haku2naomi420 · 8 hours
JLPT N2 文法・もの
In this post let's look at various N2 grammar points involving もの.
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if I/we could; if A is possible, then B; if one can do something, then ~
This grammar structure implies that the task is either impossible or very unlikely.
Verb (れる form) + ものなら Verb (れる form) + もんなら (spoken)
帰れるものなら、今すぐ、国へ帰りたい。 If I could, I'd like to go back to my country right now.
やれるもんなら、やってみろ。 If you can do it, then let's see you try.
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so; therefore; the reason for something
This is often used when telling an excuse or declining an invitation.
Verb (casual) + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken) Noun + な + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken) な-Adjective + な + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken) い-Adjective + ものだから・ものですから・もんだから (spoken)
すみません、風邪を引いてしまったものですから、今日は欠席です。 I'm sorry, I caught a cold and so I will be absent today.
私の変わりにこれをしていただけませんか。私は大変に忙しいものですから。 Could you please do this on my behalf? Because I am too busy to do it myself.
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because; indicates reason/excuse/dissatisfaction
This is used to express a reason to justify something.
私何も話すことなんかありませんよ。だって何も知らないんですもの。 I have nothing to say. I mean, I don't even know anything.
謝ることはないよ。君が悪いわけじゃないんだもの。 There's no need to apologize. You didn't even do anything wrong.
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but; although; even though ~
Verb (casual) + ものの Noun + である + ものの い-adjective + ものの な-adjective + な + ものの
私のアパートは駅からはちょっと遠いものの、静かできれいな住宅街にある。 My apartment may be far from the station, but it is in a very quiet and beautiful neighborhood.
秋であるものの、まだ暑い。 Although it's fall, it is still hot.
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haku2naomi420 · 1 day
Totally relatable for pixiv novels (^_-) I also spend time on Pinterest for one shot fanfic.
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Friendship with genki has ended - pixiv novels is now my best friend 🤝
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haku2naomi420 · 1 day
Vocab and Sentence Composition #2
The following links in the vocab section contain more sentence examples:
めちゃくちゃ - 1. absurd 2. messy
苛める(いじめる) - to bully
着替える (きがえる) - to change clothes
貯める(ためる) - to save money
褒める (ほめる)- to praise; to compliment; to speak well of; to speak highly of
出す (だす)- to take out
めちゃくちゃ - example 1. (absurd) この食べ物はめちゃくちゃ美味しいんですよ。- translation: this food is absurdly delicious. example 2. (messy) この部屋はめちゃくちゃなので、片付けなくてはいけません。- translation: I have to clean this room, because this room is a mess.
いじめる - 高校の時、私はキムさんにいじめられちゃった。- translation: when I was in high school, I was bullied by Kim.
着替える - 家に着いたら、着替えるつもりです。- translation: when I arrive home, I plan to change clothes.
貯める - 貯める人はお金がたくさんあります。- translation: people who save money have lots of money.
続ける - 日本語の勉強を続けます。 - translation: I will continue to study Japanese.
褒める - ふだん、弟をたくさん褒めます。 - translation: I usually praise my younger brother a lot.
出す - 冷蔵庫からお菓子を出してくれる? - translation: Will you take out the snacks out from the refrigerator for me?
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haku2naomi420 · 1 day
~んだから grammar
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どうせ 何も起こりゃしないんだから
Context: Sasaki to Iguchi when they were at school, and he wanted to turn on the lights. She said that turning on the lights would ruin the atmosphere, which is important - they are in the occult club, after all. 
Enjoying the thrill is the spirit of the occult club, isn’t it? It’s not like anything is going to happen, anyway.
りゃ is a spoken form of りは.
 起こり is pre-masu form of 起こる (おこる) = to happen
~はしない is a stressed form of a negative form of a verb. It just makes the sentence stronger.
pre-masu form + はしない = a very strong statement.
どうせ = anyhow; in any case; at any rate; after all; at all; no matter what​
~の / んだから 
Another example is here
Hedgehog-Japanese.com explains this grammar in the following way: 
The "A nodakara B" is used to state a reason. It is the same as ”A kara B" in terms of being used to state a reason, but there are restrictions on what can be placed in "A" and "B." The "A" contains a reaffirmation of something that the listener already knows, and the ”B” contains advice, commands, requests, etc., or the speaker's opinion to persuade the listener, or the speaker's opinion with which he or she wants the listener to agree or concur. "A ndakara B" has the same meaning, but "nondakara" is used more often in spoken language.
