itsjustxj-blog · 11 months
Uniting Gamers: Exploring the Power of Gaming Communities
Communities centred around video games have grown into a significant phenomenon, connecting people with common interests and creating environments where friendship and support thrive (Mäyrä 2015). The purpose of this article is to delve into the heart of gaming communities by discussing their positive effects on gamers, the various ways they can manifest themselves, and the opportunities they present for socialisation, mutual aid, and personal development.
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The Essence of Gaming Communities
Shared Passion: Communities of gamers get together online to talk about their favourite games, trade tips, and meet new people who share their passion.
Inclusivity and Diversity: Communities centred on video games attract people of all ages, genders, and walks of life, regardless of location or demographics.
Collaboration and Competition: Both competitive play, in which players push each other to develop their skills and engage in friendly competition, and cooperative play, in which players work together to achieve common goals, are possible in communities.
(Goodman et al. 2018)
Forms of Gaming Communities
Online Forums and Social Platforms: Gamer communities can grow and thrive in online communities like gaming-specific forums, subreddits, and social media sites.
Multiplayer Games: Community elements are an integral part of many multiplayer games, allowing players to interact with one another, join teams, and take part in either cooperative or competitive play (Seay et al. 2004).
Esports and Competitive Gaming:Professional gaming is the focus of the esports community, which brings together players, teams, coaches, and fans in a mutually beneficial environment.
Gaming Events and Conventions: Video gaming competitions, developer panels, and socialising with like-minded fans all happen in person at conventions and events.
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Benefits of Gaming Communities
Social Interaction and Belonging: Online gaming groups may be a wonderful place to make friends and find community since they bring people together who share a common interest.
Learning and Skill Development: As a member of a community, you may pick the brains of seasoned gamers, swap tips, and work together to improve your gaming abilities (Seay et al. 2004).
Emotional Support and Well-being: During trying times, gamers may find peace in online gaming forums, where they may talk to others who understand what they're going through and offer advice or comfort..
Creativity and Personal Expression: Communities encourage members to express themselves creatively and connect with like-minded individuals through means such as fan art, fan writing, streaming, content creation, and modding..
Personal Growth and Leadership: Leadership roles in gaming communities allow members to host events, train newbies, and gain experience in areas like communication, problem solving, and teamwork.
(Goodman et al. 2018)
Mäyrä, F., 2015. Exploring gaming communities. In The Video Game Debate (pp. 153-175). Routledge.
Goodman, W., McFerran, E., Purves, R., Redpath, I. and Beeken, R.J., 2018. The untapped potential of the gaming community: narrative review. JMIR Serious Games, 6(3), p.e10161.
Seay, A.F., Jerome, W.J., Lee, K.S. and Kraut, R.E., 2004, April. Project Massive: A study of online gaming communities. In CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1421-1424).
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itsjustxj-blog · 11 months
Examining Instagram and Snapchat Filters: Their Impact on Body Image and Dysmorphia
Popular social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat have included filters that employ augmented reality to change things like a person's appearance, skin tone, and body proportions. While using such filters can be fun and make photos look better, other people are worried about the damage they could do to self-esteem and the increase of eating disorders (Eshiet 2020). The purpose of this piece is to investigate the link between using photo editing apps like Instagram and Snapchat and body dysmorphic disorder, illuminating the potential repercussions and advocating for a more nuanced understanding of how one should display oneself online.
The Appeal of Filters and Digital Alteration
Enhancing Appearance: Users can digitally alter their appearance with the help of filters, which can result in smoother skin, larger features, and altered body proportions.
Creative Expression: With the help of filters, users are able to experiment with their photography and create striking visual works
Body Image and Dysmorphia
Body Image Concerns: Dissatisfaction with one's physique is exacerbated by the use of filters, which can lead to the promotion of unrealistic beauty standards and the promotion of comparison to others' filtered images.
Dysmorphic Tendencies: People who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a mental illness marked by an unhealthy fixation on one's appearance, may be especially susceptible to the deleterious effects of filters. Their already warped sense of identity could be further skewed by exposure to digitally edited photographs.
(Kamleshun & Mejias 2018)
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Reinforcement of Unrealistic Beauty Standards
Perfectionism and Comparison: The use of filters on photos has been linked to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction among users by increasing their quest for perfection and their propensity to compare themselves to digitally modified photographs.
