Do you hear the low constant rumble that sounds like wind? Ya that's thunder, constant rolling thunder. It's not May in Oklahoma without storms. Happy tornado season, and Happy hunting for the storm chasers. Be safe.
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How bad do you have to mess up? Is this extreme criminal multi-tasking? Maybe he left his cild at home to go to the bar. Drove home drunk and on the way he sold some drugs and took some. Then he robbed a bank/gas station. Then got in a high speed pursuit and rammed a cop car. And sprinkle in some other offenses in the process.
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What the fuck is this shit, Sprint? Do I blame the carrier or the device? Had to wait for after work to get this uploaded because I didn't have service there. Wound up with no service at all for most of the day.
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Oklahoma Weather continued...
So, I posted the other day about the crazy 40掳 temp swing and the precipitation. Guess what it's back but in a different dress today.
It's raining.
"No big deal," you say "it rains almost everywhere."
Ah, but, did you know the air temperature is at 27掳. It's not freezing it's actually melting the snow and ice as it hits.
I was outside changing a wiper blade and I was steaming like I was a plate of dumplings fresh from the bamboo steamer.
So lets review, it's 5 degrees below freezing, raining, and it's melting all of the already frozen stuff on the ground.
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Oklahoma Weather?
This is how my day started out.
Tuttle, Oklahoma February 20 2018
6:00 am: start the car, 67掳 no coat or jacket just a t-shirt and jeans. A bit breezy (10-15 mph) but typical for the past couple of months.
6:25 am: getting kids ready. Reading the weather app on phone, temperature steadily dropping all day, ok cool.
6:30 am: finally in the car still about 65掳 -ish breeze has picked up a bit.
6:40 half way to Mustang, OK to drop the kids and wife off and go to work. Notice it's getting cooler in the car and a bit foggier outside.
6:43 almost to drop the wife off at work, we notice it's fairly foggy and the temperature has dropped to 58掳
6:45 pull in the parking lot where she works it has dropped another 5 degrees.
6:55 get to my parents house to drop off my son and see that it is now at 45掳 fairly windy (20-25 mph). And very foggy. A bit of a weird combination.
7:15 get to work (3 miles away from parents) it's now 40掳 and drops of rain are on the windshield here and there.
7:35: 35掳 after a few bouts of light, widely spaced raindrops someone kicks the bottom out of the barrel and the rain is now falling hard. Wind is blowing hard at about 35-40 mph. Some loud thunder.
8:00: not raining but still fairly dark out. It is now 32掳.
8:05: raining hard again. Can't hear inside building because of rain falling so hard on metal roof.
8:30-9:30 light rain constant with the occasional loud thunder clap.
10:00 I get suckered into going outside for a customer. "It's only sleeting a little." 30掳 and by the time I am done I am covered in sleet pellets. Come back inside and towel off with some paper towels.
10:45 it's stopped all precipitation except for what looks like the occasional snowflake.
This is the same area that goes from 50 and 60 to 20 and 30 three or four times in a week. I'm expecting to hear about or see tornadoes today or tomorrow. Who knows what will happen?
Edit: 11:30 27掳 sitting in line at Zaxby's and it's snowing.
"If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, wait a minute and it'll change."聽
~Will Rogers
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High quality. Let's leave it there and run with it.
Heavy Rain ( 2010 )
All animations ramped up to 500%
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I see nothing wrong with this.鈽戯笍 Good to go.
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bone apple teeth聽馃拃馃拃
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"Well I woke up in a cage and then I thought somebody was barbequing. I said oh lord Jesus it's a frier. Then I ran out, I didn't grab no shoes or nothin' Jesus, I ran for my life. And then the smoke got me, I got bronchitis ain't nobody got time for that."
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submitted by @gaydeliverydriverunion
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And Jesus said "I have looked unto my field in which I have planted seed for many fucks. And lo it is barren! But i do not weep that I have none to give. If I had a fuck to give, thou shalt surley make mine patience thin with thy pettyness."
-A letter from the deciple Jim to the haters in Jerusalem.
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