Following this definition, we can say that:
With “It’s not like anything is going to happen, anyway.” Sasaki is reaffirming both of them. They both assumed that unwrapping Sukuna’s finger wouldn’t cause any danger, sometime before they went to school at night. Now she’s just articulating a fact they both ALREADY know. 
Whether “Enjoying the thrill is the spirit of the occult club, isn’t it?” is closely related to the sentence from the picture, I can’t tell. However, it does sound like Sasaki is stating her opinion, and she wants Iguchi to agree with it.
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haku2naomi420 · 2 days
I wanted to recommend レタスクラブ to advanced Japanese learners.
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レタスクラブ (Lettuce Club) is a site that has both レシピ and 読み物 that someone introduced me to recently. I came for the 読み物, but the レシピ looks good too.
I have been reading through some of the comics under the 読み物 section 趣味, which has a variety of artists and themes to choose from. This is definitely a site for advanced readers, but if you'd like to try to navigate around the site you can practice reading.
Start Here for Comics, then try:
Happy reading!
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haku2naomi420 · 2 days
せいうち; セイウチ
fairy; sprite; elf
誰かがあなたの部屋のドアをトントンした時、その相手が海象の時と妖精の時とだったらどっちの方が驚きですか? だれかがドアにトントンしたら、せいうちかようせいだったらどっちのほうがもっとおどろきますか? If someone knocked on your door, would you be more surprised if it was a walrus or a fairy?
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haku2naomi420 · 2 days
What I love about Japanese
Sometimes it’s frustrating. I’m learning it because I love anime and want to be able to engage with the culture, but all the shounen I-belive-in-my-friends inspiration can’t help you when you’re faced with a list of 1000 kanji to learn before you’re at the reading level of a five-year-old. Sometimes I wish I’d picked a language with a writing system that made sense. 
But then once in a while something comes along that makes it all worth it. 
Now this. This is the kanji for ability.
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It’s a nice enough kanji, has some radicals of its own but isn’t too full of itself. Learning all about it isn’t too important, what you need to know is that this is the character for ability. 
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This here is the kanji for bear. As in the animal, not the verb.
That’s right. According to the Japanese language, a bear is ability 
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haku2naomi420 · 7 days
Types of Japanese Tests
Whilst studying different aspects of Japanese (kanji, proverbs, etc.) I have discovered that there are a myriad of tests you can take (whether you are Japanese or a foreigner) to display your prowess in Japanese.
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Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
JLPT Website
5 level exams (N5 lowest to N1 highest)
Offered twice a year in Japan (July, December), once a year in other countries (December)
Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT)
BJT Website
1 exam, 5 levels depending on score (J5 lowest to J1 highest)
Offered any day a seat is open at a testing center
Numerical score gives you a rank (J5 to J1)
Japan Kanji Aptitude Test (Kanken)
日本漢字能力検定 or 漢字検定 or 漢検
Kanken Website (JP)
12 levels (10級 lowest to 1級 highest, including 準1級 & 準2級)
Offered three times a year (February, June, October)
Japan Proverb Test (Kotoken)
ことわざ検定 or こと検
Kotoken Website (JP)
10 levels (10級 lowest to 1級 highest)
Offered four times a year (February, May, August, November)
Written Composition and Reading Comprehension Test (Bunshoken)
文章読解・作成能力試験 or 文章検
Bunshoken Website (JP)
4 levels (4級, 3級, 準2級, and 2級)
Offered 10-12 times a year, depending on level
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haku2naomi420 · 7 days
I always use Takoboto when I study vocabulary. I always use it for my job as well (they have a website, so I use the web version to search the vocabulary).
Japanese Apps instead of Duolingo
Hiragana Quest
Infinite Japanese
Oyomi Japanese Reader
Takoboto Japanese Dictionary
Write It! Japanese
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haku2naomi420 · 7 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you to get to know your mutuals and followers <3
Thank you for asking me (^_-)
In no particular order:
1. My dog. She is so adorable and sweet. 
2. Money (Gift, bonus, 13 month pay). 
3. Whenever I chat with my friends, and talk about random staff. We also planning for our trip to Japan, so it makes me really excited. 
