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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week
↳   Day 7 (April 23 30): Free Choice → Lena Luthor + Being a badass
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week
Day 7: Free Choice - Lena + Smiling. She has the most beautiful smile.
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Lena Luthor Appreciation - Day 7 Free Choice
This is just a Katie/Lena appreciation note for giving me the inspiration I have been lacking for YEARS to start writing again. Katie’s acting triggered something I thought was gone for good, and there are many reasons that her talent awakened my creativity and inspiration from a 10+ year hibernation. I love having something to throw myself into other than work, and the complexity/layers/wonderful way she brings Lena to life has just resonated with me. I’m beyond thrilled that she got the well deserved promotion to series regular so we can see more of this perfect face, and her amazing talent. I don’t always have faith in the writers, but I know whatever they throw at Lena, Katie will bring it with magic. 
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week: THANK YOU~ - Thank you to everyone for making this a successful and fun event! Thanks to all of the love for Lena, we had well over 300 submissions! Whether you contributed content once or everyday, or even just reblogged what you enjoyed, this couldn’t have been done without you. 💗
To close everything out, if you have a Twitter, don’t forget to help trend ‘Lena Luthor is Back’ on April 24th. Refer to the post for the appropriate times.
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week: Day 7 - Free Choice
Community: The greatest thing that Lena Luthor has done for me and thousands of other people is this community. Because of this singular character we have all been connected to one another. Some people may be more popular and other’s may be watching from the sidelines but we’re all part of this group. 
We are connecting with people from all over the world and that’s the coolest thing. I am grateful for all the friendships I have made since starting my blog. I have made a few friends whom I hope to keep and I know other’s have done the same. 
We have amazingly talented people who have contributed thousands of artwork, fics, manips, au’s, headcanons, analysts, and much more. We have made a place to go to escape and find comfort in Lena Luthor/SuperCorp.
This week has shown that there is so much wonderful content that can be made and shared. Lets keep the positivity growing! 
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What I need for Lena in S3 and/or end of S2 now that we know she is coming back
1. More Lena and Kara scenes in general 
2. Lena actually getting thanked for all the badass stuff she’s done
3. Kara revealing herself as Supergirl to Lena. I mean, we ALL know that Miss “Well that’s lucky” knows based on her smug ass smiles and remarks but still I WANT THIS SCENE
4. Lena joining the Superfriends and the DEO. Like Lena and Winn working together with the DEO and L-Corp’s resources to make badass modifications to Kara’s suit, Alex’s arsenal, etc…
5. Lena saving Supergirl, preferably with an awesome weapon because Katie is so badass with them
6. A Lena/Alex friendship
7. Lena being invited to Thanksgiving so she doesn’t have to spend it alone in her office again. Eliza loves having more kids to celebrate with and gives Lena a hug and piles food on her plate because she knows as CEO with her long hours she doesn’t eat enough. Then Eliza gets on to Kara for not taking Lena enough food during the work week. OR Kara bringing Lena leftovers and they chill while eating them
8. I want to actually see Kara and Lena’s lunch outings
9. More couch scenes between Lena and Kara. Doesn’t have to be in Lena’s office. They could totally share some donuts on Kara’s couch as they laugh about the latest villain they crushed with their awesome team work
10. Lena being accepted publicly because L-Corp is finally ridding itself of Lex’s negativity
12. Lena and Maggie sitting in a booth watching Kara and Alex “play” pool - each wondering how they got so lucky to fall in love with these dorks
13. A Lena/Winn friendship where they argue about geek stuff constantly
14. At least one more instance of Supergirl carrying Lena bridal style (or some other way - I ain’t picky)
16. More conflict between Lena and her mother (just because I love Brenda Strong and her scenes with Katie are awesome)
17. More Lena backstory
18. Lena getting to go with Supergirl on a crossover episode
19. Lena finally getting to hold a press conference for a good cause without things going to shit
I’m sure there is tons more but the moral of this post is MORE LENA!!!
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week - Day 7/7 : Free Choice
We all know Lena would replicate Krypton for Kara
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week
Day 7 (April 23): Free Choice
Lena + With her Hair Down 
Because she looks Flawless and gorgeous with her hair down 
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Here are my four favorite Lena scenes, plus two honorable mentions
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week
Day 6 (not really) : Favorite Scene or Episode
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week - Day 7: Free Choice
Social Media AU - Out Lesbian Lena
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Day 7 - Lena Luthor Appreciation Week - Free Choice
Lena Luthor +  Guns.
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Dat bridal carry, doh. 😉
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week - Day 7 (April 23): Free Choice
I didn’t know what to do today, so I decided to share my new edit because I’m very excited about tomorrow’s episode xD
A non-profit fan poster inspired by The Good Fight poster (and The Good Wife style). If you like, let me know! That motivates me. And if you use it, please credit me whenever possible :)
Other posters made by me here.
You can also follow me on Twitter if you want and Instagram.
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week: Day 7 | Free Choice I choose my favourite crack videos cuz I’m addicted to them. 
SUPERGIRL CRACK || SPECIAL SUPERCORP (Part 1) by Niki Sky SUPERGIRL CRACK || SPECIAL SUPERCORP (Part 2)  by Niki Sky SUPERGIRL CRACK || SPECIAL SUPERCORP (Part 3) by Niki Sky (this is my all time fav) SUPERGIRL CRACK || SPECIAL SUPERCORP (Part 4) by Niki Sky (this one is my fav too)
SuperCorp | Crack by fadingwhisper87 SuperCorp | Crack | part 2 by fadingwhisper87 SuperCorp | Crack | part 3 [+ 2x12] by fadingwhisper87 SuperCorp | Crack | part 4 [+ 2x15] by fadingwhisper87
SUPERCORP CRACK- short but GAY by Daenerys Targaryen 
Bonus lena luthor crack by Zo
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week Day 6 (April 22)
Favorite Scene or Episode
Favourite Episode: 2x12 (and maybe 2x18 in a few days, haha)
Favourite Scene: Choose only one? XD …Well, I think I choose the great scene from the 2x15 episode “Supercorp Will Rise” (original gif’s post here). 
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But I also want to share this one of the same episode, because it represents how much Lena respects Kara and how healthy their relationship is :)
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Lena Luthor Appreciation Week: Day 7/7 || Free Choice || Be Your Own Hero [Where there is light A shadow appears For in our great sorrow We learn what joy means.]
Even now, it is clear that one of Lena’s biggest worries is being judged and persecuted for her last name, rather than being judged for the woman she really is. After everything, it could have broken her. Instead, Lena stood up, and carried on. She refuses to live in fear. She made it a personal mission to try and rise up above the awful legacy that her family had left behind. She picked up the pieces and got to work on building her company and changing the way the world saw the name ‘Luthor.’
“Keep doin’ what you’re doin’. Don’t stop. Don’t second guess yourself.”
Special thanks to @somos-poeiraestelar for the lyrical inspiration.
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