Being an ex cult member in fandom spaces is so hard because people really do not understand cults at all
They view it as 'group that's super obsessed with something' and thus make jokes like "welcome to the [fandom] cult" and "[character] cult" jokes
And i cant say anything, especially in public spaces cause they'll either ignore me, don't understand/care, or worse, ask me why or do it deliberately to make me uncomfortable
And i know that most people who do this are ignorant rather than malicious. Many of the people who make these jokes are young and only know of cults through the 'satanic ritual cult' trope we see often in media
But it still makes me want to throw up. That something that ruined my life and many others is seen as a joke. And jealous that they've never had to experience a cult in real life
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exjw culture is feeling irrationally bothered whenever someone starts a sentence with the phrase "the truth is" even if it's something completely innocuous
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memorial speaker at the end of the talk, addressing all the inactive / disfellowshipped people in the audience: we love you. it's time to come home :)
me: WOW that's a little direct huh
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In light of the new announcements made by the Governing Body, I wanted to share a few reminders. If these changes bring anyone hope for a better future within the religion, I am not trying to take that from you. I believe we are all allowed to be happy.
Women are now allowed to wear pants to meetings - But we are still not allowed to divorce abusive spouses. We are forbidden from having any position of authority within the congregation. We are still considered the "weaker sex" who must submit to their husband's. There is still the pressure to have sex with one's husband because it is a "marital duty."
Witnesses are now allowed to speak to disfellowshipped individuals - But only to try and convert them back. Not to reconnect with old friends or to even ask them how they are doing after losing everything. Witnesses still cannot talk to us as people, but only through the means of conversion.
Men can grow beards - but still lack basic autonomy over their bodies. Still no tattoos or piercings. Still no "flamboyant" attire that might label them as homosexual.
All in all, I see these changes as new manipulation tactics. As a way for the organization to say, look how progressive we are being! Look how welcoming and supportive we are! They are trying to deflect from the long list of constraints against the members. Trying to hide the irreversible pain and trauma that is still inflicted upon disfellowshipped individuals. These changes are breadcrumbs. They do nothing to reverse the institutionalized horrors of Jehovah's Witnesses
For anyone reading this: may you go in peace and happiness 🩷🩷
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well i'll be damned
mom: oh btw, witnesses can have beards now
me: *already knows but can't let her know that* oh really, why?
mom: well times are changing, and we don't dress like it's the 1920s anymore, so...... *gets distracted opening the mail and doesn't finish her sentence*
me: soo it's not the 1920s anymore which means men can have beards?
mom: well they explained it better than i did
me: okay but how long until women get to wear pants
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i wonder if i'll ever reach a point where crisp and quiet early mornings don't immediately fill me with that sense of dread and anxiety about being out in service
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quilt by Chinami Terai
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Erin Hanson (American, b.1981) "Saguaro Dusk," 2016 Oil on canvas
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Quiet winter night - Carol Collette
Canadian , b. 1945 -
Watercolour and Etching , 8 x 5 in.
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Yuri Dmitrievich Vasendin (Russian, b.1958)
"Sunrise," n.d.
Oil on canvas
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Sydney Laurence (American,1865-1940)
Northern Lights, Juneau, Alaska, c. 1920s
oil on canvas
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things every pimo is good at:
writing (thanks watchtower)
eat chip at assembly
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mom gets a new chronic illness diagnosis that she more than likely won't do anything about bc she already lives a stagnant life waiting for armageddon
i get a new thing to learn about in order to take better care of her, a spiral of grief, a reminder that i'll never be able to move out
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it's so infuriating the way jw beliefs beat down women
mom's been telling me about a friend of hers who's been in an abusive marriage for 7 or 8 years and it just makes me see red. this woman only lived with the guy for the first handful of months after marrying, before his true nature revealed itself. obvs i don't know all the details but from what i understand they haven't lived together in the years since and she was still trying to make things work with him?? and her elders are (unsurprisingly) more sympathetic to him than to her, he hasn't been disfellowshipped even tho he's literally put her in the hospital before and sends her verbally abusive texts daily
and when she got engaged None of this guy's family (also jws) would tell her anything, they didn't want to talk to her. it was only later she found out he was an alcoholic and he'd been married 3 times already. people who knew him heard they were engaged and were deeply upset about it and still did Nothing. how do you not warn someone if you're in the position to do so??
mom tells me her friend says she "wants to do the right thing," and i'm like "the right thing would be to leave him in the woods to die" which may sound harsh but it's actually the least violent of the deaths i would give him. like to be clear i'm not blaming her for staying with him and sticking it out this long but i Am blaming this god awful religion for making her feel that "the right thing" is to keep turning the other cheek and be a passive punching bag in the hopes that he'll suddenly miraculously realize he's a detestable human being and change his ways. just push him in front of a car
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Andrey Surnov evening traffic
more art by Andrey Surnov
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always forget "apostate" is a term in dragon age games so whenever i see someone with it in their username my initial thought is "hell yeah fellow heretic" before i check their blog and realize they're just fans of the game
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