4. When I read manga and watch anime. 
5. When I play games. I love playing JRPG (recommending octopath traveler). 
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haku2naomi420 · 12 days
Thank you for tagging me @life--is-not-daijoubu (^o^)
This is fun!
What I look like
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What I want to look like (I want to have red hair and blue eyes!! And I don't want to wear my eyeglasses.... Hahaha)
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Tagging @yumik00001 @positivemotivation @xcandydolluniverse @tokidokitokyo @onigiriforears
starting a tag game cause i'm bored and i hate my notifications :D
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picrew: here!
tagging @random-doctor-on-the-internet @cataperat @discoveredreality @ladykiller-yt and @midnights-dragon
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haku2naomi420 · 12 days
How to Improve Your Handwriting in Japanese
Learning to write in Japanese, teaching others to learn to write in Japanese, and watching Japanese people write in Japanese has taught me that it’s hard to write in Japanese. Remembering how to write the kanji in the first place is hard (especially with the ease of writing in Japanese on the computer or phone), remembering the stroke order and then figuring out how to fit the character into the space that you have - these are all difficult. And then on top of that, you don’t want these beautiful characters to look like you were bouncing up and down on a dirt road while you wrote them.
Handwriting in any language varies by person. There are people whose handwriting is sloppy in Japanese, just as in any other language. My handwriting in English isn’t perfect either, but I want my kanji to look less like shaky squiggles and more like, well, a native Japanese speaker’s characters. So I decided to break down how I go about improving my Japanese handwriting.
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Keep reading
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haku2naomi420 · 12 days
How to start reading books in Japanese
This is a great blog on how to start reading books in Japanese. Even if you already read in Japanese, it has some interesting things to think about in the way you approach Japanese books.
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haku2naomi420 · 20 days
Japanese Vocabulary... Again ヽ(・ω・)ノ
1 . 過程 (かてい): process, course, mechanism (彼はボート作りの過程を説明した)
2. 宴会 (えんかい): banquet, reception, feast (宴: うたげ, エン )
3. びしょ濡れ (びしょぬれ): sopping wet, sodden, soaked
4. 典型 (てんけい): typical example, exemplar (典型的: てんけいてき: typical, representative, model)
5. 水入らずで (みずいらずで): privately; with outsiders barred; en famille (親子や夫婦など身内で他者を交えないこと。 親しい間柄に邪魔が入ることのない状態)
6. 余分 (よぶん): extra, excess, surplus (その仕事のおかげで彼は月に六万円余分の収入がある)
7. 弁償 (べんしょう): compensation, reimbursement
8. 採用 (さいよう): 1. use, adoption (of a technique, idea, etc.) (私たちの高校では新しい教授法を採用することにした), 2. to employ, recruit
9. 邁進 (まいしん): pushing forward, striving towards, working devotedly towards something (仕事や勉学を「頑張る」という意味で、「学問に邁進する」「勇���邁進」などの言い回しで用いられることが多い)
10. 節約 (せつやく): economizing, saving (mostly money but also time, energy etc), (その機械で、あなたは多くの時間と労力を節約できます。)
11. 製造 (せいぞう): manufacture, production (ウラニウムは原子力製造に用いられる。)
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haku2naomi420 · 24 days
delusion; wild idea; (wild) fancy; (ridiculous) fantasy
あの少女は自分が王女だという妄想にとらわれている。 あの しょうじょ は じぶん が おうじょ だ と いう もうそう に とらわれて いる。 That girl is under the delusion that she is a princess.
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haku2naomi420 · 24 days
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haku2naomi420 · 1 month
A little reminder(s) on second language/ foreign language learnering
Even native speakers make typos.
Even native speakers say the wrong word.
Even native speakers sometimes forget how to spell/write a word/character.
Studying for a test is not the same as learning to communicate.
Scores don’t mean anything other than your retention of a specific set of information and should be used as a progress tracker not and end mark. 
Though I’m all for testing and such, it’s important but it’s not the be-all end-all to mark how well you know something, and a lot of it is geared to a specific set of learners who have a very specific learning style.
If you say something and the other person understands you–or they say something and you understand them.. congratulations you spoke in a different language.
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