hilomrm · 3 years
Impact of Covid 19 on maritime safety - hilo mrm
Covid 19 has impacted the entire maritime industry over the past year. The challenges of living through a pandemic have caused every one of us stress and fatigue as we try to operate safely and effectively. Now, research has shown that many crew members are struggling under the unique pressures of dealing with life at sea in a world dominated by Covid.
In late 2020, The Mission to Seafarers published the latest results of their crew survey, The Happiness Index. The survey is open to all men and women who work at sea and asks ten direct questions to check the contentment of crew members every quarter.
The survey’s questions cover everything from mental health, to family life and day to day working life. Unsurprisingly, the latest results indicated that Covid is taking a worrying toll on our crews.
Crew members are facing fatigue
One of the biggest issues facing crews is fatigue. Covid has led to challenges with vessels changing crew in many ports, meaning that many of the 1,000,000 crew members who usually leave their ships each month have been prevented from doing so. This means many seafarers are spending longer periods at sea away from their families. In an environment that’s already more tense than usual due to concerns about Covid, this is bad news for both emotional and physical wellbeing.
The latest report from the survey has relayed that many crew members are starting to struggle in the face of the pandemic. Crew members have admitted to feeling stressed, trapped and concerned about their own physical health in recent months, with many experiencing extreme fatigue.
We all know that the impact of increased fatigue at sea can be huge. Fatigue is one of the major causes of people-related error at sea, and human reliability is linked to 70% of maritime incidents. Any incident at sea can mean catastrophic consequences for a vessel, its crew, and the rest of the industry. To reduce the risk of fatigue impacting on the risks of human error, shipping companies need to take action to relieve the pressure on their crews.
HiLo’s Human Reliability Model
HiLo is developing a ground-breaking human reliability model to help companies identify the risks posed by people-related error. The model is currently undergoing proof of concept, and some of the industry’s biggest companies are already contributing their data to its development.
If successful, the human reliability model will analyse people-related data from vessels and turn it into life-saving insights to help reduce risks to crew. HiLo has taken years of research and combined it with mathematical modelling to create the model, and it could transform the way we handle our people-related data within the industry.
Shipping companies will share people-related data such as crews’ working hours, shift patterns and work/rest numbers with HiLo. HiLo will anonymise the data and analyse it against criteria we know increase the probability of human error. This enables the team to highlight leading indicators that may lead to incidents, reducing the risks for the companies who support the model.
Sharing human data helps keep crew safe
The survey’s report highlights that there’s never been a more important time to stay one step ahead of your crew’s wellbeing. Seafarers have been facing unique challenges for long periods since 2020, with fewer chances to visit loved ones to recharge and seek support. Add to that the increased stresses of life at sea caused by Covid 19, and it’s unsurprising The Happiness Index flagged higher levels of fatigue and anxiety in 2020 than in 2019.
Sharing people-related data regularly will empower companies to spot risks and warning signs early. Using HiLo to pinpoint potential risks to crew enables shipping companies to act before it’s too late. For example, if an issue with crew fatigue is flagged, companies can seek solutions such as using local crew for fatigue management.
It’s time to prioritise safety
The maritime industry has come a long way when it comes to improving safety. Unfortunately, the ongoing pandemic has meant almost all companies are experiencing increased financial pressures.
It’s crucial that the challenges we’re facing don’t lead to a slip in safety and risk management, undoing the advancements we’ve seen in achieving safety at sea. For many companies, vessel maintenance budgets is one of the first ways to plug financial holes caused by challenges such as the current pandemic.
Data sharing with HiLo can help companies to maximise their fleets’ safety through difficult periods. HiLo’s predictive modelling provides companies with a unique bird’s eye view of what’s going on within their fleets. Our sophisticated analysis and customized reports give companies complete visibility of the leading indicators that pose a risk to their crew. Together, this gives company leaders the confidence to make decisions and reduce risks.
HiLo are passionate about increasing safety levels at sea, and sharing data enables our expert team to highlight risks to vessels and crew before an incident takes place.
Andy Cross- Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA
Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645
Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284
Weblink- https://hilomrm.com
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hilomrm · 3 years
Ensure your crew get home safely
It may be 2021, but the risks of working at sea remain as high as they’ve ever been. The INTERCARGO Bulk Carrier Casualty Report summarised 53 bulk carrier incidents between January and the start of March this year alone. Tragically, some of these incidents included fatalities.
