grimhellscythe · 6 years
Fenrir mission 2
It was a couple weeks after the whole Liberators battle against the government chasing Lowe, the crew were in the middle of what exactly what they were going to do about him, his Fenrir lie chained in shackled in the hangar locked away and monitored for the time being. Cole was the first to speak up “We should blow his brains out right now, he is a wild card we cant afford at this present time and furthermore he tried to steal a Fenrir from a dear friend of ours.” Arcangel watched the crew from the shadows, his purple visor glowing in the darkness, he didn’t really care what happened to Lowe, he was a statistic problem and eventual hindrance that couldn't be allowed to fester among them, but as with the rest he wouldn’t go against the orders of the commander. Leo walked up to Cole anger clear in his eyes “Look we don’t know why he did what he did but he could be useful to us, you saw that the government ain’t friends with him nor their ace. Its clear he wasn’t working for him, so lets train him to be a part of us, he is more useful alive than dead” Draco looked at Leo sighing softly “its not that simple Leo, you know that, the reason doesn't matter, that Fenrir was never supposed to be activated after what happened, you miss him too. Don’t deny it,” Leo glared at Draco for a moment before turning away. “ but its not His Fenrir anymore, its not the same machine nor does it have his soul. In this way he has finally passed on.” Arcangel moved out of the shadows looking at the commander his voiced synthesized by the visor he wore. “whats the verdict?” The commander sat in silence as she thought silently her mind deep in thought. Lexi hummed and smiled walking around Lowe’s sleeping body, she wore a doctors jacket with a blue dress, black boots, her hair was a mix of purple and red, long and flowing. She checked Lowe’s heartbeat as he slowly awoke, she quickly checked his eyes making sure they weren’t damaged, he attempted to stop her but felt cold steel restricting his movements, he noticed her smiling at him “Looks like you made a full recovery, jeez I was sure you were going to die, six broken bones and almost a dozen fractures and that’s after all the muscle trauma, and internal bleeding, but interestingly your left arm and leg suffered only muscle damage, are those scars on them the culprit?” Lowe looked away at the words scars, he remembered the day he got them, they had ripped his very bones from his body they were going to do the same to his other limbs but he escaped before that happened. “they did it without anesthetic didn’t they? I can tell from how you don’t want to talk about it, don’t worry I wont hurt you, I am your doctor after all” she smiled at him and Lowe relaxed slowly smiling to her. “So you fixed me up?” she nodded “yep, wasn’t easy though, whatever those doctors did to you made it hard to cut you open and make sure you healed correctly, but you can call me a mad scientist.” she chuckled darkly when the commander entered, Lexi told him his name before leaving the room. The commander walked to his bedside punching him in the face “you know we should kill you after attempting to steal our Fenrir, but Arcangel is right, having you as an ally will work to out benefit.” she released his locks and he was about to punch her back but he soon felt a kind of pressure pushing him back down. “you have a lot to learn, for now your going to fight our entire Fenrir team, and if you live, maybe you can join the team.” Lowe watched her move to the door when he finally had the courage to yell at her “Hey aren’t you at least going to introduce yourself?!” She smirked looking at him “survive to my test and maybe I will puny boy.” with that she returned to the command center and Draco and Leo dragged him to the hangar, his Fenrir reacted to him being near trying to move but was held firmly in place “little piece of advice kid, that thing has a soul, either learn to embrace it or die.” Lowe looked at Draco in disbelief before he was thrown into the cockpit, Lowe looked around and he had flashbacks to the pain he felt last time he was in here, he felt sick to his stomach from the  visions almost puking right there, but he pushed it down and sat at he controls, the chains around his machine came undone and he soon took the controls in his hands, he knew how to move the machine, how it worked somehow, but he didn’t have time to figure this out. He flew out of the hangar he thought about running away, thanks to the nearby asteroid belt that the Liberators were using to hide away from sensors he could get away, he dashed from rock to rock chuckling to himself when his sensors came to life about a high speed object. He turned around to see