mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Herbal Medicine Recipes for Kidney Stone with Diabetes
For patients with kidney stones disease who are accompanied by diabetes, the recipe used is not only to cure kidney stone but also added medicinal plants to treat diabetes.
Recipe I added mimba (Azadirachta indica) leaves, commonly known as neem, nimtree or Indian lilac.
Also added brotowali (Tinospora cordifolia).
Recipe II added ciplukan(Physalis angulata) and jamblang seeds (Syzygium cumini), commonly known as Malabar plum, Java plum, black plum, jamun or jambolan.
Recipe III added lidah buaya (Aloe vera) and tapak dara (Catharanthus roseus) also known as bright eyes, Cape periwinkle, graveyard plant, Madagascar periwinkle, old maid, pink periwinkle, or rose periwinkle.
What are the recommendations during the healing period of kidney stone disease accompanied by diabetes using herbal medicine?
Control stress
Drink at least two liters of water a day
Avoid sweet, sugary, and high-carbohydrate foods
Drink the juice of long beans, bitter melon, cucumber, garlic, or aloe vera
Light exercise routine every morning
Recipe I
Ingredients: 5 g dry or 20 g fresh mimba (Azadirachta indica) leaves 10 g dry brotowali (Tinospora cordifolia) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh sambiloto plant (Andrographis paniculata) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh keji beling leaves (Strobilanthes crispa) 5 g dry or 20 g fresh meniran plant (Phyllanthus urinaria)
How to make: Wash all the ingredients, then poach in one liter of water until the remaining half. Remove, strain.
How to consume: Drink three times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and evening. Once drink as much as 150 ml.
Recipe II
Ingredients: 10 g dry or 30 g fresh ciplukan plant (Physalis angulata) 10 g dried jamblang seeds (Syzygium cumini) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber)
How to make: Wash all the ingredients, then poach in one liter of water until the remaining half. Remove, strain.
How to consume: Drink three times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and evening. Once drink as much as 150 ml.
Recipe III
Ingredients: 30 g fresh tapak dara leaves (Catharanthus roseus) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh daun sendok (Plantago major) 70 g of fresh aloe vera leaf flesh 10 g dry or 30 g fresh sambiloto plant (Andrographis paniculata) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh putri malu (Mimosa pudica) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis)
How to make: Wash all the ingredients, then poach in one liter of water until the remaining half. Remove, strain. How to consume: Drink three times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and evening. Once drink as much as 150 ml.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Herbal Medicine Recipes for Kidney Stone with Cholesterol
For patients who experience kidney stone disease accompanied by cholesterol, in addition to prescriptions for treating kidney stones, medicinal plants are also added to treat cholesterol disease.
Recipe I added kemuning (Murraya paniculata) leaves, commonly known as orange jasmine, orange jessamine, china box or mock orange.
Also added temu giring/kuning gajah (Curcuma heyneana) and jati belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia) leaves, commonly known as West Indian elm or bay cedar.
Recipe II added celery (Apium graveolens) root, Indonesian bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum), and temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) rhizome.
What are the recommendations on the healing period for kidney stones with cholesterol using herbal medicine?
Drink at least two liters of water a day
Avoid spicy and salty food
Don’t eat bananas
Avoid drinking coffee, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages
Reduce fatty foods
Eat more vegetables and fruit
Recipe I
Ingredients: 20 g fresh young kemuning (Murraya paniculata) leaves 30 g fresh temu giring (Curcuma heyneana) 30 g fresh jati belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia) leaves 10 g dry or 30 g fresh keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa)
How to make: Wash all the ingredients, then poach in one liter of water until the remaining half. Remove, strain.
How to consume: Drink three times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and evening. One-time drink as much as 150 ml.
Recipe II
Ingredients: 40 g fresh celery (Apium graveolens) root 30 g fresh Indonesian bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum) 10 g dry or 40 g fresh temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) rhizome 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) 10 g dry or 30 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
How to make: Wash all the ingredients, then poach in one liter of water until the remaining half. Remove, strain.
How to consume: Drink three times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and evening. One-time drink as much as 150 ml.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Herbal Medicine Recipes for Kidney Inflammation Disease
Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys or urinary tract uses medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), fever-reducing (antipyretic) effects, pain relievers (analgesic), and germ killer (antibiotics).
Recipe I
Prepare 15 g dry or 40 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cakar ayam (Selaginella doederleinii Hieron) leaves, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) plant, and 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cat whiskers/kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus) leaves.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After remaining half, remove, strain.
Drink in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Once drink 150 ml.