The industry has already seen a series of catastrophic incidents at sea this year, including an engine room fire onboard container ship Buxcliff, another bulk carrier hit by a wave in the North Atlantic, causing the death of one crew member and a container ship explosion in the Eastern Mediterranean.
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We all know that a career in the maritime industry comes with inherent dangers, and we must continue to work together to increase safety standards throughout the sector. Bringing every crew member home safely is the highest priority of everyone in the industry. Our crew members place their lives in our hands every time they make a voyage, and nothing is more important than seeing them safely home to their families when their job is complete.
Never miss a risk with HiLo
HiLo is proven to help companies reduce the risks to their fleets. HiLo collects fleet data and uses industry-leading predictive modelling to analyse it. Because HiLo looks at every data set from a fleet, we spot the hidden risks. We collect data that nobody else does, enabling our experts to conduct analysis of the whole picture. Through predictive modelling, we pinpoint leading incidents and use them to highlight risks that can lead to problems in your fleet.
Our predictive modelling tool analyses hundreds of thousands of data points each year. By collecting data from shipping companies around the world, we are able to access an exceptional amount of big data. This unique bird’s eye view of the industry means we are equipped to analyse risk accurately, leaving no room for error.
With no risks unidentified, companies have a much greater chance of keeping their crews safe.
HiLo increases safety at sea
We turn our subscribers’ data into customised analysis that highlights the most pressing risks to their own fleets. Instead of relying on subjective judgement to identify the biggest threats to crew safety, our predictive modelling sees both their biggest risks and the events which lead to them.
Everyone connected to the industry feels passionately about keeping our crews safe. Even with the best of intentions, keeping one step ahead of risk can be daunting and challenging for companies of all sizes. Our reporting dashboard gives shipping companies the resources they need to manage crew safety with confidence.
HiLo subscribers can simply log into their dashboard for clear visibility of the real risks facing their vessels and crew. This enables company leaders to address the most urgent risks, eliminating avoidable incidents before they have a chance to unfold.
The everyday impact of HiLo
HiLo’s subscribers see reduced incidents and lower risks to their fleets and crew. Our ability to analyse every data set with predictive modelling reduces the risks to bulk carriers, container ships, OSVs and tankers around the world.
Having access to accurate insights that highlight risks enables company leaders to allocate their resources more effectively. Pinpointing the areas that face the most urgent threats means that decision-makers know exactly where improvements are required. That means budgets, time and other resources can be allocated to the areas of the fleet that will benefit from them most.
How CUPID keeps crews safe
When there’s a risk to the crew, it’s important to take the correct action quickly. It’s one thing to highlight a company’s biggest risks, but we know that making the next decision isn’t always easy. That’s where CUPID comes in.
CUPID is HiLo’s Community Powered Ideas Dashboard. Available to our subscribers at no extra cost, CUPID is a community space where subscribers anonymously share their experience and good practices when it comes to dealing with specific issues and challenges. All advice is verified by our team of experts, making it an invaluable tool for company decision makers. HiLo’s subscribers can access the expertise of their peers to help them move forward and tackle their own risks.
Is it time to subscribe and save lives?
Identifying risks to a fleet is only half the battle, and it’s just as important to react to risks with conviction and speed. CUPID offers our subscribers the support they need at this crucial stage of the process, helping companies to react positively to their insights and increase safety for their crew.
HiLo is already recognised as a transformative product that increases safety at sea. HiLo identifies all the risks to a fleet by looking at all data sets and then shows decision makers how to manage them.
By taking the guesswork out of the entire process, HiLo helps shipping companies to keep their crews safe. Getting our crews home is the most important responsibility we have, and HiLo is dedicated to making it happen.
Contact HiLo to find out how we can keep your crew safe https://hilomrm.com/contact-us/
Andy Cross-
Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA
Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645
Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284
Weblink- https://hilomrm.com/
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hilomrm · 3 years
When it comes to data, there’s safety in numbers
Life as a seafarer is riskier than it’s ever been. Issues such as the current pandemic, political instability and increased economic pressures all make the task of keeping our crews and our vessels safe a daily challenge. This means it’s more important than ever that we work together in the right way to make life at sea as safe as possible for everyone.
The maritime community has always worked together to improve safety standards. In one way or another, every one of us has exchanged information, advice or worked with industry bodies to push cross-company communication throughout our careers. The problem is, information sharing throughout the industry as a whole is unstructured.
