hotimaginator · 21 days
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[image Description in Alt-text] The idea of a comfy crochet cardigan is SOOO nice 😭❤️🌈📘📮
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hotimaginator · 29 days
I think i met an angel on the train
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hotimaginator · 29 days
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this is so old but you bet i'm still going to post it because i think it's funny.
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hotimaginator · 29 days
Writing Intellectually Disabled Characters
[large text: writing intellectually disabled characters]
Something that very rarely comes up in disability media representation are intellectually disabled characters. There is very little positive representation in media in general (and basically none in media meant specifically for adults or in YA). I hope this post can maybe help someone interested in writing disabled characters understand the topic better and create something nice. This is just a collection of thoughts of only one person with mild ID (me) and I don’t claim to speak for the whole community as its just my view. This post is meant to explain how some parts of ID work and make people aware of what ID is.
This post is absolutely not meant for self diagnosis (I promise you would realize before seeing a Tumblr post about it. it’s a major disorder that gets most people thrown into special education).
Before: What is (and isn’t) intellectual disability?
ID is a single, life-long neurodevelopment condition that affects IQ and causes problems with reasoning, problem‑solving, remembering and planning things, abstract thinking and learning. There is often delay or absence of development milestones like walking (and other kinds of movement), language and self care skills (eating, going to the bathroom, washing, getting dressed etc). Different people will struggle with different things to different degrees. I am, for example, still fully unable to do certain movements and had a lot of delay in self-care, but I had significantly less language-related delay than most of people with ID I know. Usually the more severe a person’s ID is the more delay they will have.
Intellectual disability is one single condition and it doesn’t make sense to call it “intellectual disabilities” (plural) or “an intellectual disability”. It would be like saying “they have a Down Syndrome” or “he has autisms”. The correct way would be “she has intellectual disability” or “ze is intellectually disabled”.
Around 1-3% of people in the world have intellectual disability and most have mild ID (as opposed to moderate, severe, or profound). It can exist on its own without any identifiable condition or it can be a part of syndrome. There is over a thousand (ranging from very common to extremely rare) conditions that can cause ID but the most common are Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Autism, Edwards Syndrome, DiGeorge Syndrome and microcephaly. Not every condition always causes ID and you can have one of the above conditions without having ID as long as it’s not necessary diagnostic criteria to be met. For example around 30% of autistic people have ID, meaning that the rest 70% doesn’t. It just means that it’s comorbid often enough to be counted as a major cause but still, autistic ≠ intellectually disabled most of the time.
A lot of things that cause intellectual disability also come with facial differences, epilepsy, mobility-related disabilities, sensory disabilities, and limb differences. A lot, but not all, intellectually disabled people go to special education schools.
Intellectual disability isn’t the same as brain damage. Brain damage can occur at any point of a person’s life while ID always starts in or before childhood.
“Can My Character Be [Blank]?”
[large text: “Can my character be [blank]?”]
The difficulty with writing characters with intellectual disability is that unlike some other things you can give your character, ID will very directly impacts how your character thinks and behaves - you can’t make the whole character and then just slap the ID label on them.
Intellectually disabled people are extremely diverse in terms of personality, ability, verbality, mobility… And you need to consider those things early because deciding that your character is nonverbal and unable to use AAC might be an issue if you’re already in the middle of writing a dialogue scene.
For broader context, a person with ID might be fully verbal - though they would still probably struggle with grammar, what some words mean, or with general understanding of spoken/written language to some degree. Or they could also be non-verbal. While some non-verbal ID people use AAC, it’s not something that works for everyone and some people rely on completely language-less communication only. There is also the middle ground of people who are able to speak, but only in short sentences, or in a way that’s not fully understandable to people who don’t know them. Some might speak in second or third person.
Depending on the severity of your character’s disability they will need help with different tasks. For example, I’m mildly affected and only need help with “complex” tasks like shopping or taxes or appointments, but someone who is profoundly affected will probably need 24/7 care. It’s not infantilization to have your character receive the help that they need. Disabled people who get help with bathing or eating aren’t “being treated like children”, they just have higher support needs than me or you. In the same vein, your character isn’t “mentally two years old” or “essentially a toddler”, they are a twenty-, or sixteen-, or fourty five-year old who has intellectual disability. Mental age isn’t real. Intellectually disabled people can drink, have sex, smoke, swear, and a bunch of other things. A thirty year old disabled person is an adult, not a child!
