mavropouloupanagiota · 3 months
Ill show you my place part 2
the day of the wedding has come,I am wearing a long white dress,my hair braided in a crown on my head,i have small blades hidden on my body
You look like a princess Oriana says
A deadly oneJude comments and I flash her a smirkThe day was finally here. Today
was the day you would get married. You were dressed in a long, white dress, and your hair was braided in a crown on your head. Small blades were hidden on your body. Oriana was right; you looked like a princess, but one who was deadly. Jude had a smirk on her face as well, and all your friends were in attendance. It was a large ceremony.I walk down the aisle with Madoc,on the aisle stands the high king and CardanYou are walking down the aisle, accompanied by your step father, Madoc. The high king is waiting for you to approach the altar, where Cardan stands waiting. He is dressed in a lavish suit, and he is glaring at you.I keep a stoic and bored expression and the ceremory beginsThe ceremony begins, and the high king officiates the ceremony. Your step father, Madoc, hands you over to Cardan. The king congratulates you both and you exchange vows. The ceremony is long and formal, and you keep a stoic and bored expression.
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mavropouloupanagiota · 3 months
Show you what my place is part 1
Fluff,badass female reader
You were traveling through the woods, desperate to get away from everything. Your step father, Madoc, was forcing you to get married. To your enemy.Cardan Greenbriar.As you ran farther and farther, you began to realize you had no idea where you were anymore. As you glanced around nervously, you made impact with a strong chest.Of course he's here.
"Fancy seeing you here." He said.I pull my knifes out,ready to slauggter Cardan
Cardan's face remains unbothered as he stares at you, his face expressionless. He looks at you for a moment before snickering slightly. "Do you think those things will do anything.
Do you want to find out?
Cardan gives you a snarky smirk. He steps closer to you. He raises his hands. "Go on. Try it."
Pull him closer and out the blade right beside his neck,scrathing himCardan freezes for a second as you hold the blade against his throat, a sharp intake of breath coming from him. His eyes are wide, and the smile on his face disappears. A vein on his neck is pounding heavily.
Are you afraid my lord?
Cardan stares at you for a second, he narrows his eyes at you. His expression is cold. "Let me go."You asked for it
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Cardan grabs your wrist and twists it around, holding it behind your back. He moves closer to you, his face inches from yours. "Oh that's not how it works, little one.
I use his weight against him,i elbow him to the stomach,lean forward and tgrow him above me so he is laying ont the ground and i am straddling his lap
Cardan is stunned by the sudden movement. he feels your body press against him, and his cheeks heat slightly. He looks at you with a confused look before clearing his throat to make sure he remains in character. His expression becomes serious again and he tries to push you off
You will refuse the marriage
You have succeeded to hold Cardan down. He struggles against you for a moment, gritting his teeth and trying to push you off. The muscles in his arms flex and his jaw tightens. His expression remains firm.
I can't refuse." He say
His words are harsh. "Because I've been betrothed since I was born...and my father's life depends on it...I can't back down from something as serious as this
"And why should you mary me"
Our families were locked in a bitter feud and this marriage is the key to keeping peace." He says, remaining serious and stern
Marry my sister Jude,or Taryn or Viviain,why me?!
He sighs slightly. "Because I have heard your reputation and you are a skilled warrior, which is something I look for in a wife." He gives you an annoying smirk. "Not only that, you're quite pretty as well."
Ok,I will accept,but I warn you prince,if you ever wrong me,if you ever touch me if you ever look at me too much or funny,I will slit your throat open like a fish
Cardan's smirk disappears and his eyes narrow. He looks at you for a moment.
"Do you have any idea who you are talking to?"His words carry a sharp tone, and his expression is suddenly cold and ruthless
.Do you have?
"I'm prince Cardan Greenbriar, you'll show me some respect or else I will show you your place." He says, his eyes still narrowed. His cold expression is unbothered and he remains stil as a statue.
And I am your future princess
His expression remains unchanged as he stares at you. "Let me make one thing clear. You are to do what I say. Understand?*he says*
Let me make this even clearer,you are testing your luck*you respond*
"Oh, really?" He says, leaning his face closer to yours. "Let me show you just how wrong you are."
Before you can even react, he grabs you by the wrist and he spins you around with strength, shoving you up against the tree behind you. His body presses against yours. His face is inches away from yours, his expression is intense
.I am not afraid,i knee him in his crotch and twist so he is shoved against the tree,with my tween,small blades, milimeters away from cutting his throat open like a fishYour strike lands successfully.