Reinforcement of Narrow Ideals: Oftentimes, filters reinforce cultural ideals that may not be representative of a varied range of appearances by emphasising a narrow concept of beauty that emphasises smooth skin, thin features, and symmetrical proportions.
( Raj et al. 2022)
Social Media Culture and Influences
Validation and Attention: Filters are used by users of social media to increase their number of likes, comments, and follows in order to feel more accepted by their peers.
Idealised Online Persona: As a result of using filters, one's digital persona may diverge from reality, which may have negative consequences for feelings of self-worth.
(Abbas & Dodeen 2022)
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Promoting Digital Well-being
Awareness and Critical Evaluation: Insisting that users think about how filters might affect their sense of identity and analyse the messages they send.
Authenticity and Self-acceptance: Promoting the values of self-love, self-acceptance, and a wide range of attractiveness standards.
Digital Detox and Balance: Promoting a healthy connection with technology involves suggesting regular breaks from social media and ensuring that time spent online is balanced with offline activities.
Abbas, L. and Dodeen, H., 2022. Body dysmorphic features among Snapchat users of “Beauty-Retouching of Selfies” and its relationship with quality of life. Media Asia, 49(3), pp.196-212.
Kamleshun, R. and Mejias, S.G., 2018. Is" Snapchat Dysmorphia" a Real Issue?. Cureus.
Raj, R., Arashpreet, A., Devedi, D., Pantho, S.F.H., Bara, P. and Agnihotri, B.K., 2022. Body dysmorphia and social media impact.
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itsjustxj-blog · 11 months
The Pornification Phenomenon: Exploring its Influence and Societal Implications
The term "pornification" was used to describe the pervasive penetration of pornographic content into today's popular culture, media, and societal mores (Goldfarb 2015). The purpose of this article is to explore the topic of pornification by exploring its effects on culture, interpersonal relationships, and personal well-being. The more we learn about its ramifications, the easier it will be to promote open dialogue and positive views on sexuality
When parts of pornography seep into other areas of culture, such as the media, the arts, and even human interactions, this is known as "pornification” (Mulholland 2013). The process includes the institutionalisation of sexualized imagery, the elevation of objectification, and the promotion of unattainable beauty ideals.
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Influence of Pornification on Popular Culture
Media and Entertainment: The line between adult content and mainstream entertainment is becoming increasingly blurry as pornographic themes and narratives become more commonplace in mainstream media. More and more films, TV shows, and music videos feature sexually explicit or suggestive content or scenes.
Advertising and Marketing: To pique people's interest and get them to click on ads, advertisers frequently use sexualized imagery and other forms of provocative content. This strategy often makes use of sexualized representations of the body as an object of desire.
Fashion and Beauty Industry: Provocative and sexually suggestive imagery is commonly used in fashion industry advertising campaigns, runway displays, and magazine editorials. Unrealistic beauty standards may be promoted by media depictions of overly sexualized and idealised body forms.
(Paasonen 2016)
Societal and Psychological Implications
Gender Dynamics and Power Imbalances: Pornography typically reinforces sexist assumptions about men and women by normalising the objectification of women and the subordination of men. The marginalisation and objectification of women may result from this.
Body Image and Self-Esteem: Pornography and pornified media can have a damaging effect on body image and self-esteem by promoting idealised and sexualized body types.
Addiction and Desensitisation: Addiction and desensitisation to pornography, which may result from pornification, can have negative effects on sexual relationships and general health.
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Promoting Healthy Attitudes and Practices
Media Literacy: Promoting media literacy education to help people think critically and challenge the messages they see in pornographic media (Vandenbosch & van Oosten 2017).
Comprehensive Sex Education: Introducing all-encompassing sex education programmes that promote a more nuanced understanding of sexuality by touching on such topics as healthy relationships, consent, communication, and realistic expectations.
Promoting Positive Sexual Representations: Promoting positive portrayals of all sexual orientations in media and entertainment that highlight the importance of consent, respect, and enjoyment in romantic partnerships.
Goldfarb, L., 2015. Pornification. The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, pp.861-1042.