An important thing is that a person with ID has generally bad understanding of cause-and-effect and might not make connections between things that people without ID just instinctively understand. For example, someone could see that their coat is in a different place than they left it, but wouldn’t be able to deduce that then it means that someone else moved it or it wouldn’t even occur to them as a thing that was caused by something. I think every (or at least most) ID person struggles with this to some extent. The more severe someone’s disability is the less they will be able to connect usually (for example someone with profound ID might not be able to understand the connection between the light switch and the light turning off and on).
People with mild intellectual disability have the least severe problems in functioning and some are able to live independently, have a job, have kids, stuff like that.
What Tropes Should You Avoid?
[large text: what tropes should you avoid?]
The comic relief/punching bag;
The predator/stalker;
The “you could change this character into a sick dog and there wouldn’t be much difference”;
…and a lot more but these are the most prevalent in my experience.
Most ID characters are either grossly villainized (more often if they have also physical disabilities or facial differences) or extremely dehumanized or ridiculed, or all of the above. It’s rarely actually *mentioned* for a character to be intellectually disabled, but negative “representation” usually is very clear that this who they’re attempting to portray. The portrayal of a whole group of people as primarily either violent predators, pitiful tragedies or nothing more than a joke is damaging and you probably shouldn’t do that. It’s been done too many times already.
When those tropes aren’t used the ID character is still usually at the very most a side character to the main (usually abled) character. They don’t have hobbies, favorite foods, movies or music they like, love interests, friends or pets of their own and are very lucky if the author bothered to give them a last name. Of course it’s not a requirement to have all of these but when there is *no* characterization in majority of disabled characters, it shows. They also usually die in some tragic way, often sacrificing themselves for the main character or just disappear in some off-the-screen circumstances. Either way, they aren’t really characters, they’re more like cardboard cutouts of what a character should be - the audience has no way to care for them because the author has put no care into making the character interesting or likable at all. Usually their whole and only personality and character trait is that they have intellectual disability and it’s often based on what the author thinks ID is without actually doing any research.
What Terms to Use and Not Use
[large text: What Terms to Use and Not Use]
Words like: “intellectually disabled” or “with/have intellectual disability” are terms used by people with ID and generally OK to use from how much I know. I believe more people use the latter (person first language) for themselves but i know people who use both. I use the first more often but I don’t mind the second. Some people have strong preference with one over the other and that needs to be respected.
Terms like:
“cursed with intellectual disability”
“mentally [R-slur]”
is considered at least derogatory by most people and I don’t recommend using it in your writing. The last 5 terms directly come from outdated medical terminology specifically regarding ID and aren’t just “rude”, they’re ableist and historically connected to eugenics. To me personally they’re highly offensive and I wouldn’t want to read something that referred to its character with ID with those terms.
(Note: there are, in real life, people with ID that refer to themselves with the above… but this is still just a writing guide. Unless you belong to the group i just mentioned I would advise against writing that, especially if this post is your entire research so far.)
Things I Want to See More of in Characters with Intellectual Disability
[large text: Things I Want to See More of in Characters with Intellectual Disability]
[format borrowed from WWC]
I want to see more characters with intellectual disability that…
aren’t only white boys.
are LGBT+.
are adults.
are allowed to be angry without being demonized, and sad without being infantilized.
are not described as “mentally X years old”.
are respected by others.
aren’t “secretly smart” or “emotionally smart”.
are able to live independently with some help.
aren’t able to live independently at all and aren’t mocked for that.
are in romantic relationships or have crushes (interabled… or not!).
are non-verbal or semi-verbal.
use mobility aids and/or AAC.
have hobbies they enjoy.
have caregivers.
have disabilities related to their ID.
have disabilities completely unrelated to their ID.
have friends and family who like and support them.
go on cool adventures.
are in different genres: fantasy, romComs, action, slice of life… all of them.
have their own storylines.
aren’t treated as disposable.
don’t die or disappear at the first possible opportunity.
…and I want to see stories that have multiple intellectually disabled characters.