Cole in jet form “you really thought you could get away jeez make this easier please” Cole blasted at full speed at Lowe turning into his true Fenrir mode, he looked like a humanoid rhino charging at Lowe, he raised up his arms to block Cole’s punch but once he felt the blow land he was flung through a dozen asteroids, he coughed up blood, he tried to recover but Cole slammed him into another dozen, trying to crush him with either the impacts or the sheer force of his punches “come on you made a huge show last time, whats wrong don’t got the nerve to fight?” Lowe growled flying at Cole who outmaneuvered him by turning to jet form and back to rhino form using the momentum to land a crushing blow onto Lowe’s skull. Lowe dazed tried to block a second attack only to be slammed into an asteroid and getting buried into it. “well looks like this kid isn’t going to learn what It means to be a Fenrir pilot. Lowe lied in darkness and blood pouring from his hair as his face was obscured by his hair “is this where I die? Alone and achieving nothing?” soon a wolf clad in shadows appeared “only if you don't work with me” the wolf had his scars and his eyes. Lowe looked at the wolf chuckling to himself “this cant be real, spirits don’t but here you are, all right Shadow, your my partner huh? Then what do you say we get up and kick his ass?” the wolf nodded and sat next to Lowe. Cole turned his back getting his axe ready when the asteroid imploded, Lowe panted looking at Cole “its not over yet asshole” Cole smirked and turned into jet form getting ready to push Lowe to him limit. He watched him fly away and he got ready to block the attack “your kidding right kid? No one can block this!” soon a giant crash could be heard as they flew through space, they looked into each others eyes as the attacked was only barely blocked by Lowe’s robot infused arm “now that I have you in my grasp” the two exchanged blows at point blank range their blows causing the area around them to to destroy anything in range. The crew watched the battle and the commander looked at Draco, he nodded getting his helmet ready “you sure he wont outright kill the newbie?” Arcangel asked the commander and she shook her head with a soul chilling glare.  Both of them were bloody at this point but Lowe watched as Cole flew away and he noticed a dragon in front of him “your my opponent? This should be easy” Lowe dashed at Draco’s robot whose eye’s glowed “dragon flame 50%” Lowe then watched as his entire screen was engulfed in purple flames that pushed him into an abandoned space station, he groaned shaking the fire off when Draco slammed him into the space station with a wrecked ship. Lowe dashed through a wall kicking him in the face, Draco shrugged it off pulling Lowe into a gut punch, he gritted his teeth countering Draco, they flew around the space port dealing each a blow a piece when Draco’s experience soon gave him the advantage in speed and technique rendering Lowe immobile “your working alone, your taking all the hits, your not like us, we live and die by our partner, we both take the hit and protect each other your just using your Fenrir for power, you have no faith.” Lowe glared at him, he was right after all, Lowe only knew pain and suffering for years, but he wanted to live, to get revenge and make a better life. He looked at Shadow petting him and soon the cockpit glowed “full synchro available” the controls vanished and Lowe could now feel the pain the machine was in now, its feelings and dreams. Draco charged up his attack looking at the defenseless machine “Electric Dragon Strike 100%” Lowe dodged the attack at the last second but the electricity coursed through his machine, he still pushed on to punching Draco into the space station causing it to explode onto them both. They flew from the wreckage with Draco chuckling softly “looks like your ready for the next test” Lowe panted heavily barely able to life his arms “Test?” soon a bullet drilled into his chest and Leo kicked him into the wreckage “yeah, against Arcangel and I” Mission 02:END
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grimhellscythe · 6 years