Mulholland, M., 2013. Young people and pornography: Negotiating pornification. Springer.
Paasonen, S., 2016. Pornification and the Mainstreaming of Sex. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Vandenbosch, L. and van Oosten, J.M., 2017. The relationship between online pornography and the sexual objectification of women: The attenuating role of porn literacy education. Journal of Communication, 67(6), pp.1015-1036.
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itsjustxj-blog · 11 months
Understanding Online Harassment: Impact, Prevention, and Response
Harassment has become a widespread problem in the digital age, impacting people of all ages and backgrounds on numerous online platforms. Because of the anonymity and distancing effects of the internet, predators have become more brazen and destructive. The purpose of this article is to educate readers on the issue of cyberbullying by exploring its causes, possible solutions, and recommended responses.
Definition and Types of Online Harassment
Harassment in the digital realm occurs when someone uses technology for malicious purposes, such as stalking or threatening others. It has a wide range of possible manifestations (Vogels 2021), including but not limited to:
Cyberbullying: The act of harassing or frightening someone online, typically through the use of personal assaults, rumour-mongering, or the disclosure of private information.
Doxing: The malevolent act of publicly disclosing personal information without the individual's consent, such as an address, phone number, or facts about their place of employment, thus exposing the individual vulnerable to harassment and other forms of violence.
Revenge Porn: Sharing of private photos or videos without permission, which can cause severe emotional suffering and reputational harm.
Stalking: The continual monitoring, following, or tracking of an individual's online actions, which can result in worry, anxiety, and an invasion of privacy.
Hate Speech: Expressions of bigotry, racism, sexism, or other forms of discrimination that are directed at specific individuals or groups and are meant to be degrading or humiliating.
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Impact of Online Harassment
Harassment in the digital realm has the potential to negatively impact victims' psychological, emotional, and even physical health (Gosse et al. 2021). Possible consequences consist of:
Psychological Distress: Persistent harassment has been linked to a variety of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD (Lindsay et al. 2016)
Social Isolation: Victims may avoid interacting with others out of fear of being subjected to more harassment or criticism.
Professional Consequences: Careers, job prospects, and professional relationships can all be jeopardised by online harassment, whether through reputational harm or the disclosure of private information.
Physical Safety Concerns: In severe circumstances, victims of online harassment may be subjected to further harm in the form of offline threats, stalking, or even physical violence.
Preventing Online Harassment
Individuals, communities, online services, and governments must all work together to end abuse in cyberspace. Here are a few precautions you can take (White & Carmody 2018):
Education and Awareness: A culture of respect and tolerance can be fostered by spreading education about the internet, encouraging good online citizenship, and encouraging empathy.
Stronger Platform Policies: There has to be effective reporting and moderation systems in place in addition to stringent guidelines prohibiting harassment, hate speech, and cyberbullying on all online platforms.
Privacy Settings and Security: Insisting that people take responsibility for the security of their own data by reviewing and adjusting their privacy settings, selecting secure passwords, and taking other precautions against data loss.
Reporting and Blocking: Encouraging victims to report incidents to the platform authorities and utilize blocking features to minimize contact with harassers.
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Responding to Online Harassment
Document Evidence: If taking legal action becomes required, you should keep logs of harassing texts, screenshots, and other digital proof.
Seek Support: Get in touch with people you know you can trust, like friends and family, or groups that help victims of cyberbullying
Legal Action: Get in touch with solicitors to learn more about your options, which may include filing for a restraining order or filing criminal charges against the harasser.
Self-Care: Take steps to care for yourself by doing things that make you happy, getting professional help if you need it, and learning mindfulness techniques to help you deal with the emotional toll.
Gosse, C., Veletsianos, G., Hodson, J., Houlden, S., Dousay, T.A., Lowenthal, P.R. and Hall, N., 2021. The hidden costs of connectivity: nature and effects of scholars’ online harassment. Learning, Media and Technology, 46(3), pp.264-280.
Lindsay, M., Booth, J.M., Messing, J.T. and Thaller, J., 2016. Experiences of online harassment among emerging adults: Emotional reactions and the mediating role of fear. Journal of interpersonal violence, 31(19), pp.3174-3195.
Vogels, E.A., 2021. The state of online harassment. Pew Research Center, 13, p.625.
