and slightly lower. Taking him off guard for a moment. He had never heard his name so sultry coming out of your sweet mouth. 
He runs his hand up your arm again, "It's time to wake up ___,"
"I don't want to wake up, I want to stay here with you…" you grouse as you drift in and out of your dream.
"What would we do?,"Victor asks, realizing you are not quite awake, and you are talking in your sleep, this could be fun.
"I want to touch it, it looks so fluffy…"
Victor quirks and eyebrow at this, "What are you talking about?" 
"Your hair, silly." 
He's a little surprised at the comment and reaches up to touch his hair. It is soft, he thinks.
"Tell me what would you do if I let you touch my hair?"
You respond with no hesitation, "I would run my fingers through it all the time. You're so hard everywhere else. I love the contrast." 
Vicor blushes at the thought of your hands running through his hair and down his shoulders to his chest. He shakes his head grateful you're not seeing his reaction. 
Feeling a little guilty he again rubs your arm. He knows he should stop but he just can't seem to help himself. 
"What else do you want to do babygirl?" he drops his voice lower quietly prompting you to respond.
"Victor, please I want you to…" you doze off again.
"What do you want me to do?"
You hmmm licking your lips, "Pudding!"
He drops his head in dismay thinking he was going to get something good and here you want him to make pudding? It figures. 
"Idiot!"he says to himself this time. 
Victor gets up and walks over to one of the park vendors ordering two coffees and comes back to sit beside you. This time he shakes you awake. 
You yawn and stretch out. opening an eye you look up to see your boss beside you. You sit up ,"I'm sorry I didn't mean to doze off…"
He simply nods and hands you a coffee. You take it and sip it. Looking around, it's still early. You check your phone. It's about three in the afternoon and your stomach grumbles. 
"Time for some special food," you smile.
Victor looks dubious at the prospect of you choosing the food. You smile and get up.
" We are strolling over to the tea house. I had the owners pick out a special meal for us. I promise it will be amazing."
You took him to a beautiful tea house that housed a very traditional style garden full of several koi ponds with just the right amount of shade. You sat on the tatami mat, across from the table was Victor. The elderly couple who lived there were the ones serving you tea and a late lunch. There was a fair variety of food to choose from all in small portions and all very healthy. Victor was indeed impressed. 
You ate your food and described each dish to Victor. He already knew most of the dishes of course but he liked how animated you were when you talked so he indulged you. The two of you enjoyed a tea ceremony afterwards and you both got to try with some guidance. It was fun.
It was starting to get darker and you wanted to take Victor to a very special place. It was where you first met him, the street he had saved you from the car when you were five. There was a festival happening there and you wanted him to see it with you. You quietly hoped he would remember too. 
You hailed a cab and when the two of you got in you told the driver where to go. it was a long drive and you sat in comfortable silence along the way. It was always like this with Victor, you could just enjoy each other without saying anything. it was so natural like he'd always been by your side. 
When you arrived at your destination You paid and the two of you got out. Victor surveyed the surroundings with a positive nod. There were stalls and vendors along both sides of the road and Small stalls with various games. The highlight of the festival was the dance of the shrine maiden and so you literally dragged victor around to play games and kill time until sunset. 
When they announced the dance you beamed up at Victor and he nodded, taking you by the hand under the pretense of not getting lost. He skillfully weaved the two of you in and out of the crowd until you reached the platform. A huge crowd was gathered and you were too short to see. 
Victor got down on one knee in front of you, "get on," he said as you took each of his hands to balance as you hiked your skirt up to strattle his shoulders. He wrapped his large hands around your calves and stood up with ease and you grabbed his hair for balance. 
"Oh wow, it's so soft," you say as you run your finger through his dark locks.
Victor knew you wanted to touch his hair, he smirked to himself at your comment, "Pay attention dummy," he motioned to the stage as a woman came out dressed in a beautiful kimono. 
She collapsed to the ground dramatically and shot up suddenly with two large bells in each hand. The music started and she began to dance as she rang the bells.