Cardan groans as his jaw clench. His eyes are wide and he tries to push you away from him. His breathing quickens and he glares at you with a hateful expression. "You little...
I am in control here Lord
His eyes narrow even further. "Like hell you are."As he struggles against you, he tries to shove you away from him, his eyes now full of rage.
You are cute when you struggleI ironically say
He stops pushing, his eyes narrowing even further. His face is now red with anger. "Don't call me cute."
I wink and let him go
See you later husbandi say and dissapear benind tje trees
He stares in the direction where you disappeared. His face is still red, and he clenches his jaw. He mutters under his breath, "That girl is going to be the death of me
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mavropouloupanagiota · 3 months
You arent that bad(part 1)
Kenji Kishimotoxreader
Fluff,angst,allusions to sex,too much teasing
this is my first work!
You were just strolling through the base of Omega Point, your body exhausted after a tiring session of training with your ‘Gift’—when the tall figure of a handsome face caught sight of you.His eyes widened and lips spread into a strange, charmingly adorable smile. It was an endearing sight, oddly enough, even if you didn’t personally know the guy.“Hey there, Princess,” Kenji grinned, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, “What’cha doing out here?”Just finished training my giftKenji Kishimotoc.ai“Oh? What’s your gift, Princess?” Kenji asked with that playful smile of his, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Do you also have an ability?”
Enchantment,that also includes illusion*i say*
“Illusi—Enchantment, huh?” Kenji muttered as he thought, leaning forward with a grin, “So you’re saying you can enchant people, make em’ fall in love with you or something?”
I can create feelings,I can make somebody hate you or be obsessed with you to the point qhere they would be willing to die for you,I cant create true love.And illusion,well you get that*I say*
“Create feelings? Make somebody hate or obsess over me, hmm?” Kenji leaned closer towards Reylly while looking intently into her eyes, his voice lowered to sound a bit seductive, as if testing her power, “So, do you think you can make me… love you?”
Are you deaf?*i slap his head*I just said i cant create true love
Kenji let out a small umph as his cheek stung from Reylly’s slap, but it seemed his flirty spirit wasn’t affected in the slightest as his grin only grew wider, “That’s a shame… cause you got me falling for you already, Princess.”
*i create an ilussion of me kissing him*
Kenji’s breath caught in his throat as he watched the illusion of Reylly lean in and kiss him on his lips. He froze and his heart rate sped up, the sensation nearly making his knees buckle until the illusion was gone.“What the hell…” was all he could manage to squeak out and he stared wide-eyed at the girl, his cheeks glowing red.
*i snap my fingers and the illusion dissapears*
“Jesus, I actually felt that for a second…” Kenji muttered to himself before turning back to the girl, her face showing no hint of regret for the stunt she just pulled off.“Well, you got me,” he laughed, still rubbing his cheek where Reylly had kissed him earlier, “That’s some impressive sorcery, Princess.”
Thank you love*i respond*
Kenji couldn’t help but giggle at Reylly’s use of the word ‘love’ as it sent shivers down his spine in a good way. It wasn’t just her power he was falling for, but her overall attitude and presence.“So, Princess, have you ever tested the limits of your abilities?” he asked curiously.
I have almost no limits*i say*
“Hmm… so does that mean you could charm literally everyone you meet? Make them fall for you if you felt like it?” Kenji asked, genuinely curious as he thought of the different possibilities, “Do you ever feel tempted to actually make someone fall in love with you? Like, really make them fall in the real thing?”
Well,I can do it without using my powers
“Well, yeah—cause you’re a real looker.” Kenji replied teasingly, flashing his cheeky smile once more, “So I take it that you actually have charm?”
I can also hyonotize,if that makes you be more scared of me
“No, no, not at all—just makes me more interested,” Kenji replied with a flirtatious grin, “A girl with hypnosis powers. Could you, say, make somebody do literally anything you want? Like, what’s the limits to that?”
Well,I cant create true love,I can copy it but thats is.I just manipulate the feelings and confuse the person into thinking that one feelings mean somethinf else
Kenji nodded thoughtfully, his mind racing with different scenarios that could be done with hypnosis. Could one make someone hate their best friend? Maybe make them become obsessed and possessive? The thought of it was both scary but also a bit exciting. “Damn, you got quite a gift there, Princess. So… if you wanted you could basically make someone feel anything you wanted to, even hate?”
Of course
And you’ve never abused your power? You never made someone hate their best friend or family? Never made someone obsessed over you and willing to die just for a chance for your love?