White, W.E. and Carmody, D., 2018. Preventing online victimization: College students’ views on intervention and prevention. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(14), pp.2291-2307.
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itsjustxj-blog · 1 year
The Sustainability of Slow Fashion: Nurturing Ethical and Eco-Conscious Practices
Slow fashion is a notion that has arisen as a viable alternative to fast fashion as a result of the detrimental effects that fast fashion has had on both the environment and society. The practice of slow fashion emphasises the importance of ethical production, encourages conscious consumption, and places a premium on the durability and quality of clothing. This article investigates the viability of slow fashion and the ways in which it has the potential to transform the fashion industry.
Understanding Slow Fashion
The slow fashion movement is based on the idea that all stages of the garment production process should adhere to the highest standards of ethics and sustainability. Its goal is to offset fast fashion's throwaway culture by encouraging responsible shopping, living wage jobs, safe working conditions, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes (Pookulangara & Shephard 2013). In contrast to fast fashion, slow fashion prioritises long-lasting pieces that are made from sustainable materials.
Reducing Environmental Impact
Sustainable Materials: Organic, recycled, and natural fibres are preferred over synthetic ones in slow fashion. As a result, less pollution is created during the manufacturing and disposal of synthetic fabrics, and fewer nonrenewable resources are used.
Durability and Timeless Design: The goal of the slow fashion movement is to produce durable, long-lasting clothing. Slow fashion promotes a more sustainable lifestyle by limiting the frequency with which clothes are replaced and the amount of fabric that is thrown away.
Ethical Production: Fair working conditions and slow production methods are highly valued. It encourages openness and responsibility, guaranteeing that garment workers are compensated appropriately and given adequate working conditions. The fast fashion business is known for its exploitation of workers and disregard for human rights, which slow fashion seeks to address by promoting ethical manufacturing.
(Mukherjee 2015)
Promoting Mindful Consumption
Repair and Upcycling: Slow fashion advocates for the maintenance of clothing through activities such as mending, tailoring, and upcycling. Consumers can reduce waste and adopt a more sustainable attitude to fashion by mending and revitalising their clothing themselves, either by acquiring basic sewing skills or by employing the services of local tailors.
Secondhand and Vintage Shopping: Thrift stores, vintage shops, and internet marketplaces are great places to find gently used clothing that can be worn for years before needing to be replaced. In keeping with the tenets of slow fashion, thrift stores are a great place to find one-of-a-kind pieces that will help you express your personal style.
Conscious Buying Decisions:The concept of "slow fashion" calls for shoppers to be more conscious of their impact on society and the planet. This entails purchasing fewer but higher-quality goods, with an emphasis on versatile pieces that can be worn across a variety of events.
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Future Outlook
The future of slow fashion depends on the concerted efforts of shoppers, fashion houses, and manufacturers (Štefko & Steffek 2018). Consumers can affect change in the slow fashion sector by patronising slow fashion firms, insisting on greater transparency, and making more thoughtful purchases. Sustainable practises, transparent supply chains, and an emphasis on environmental and social responsibility are also important for the fashion industry as a whole to succeed.
Mukherjee, S., 2015. Environmental and social impact of fashion: Towards an eco-friendly, ethical fashion. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(3), pp.22-35.
Pookulangara, S. and Shephard, A., 2013. Slow fashion movement: Understanding consumer perceptions—An exploratory study. Journal of retailing and consumer services, 20(2), pp.200-206.
Štefko, R. and Steffek, V., 2018. Key issues in slow fashion: Current challenges and future perspectives. Sustainability, 10(7), p.2270.
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itsjustxj-blog · 1 year
What is Digital Citizenship?
Being a good digital citizen is crucial in today's interconnected society (Isman and Gungoren 2014). The term "digital citizenship" describes people who make good decisions when using digital tools. This article delves into what it means to be a good digital citizen in the modern era, as well as the guiding concepts and practical skills that are essential for safe and responsible use of digital technologies.
Understanding Digital Citizenship
Citizenship in the digital sphere refers to a set of behaviours and attitudes that encourage participation in a manner that is both responsible and upholds ethical standards (Mossberger, Tolbert and McNeal 2007). It requires having constructive relationships with other people online, respecting the rights and privacy of other people online, and being cognizant of the effects that our digital actions will have on both ourselves and other people. Fostering an environment in which empathy, respect, and accountability are valued is at the heart of what is meant by "digital citizenship."