Anonymous data sharing saves lives
Understandably, many shipping companies balk at the idea of sharing sensitive data with others. Keeping company data internal has long seemed the safer option, whether because of the fierce competition for journeys or for fear of the reprisals for errors. The problem is,  it’s not the safest option for the industry.
In fact, to achieve the higher safety standards we all strive for, we need to turn our approach to data on its head. The more shipping data we share, the more effectively risk management companies like HiLo can use it to predict potentially dangerous incidents before they happen. We all know that large scale incidents at sea impact the entire industry. One mistake from one crew member can lead to a catastrophe that costs millions, damages reputations, and risks lives.
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Anonymously sharing data with HiLo enables us to analyse every near-miss that happens at sea, using the bigger picture of the industry’s weak signals to highlight potential incidents before they take place. The power to reduce the risks is in our own data, but we need to come together and make the decision to share it.
Other industries are already sharing data successfully
Data sharing has transformed safety and quality standards in many other transport industries. The rail industry’s data sharing program, the Rail Safety Standards Board (RSSB) was set up after 31 people lost their lives in the Ladbroke Grove rail crash. The tragedy was a result of signal visibility issues, which had been noted many times previously but had not been rectified.
Four separate groups were given responsibility for problems with signal visibility, but their efforts were disjointed and proved ineffective. Now, the RSSB collects data from all UK rail companies and builds it into new standards, enabling safer practices across the country. The program uses root cause analysis to recognise the factors leading to serious incidents and equip rail companies with the tools to manage them. Since the Ladbroke Grove crash and the formation of the RSSB, incidents have dropped significantly, and fatalities are almost non-existent.
The aerospace industry is also using data sharing to improve safety and quality. Airbus has teamed up with supply chain partners to share data and collaborate in aircraft development. They have developed a platform called APROCONE which allows engineers to design in a shared, neutral environment, allowing for the input of chosen third parties.
This approach has sped up engineering and manufacturing times and given manufacturers the opportunity to support innovation. It has also drastically reduced production costs by working within the existing capabilities of manufacturers. Martin Aston, Senior Manager at Airbus, described how some processes that “used to take several weeks can now be done in a number of hours.” This has significant impacts on Airbus’ ability to build high quality, safe aeroplanes without the need to spend vast sums of money.
Reducing costs and improving safety standards are welcome results in any sector, but perhaps especially in the maritime industry. Companies of all sizes are under pressure to provide a reliable, profitable service whilst steadily improving the safety of their crew.
Where do we go from here?
Safety is a priority for the entire industry, but we all experience limitations with time, information and resources. When companies share their data with HiLo, HiLo’s experts use a predictive risk model to deliver recommendations for increased safety levels onboard. HiLo uses companies’ data to empower their leaders to react to risk effectively. The more companies who subscribe to HiLo and share their data, the more effectively HiLo can reduce the risk of incidents that impact the entire industry.
Shipping Risk Management companies, Maritime risk management, Maritime Predictive Modelling, predictive analysis for shipping, Marine knowledge database, Maritime Human error, predictive analytics shipping, Shipping Risk Analysis for fleet,
All data is anonymous, so subscribers can submit their full safety data without fear of repercussions. HiLo are not for profit, so their sole focus is on using their role as the industry’s data centre to improve safety for everyone at sea. Companies who subscribe to HiLo receive detailed, regular reports highlighting the weak signals that can cause serious incidents.
CUPID, HiLo’s Community Powered Ideas , gives HiLo’s subscribers access to the experiences and expertise of the rest of the HiLo fleet through a knowledge sharing forum. CUPID is an invaluable resource for key decision makers, enabling them to draw on the experiences of others in the industry to react to risks with confidence.
So, are you ready to work together and make the seas safer?
Andy Cross- Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Weblink- https://hilomrm.com/
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hilomrm · 3 years
Leading shipping companies are testing out HiLo’s new Human Reliability Model. HiLo Maritime Risk Management are proud to have developed the industry’s only Human Reliability Predictive Model.
BSM, Shell, Maersk Tankers, Scorpio, Optimum and Zenith (Scorpio Group), Northern Marine, Stolt and Gaslog are sharing their human-related data with HiLo to support the Human Reliability Model’s proof of concept.
The model enables companies to turn their everyday data into powerful knowledge that can significantly reduce risks onboard their vessels. By sharing their data, the companies are helping to create a system that will reduce the risks at sea for the entire industry. The companies sharing their data are proud to contribute to one of the industry’s most significant data modelling concepts.
