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Okay but like he's not working as a video essayist anymore though. He was trying to rebrand on tiktok and the "free advertising" the "Online Leftist Discourse Industrial Complex" gave him made him stop doing that. It's because people keep pointing out that he lied and scammed people that he's not currently lying and scamming people on youtube and tiktok.
On the hbomberguy subreddit there's a weekly thread talking about good youtubers that aren't as famous. It's a weekly thread that's trying to give attention to people with less clout in their community who do deserve that attention. They've been doing that for months. By contrast, they spent five months NOT talking about James Somerton until they found out that 1) he was trying to go back to tiktok, 2) also he was never sorry about plagiarism, and 3) he was absolutely manipulating people with that suicide note.
I know that some people out there consider all criticism a personal and hateful attack, but do you maybe think there's a reason why The Left™ chose to show that this specific guy had two alt accounts? Do you think they chose to show the tweets in which he goes "plagiarism and lies are no big deal, stop being angry about it," "if plagiarism and lies are a big deal then his cowriter did it," and "you people made him kill himself" for some reason? Do you think it may have something to do with him trying to rebrand on tiktok after he wrote a suicide note that made a bunch of people call the people who accused him of plagiarism and lying of being murderers?
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James Somerton in Salem, 1692: "I love my best friend Nick, who often dances naked in the pale moonlight with a black goat. I hope no one accuses him of being at the devil's sacrament last Friday at 3am."
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Also, it's great that some people are still giving him the benefit of the doubt, but realize that there's posts from his alt accounts that are him saying "it's people like you who made him do it" and generally justifying himself and saying that his lies were no big deal. Not every suicide note is someone weaponizing suicide, but this specific case absolutely is and you need to understand that.
Okay, look, we need to talk about this "you are the bad person for not believing the suicide note" thing
You have to assume every suicide note is real, and you have to act accordingly.
"Acting accordingly" means do a wellness check. Find out that they're okay. If you can, send help. "Acting accordingly" does not mean forgive and forget.
If Some Guy has manipulated people and then says he's gonna kill himself because people are saying that he manipulated people, you do a wellness check. You don't stop telling people that he manipulated people, or act as if he never manipulated people.
I'm sorry, i know this is uncomfortable to talk about, but you gotta understand that. Not every single person who said they knew James faked it is mean. Some of them can just read the subtext, and you gotta learn how to read the subtext because it's actually not kind to just blindly believe everything in good faith.
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Oh my fucking god
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I'm gonna try and explain how people could tell the suicide note was manipulative, so that, hopefully, more people will understand next time.
First of all, James Somerton has a history of saying that whoever calls him out for lying is sending him death threats and harrassing him. Deflecting blame by talking about how poorly he's doing is a pattern of behaviour on his side.
So he's called out for lying and he posts a couple of apologies. If you've seen them, you know that in every apology he manages to sprinkle something about a hospital stay. Again; called out -> "I had to go to the hospital". The pattern continues.
Now, after the last apology doesn't work, he responds by posting a note about how he lost everything and it's all his fault. We know that the man follows a pattern of behaviour, so think; what can you read between the lines? Just to say one thing; why did he say that the videos that would be put on his youtube channel were Nick's? Do you think Nick wanted that? Do you think people wanted that? And what happens if we find those new videos have been plagiarised? Is Nick to blame now? Also, do you think Nick wanted to read that James killed himself because he lost him?
This isn't to say that you read that note and assume he was faking it. Maybe he was suicidal, and somebody has to make sure he's well. But you have to realize that this is manipulative. He wants people to feel sorry for him for being called out as a manipulative liar, and he wants people to be angry at anyone who called him a manipulative liar. The guy who says "I will kill myself and that will show you all" is suicidal, he's just also a fucking asshole you shouldn't let back in your life.
Okay, look, we need to talk about this "you are the bad person for not believing the suicide note" thing
You have to assume every suicide note is real, and you have to act accordingly.
"Acting accordingly" means do a wellness check. Find out that they're okay. If you can, send help. "Acting accordingly" does not mean forgive and forget.
If Some Guy has manipulated people and then says he's gonna kill himself because people are saying that he manipulated people, you do a wellness check. You don't stop telling people that he manipulated people, or act as if he never manipulated people.
I'm sorry, i know this is uncomfortable to talk about, but you gotta understand that. Not every single person who said they knew James faked it is mean. Some of them can just read the subtext, and you gotta learn how to read the subtext because it's actually not kind to just blindly believe everything in good faith.
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Okay, look, we need to talk about this "you are the bad person for not believing the suicide note" thing
You have to assume every suicide note is real, and you have to act accordingly.
"Acting accordingly" means do a wellness check. Find out that they're okay. If you can, send help. "Acting accordingly" does not mean forgive and forget.
If Some Guy has manipulated people and then says he's gonna kill himself because people are saying that he manipulated people, you do a wellness check. You don't stop telling people that he manipulated people, or act as if he never manipulated people.
I'm sorry, i know this is uncomfortable to talk about, but you gotta understand that. Not every single person who said they knew James faked it is mean. Some of them can just read the subtext, and you gotta learn how to read the subtext because it's actually not kind to just blindly believe everything in good faith.
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