incorrect-toa · 1 year
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Archie is freaking hard to draw and I know nothing about anatomy but this is fuuuuuuuuunn!!!!!!
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incorrect-toa · 1 year
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The backgrounds are being filled with the characters!!!
I’m so proud of this one actually, it was really relaxing to do this!
I should draw more… :)
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
Calling all Tales of Arcadia fanartists! (again) :)
Hi guys! We are just another group of fans who found themselves greatly disappointed with the movie that is Rise of the Titans. But instead of only debating the matter back and forth, we are actually doing something about it!
We have fully rewritten the existing prologue of ToA Rott narrated by Blinky + added another opening scene (preceding the subway scene) that closes the gap between where Wizards left off and where Rott picks up.
It is our goal to create a short 2D animatic that sets the scene in a better way and includes everything our hearts desired for Rott in the first place.
The scene is going to be modeled after @tenebrius-excellium ‘s fix-it fic. The draft to what we call the “café scene” can be read here.
Work is in progress! Our existing team of writers and artists has done a marvelous job so far. The Prologue’s visuals are half done and the café scene has some epic dialogue + finished 3D backgrounds. However, some of our artists have moved on and so we are on the lookout for people who are still passionate about creating art for ToA :) 
You can literally pick a character and start drawing on a fully fleshed out story. It’s all there. It just needs your talented hands. We’d love to have you!!!
If you are intrigued and would like to participate, feel free to message @tenebrius-excellium or @nikibogwater. Thanks!
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
this is probably the only time i’ll do this, BUT it would be amazing if ya’ll can go follow and like the posts about my class’ online live event cause we need engagement and people interested in the event to get a good grade in this class. It would be amazing too if ya’ll would be able to join the event on the day. I’ll post the link for the livestream in a reblog once the day comes.
Instagram https://instagram.com/uniklarttalk2022?r=nametag
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Unikl-Art-Talk-2022-104793332202325
Tiktok https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSd6bpCC7/
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
Very proud to say that @bluespiritslight​ and I finished capturing all the environment screenshots from her 3D model for our Café scene! She put an insane amount of work into her building and that’s why you’re getting more sneak peeks! Only gotta put in the people and their dialogue now! :D
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Additionally, @capsulect​ has finished lining her art for the Prologue! Thanks Lexie, and I can’t wait for the rest of the art to come together!!
Maaaayyyyyybeee, just maaayyyyyybe, there’s going to be a short clip of a scene available soon? 
And also maaaayyyybeee I’m finally going to make an appreciation post to tell you guys who is actually a part of our team??? I haven’t done that yet haha
We’re keeping you posted on how everything is coming along! Thanks for everyone’s support guys!
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
Hey everyone :)
Sooo…I’ve been working on my bachelor’s thesis for the past 1.5 months and sadly couldn’t spend much time on Tumblr or on the #What If ToA Rott project. Now that I’ve submitted my thesis and am more available for our fan community event again, I have noticed that in my absence, the fandom in general as well as our private Discord chat have gone…wellllll…unpleasantly quiet. Almost as if we died or went to sleep for lack of new official content, which is totally understandable. I’ve also noticed that a lot of people seem to struggle with private matters recently and showed up less online because of that, which is equally understandable. 
HOWEVER. This group of ours has started this amazing project last year with the aim to rewrite and re-animate the first two scenes of ToA: Rise of the Titans and I’d hate it if it simply went cold and couldn’t be completed. I’m also not ready to give up on this fandom yet just because “it’s over” and bc we’ve all been busy for some time.
So here’s a wake-up call for this beautiful fandom that has gone to sleep for a little while: WAKE UP ONE MORE TIME FOR THE SAKE OF NOSTALGIA. 
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Let us promote a ToA renaissance until Rott’s and Wizards’ premiere anniversaries in July and August and honor the people who made this show unforgettable for us. We are a small fandom but we are powerful and I want us to celebrate ourselves and our passion for this story about beloved characters such as Jim Lake Jr., Aja & Krel and Douxie (and so many more!!!) one more time. I realize that life goes on and it’s only healthy to move on to new interests eventually, but then why not have a final get-together as the people who at one point loved this content most?
AND CONTENT YOU SHALL GET. I’m going to tag EVERYONE I know in this fandom, and provide you with some stuff that I know is still currently happening. What I’d like for you to do is RESPOND. Respond with your headcanons, your ideas, your art and your AUs. Respond by reblogging, tagging and by spreading the love anywhere you know! Under no circumstance are you obligated to say or do anything. It’s your life and your fan experience. But I’m shooting my shot and I’d very much love to see you all again! 
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
Douxie: Mates, I've been conscious for at least 24 hours now and I think I've entered a state of permanent energy
Douxie: I feel no fatigue and I am content with being awake forever. I anticipate the sunrise for the rest of my life
Douxie: Toby told me that in a game New Vegas there were enemies called "ghost people", who were meant to be near- blind and as such, had a perception stat of 0, but that caused a stack overflow and gave them like a perception stat of 255
Douxie: I think the same thing has happened to me but instead of perception it's awakeness
Claire: Are you okay?