Andy Cross-
Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Weblink- https://hilomrm.com/contact-us/
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hilomrm · 3 years
Human reliability predictive model and analysis analysis - Hilomrm
Leading shipping companies are testing out HiLo’s new Human Reliability Model
HiLo Maritime Risk Management are proud to have developed the industry’s only Human Reliability Predictive Model.
BSM, Shell, Maersk Tankers, Scorpio, Optimum and Zenith (Scorpio Group), Northern Marine, Stolt and Gaslog are sharing their human-related data with HiLo to support the Human Reliability Model’s proof of concept.
The model enables companies to turn their everyday data into powerful knowledge that can significantly reduce risks onboard their vessels. By sharing their data, the companies are helping to create a system that will reduce the risks at sea for the entire industry. The companies sharing their data are proud to contribute to one of the industry’s most significant data modelling concepts.
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HiLo’s CEO, Manit Chander said “Human reliability is a critical issue in maritime safety. HiLo is revolutionizing the way we approach human behavior. Using psychological expertise and statistical analysis, we are predicting where humans are likely to impact safety. With that vital information, we can set seafarers up for success.”
How does it work?
The Human Reliability Model combines sophisticated mathematical modelling with HiLo’s years of extensive research into the physical and mental health of seafarers. When a ship’s data is fed into the model, it highlights the potential for human error and issues that may cause future incidents.
When data is uploaded, HiLo assess the criteria contributing towards the likelihood of human error. This allows shipping companies to create long-term strategies to reduce risks at an organizational level.
There have been 24,000 casualties at sea in the last 10 years alone, and human error causes more than 75% of marine accidents. HiLo are committed to increasing industry safety, and their latest development is the next step in the journey towards improved safety for crews.
Factors such as fatigue and distraction can increase the probability of mistakes by as much as 50%. In an industry where even the smallest error can lead to catastrophic consequences, HiLo believe in using data to reduce these risks and keep our crews safe.
The Human Reliability Model analyses the impact of human reliability on risk. This analysis allows companies to priorities actions and resources for each of their ships. It provides direct visibility of the way companies manage their people and shows the biggest opportunities for improvements.
An industry first
The model is the only one of its kind to have ever been applied to the maritime industry and is set to change the way shipping companies think about their human data and risk management. Shipping companies who subscribe to HiLo will have access to tailored analysis of their own human data. The analysis will shine a light on any areas that could be problematic in the future, and HiLo can even offer support with the correct action to take.
All data is anonymous, and there are no repercussions in the event of human errors. HiLo are focused solely on using data effectively to achieve greater safety at sea. As some of the biggest names in the industry are already contributing their data to HiLo’s proof of concept, it looks set to make the seas safer for all of us in due course.
About HiLo
HiLo Maritime Risk Management are a not for profit company dedicated to reducing risks at sea. HiLo uses a predictive risk model to analyze thousands of data points, producing reports with recommendations for increased onboard safety. HiLo’s analysis equips shipping companies with the information they need to avoid catastrophic incidents. All shared data is anonymous, so HiLo’s many subscribers benefit from invaluable insights that can save lives.
Andy Cross-
Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Weblink- https://hilomrm.com/contact-us/
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hilomrm · 3 years
HiLo is the only data-driven risk management company in the world helping the shipping industry predict and prevent catastrophes. The company was founded by Shell Shipping, Maritime Maersk Tankers A/S, and Lloyd’s Register Consulting in April 2018. 
At HiLo, we devise concrete solutions to mitigate the risks involved in shipping by using day-to-day data collected internally by shipping companies. Our risk analytics use predictive modelling to identify which low-level incidents need immediate attention to safeguard shipping companies from potential high impact disasters.
Andy Cross-
Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Weblink- https://hilomrm.com/contact-us/
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hilomrm · 3 years
The shipping industry is vital for society, carrying 90% of goods transported globally, but it can also be a dangerous industry. High impact shipping incidents can lead to injuries, fatalities and environmental damage.
HiLo (High Impact Low Frequency) Maritime Risk Management is a not for profit joint industry initiative which uses a predictive mathematical model to enhance industry safety. By reading and analysing several precursors (weak signals), HiLo can predict the likelihood of more serious events. This information guides partner actions, helping to avoid potential high impact incidents.