A homeless teen ran from rooftop to rooftop as the sounds of sirens blared throughout the city, he smirked as he made each leap landing dangerously in the edge of falling over. His friends chased after him, these kids only knew each other you can even say they are family, the city that they live in is the central location for the army that patrols the land beyond earth known as space. The eldest just wanted to keep his friends safe from the security officers looking for new pilots for the machines called Fenrir, he debated on how to keep them safe when a cruiser appeared in front of him, his friends quickly hid but he had to run away, he stole a air board from a nearby home using it to skate over the long distances between the buildings. One of the officers looked to their command awaiting orders, “hmm he has potential. Capture him.” the woman ordered before the men chased after the boy, but the boy had learned how to get away. Going as fast as the board allowed he used the tiny openings in building architecture to delay them, but one officer shot the board forcing him to jump into a building through a window. He groaned softly standing up slowly before being lifted up by an officer, he punched the officer quickly forcing the grip to be loosened and kicked off him running to the stairs on the way up to the roof he dodged and fought through the rest of the squad narrowly moving out of the path of gunfire. He kicked the door down panting heavily before being surrounded by 3 cruisers and a lone woman. “my my you know how to run little rabbit” the woman chuckled as she applauded “I assume you know who I am?”. The boy nodded getting into a defensive stance “yeah your the queen bitch right? The one who mastered a Fenrir and won the war right?” the woman smirked before dashing at the boy at an alarming rate, he barely blocked a jab but was on the floor after not noticing the kick to his leg, he rolled away jumping to his feet to block more jabs, he finally found an opportunity to counter when she threw a overhead smash dodging it easily and kicking her in the face, she growled as blood trickled down her face. She became more aggressive, her attacks coming more faster and precise. “your fun, maybe just fun enough for me to keep” she whispered to him before breaking his left arm and throwing him to a wall. “Go to hell you sick bitch” he stood up ready to continue but she stood in front of him throwing 20 punches in almost an instant knocking him out. The officers picked him up dragging him to the cruiser “He is to be experimented on, I think we found a new ace” she licked the blood that dripped from her knuckles as she chuckled. 3 years passed from that day as the teen was sentenced through the experiments to become a pilot for a Fenrir, most of his body was replaced with cybernetics, his right eye, his internal organs, his left arm and leg, the doctors had to reinforce him for the bonding process and eventual Berserk mode. The woman now known as Lolani had his biological eye in a small capsule around her waist, after their battle she felt a connection to him known as subject Shadow. He smashed his head against the glass once he saw her, she had been there every step of his torture, “I’ll  going to kill you, I swear it” she smirked walking up to the glass “maybe one day, but not this day” with that she left and the alarm blared. The door to his cell opened, he smirked and ran out as the building was being siege by an unknown force, a couple of robot guards attempted to stop him  but he easily broke through using his enhanced strength breaking his handcuffs, he looked out of the window watching as the mass produced mobile suits known as Tanks were being destroyed by a jet like vehicle. He ignored it running faster till he was out of the building, he didn’t know what to do next when a lion like Fenrir picked him up. He slammed his robot fist onto the giant suit until it roared at him making him stunned in fear. He was soon pushed into a cruiser being tied up again by two people in black jackets “calm down you bastard!” one yelled before knocking him out to keep him calm. He soon awoke in a bed handcuffed to it. “Finally awake huh? So whats your name kiddo?” A male with scars on face but a kind face asked him, he wore a military uniform. His slick silver hair unruly like an animal. The teen said nothing staring the man down, the man stood up walking to him “I’m Cole, your in the ship of the mercenary group Liberators. Now its your turn, and I have more questions if you don’t mind” The boy looked up at Cole before looking down his black hair hiding his face “ I’m…..I’m Lowe, why did you save me?” Cole looked confused “we were hired to get you out of there and destroy the building by some anonymous source, but beyond that they asked for us to keep you here, and I want to know why” before the conversation a can continue a man rushed in wearing a blue and yellow Liberator outfit ran in panting “ Cole the army is here! Boss ordered you and Drago to deploy!” The man ignored Lowe as Cole sighed “twice in one day? Jeez boss is working me hard. Leo watch the kid while I get out there with Archangel” Leo  nodded before they walked out “Hey wait what am I supposed to do?!” sadly Lowe’s question went unanswered for now, he could feel the ship shake as the entire crew readied for battle, he