jewreallythinkthat · 2 days
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"but cakes at Pesach aren't very nice"
I tried making Italian torta caprese this year, it's literally butter, egg, sugar, chocolate and ground almonds/hazelnuts and it's delightful.
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jewreallythinkthat · 3 days
Literally no one questions the legends of Indiginous Tribes on the American West Coast talking about Thunderbirds and whales fighting as we KNOW this was an ancient explanation of earthquakes and tsunamis from the cascadia fault line. No one says that their stories are not true because they are an Indiginous legend which describes a real event.
Why do people feel the need to use the fact that legends do not map directly onto reality to declare that in the very specific case of Jews, that means everything is made up, a lie, falsified to trick people? It's very convenient that once again, people hold Jews to a very different standard 😒
You realize that there was no exodus right? I say this as a Jew, there’s just no historical or archaeological evidence for it whatsoever, and my family interprets its role in Pesach as metaphorical. If you want I can link you some sources that go into the history that’s probably behind it, but the short version is that the Levites specifically were probably a small group of emigrants from Egypt during the Bronze Age collapse who fled to Judah, and their stories about that were incorporated into local religious practice over time
can you fuck off, a lmao, from a human being with jewish studies credentials. (judah? bitch do you mean JUDEA? lmao. we are not "emigrants from egypt." get the fuck out of here. jews are not egyptians. claiming this is antisemitic and historically, as well as scientifically and archaeologically inaccurate)
you can say jews were egyptians but cant acknowledge palestinian history, where most were actual immigrants from egypt who moved to the mandate to work.
and b. hebrews were enslaved in egypt and in rome. there is archaeological evidence proving this.
ever heard of the merneptah stele? "Israel is laid waste—its seed is no more." hmmmmm wonder what THAT means.
this is an institute run by secular archaeologists in israel. they discuss the evidence of the exodus.
also lmao tell this to my history professor mother, who discusses the cataclysmic events and evidence of all (including in surrounding cultures and egypt itself) that influenced the plague stories. every culture has mythological versions of real events.
hebrews worked in MINES in egypt and there is archaeological proof of this. there is archaeological proof of us building the Colosseum in roman slavery as well.
i really need you to fuck off.
another interesting article on this:
also would you go to muslims and tell them their holidays are based on bullshit with no archaeological evidence? no? then don't fucking message other jews like this.
and your knowledge of jewish history from this message alone is lacking, so i'm not surprised.
merneptah stele:
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go fuck yourself with your "as a jew" bullshit.
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jewreallythinkthat · 3 days
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It's Passover and that means we had pavlova for dessert because it's flour free (we eat kitniyot in my house, but potato starch would work instead of corn starch for those who don't). Also it's nut free which makes it great for being around the high number of people with dietary requirements
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jewreallythinkthat · 3 days
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It's Passover and that means we had pavlova for dessert because it's flour free (we eat kitniyot in my house, but potato starch would work instead of corn starch for those who don't). Also it's nut free which makes it great for being around the high number of people with dietary requirements
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jewreallythinkthat · 3 days
@drinkyourintellectualitea thank you! There's also the fact that what the story means "to you" may be (and likely is) different from what the story means "to me". This can also be framed literally as him wanting the father's personal opinion, not what others want him to believe, not groupthink, but the father's own opinion.
Judaism encourages discussion and debate and learning and the idea that someone gets shut down like the wicked son does seems so... Well... Anti that?
Let's talk about The Wicked Son ™️ (not to bring Passover Seder discussions to Tumblr but oh well)
I always found the speed at which the father cuts off the Wicked Son from his Jewish heritage concerning. Like it is one question that he asks and the father is like, "well you're no longer a real Jew and G-d would let you die while he saves the rest of us" which I find really quite .... Odd.
The implication that those who aren't super connected to their Jewish heritage and history should be fully cut off from it, instead of being educated and being able to make an informed decision is worrisome. Also the fact that the implication of the story is that these are literally kids... Maybe the 16 year old doesn't quite understand things because they're still a child????
Anyway, I'd love to hear other people's opinions on this one!
Also, in my hagaddah, the Wise Son also says "what are the testimonials, statutes and always Hashem has commanded you". Again, the says "you". Hashem has "commanded you", not commanded him. So why does his father not also "set his teeth on edge" as he does with the wicked brother? It's blatant favouritism 🤣🤣
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jewreallythinkthat · 4 days
Let's talk about The Wicked Son ™️ (not to bring Passover Seder discussions to Tumblr but oh well)
I always found the speed at which the father cuts off the Wicked Son from his Jewish heritage concerning. Like it is one question that he asks and the father is like, "well you're no longer a real Jew and G-d would let you die while he saves the rest of us" which I find really quite .... Odd.
The implication that those who aren't super connected to their Jewish heritage and history should be fully cut off from it, instead of being educated and being able to make an informed decision is worrisome. Also the fact that the implication of the story is that these are literally kids... Maybe the 16 year old doesn't quite understand things because they're still a child????
Anyway, I'd love to hear other people's opinions on this one!