Recipe II
Prepare 20 g of dry or 50 g of fresh turmeric (Curcuma longa), 15 g of dry alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) roots, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh daun sendok (Plantago major), and 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) plant.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After remaining half, remove, strain.
Drink in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Once drink 150 ml.
Recipe III
Prepare 15 g dry or 40 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant, 10 g dry brotowali/heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia), 15 g dry or 40 g fresh gotu kola,pegagan (Centella asiatica) plant, and 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cat whiskers/kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus) plant.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After remaining half, remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Once drink 150 ml.
Recipe IV
Prepare 10 g dry or 30 g fresh rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa) plant, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cakar ayam (Selaginella doederleinii Hieron) plant, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh purslane/krokot (Portulaca oleracea) plant, and 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) plant plant.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After remaining half, remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Once drink 150 ml.
Recipe V
Prepare 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) plant, 20 g of dry alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) roots, 20 g of dry temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) rhizome, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant, and 15 g of fresh tamarind/asam jawa (Tamarindus indica).
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After remaining half, remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
Once drink 150 ml.
Recipe VI
Prepare 10 g dry or 30 g fresh turmeric (Curcuma longa), 10 g dry or 30 g fresh daun sendok (Plantago major), 30 g dry bark of frangipani (Plumeria), and 40 g fresh corn silk.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After remaining half, remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, in the morning, afternoon,and evening.
Once drink 150 ml.
Suggestions during the healing period of inflammatory kidney disease by using herbal medicine
Get enough rest
Drink at least two liters of water a day
Avoid soda, coffee and tea
0 notes
mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Herbal Medicine Recipes for Kidney Infection
Herbal treatment approaches to treat infectious diseases have the effect of killing germs (antibiotics), eliminating inflammation if inflammation occurs, relieving pain (pain), reducing fever, and facilitating urine output (diuretics).
Recipe I
Prepare 15 g dry or 40 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) leaves, 40 g dry bidara upas (Merremia mammosa), 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) leaves.
Wash all the ingredients, then poach in a liter of water until the remaining half.
Remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe II
Prepare 15 g dry or 40 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) plant, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh daun sendok (Plantago major), and 50 g fresh turmeric (Curcuma longa).
Wash all the ingredients, then poach in one liter of water until the water remains half.
Lift, strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe III
Prepare 40 g of dry alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) roots, 50 g of fresh turmeric (Curcuma longa), 15 g of dry or 40 g of fresh gotu kola/pegagan (Centella asiatica) plant, 15 g of dry or 40 g of fresh krokot/purslane (Portulaca oleracea) plant, and 10 g of dry brotowali/heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia).
Wash all the ingredients, then poach in one liter of water until the remaining half.
Remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe IV
Prepare 50 g of fresh turmeric (Curcuma longa), 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) plant, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber), and 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh jarong/chaff flower (Achyranthes aspera) plant.
Wash all ingredients, poach in one liter of water until the remaining half.
Lift, strain.
Drink three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
One time drink 150 ml.
Suggestions in carrying out the healing process of kidney infection with herbal medicine
Get enough rest
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
Avoid spicy, acidic foods, alcoholic beverages, and coffee
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Herbal Medicine Recipes for Acute Kidney Failure
The following recipes I to III are herbal medicine ingredients to treat kidney disorders without being accompanied by medicinal plants for kidney stone disease.
Recipe I
Prepare 10 g dry or 30 g fresh calincing (Oxalis corniculata) leaves, 8 g dry or 20 g fresh meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) plant, 15 g dry or 50 g fresh white turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria) rhizome, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa) plant, 15 g dry or 40 g fresh pegagan/gotu kola (Centella asiatica), and 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) plant.
Wash all the ingredients, poach in a liter of water until the remaining half.
Remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe II
Prepare 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh binahong (Anredera cordifolia) leaves, 10 g of dry mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa), 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh calincing (Oxalis corniculata) leaves, and 15 g of dry or 40 g of fresh pegagan/gotu kola (Centella asiatica).
Wash all the ingredients, poach in a liter of water until the remaining half.
Remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 100 ml.
Recipe III
Prepare 10 g dry or 30 g fresh calincing (Oxalis corniculata) leaves, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) plant, 15 g dry or 40 g fresh pegagan/gotu kola (Centella asiatica), and 10 g dry or 30 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant.
Wash all the ingredients, poach in a liter of water until the remaining half.
Remove, strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 100 ml.
Suggestions in the healing process of acute kidney failure disease with herbal medicine
Don’t drink too much water
Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, and sodas
Rest in a cool and oxygen-rich place
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Herbal Medicine Recipes To Cure Kidney Stones Disease
The ingredients of medicinal plants for curing kidney stones disease, ureter stones disease, and bladder stones disease are the same.