wanted no part of this. They had handcuffed his cybernetic arm letting him break out, Leo heard the noise and ran back in armed with his taser but Lowe had the jump on him knocking him out “sorry but I’m out of here” Lowe made his way to the hangar making sure no one noticed him, the hangar he went in was abandoned but he noticed something under a huge tarp. He made his way to it, a sense of dread encompassed him as he did but he ignored it, once to the tarp he lifted it out of the way finding the cockpit easily, he got inside clicking all the buttons. Meanwhile on the bride, “Boss we have a message from Leo!” The woman wearing the Liberator uniform but with purple placed the message one screen “Boss the captive escaped and I have no clue where he is!” The woman gritted her teeth “Find that prisoner at once!!” Leo nodded before running towards the hangars. Lowe finally got the machine to turn on but suddenly wires and a helmet latch onto his skin, his screams of agony muffled by the helmet as the machine glowed dimly. It was draining some of his blood for a DNA sequence as images flooded into his head, past pilots of the machines were being crammed into his brain, their talents and mistakes flooded his instincts and their dying moments sent his nerves on fire as he could feel how they died. Leo ran into the hangar hearing him scream, he would have helped him but the hangar locked down as an enemy tank flew to it ripping the doors off and turning off gravity. “oh whats this? A hidden machine, ill just take it from you rebellious sort, you wont need it” as the enemy tank reached for the tarp a low growling could be heard, but it was too late once he realized what it was. He was slashed to bits by claws and his cockpit had been removed by the hidden machines jaw, Leo look at he Fenrir in horror as he ran to notify the group of a berserk Fenrir. Lowe dashed out of the hangar, he saw the battlefield that raged around him, three battle cruisers surrounded the mercenary group, the Liberators were fighting as best they could, soon the enemy saw the new Fenrir, it was wolf like yet humanoid at the same time with a black coat of paint making it hard to see in the vacuum of space. The enemy charged at the new threat but were easily dispatched with as Lowe blinded by the machines rage flew into them cutting them into ribbons, the cruisers fired upon him leaving no damage but enraging the machine even more. With inhuman speed the Lowe dashed at the cruisers clawing it and biting whatever he could reach before heading to the bridge destroying it and the ship entirely before flying to the next, Cole watched Lowe but prepared to stop him when the boss ordered him to retreat and to let him either die or live, Cole and Drago backed off as Lowe fought the battalions on his own, he couldn’t feel the damage he was suffering only letting the rage fuel him as he destroyed another ship and battalion. Soon he felt what he had before in those 3 years. He turned and saw a hawk like Fenrir laughing at him soon the com channel opened “my my you did have potential, but can you give me the satisfaction I want, she licked the capsule in front of the camera letting Lowe watched, he became even more blinded with rage dashing at Lolani slashing her with his claws but she easily avoided them, the enemy troops backed off letting the Fenrir’s battle it out. Lowe kept slashing at her trying to find purchase in her skin, Lolani had the opposite  problem slamming a fist at each opening Lowe gave her laughing as he did so “this is all you can do? All the anger and talent and this is what I get? Oh well time to die” she formed a sword with her feathers ready to stab through his skull but Lowe through his anger learned how fast she moved and dodged easily and sliced her right eye causing her real eye to shatter, she yelled in pain as she drifted away holding her eye. Lowe passed out from the lack of energy and all the damage, He was dragged away to the ship to be sent the hospital wing the same with Lolani. As she was being carted away she grabbed a doctor by the throat anger and oddly pleasure in her eyes “replace my eye with the one in the capsule or else I will kill your entire family” the doctors nodded as they worked on her. Lowe on the other hand was in a deep sleep resting away the injuries and mental trauma that he went through. MISSION 1:END
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grimhellscythe · 6 years