Also, in my hagaddah, the Wise Son also says "what are the testimonials, statutes and always Hashem has commanded you". Again, the says "you". Hashem has "commanded you", not commanded him. So why does his father not also "set his teeth on edge" as he does with the wicked brother? It's blatant favouritism 🤣🤣
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 days
Not to brag, but we went to Seder at the Rabbi's house, did the whole thing, and finished by 10.30pm
Rip to everyone who finished in the early hours of the morning but I got a full night sleep
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 days
sorry we mistook your boyfriend for a cinnamon roll and we sold him with the chametz. yeah it's just a temporary agreement, you can have him back in eight days. he'll be okay he's safe in a locked cabinet with the pasta
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 days
I have an announcement for the Jews In My Phone:
I am no longer feeding you challah, I am now feeding you cremslach
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Chag sameach and have a lovely Pesach xoxo
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 days
Ok, so, I know you're being a troll seeing as you've not only called me a demon worshiper (incorrect, and antisemitism) but you've also implied Jews are in control of europe (incorrect, and antisemitism) but I think the fact that people are hunting every Jew down makes it very clear that this isn't actually about protecting Palestinians. But I'm bored, so I'm replying.
I have no issue with people calling out the way the Israeli government are acting, I have don't it regularly myself. It's incredibly easy to do this without being an antisemite. The easiest way to do this is to simply not only get upset when the Israeli government does bad things. If you have ignored what's going on in China, Myanmar, Ukraine, Sudan, the DRC/Rwanda but you make a special effort to only protest when Israel does something bad, then yeah you have an unhealthy obsession with Israel and the Jews ans maybe need to do some introspection if you want to be a real progressive. Frankly, I can't even tell if you're far right or far left with this comment - yay horseshoe theory.
When the majority of people on the marches are not Palestinian, then your point kind of falls apart. There are 5000 registered Palestinians in the UK from the last year data is available. Please explain how hundreds of thousands of people on a march that holds Israel to a higher standard than they have ever held any other country to can all be Palestinian when only 5000 Palestinians live in the UK? (There are other projects which put the number higher but I'm going with the government data on this one as I know how it's collected and I trust it to be fair in this scenario.)
I have no qualms calling you an antisemite as you have engaged in not just bog standard endemic antisemitism but you've gone above and beyond to use a specific reference "Moloch worshipper" that requires understanding and choice about what you're saying.
I'm very pro-the establishment of Palestine but you don't care about that do you? You just like being able to shout at Jews. I'd apologise about living in your head rent free but honestly, that seems like a you problem.
For those who missed it, a Jewish man was threatened with arrest in London this weekend for being "openly Jewish" (that's a quote form the policeman who stopped him) while being near a pro-palestinian protest. He was then abused and harassed by protestors. The policeman said that the man's presence could lead to a "breach of the peace"
The police proceeded to release the most victim blamey apology I've ever seen - one so bad that they then had to withdraw it and issue a second apology
The original apology talks about a "new trend of those opposed to the main protests appearing alongside the route to express their views", and "knowing their presence is provocative".
The guy the police stopped was literally walking in London post shul. Not on a counter demonstration, not on a free the hostages demo, or a pro Israel demo. He was just there, and wearing a kippah.
Like I'm sorry but saying Jews being obviously Jewish is causing a breach of the peace when near a pro-palestinian protest makes it very clear that the police know that these are not actually peaceful.
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I'm sure a huge number of people on these demos are not actually antisemites and have no intention to harm Jews, however herd mentality can make even the most reasonable person into a bigot, and frankly if people are afraid to stand against the antisemites, it shows that they now how dangerous the people around them are - so WHY are they still there?
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 days
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jewreallythinkthat · 5 days
I have an announcement for the Jews In My Phone:
I am no longer feeding you challah, I am now feeding you cremslach
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Chag sameach and have a lovely Pesach xoxo
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jewreallythinkthat · 6 days
When the candles burn, but are not consumed
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jewreallythinkthat · 6 days
For those who missed it, a Jewish man was threatened with arrest in London this weekend for being "openly Jewish" (that's a quote form the policeman who stopped him) while being near a pro-palestinian protest. He was then abused and harassed by protestors. The policeman said that the man's presence could lead to a "breach of the peace"
The police proceeded to release the most victim blamey apology I've ever seen - one so bad that they then had to withdraw it and issue a second apology
The original apology talks about a "new trend of those opposed to the main protests appearing alongside the route to express their views", and "knowing their presence is provocative".
The guy the police stopped was literally walking in London post shul. Not on a counter demonstration, not on a free the hostages demo, or a pro Israel demo. He was just there, and wearing a kippah.
Like I'm sorry but saying Jews being obviously Jewish is causing a breach of the peace when near a pro-palestinian protest makes it very clear that the police know that these are not actually peaceful.
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I'm sure a huge number of people on these demos are not actually antisemites and have no intention to harm Jews, however herd mentality can make even the most reasonable person into a bigot, and frankly if people are afraid to stand against the antisemites, it shows that they now how dangerous the people around them are - so WHY are they still there?
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jewreallythinkthat · 8 days
Keeping it fresh and fruity in my second night Seder WhatsApp with the debate about whether vampires are allowed (or able) to enter a mikvah? And would a member of the undead un-kosher the mikvah?
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jewreallythinkthat · 9 days
many are like “oh shit, you’re vastly more reasonable than the people deeply interested in misrepresenting you made you out to be”
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jewreallythinkthat · 9 days
I don't want to have to be strong and stand up to antisemites. I'm so fucking exhausted countering the tsunami of misinformation trying to destroy us. I know I will never stand down and shut up but for god's sake, can people be normal about the Jews for a bit? Like just a week??? I'd love to be able to just go out and about and not have to be on edge the whole time because it's open season on assaulting Jews for existing.
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