Andy Cross- Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Weblink- https://hilomrm.com/
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hilomrm · 3 years
HiLo Delivers our New and Improved Tanker Model
HiLo’s industry-leading predictive model for tankers has been upgraded. The maritime industry’s safety standards are constantly improving. HiLo develops its services based on those improvements. This time, HiLo used the information provided by our team of maritime members to develop the tanker model. The sources include subscriber data, Seaweb incident data and accident reports collected in 2019. Several changes have been made to provide improved safety analysis for HiLo customers.
Upgrades Include:
Segmentation of UDEs: An issue occurring in different places can have different impacts. Keeping that in mind, some of the key Undesired Events have been segmented into various categories for better granularity. Undesired Events lead to injury, fatality and/or significant damage to assets, environment, or reputation. HiLo’s efforts have been focused on curbing these events.
Improved list of LEs and UDEs: LE, or Leading Events, are daily warning signals which are relatively harmless on their own but can lead to an Undesired Event. The list of LEs and UDEs has been expanded, adding events from the Bulker model which are also applicable to tankers. Even though many of the incidents experienced on bulker carriers and tankers are similar, the likelihood of a Leading Event turning into an Undesired Event is different for each vessel type. Hence, the events have been carefully selected for the tanker model.
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Updated probabilities: HiLo members send in information regarding incidents and accidents on a monthly basis. Based on the probabilities and severities seen in those reports over the past year, improvements have been added to the model.
The new LEs and UDEs links have been added based on the information sent in from our subscribers. Analysis of HiLo data from the past year has shown cause and effect which has not been documented elsewhere. These relationships have been built into the new model. Additionally, wordings have been updated to match the bulk carrier model so that ship managers can now navigate through the multiple vessel types and compare incidents across their fleet more easily.
How Does it Work?
HiLo uses a system of advanced predictive modelling which looks at data differently from the rest of the industry.
HiLo has built a web of interconnected events, from daily warning (Leading Events) through to high impact incidents resulting in fatalities, severe injuries, or damage to assets (Undesired Events). The network is created by maritime experts and developed with HSSE professionals to ensure the events line up with existing shipping experience.
All of the cause and effect relationships are analysed to understand the likelihood of a leading event progressing to an undesired event and the likelihood that the undesired event itself results in a fatality. There are also interconnections between undesired events, such as grounding and flooding, as often one issue will cause another.
HiLo analyses thousands of event reports using this model and creates a ranking based on likelihood, severity, and frequency. Unlike analysis based on frequency alone, risk analysis is less vulnerable to fluctuation over time and focuses on areas which will make a tangible difference to injury and fatality rates in the future.
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hilomrm · 3 years
Take a look at what our customers think of us. HiLo is taking a leading role in using risk prediction to improve safety. It has our full support.GASLOG ”We have been excited to be part of HiLo. We believe in it and it will make a difference to our industry.
Andy Cross- Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Weblink- https://hilomrm.com/testimonials/
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hilomrm · 3 years
HiLo is incredibly proud to announce that we have won the Safety Tech Award 2019 from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). IET Events Group Manager, Tanya Spencer, said: “The IET’s distinctive Innovation Awards celebrate the very best in new innovations in science, engineering and technology from around the world.
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hilomrm · 3 years
Ship managers are companies who accepting the commission of the shipowners or charterers and the ship operator engaged in ship management. This includes the narrow technical management of ships, registration of vessels, operations, service, technical maintenance, as well as management of crew, among other.
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hilomrm · 4 years
Cupid shipping services – An Interactive Innovation by HiLo
HiLo Maritime Risk Management has launched a brand new forum to improve safety in the maritime industry. CUPID gives shipping companies the chance to come together and share expertise anonymously, improving safety for the whole community. The organization uses Maritime Predictive Modelling to identify and prevent risks in the shipping industry. In the two years since the company’s incorporation, tanker customers have seen a 60% reduction in risk of uncontrolled loads, 30% reduction in risk of explosions and 26% reduction in risk of collisions.
Andy Cross-
Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Website- https://hilomrm.com/cupid-an-interactive-innovation-by-hilo/
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hilomrm · 4 years
Maritime Risk Management services united Kingdome
Maritime Risk Management services united Kingdome - 
We Are: HiLo is the only data-driven risk management company in the world helping the shipping industry predict and prevent catastrophes. The company was founded by Shell Shipping, Maritime Maersk Tankers A/S, and Lloyd’s Register Consulting in April 2018. At HiLo, we devise concrete solutions to mitigate the risks involved in shipping by using day-to-day data collected internally by shipping companies. Our risk analytics use predictive modelling to identify which low-level incidents need immediate attention to safeguard shipping companies from potential high impact disasters.
