Is this blog still active?
Definitely not
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Have accepted our Lord and Savior, The Signless, into your heart? I do warn you, if you do not, when you, your dream self, your sprite, and your god tier self dies, you shall be with the Subbjugulator Grand Highblood for your after life forever because of your sins
Oh, you Homestucks. (I thought Gamzee was the devil though?)
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Oh goodness, I love your blog. Upon first glance, I disliked homestuck-is-a-sin. It just frustrated me. She's preaching all the wrong things and I can't help but think it's gotta be a fake blog. SO THANK YOU. Finally someone agrees ;_;
Yeah, I'm still not sure myself if she's a fake blog or not, but her preaching is ridiculous,
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So, I was expecting a blog similar to homestuck-is-a-sin when I looked at yours, but after looking at you description and some of your posts, you actually seem pretty cool. :3
Why thank you. 
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Your thoughts on the new pope...?
I think he's doing a great job so far. He brought attention to the fact that there are more pressing issues than just homosexuality or abortion, isn't judging people, and basically being pretty humble about the whole situation. A step in the right direction for Christianity.
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i think you're just lovely
While I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, I'm just going to say thank you anyway. So thanks!
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I hope you turn into a anti Christian gay person because of your blog.
Oh, anon. What so many people don't realize is that Christianity in itself is not bad, it's just that through the centuries, people in positions of power in the Church have changed God's teachings for their own personal vendettas or what have you, so that nowadays some sects of Christianity are full of hate. In reality, God only wants everyone to love each other and love Him. Also, the right to judge is reserved for God alone, and not all those Christians who judge based on sexuality or differing religions.
I can see why people would be against Christianity. In fact, growing up with religion made me dislike it, but then I realized that not everything has to be fire and brimstone for me to be a believer. I only hope that people see that all Christians aren't bad.
Religion aside, homosexuality has been proven to stem from hormones in the womb, so someone is born with their sexuality and can't change it. Anyone who thinks people can just turn gay or straight is pretty ignorant and probably just likes to spew hate to feel better about themselves. So I don't see any problem with a gay person being Christian, in fact I could be gay right now and you wouldn't actually know.
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Give your icon a hat or u r a heretic.
The Bible said Adam and Eve, not Adam and Fedora.
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The Real Sin
It has come to my attention that the blog, homestuck-is-a-sin, is doing more harm than good in the spreading of God's influence. This Nadia, who is the owner of the blog, insists on falsely using the mission of God in her personal dislike of certain items in the entertainment industry. Among these is a webcomic, called 'Homestuck', of which the blog name is based upon. However, I have noticed that her hatred has spread to cartoons such as 'Pokemon' and 'My Little Pony'. 
While reading her rants, very few valid or truthful points have been made. The Bible says nothing against any web-comics or children's shows. However, what some consider the Great Commandment is 'love thy neighbor as thyself'. From what I have seen, Nadia almost completely disregards this. What has been made by her blog is turmoil in the lives of innocent people, mostly youth, who enjoy the things that she asserts are 'satanic'. Having very little knowledge of these subjects, Nadia claims to be one of the few people who is religious enough to see the 'hidden messages' in things like Homestuck and receive messages from God, however she does not seem to be enlightened enough to know the difference between a pony and a horse.
Encouraging hatred and disputes, needlessly insulting people and their creations, and claiming to be better than the general population are sins that I believe are far worse than simply enjoying a comic. One might even call it blasphemous, for someone to believe themselves to be able to judge and condemn their neighbors to hell. When Judgement Day comes, Nadia might be in for a surprise. Until then, the goal of this blog is to do what I can to right her wrongs, or at least make valid points as to why her arguments are false.
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