Key Principles of Digital Citizenship:
Digital Literacy: To have the skills and information necessary to effectively and critically navigate the online environment is what we mean when we talk about having digital literacy. This involves having knowledge on how to utilise digital tools, how to evaluate material found online, how to protect personal data, and how to navigate digital platforms in a secure manner.
Privacy and Security: It is essential in the digital environment to keep one's own private information secure and to be respectful of the privacy of other people. Digital citizens are those who are aware of the significance of protecting personal data, making use of secure passwords, and exercising caution when it comes to sharing information online.
Critical Thinking and Media Literacy: Citizens of the digital age are able to evaluate and assess the significance of the content they see online. They are able to cast doubt on the veracity of sources, identify instances of bias, and comprehend the influence that digital media has had on both their perspectives and their attitudes.
Responsible Online Behaviour: Citizens of the digital world are conscientious of their behaviours when using the internet and work hard to leave a positive digital footprint. This includes treating other people with respect and kindness, not engaging in bullying or harassment of any type, and avoiding the propagation of false information.
(Jones & Mitchell 2016)
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Promoting Digital Citizenship
Education and Awareness: In order to promote good digital citizenship, schools, parents, and communities all play an important part. A culture of responsible digital citizenship can be fostered by the education of individuals regarding responsible online behaviour, skills in digital literacy, and the potential consequences that could result from their actions (Gleason & Von Gillern 2018)
Empowering Users: The implementation of policies that prioritise user safety, privacy, and responsible content moderation is one way that digital platforms and technology businesses can make a contribution to the concept of digital citizenship. Users can be empowered to become responsible digital citizens through the use of tools and features that encourage positive involvement, report harmful content, and combat cyberbullying.
Positive Online Role Models: It's possible for celebrities, public figures, and other influential people to have a major impact on the attitudes and behaviours of others simply by setting a good example with how they use technology. They motivate others to follow their lead by fostering constructive interactions online and appropriate utilisation of technological resources.
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Gleason, B. and Von Gillern, S., 2018. Digital citizenship with social media: Participatory practices of teaching and learning in secondary education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(1), pp.200-212.
Isman, A. and Canan Gungoren, O., 2014. Digital citizenship. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 13(1), pp.73-77.
Jones, L.M. and Mitchell, K.J., 2016. Defining and measuring youth digital citizenship. New media & society, 18(9), pp.2063-2079.
Mossberger, K., Tolbert, C.J. and McNeal, R.S., 2007. Digital citizenship: The Internet, society, and participation. MIt Press.
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itsjustxj-blog · 1 year
Reality TV: Perpetuation and Challenge of Stereotypes and Cultural Norms
There is a complicated dynamic between reality television and preconceived notions and cultural conventions (Hill 2005). Some programmes can be used to challenge and subvert society's norms and prejudices, while others only serve to reinforce them. The effects of reality television on its viewers and society as a whole are discussed, along with the ways in which the genre both reinforces and subverts preconceived notions.
Types of Stereotypes
Gender Norms: Gender norms and stereotypes are often reinforced in popular reality shows. Men are typically presented as aggressive and dominant, while women are stereotyped as dramatic, emotional, and concerned with their beauty. The variety of characters and stories seen on screen may be constrained by the persistence of these preconceptions.
Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes: Many people feel that racial and ethnic stereotypes are reinforced through reality TV. Caricatures of contestants from minority groups often play on negative assumptions about those people's identities. This can further marginalised these populations by reinforcing negative assumptions and beliefs.
Body Image Stereotypes: The emphasis on physical appearance and narrow ideals of beauty on reality TV is nothing new. Those who fulfil conventional standards of beauty are generally praised, while those who don't are sometimes mocked or even excluded. This can have a negative effect on viewers' self-esteem and body image.
(Strauss 2018)
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Challenge of Stereotypes and Cultural Norms
Subverting Expectations: Sometimes, reality shows shock audiences by defying accepted gender conventions. Male competitors may try their hand at traditionally female tasks, while female competitors may demonstrate brawn and confidence. These situations have the potential to challenge preconceived notions and make viewers rethink accepted conventions.