A homeless teen ran from rooftop to rooftop as the sounds of sirens blared throughout the city, he smirked as he made each leap landing dangerously in the edge of falling over. His friends chased after him, these kids only knew each other you can even say they are family, the city that they live in is the central location for the army that patrols the land beyond earth known as space. The eldest just wanted to keep his friends safe from the security officers looking for new pilots for the machines called Fenrir, he debated on how to keep them safe when a cruiser appeared in front of him, his friends quickly hid but he had to run away, he stole a air board from a nearby home using it to skate over the long distances between the buildings. One of the officers looked to their command awaiting orders, “hmm he has potential. Capture him.” the woman ordered before the men chased after the boy, but the boy had learned how to get away. Going as fast as the board allowed he used the tiny openings in building architecture to delay them, but one officer shot the board forcing him to jump into a building through a window. He groaned softly standing up slowly before being lifted up by an officer, he punched the officer quickly forcing the grip to be loosened and kicked off him running to the stairs on the way up to the roof he dodged and fought through the rest of the squad narrowly moving out of the path of gunfire. He kicked the door down panting heavily before being surrounded by 3 cruisers and a lone woman. “my my you know how to run little rabbit” the woman chuckled as she applauded “I assume you know who I am?”. The boy nodded getting into a defensive stance “yeah your the queen bitch right? The one who mastered a Fenrir and won the war right?” the woman smirked before dashing at the boy at an alarming rate, he barely blocked a jab but was on the floor after not noticing the kick to his leg, he rolled away jumping to his feet to block more jabs, he finally found an opportunity to counter when she threw a overhead smash dodging it easily and kicking her in the face, she growled as blood trickled down her face. She became more aggressive, her attacks coming more faster and precise. “your fun, maybe just fun enough for me to keep” she whispered to him before breaking his left arm and throwing him to a wall. “Go to hell you sick bitch” he stood up ready to continue but she stood in front of him throwing 20 punches in almost an instant knocking him out. The officers picked him up dragging him to the cruiser “He is to be experimented on, I think we found a new ace” she licked the blood that dripped from her knuckles as she chuckled. 3 years passed from that day as the teen was sentenced through the experiments to become a pilot for a Fenrir, most of his body was replaced with cybernetics, his right eye, his internal organs, his left arm and leg, the doctors had to reinforce him for the bonding process and eventual Berserk mode. The woman now known as Lolani had his biological eye in a small capsule around her waist, after their battle she felt a connection to him known as subject Shadow. He smashed his head against the glass once he saw her, she had been there every step of his torture, “I'll  going to kill you, I swear it” she smirked walking up to the glass “maybe one day, but not this day” with that she left and the alarm blared. The door to his cell opened, he smirked and ran out as the building was being siege by an unknown force, a couple of robot guards attempted to stop him  but he easily broke through using his enhanced strength breaking his handcuffs, he looked out of the window watching as the mass produced mobile suits known as Tanks were being destroyed by a jet like vehicle. He ignored it running faster till he was out of the building, he didn't know what to do next when a lion like Fenrir picked him up. He slammed his robot fist onto the giant suit until it roared at him making him stunned in fear. He was soon pushed into a cruiser being tied up again by two people in black jackets “calm down you bastard!” one yelled before knocking him out to keep him calm. He soon awoke in a bed handcuffed to it. “Finally awake huh? So whats your name kiddo?” A male with scars on face but a kind face asked him, he wore a military uniform. His slick silver hair unruly like an animal. The teen said nothing staring the man down, the man stood up walking to him “I'm Cole, your in the ship of the mercenary group Liberators. Now its your turn, and I have more questions if you don't mind” The boy looked up at Cole before looking down his black hair hiding his face “ I'm.....I'm Lowe, why did you save me?” Cole looked confused “we were hired to get you out of there and destroy the building by some anonymous source, but beyond that they asked for us to keep you here, and I want to know why” before the conversation a can continue a man rushed in wearing a blue and yellow Liberator outfit ran in panting “ Cole the army is here! Boss ordered you and Drago to deploy!” The man ignored