It was a beautiful dance and you were so enamored of it you almost forgot you were on Victor's shoulders. There was a bang and smoke rose up from the stage. Suddenly men dressed as demons began dancing around the girl. You startled and could feel Victor shaking under you with laughter. His cheek brushed the inside of your bare thigh. 
Just now realizing how incredibly intimate this position was you failed to focus on the rest of the show. Instead softly letting your fingers play in Victor's hair as you pretend to watch. Wishing you could do this forever but also feeling like it was almost too intimate. You were at war with your inner self, would you get the chance to do this again? Who knew. Occasionally you'd feel Victor unconsciously rub his face against one thigh or the other and it made your toes curl. You wondered if he noticed.
It was over all too soon. Victor reached his hands up to grab yours and knelt down slowly keeping his balance. You climbed off and Victor turned to face you. His hair was a mess and you laughed. He had an unreadable expression as he looked at you. His eyes were darker than usual. You reached up to him and he automatically leaned down to you. Gently you put his hair back into place while he maintained intense eye contact with you. You stopped, hands sliding to rest upon his shoulders. 
Before you knew what happened he was kissing you. His arms around your waist pulling you in as he expressed his desire without words. Your hands went back to his hair, fingers curling around the softness pulling him closer as you leaned into him and your lips pressed his, a soft caress and he tilted his head and parted his lips letting his tongue caress your upper lip. You opened your mouth and licked the tip of his tongue with yours in silent affirmation.
Suddenly the kiss became deeper, more demanding. His tongue swept your mouth exploring every crevice as you chased it with your own. You lapped at his mouth as he moaned into yours. Sucking on his lower lip as you parted from him. 
Victor's voice came out husky,“That look on your face right now, it’s how I always want you to look at me!”
It was a command, a sweet one full of love. You put your hand on his chest and felt his heart pounding. Looking at his face he seemed cool as a cucumber but his heart told you the truth. 
The End
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gotchagirl · 4 years
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MLQC: The truth about MC!
GAVIN: Police officer: Childhood friend!
Word Count: 467
Authors note: 
The truth about mc will be a series of fluff shorts based on all the silly things we do when we're in love!
Not my character's they belong to Evol and not cannon but I'll do my best!
Short, sweet and fluffy, it's my first fic. I hope you enjoy it!
Your phone buzzes, you startle out of your sleep looking at your alarm clock. It's only seven am and it's your day off… you frown. deciding to sleep in, you ignore the noise putting your pillow on head pointedly not answering your phone.
The buzzing stops and your doorbell rings. You sit up indignantly and huffed. Who would be so cruel as to wake you up so early?
You throw your feet off the bed and stomp to the front door, no clothes just a dress shirt you stole from Gavin. You open the door still half asleep. 
Standing before you, Minor and Gavin are both looking surprised at your state of undress. You glare at them.
Gavin's mind went blank, you looked great, sexy, even scandalous. He had to avoid looking at how the buttons were showing your cleavage because they were crooked. He had to force his eyes away from your exposed belly button and pale blue panties. OH MY GOD, they matched his uniform...he wanted to be the one to mess your hair like that.
Gavin turns bright red and Minor smirks, "Isn't that your good dress shirt Gavin?,"
Gavin, shocked back to reality, suddenly realizing Minor is getting a great view too. Gavin hurriedly grabs you by the waist dragging you into the apartment and shuts the door in Minors face. 
"I guess I'll wait out here," Minor laughs through the door.
"Do you always answer the door like this?"Gavin hissed, he had barely taken you out on a few dates and this was definitely the very first time he'd seen your underwear, let alone seeing you in HIS shirt.
You yawn, "You woke me up!"
Gavin, now redder than a tomato, and a little upset drags you to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror he looks at you in the reflection. You look at yourself too.
"Are you mad that I'm not presentable?"
"No, I'm mad because you are not wearing pants and you opened the door not knowing who was outside."
You look down at your very bare legs and turn bright red. You turn around and shove Gavin out the bathroom door and shut it in his face. 
"I'm not coming out until you find me a pair."
You can hear his muffled grumbles as he walks away. You bury your hands in your face slamming your back to the door you slide down to the floor, "So not fair!"
Author's notes…
We all have days like this! It's okay!
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