Social Issues and Advocacy: Reality television has served as a forum for discussing and advancing important societal causes. Shows that explore controversial subjects like LGBTQ+ rights, mental health, and racial equality can help viewers think critically about these issues and encourage meaningful dialogue.
Representation and Diversity: By including a wide range of competitors from different origins, nationalities, and sexual orientations, some reality TV shows aim to challenge preconceptions and encourage diversity. The performances can challenge stereotypes and promote acceptance by showcasing people who don't fit the norm. 
(Ariani 2013)
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Viewer Impact and Responsibility
Reality TV viewers have a significant impact on whether or not the genre reinforces stereotypes and societal standards. Viewers should actively think about the stuff they take in and consider how it might affect their worldview. Reality TV viewers can contribute to a more nuanced knowledge and good change if they actively examine and discuss the portrayal of stereotypes and cultural norms on the show (Hill 2005).
Ariani, R.T., 2013. Gender stereotypes and reinforcement of patriarchy in the reality show Pilih-Pilih Mantu. Allusion, 2(1), pp.53-60.
Hill, A., 2005. Reality TV: Audiences and popular factual television. Psychology Press.
Strauss, P.S., 2018. Scripted stereotypes in reality TV.
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itsjustxj-blog · 1 year
The Evolution and Influence of Tumblr
Tumblr, which has been around since 2007, is a  social media site that combines blogging, social networking, and creative expression in its own distinctive way (Attu, Rose and Terras 2017). Tumblr's visual focus and simple design have attracted a diverse and creative crowd that value freedom of expression and acceptance of others. This article examines the rise and development of Tumblr, focusing on the platform's influence on free speech, virtual communities, and activist movements.
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A Platform for Creative Expression
Tumblr is remarkable since it serves as a venue for individuals to share their originality. Users can construct visually appealing blogs to display their writing, photography, artwork, and other multimedia projects by modifying available themes (Attu, Rose and Terras 2017). By letting users reblog posts, we are able to create a community where ideas may flourish and people can work together. Tumblr has proven to be an excellent platform for creatives of all stripes to share their work with the world, build an audience, and make meaningful connections with others in their field (Hillman, Procyk and Neustaedter 2014).
Community Building and Fandom Culture
Tumblr's capacity to unite individuals over common interests has allowed for the growth of thriving online communities and fandoms. Users can search for and interact with information based on their preferred media types (Hillman, Procyk and Neustaedter 2014). A community like this fosters discourse, speculation, fiction, art, and other forms of fan-created expression. Tumblr has been instrumental in giving voice to underrepresented communities and highlighting underrepresented interests.
Social Activism and Awareness
Tumblr has played a significant role in highlighting crucial topics and promoting social justice movements. Users have been able to connect with one another, exchange their experiences and knowledge, and organise for social change thanks to the site. Tumblr has been instrumental in promoting debate and understanding on a wide range of issues, from LGBTQ+ rights to mental health activism (Byron, Robards, Hanckel, Vivienne and Churchill 2019). Awareness, funding, and advocacy have all been amplified beyond the scope of the platform thanks to hashtags and user-driven activities.
Challenges and Controversies
Tumblr, like any other social networking site, has had its share of problems and controversy. In 2018, the site made a significant adjustment to its content policy, which resulted in the removal of pornographic content. The decision was made to protect users from potentially harmful content, but it has had unintended consequences for the artistic and LGBTQ+ communities that used Tumblr as a platform for expression and exposure. The incident brought into sharp focus the challenges faced by online services in regulating offensive material without stifling free speech.
Attu, R. and Terras, M., 2017. What people study when they study Tumblr: Classifying Tumblr-related academic research. Journal of Documentation.
Byron, P., Robards, B.J., Hanckel, B., Vivienne, S. and Churchill, B., 2019. " Hey, i'm having these experiences": Tumblr use and young people's queer (dis) connections. International Journal of Communication, pp.2239-2259.
Hillman, S., Procyk, J. and Neustaedter, C., 2014, February. Tumblr fandoms, community & culture. In Proceedings of the companion publication of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing (pp. 285-288).
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