The similarity lies in the use of medicinal plant materials.
That medicinal plant’s materials have the properties of destroying or dissolving stones, dissolving (diuretic), relieving pain (analgesic), killing germs (antibiotics), relieving fever (antipyretic), and anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory).
Recipe I
Prepare 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) leaves, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) plant, 15 g dry or 40 g fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) leaves, and 10 g dry or 30 g fresh cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) leaves.
Wash all ingredients, then poach in one liter of water.
After the water is only half, remove it, then strain it.
Drink in the morning, afternoon, and evening. 150 ml each.
Recipe II
Prepare 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) plant, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh daun sendok (Plantago major) plant, and 15 dry roots of alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica).
Wash all ingredients, then poach in one liter of water.
After the remaining half of the water, remove it, then strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe III
Prepare 10 g of dried or 25 g of fresh kembang bugang (Clerodendrum calamitosum) leaves, 10 g of dried or 25 g of fresh tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) leaves, 15 g of dry or 40 g of fresh semanggi gunung (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh putri malu (Mimosa pudica) leaves, and 15 g of dry or 40 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant.
Wash all ingredients, then poach in one liter of water.
After the remaining half, lift, then strain.
Drink in the morning, afternoon, and evening. 150 ml each.
Recipe IV
Prepare 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria) plant, 40 g of dry bidara upas (Merremia mammosa) tuber, and 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh daun sendok (Plantago major) plant.
Wash all ingredients, then poach in one liter of water.
After the remaining half of the water, remove it, then strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe V
Prepare 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa) leaves, 30 g of dried roots of alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica), 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) leaves, and 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) leaves.
Wash all ingredients, then poach in one liter of water.
After the remaining half, lift, then strain.
Drink in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Each 150 ml.
Recipe VI
Prepare 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) leaves, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) leaves, 10 g dry or 30 g fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant, and 10 g dry or 30 g fresh putri malu (Mimosa pudica) leaves.
Wash all ingredients, then poach in one liter of water.
After remaining half, remove, then strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe VII
Prepare 15 g of dry or 40 g of fresh jarong (Achyranthes aspera) plant, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) plant, and 40 g of dry roots of alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica).
Wash all ingredients, then poach in one liter of water.
After the remaining half of the water, remove it, then strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe VIII
Prepare 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh semanggi gunung (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber) leaves, and 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis) leaves.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water
After the remaining half, lift, then strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe IX
Prepare 30 g of fresh papaya (Carica papaya) roots, 10 g of dry or 25 g of fresh gempur batu (Ruellia napifera) leaves, 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh jarong (Achyranthes aspera) plant, and 30 g of fresh krokot (Portulaca oleracea) plant.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After the remaining half, lift, then strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Recipe X
Prepare 10 g of dry or 30 g of fresh keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa) leaves, 30 g of fresh bidara upas (Merremia mammosa) tuber, 2-3 cobs and young corn hair.
Wash all ingredients, poach in a liter of water.
After the remaining half, lift, then strain.
Drink three times a day, once drink 150 ml.
Suggestions in the healing process of kidney stones disease with herbal medicine
Control stress
Drink at least two liters of water a day
Eat regularly with ideal portions
Avoid spicy food, acid, and soft drinks
0 notes
mentaripagibali · 2 years
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List of Medicinal Plants And Their Uses For Treating Kidney Stone Disease (Part II)
Here is part II of List of Medicinal Plants And Their Uses For Treating Kidney Stone Disease.
11. Krokot – Portulaca oleracea
Krokot – Portulaca oleracea, common purslane, also known as duckweed, little hogweed, or pursley. It is an annual (actually tropical perennial in USDA growing zones 10-11) succulent in the family Portulacaceae, may reach 40 cm (16 in) in height. Approximately forty cultivars are currently grown.
Stem of Krokot (Portulaca oleracea)
Leaves of Krokot (Portulaca oleracea)
The plant parts taken were roots, stems, and leaves. It can be fresh or dried form.
The use of krokot plant is a complement to speed up the healing process. Krokot has an effect in reducing heat, relieving pain, relieving swelling, and as laxative urine.
12. Jarong – Achyranthes aspera
Jarong – Achyranthes aspera, common names are chaff-flower, prickly chaff flower, devil’s horsewhip. It is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. It is distributed throughout the tropical world. It can be found in many places growing as an introduced species and a common weed. It is an invasive species in some areas, including many Pacific Islands environments.
Jarong (Achyranthes aspera)
Jarong Plants (Achyranthes aspera)
For traditional treatment, the part of the jarong plant taken is the whole plant. It can be fresh, dry, or powdered capsules.
