mark-of-oxin-anime · 7 years
@ Everyone involved in the Mark Of Oxin anime
Due to upcoming exams, I won't be able to work on this too much for a little while ^~^ I will still be open to recruits, and will be active on Tumblr if you have any questions, I just don't think I need the extra pressure right now. Love you all! - Susie
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mark-of-oxin-anime · 7 years
Currently recruiting: writing team!
I will be writing the script for the Mark of Oxin animated series, but I’m going to need some of you talented lot to help. We’ll be talking about the concepts, the storyline, and any scenes people may want to add in that aren’t strictly cannon. At the moment it’s just a Google doc, but a Discord/ Snapchat/ Google Hangouts group chat may be added later. Send a message if you want to be added to the doc!
- Susie
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mark-of-oxin-anime · 7 years
A heads up
From now on, I'll tag everything #mooa (Mark of Oxin anime, so inventive) so everyone should be able to find it pretty easily - Susie
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mark-of-oxin-anime · 7 years
The original post, now on my new blog
Looking for help in a possible The Mark of Oxin animated series?
So the idea’s been floating around in my head for a while now about making an anime version of @amazingphil’s Mark of Oxin game. I’ve started writing out a loose script, but if this is going to actually happen I’m going to need animators, voice actors, and a whole load of other people to help. I don’t want to properly start writing the script until I know for certain this is going to happen, so if you’re interested, send me a message! If not, prettiest please signal boost this, because I’ll honestly need all the help I can get in getting people to see this 😂
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