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HiLo uses a data-based statistical model to deliver security to seafarers through its Maritime Industry Knowledge Centre. The database was created by Maritime experts and developed by HSSE professionals by analysing every cause and effect relationship to ensure the events line up with existing shipping experience. The system works to build a network of interconnected events—from daily warning signals to high impact incidents.
We have analysed risks for approximately 4800 ships and 150,000 events from 2016 to 2020. Our basic agenda is to aid the shipping industry in preventing high impact, low-frequency events, avoiding fatalities, shielding assets, and saving cost.
Vision:- HiLo’s vision is to create the best quality information to reduce accidents for taking away the element of shock from the shipping industry.
Mission:- HiLo’s mission is to connect the whole maritime industry through data, from industry bodies to P&I Clubs and from manufacturers to the end-users - ship managers; and ensure mariners have the best guidance, the best equipment, and the best protection from hazardous situations.
Customer:- “HiLo is taking a leading role in using risk prediction to improve safety. It has our full support.", Peter Livanos, Chairman of GasLog
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Functioning:- HiLo’s Maritime Industry Knowledge Centre provides well-analysed safety and security solutions that deliver step-by-step guides to avoid high impact events. The companies have access to the most accurate Maritime Safety Big Data Analytics by holding the predictive modelling tool on a secure portal.
The portal has an in- built feature to collect, compile, and standardize all the relevant data directly from the client’s system files. Upon analysis, the portal applies the industry-leading risk analysis program to highlight the highest risk incidents for a particular company, along with the complete HiLo Fleet.
HiLo is different:- Since HiLo is a unique service industry, there are no competitors yet.Hilo enjoys a monopoly as a risk predictive and prevention management company for the shipping industry in the world. The internal safety data is collected daily from the shipping companies for analysis. Our core strength is secured client data anonymity while enhancing maritime safety. Our data library focuses on every part of the industry, from micro to macro, leaving no information untouched.
Our wide range of data collection and predictive analysis is what makes us unique in this domain - currently 3500 ships (2200 tankers, 800 bulk carriers, and 500 container ships).
Feat:- The industry-leading predictive modelling has assisted in minimising the risk elements of the Maritime industry right from daily warning signals to undesired potentially fatal situations. The risk of lifeboat incidents has dropped by 72%, engine room fires by 65%, and bunker spill by 25% in the year 2017-18, making HiLo the go-to safety statistical model for the top 50 shipping companies in the world. The model works on investigating every aspect of safety for mariners - from incident reports to audits. While collecting the data leading to a more comprehensive solution, the risk factors involved are also taken into consideration without fail.
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We have strengthened the safety process of seafarers with our data collection library - 20x more near-miss data, 5x more collision data, 3x more grounding data, 5x more lifeboat incident data, 30x more mooring equipment data, and 8x more flooding data.
Contact Us -  Andy Cross Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected]
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hilomrm · 4 years
Human error is one of the leading causes of maritime incidents. 75% of all casualties are caused by it. The challenge is how to manage human factors to prevent these issues from happening in the first place.
HiLo has created a first of its kind Human Reliability model which identifies specific areas of risk for ship managers, empowering them to make changes before incidents occur. The system combines mathematical modelling with research into the physical and psychological health of seafarers. Peer reviewed by experts at the University of Strathclyde, Cranfield University and Loughborough University, the model gives a never before seen view of the part humans play in maritime incidents.
Contact us for more Information--
Philip Nielsen-- Oriani House, 13 Papathanasiou str., Athens 190 02 Mobile: +30 6944 5717 00 Office: +30 211 118 1369 Email: [email protected] Website- https://hilomrm.com
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hilomrm · 4 years
Human error is one of the leading causes of maritime incidents. 75% of all casualties are caused by it. The challenge is how to manage human factors to prevent these issues from happening in the first place.
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HiLo has created a first of its kind Human Reliability model which identifies specific areas of risk for ship managers, empowering them to make changes before incidents occur. The system combines mathematical modelling with research into the physical and psychological health of seafarers. Peer reviewed by experts at the University of Strathclyde, Cranfield University and Loughborough University, the model gives a never before seen view of the part humans play in maritime incidents.