Lowe as Cole sighed “twice in one day? Jeez boss is working me hard. Leo watch the kid while I get out there with Archangel” Leo  nodded before they walked out “Hey wait what am I supposed to do?!” sadly Lowe's question went unanswered for now, he could feel the ship shake as the entire crew readied for battle, he wanted no part of this. They had handcuffed his cybernetic arm letting him break out, Leo heard the noise and ran back in armed with his taser but Lowe had the jump on him knocking him out “sorry but I'm out of here” Lowe made his way to the hangar making sure no one noticed him, the hangar he went in was abandoned but he noticed something under a huge tarp. He made his way to it, a sense of dread encompassed him as he did but he ignored it, once to the tarp he lifted it out of the way finding the cockpit easily, he got inside clicking all the buttons. Meanwhile on the bride, “Boss we have a message from Leo!” The woman wearing the Liberator uniform but with purple placed the message one screen “Boss the captive escaped and I have no clue where he is!” The woman gritted her teeth “Find that prisoner at once!!” Leo nodded before running towards the hangars. Lowe finally got the machine to turn on but suddenly wires and a helmet latch onto his skin, his screams of agony muffled by the helmet as the machine glowed dimly. It was draining some of his blood for a DNA sequence as images flooded into his head, past pilots of the machines were being crammed into his brain, their talents and mistakes flooded his instincts and their dying moments sent his nerves on fire as he could feel how they died. Leo ran into the hangar hearing him scream, he would have helped him but the hangar locked down as an enemy tank flew to it ripping the doors off and turning off gravity. “oh whats this? A hidden machine, ill just take it from you rebellious sort, you wont need it” as the enemy tank reached for the tarp a low growling could be heard, but it was too late once he realized what it was. He was slashed to bits by claws and his cockpit had been removed by the hidden machines jaw, Leo look at he Fenrir in horror as he ran to notify the group of a berserk Fenrir. Lowe dashed out of the hangar, he saw the battlefield that raged around him, three battle cruisers surrounded the mercenary group, the Liberators were fighting as best they could, soon the enemy saw the new Fenrir, it was wolf like yet humanoid at the same time with a black coat of paint making it hard to see in the vacuum of space. The enemy charged at the new threat but were easily dispatched with as Lowe blinded by the machines rage flew into them cutting them into ribbons, the cruisers fired upon him leaving no damage but enraging the machine even more. With inhuman speed the Lowe dashed at the cruisers clawing it and biting whatever he could reach before heading to the bridge destroying it and the ship entirely before flying to the next, Cole watched Lowe but prepared to stop him when the boss ordered him to retreat and to let him either die or live, Cole and Drago backed off as Lowe fought the battalions on his own, he couldn't feel the damage he was suffering only letting the rage fuel him as he destroyed another ship and battalion. Soon he felt what he had before in those 3 years. He turned and saw a hawk like Fenrir laughing at him soon the com channel opened “my my you did have potential, but can you give me the satisfaction I want, she licked the capsule in front of the camera letting Lowe watched, he became even more blinded with rage dashing at Lolani slashing her with his claws but she easily avoided them, the enemy troops backed off letting the Fenrir's battle it out. Lowe kept slashing at her trying to find purchase in her skin, Lolani had the opposite  problem slamming a fist at each opening Lowe gave her laughing as he did so “this is all you can do? All the anger and talent and this is what I get? Oh well time to die” she formed a sword with her feathers ready to stab through his skull but Lowe through his anger learned how fast she moved and dodged easily and sliced her right eye causing her real eye to shatter, she yelled in pain as she drifted away holding her eye. Lowe passed out from the lack of energy and all the damage, He was dragged away to the ship to be sent the hospital wing the same with Lolani. As she was being carted away she grabbed a doctor by the throat anger and oddly pleasure in her eyes “replace my eye with the one in the capsule or else I will kill your entire family” the doctors nodded as they worked on her. Lowe on the other hand was in a deep sleep resting away the injuries and mental trauma that he went through. MISSION 1:END
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