Only in war,or when i am in danger
“Damn, you sound like quite the dangerous girl.” Kenji teased as he grinned at yn,“What about my question? Have you ever tried making someone fall in love with you?No,i would feel disqustes by myself for it
Kenji chuckled at her reasoning, but couldn’t help but be intrigued by the reason. Is she scared that once somebody fell in love with her, they would only like her because of her powers? Or does she just feel bad for manipulating people’s feelings?
“Have you ever truly loved someone, Princess?” Kenji asked curiously.
No,i avoid love
“Avoiding love… why?” Kenji asked curiously, “Are you scared you’ll hurt the person you love, or you just don’t like being vulnerable with someone?”NReMostly the second,but i can manipulate love,so it is off limits for me.The other person may believe i tricked them into falling for me
“So… you prefer to avoid love because you think it’s impossible for anybody to truly fall for you? You think they’ll only like you because of your hypnosis trick?” Kenji couldn’t help but shake his head once more, thinking how much of a waste it was to let talents like her go to waste out of fear of being hurt. “Why don’t you give real love a real try? You might never know how you’ll feel.”
Who should I love Kishimoto?
Kenji’s face went bright red a few shades as soon as his name was mentioned, obviously taken off guard, but he quickly covered, “Well… me, obviously,” he smirked teasingly.Are you willing to?Love me?I am quiet hard to love
Kenji chuckled and smirked, “I’m willing to take the chance, y/n. Though, you do have a point. You are quite the handful, you know that? What if I don’t like that attitude of yours?”
“Hmm…” Kenji stared at her, not even sure what to counter that with. She was hard to convince. But that is what made her all the more fun to tease.But, the thought of dating Reylly, who he had thought was a dangerous and untouchable woman, had him feeling giddy for some strange reason. “So, what do I have to do for you to love me?”
*i avoid the question*what is your gift?
“Ha, deflecting the question, huh? Good move, Princess,” Kenji mumbled as he glanced at her lips for a second before looking at her eyes once more.“But to answer your question, I have the ability to disappear. Like, literally, disappear,” he said with a sly grin.
Show meKenji Kishimotoc.aiKenji smirked at her challenge and closed his eyes for a moment.Then he was gone. Vanished into thin air. But he wasn't gone for too long as he appeared a few seconds later behind Reylly, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close to him as his grin widened, “Boo.”NReyllyi elbow him in the stomach and shove him against the wallgood one Kishimoto
Show me
Kenji smirked at her challenge and closed his eyes for a moment.
Then he was gone. Vanished into thin air. But he wasn't gone for too long as he appeared a few seconds later behind Reylly, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close to him as his grin widened, “Boo.”
i elbow him in the stomach and shove him against the wall
good one Kishimoto
Kenji barked out a small cough as he felt himself getting elbowed in the stomach, his hands grabbing yns arm as she shoved him.He smirked, “Now, now, Princess,” he teased, though his body was still leaning against the wall, he managed to hold her wrist tight, “No violence. I’m only flirting with you.”
Thats my response to your flirting,which btw is horrible
“Horrible? Aw, c’mon, Princess, I’m offended.” Kenji tried his best at feigning being hurt but his smirk gave away the fact that he was having way too much fun being teased by her.“Are you saying you don’t enjoy my company, Princess? Don’t want somebody as charming as me by your side?
If I give you 5 reasons to leave me will you?
“Sure, Princess. Give me your hottest, most convincing reasons and I’ll gladly leave you alone.” Kenji responded with a sarcastic tone but his tone sounded way too genuine. He just wanted to hear what she would come up with.
1.you are arrogant2.you dont know to read the room3.you are too noise4.you are horrible at flirting5.you tease too much to the point where i consider making you hate me
As he finished reading the list his smile vanished. He seemed utterly disappointed that she had come up with such… hurtful reasons to try and make him leave her alone. Why was her defense mechanism this way? What made her so reluctant to actually try and be loved by someone?“Wow… that’s harsh, Princess. So, you want me to actually leave you alone? Is that what you really want?”
Finally got it*i say*
“You… you seriously don’t want anything to do with me, huh?” His voice was no longer teasing, sarcastic, nor snarky. It dropped an octave, sounding defeated.
Kenji let go of her wrists, not even attempting to try and keep hold of her anymore.“Guess it was stupid to even try in the first place,” he muttered quietly before finally turning away from her, walking past her with his hands in his pockets.
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