Contact information---
Andy Cross
Thanet House , 231-232 Strand, Temple, London, WC2R 1DA
Mob: +44 (0) 7833 245 645 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 963 284 Mail: [email protected] Website- https://hilomrm.com/our-services/human-error/
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hilomrm · 4 years
We Are: HiLo is the only data-driven risk management company in the world helping the shipping industry predict and prevent catastrophes. The company was founded by Shell Shipping, Maritime Maersk Tankers A/S, and Lloyd’s Register Consulting in April 2018. At HiLo, we devise concrete solutions to mitigate the risks involved in shipping by using day-to-day data collected internally by shipping companies. Our risk analytics use predictive modelling to identify which low-level incidents need immediate attention to safeguard shipping companies from potential high impact disasters.
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HiLo uses a data-based statistical model to deliver security to seafarers through its Maritime Industry Knowledge Centre. The database was created by Maritime experts and developed by HSSE professionals by analysing every cause and effect relationship to ensure the events line up with existing shipping experience. The system works to build a network of interconnected events—from daily warning signals to high impact incidents.
We have analysed risks for approximately 4800 ships and 150,000 events from 2016 to 2020. Our basic agenda is to aid the shipping industry in preventing high impact, low-frequency events, avoiding fatalities, shielding assets, and saving cost.
Vision:- HiLo’s vision is to create the best quality information to reduce accidents for taking away the element of shock from the shipping industry.
Mission:- HiLo’s mission is to connect the whole maritime industry through data, from industry bodies to P&I Clubs and from manufacturers to the end-users - ship managers; and ensure mariners have the best guidance, the best equipment, and the best protection from hazardous situations.
Customer:- “HiLo is taking a leading role in using risk prediction to improve safety. It has our full support.", Peter Livanos, Chairman of GasLog
Functioning:- HiLo’s Maritime Industry Knowledge Centre provides well-analysed safety and security solutions that deliver step-by-step guides to avoid high impact events. The companies have access to the most accurate Maritime Safety Big Data Analytics by holding the predictive modelling tool on a secure portal.
The portal has an in-built feature to collect, compile, and standardise all the relevant data directly from the client’s system files. Upon analysis, the portal applies the industry-leading risk analysis program to highlight the highest risk incidents for a particular company, along with the complete HiLo Fleet.
HiLo is different:- Since HiLo is a unique service industry, there are no competitors yet.Hilo enjoys a monopoly as a risk predictive and prevention management company for the shipping industry in the world. The internal safety data is collected daily from the shipping companies for analysis. Our core strength is secured client data anonymity while enhancing maritime safety. Our data library focuses on every part of the industry, from micro to macro, leaving no information untouched.
Our wide range of data collection and predictive analysis is what makes us unique in this domain - currently 3500 ships (2200 tankers, 800 bulk carriers, and 500 container ships).
Feat:- The industry-leading predictive modelling has assisted in minimizing the risk elements of the Maritime industry right from daily warning signals to undesired potentially fatal situations. The risk of lifeboat incidents has dropped by 72%, engine room fires by 65%, and bunker spill by 25% in the year 2017-18, making HiLo the go-to safety statistical model for the top 50 shipping companies in the world. The model works on investigating every aspect of safety for mariners - from incident reports to audits. While collecting the data leading to a more comprehensive solution, the risk factors involved are also taken into consideration without fail.
We have strengthened the safety process of seafarers with our data collection library - 20x more near-miss data, 5x more collision data, 3x more grounding data, 5x more lifeboat incident data, 30x more mooring equipment data, and 8x more flooding data.
Details for Greece are: Philip Nielsen Oriani House, 13 Papathanasiou str., Athens 190 02 Mobile: +30 6944 5717 00 Office: +30 211 118 1369 Email: [email protected] Website- https://hilomrm.com/our-services/
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hilomrm · 4 years
Hilo-Maritime Risk Management Singapore
HiLo Maritime Risk Management is saving lives in the shipping industry by changing the way companies address risk.HiLo analyses thousands of data points using a predictive risk model, producing recommendations for improved safety onboard.Armed with this information, companies using HiLo analysis can stop catastrophes in their tracks.
Contact information- Website- https://hilomrm.com/ Address- Thanet House 231-232 Strand, London WC2R 1DA Call Now- 02038550595 official mail- [email protected]
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