Douxie: I am eternal
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
Douxie: You’ve got three wishes
Eli: I wish that every time Steve gets confused he gets a nickel
Steve: Where’d this nickel come from?
*another nickel falls from the sky*
Steve: What?
[two hours later]
Steve: Someone help, I’m drowning in nickels!
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
Steve: All right! How many did I get?
Douxie, Helping him study: Six
Steve: And how many do I need to pass?
Douxie: Six-
Steve: WOOHOO!! Oh yeah!
Douxie: hundred... You need Six hundred to pass and you got six
Steve Cries
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incorrect-toa · 2 years
Not to be offensive or anything, but I'm alive.
- Jim or Douxie
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incorrect-toa · 3 years
Douxie: You guys, I can’t keep doing this, I’m not your mom!
Claire: Wellllll…
Krel: You do exhibit rather, motherly behavior.
Jim: Yeah I mean, my mom works all the time, and Toby’s parents died in that boat accident
Toby: Boats are fast
Jim: And Aja and Krel’s parents are also dead, so you’re like our mom, team mom.
Jim, chanting: Team mom! Team mom! Team mom!
Douxie: I’m not the team mom!
Jim, Toby, Claire, Krel, & Archie: Team mom! Team mom! Team mom!
Douxie: Arch! Why are you chanting?
Archie: It is a catchy chant.
Everyone: …
Toby: Team mo-
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incorrect-toa · 3 years
Douxie: I have no parental figures to tell me not to fight god
Merlin: Me, I am the parental figure, I’m telling you, do not fight god
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incorrect-toa · 3 years
Another not quote, but lets help this project get rolling!
A call to all ToA fanartists!
Hi guys! We are just another group of fans who sadly found themselves disappointed with Tales of Arcadia: Rise of the Titans. But instead of only debating the matter back and forth, we have decided to do something about it!
We are planning to fully rewrite the existing prologue of ToA Rott narrated by Blinky + add another opening scene (preceding the subway scene) that closes the gap between where Wizards left off and where Rott picks up. 
It is our goal to create a short 2D animatic that sets the scene in a better way and includes everything our hearts desired for Rott in the first place. 
We have already decided that the scene is going to be modeled after @tenebrius-excellium ‘s fix-it fic. The draft to what we call the “café scene” can be read here. 
Now, while we have already gathered a great team of people who can take administrative/directing roles and/or write, we are still in need for more artists who could see themselves participating in this project!
This is an open invitation to all people who think they would have fun joining us! :) If possible, we’d actually love to get @undeadchestnut, @squabasaurus and @livmadart involved - you guys are producing insanely good fanart and it would be a dream to have you on board - but everyone else is also welcome! Yes you! There is no deadline and no special requirement needed! Our main goal is to have fun together! :)
So if you’re interested in joining, please contact @tenebrius-excellium @nikibogwater or @bluespiritslight and you will be given a link to our discord server :) 
See you there! 
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incorrect-toa · 3 years
I know this isnt a incorrect quote, but it is a very interesting project that more people should see!
What If - ToA Rott
Welcome friends! Thank you so much for showing interest in this idea, I can’t believe this is now actually happening!!! Here is some general data about the clip we are going to make: 
INTRO SCENE (as taken from the movie)
Netflix logo: 5 seconds
Dreamworks logo: 20 seconds
Prologue: 2:55 minutes
Official intro music by Jeff Danna: only 2:50 minutes long.
CAFÉ SCENE (as per my imagination)
Café scene: an estimated 4:00 minutes.
+ fade to black, fade into scene, subway scene logo: ~ 25 seconds.
All of this means we’ll animate a rough total of 7:45 minutes.
It’s really late where I’m at, so I’ll go to bed and learn how to set up a discord server tomorrow. But from what I’ve seen until now, we have more writers than fan-artists present at this time…
Which means we can form two teams of writers: Team A for the prologue, and Team B for the café scene! If you’re one of the writers, please feel free to put into the comments which team you would like to be a part of! 
(By the way, if someone’s more experienced than me, please do set up a discord server yourself and invite me to join - I don’t want this to be a ‘me’ project at all!)
As a quick reminder, I have put the plot of the café scene under the cut. I like this version very much, so I’d prefer not to make any big changes about it. But since it’s still quite a rough outline, I’m convinced there is still room enough for everyone’s creativity!!! Though if there’s anything you can’t stand at all, please tell me and we’ll find a way to make everyone happy! 
As for the plot of the prologue that Blinky narrates…go wild!!!
See you tomorrow!
Keep reading
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incorrect-toa · 3 years
Merlin: Did you just call me shallow?
Douxie: As in I could stand in a puddle of you and not get my feet wet? Then yeah, shallow.
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incorrect-toa · 3 years
Skrael: Dying sucks, how do you living beings cope with mortality?
Jim: Violent outbursts
Steve: General sluttiness
Douxie: Thanks to denial, I’m immortal!
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incorrect-toa · 3 years
Krel: Who wants to make 50 dollars?
Douxie: How?
Krel: I need someone to take the fall
Douxie: What did you do?
Krel: I can’t tell you, just yes or no, no questions asked
Aja, from the other room: Oh my god
Douxie: Make it a hundred
Krel: Deal
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