I hope that this list will give someone inspiration to go and make their first OC with intellectual disability ! This is just a basic overview to motivate writers to do their own research rather than a “all-knowing post explaining everything regarding ID”. I definitely don’t know everything especially about the parts of ID that I just don’t experience (or not as much as others). This is only meant to be an introduction for people who don’t really know what ID is or where to even start.
Talk to people with intellectual disability (you can send ask here but there are also a lot of other people on Tumblr who have ID and I know at least some have previously answered asks as well if you want someone else’s opinion!), watch/read interviews with people who have ID (to start - link1, link2, both have captions) and try to rethink what you think about intellectual disability. Because it’s really not that rare like a lot of people seem to think. Please listen to us when we speak.
Good luck writing and thank you for reading :-) (smile emoji)
mod Sasza
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hotimaginator · 29 days
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Sorry for the lack of activity past few days
Have another Trinsel
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hotimaginator · 29 days
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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‼️ New OC alert ‼️ [ID in alt-text]
Meet Zakira! They’re a bisexual 24 year old Nonbinary person with Dwarfism (Achondroplasia). He loves the gothic style alongside having a very kind personality! I hope you like her! 🤍🎶🕸️🦇
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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Happy Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day !!!
[Image description: A halfBody drawing of two characters with cerebral palsy in a simple art style. The character on the left is smiling while bending their arms close to their chest with curled fingers. They have yellow puffy hair, pale skin and a faded cleft lip scar. They are wearing a yellow hairband, hearing aids and a black crop top with a nonbinary flag pin. They're sitting in a manual wheelchair. The second character is hunched over towards them and has his hand on their shoulder in a friendly manner. He has brown skin, black twists, and a cataract in his right eye. He is wearing a light green hoodie and jeans. He is resting his forearm on a crutch. The background is in muted green and yellow with a ribbon going around the whole image. The ribbon has the disability pride flag colors on it and text that says "25th march". End image description.]
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hotimaginator · 1 month
looking up a word is free…
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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digital portrait drawing of a Black girl looking over their shoulder, staring intensely at the viewer. the background and their eyes are bright pink while the rest is kept in dark, almost completely black tones. the girl has dark brown skin and light scars on their forehead and nose. they have microcephaly, widespread eyes and a very short forehead. their afro is round and huge, covering most of the space behind the character. the whole image is very heavily inked. 
drawing from earlier this month :)
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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Please donate to Mai Rajab if you can. This is her second Gofundme. The first one was organised by a woman named Gaia Thomas who scammed Mai out of the tens of thousands of dollars people had raised.
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hotimaginator · 1 month
Ramadan Kareem to all those who observe, may Allah accept our fasts and duaa and allow us growth and harmony over the course of the next month. May Allah ease the suffering of those in Gaza and across Falasteen, Sudan, Congo, Yemen, Tigray, Kashmir, West Papau, and all those who are oppressed around the world. May He grant them shifa, tranquility, steadfastness, and sabr. May He grant us the strength and ability to fight injustice wherever we see it, and victory over our oppressors.
Here is a list of resources for Gaza and Falasteen. Here is an even bigger list. Here’s a much smaller one. Here is one with resources for both Gaza and Sudan.
Here is the link to a GFM that is very important to me. Here is the link to a GFM for a family in urgent need of evacuation out of Gaza.
Here is a way to help out Sudan. Here are links for donations, Sudanese businesses to support, and brief education about Sudan. Here is a post with resources for education and updates about what's happening in Sudan.
Here is a post with resources for Tigray.
Here is a post with important information on boycotting for Congo. Here is a post with links to support Congo.
Here is a list of resources for education on various issues around the world, including but not limited to West Papau, Hawai'i, Kashmir, and Armenia.
You can check my resources tag for more. I know tumblr's searching system isn't the best, though, so I tried to put as many as I could from that tag here.
Ramadan Kareem. May every action we take towards justice bring us lasting freedom and tranquility 🌙
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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I LOVE DA INTERNET AND YAOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄this was supposed to be for valentine’s day oops my baddd
also blackberry that was gonna go with this piece but she was cuter on her own lawl
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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redraws of Viconia and Imoen’s sprites :-) since i’m kinda dedicated to this bit now lol
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hotimaginator · 1 month
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hotimaginator · 1 month
this is just my unprofessional opinion but fuck all that shit
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