I sleep so much
So, yesterday, i went to sleep at about 5:45am. It’s just been stretching since a month ago. I have never kept the habit going for so long. I usually break for at least a week somewhere in there. Well, i woke up at 4:45pm yesterday. Now it’s 2:06am. I can either go have a nap in about an hour and wake up in a few hours, around 6am and just try to work with that and maybe nap when i get home. Or i can go to actual sleep, which will take me at least an hour to fall into, and attempt to wake up at 8:30 and rush out the door by 8:45.. I think the safest bet is to just nap in about an hour.
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I’m up so early
OKAY. Let me rephrase this. I am up until so early. I stayed up and i ALWAYS check the time at least four times an hour and this time, i got too carried away by Clueless the movie that started at 9:36pm that i forgot to check my phone’s time. In turn, my pattern fell out as i forgot to check the time. I happened to glance at the time and it was 12:52am. WOW. Now i’ve stretched myself to 2:03am. I have never lost the time so badly in my life... And let me tell you, i can sleep for anywhere between 10 - 16 hours, it’s been like this my whole life. 
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So, little do people realise but the last two generations are not the ones who started the ideas of piercing in weird places. Besides tribal piercing... I know a guy that when he was in his early 20s, he pierced his own genitals. He said that it was not only himself but also a few friends  They’re in their 50s now
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Some people think tattoos are gross and that they are only an upcoming thing for these two current youngest generations or mainly younger people. May i remind you, a guy i know who is 50 has plenty of tattoos on him. It’s just that he is dark, the tattoos are a faded dark green, on his hands and are small. He got them from when he was about 14 - 18. So, yeah, it usually is a young person’s thing, but not exclusively to the two current youngest generations. He also has a few on his arms and foot. They’re from a time and country of when you got hurt, you got tattooed after it healed.
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Being me
Hi, i’ve been gone for a while. Who really reads this? Maybe some people that never actually put notes or anything. Well, i’m here to say, i’m back. I’ve been feeling a great deal of loneliness and no, i’m not here to use my computer as a way to diminish that loneliness. That loneliness has lead me to more thinking. Each time i’ve been lonely, i’ve thought more about why i’m lonely. What did i do wrong? I don’t necessarily always do something wrong. And more than usual, its someone picking on the small quirks i have and don’t even see in myself. So i’m here to start teaching people about the lessons in life that i’ve gone through, as soon as i can update you on what i just witnessed. 
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