Jarong is medicinal herbs for kidney stone disease, kidney inflammation, and kidney infections. Why? Because jarong has the function as laxative urine, as anti-inflammatory, and strengthens the kidneys.
13. Pegagan – Centella asiatica
Pegagan – Centella asiatica, known as Gotu kola, kodavan, Indian pennywort and Asiatic pennywort, is a herbaceous, perennial plant in the flowering plant family Apiaceae. Pegagan is native to the wetlands in Asia and commonly is used as a culinary vegetable and as a medicinal herb.
Pegagan (Centella asiatica)
Pegagan is a medicinal herb for kidney stones, kidney infections, or kidney inflammation. Why? Because this medicinal plant can work as an anti-infective, fever reducer, and urine laxative. This function can speed up the healing process.
The part of the plant taken as medicine is the whole part of the plant, fresh, dry, or in powder capsules.
14. Rumput mutiara – Oldenlandia corymbosa
Rumput mutiara – Oldenlandia corymbosa, commonly known as flat-top mille graines or diamond flower, is a species of plant in the family Rubiaceae. It is an annual herb with ascending or erect stems that are 4-angled.
Rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa)
Leaves of Rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa)
Efficacy of rumput mutiara plant is as a fever reducer, anti-inflammatory, and laxative urine.
The part of the plant taken as medicine is the whole part. It can be fresh, dried, or powdered capsules.
15. Jagung – Zea mays
Jagung – Zea mays, also known as corn in North American and Australian English. This plant is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences. Separate ovuliferous inflorescences called ears that yield kernels or seeds, which are fruits.
Corn (Zea mays)
Cobs, shoots, and young leaves wrap the fruit
The parts of the corn plant taken for use as urine laxatives, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs are the cobs, shoots, and young leaves that wrap the fruit.
The mixture of young cobs and young leaves of fruit wrapping, then combined with cat’s whiskers and meniran is excellent for treating kidney stones.
16. Pepaya – Carica papaya
Pepaya – Carica papaya also known as papaw or pawpaw. It is one of the 22 accepted species in the genus Carica of the family Caricaceae. Its origin is in the tropics of the Americas, perhaps from Central America and southern Mexico.
Papaya Tree (Carica papaya)
Leaves of Papaya
Roots of Papaya
Sap of Papaya
The part of the papaya plant taken for use as a medicine is the roots, sap, and leaves. They serves as a drug for kidney and urinary tract disorders.
17. Bidara upas – Merremia mammosa
Bidara upas – Merremia mammosa, also known as widara upas (Java, Indonesia) and hailale (Ambon, Indonesia) is a climbing tuber plant that probably originated in the Philippines.
Tuber of Bidara Upas (Merremia mammosa)
Bidara Upas (Merremia mammosa)
The part of bidara upas plant taken as medicine is the old tuber. How to process it? Cutting it into thin strips, dried in the sun to dry, then stored. When needed, poach these dried tubers according to the dose.
In general, kidney or urinary stone disease is band together by infection, inflammation, and pain. Bidara upas can be a pain reliever (analgesic), anti-inflammatory, neutralizing toxins, and anti-infection. Therefore, this medicinal plant is included in the medicinal herb to anticipate comorbidities.
18. Semanggi gunung – Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Semanggi gunung – Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides is a small native plant from South Eastern Asia. This plant is also referred to as lawn marsh pennywort, a dicot, traditionally placed in the Apiaceae family, but more recently suggested to belong in the Araliaceae. This medicinal plant grows in great abundance when the conditions are right. Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, the latin name of semanggi gunung, originated in South Eastern Asia, but are slowly spreading in the United States, along with other places around the world. They can grow in a wide variety of habitats.
Semanggi gunung (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides)
This medicinal plant is helpful as an anti-inflammatory, neutralizing poison, laxative urine, antibiotics, and fever.
The plant part taken as medicine is all parts of the plant.
19. Sambiloto – Andrographis paniculata
Sambiloto – Andrographis paniculata, commonly known as creat or green chiretta, is an annual herbaceous plant in the family Acanthaceae, native to India and Sri Lanka. It is widely cultivated in Southern and Southeastern Asia, where it has been believed to be a treatment for bacterial infections and some diseases.
This medicinal plant plays a role in overcoming the pain associated with kidney stone disease. Sambiloto plant is helpful to solve the problem of infection and inflammation, reduce pain in the waist, and reduce fever.
Sambiloto plant is very effective to treat kidney stones, kidney infections, kidney inflammation, and diseases of the urinary tract.
Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
The plant part taken as medicine is the whole plant part, either in fresh, dried, or powder capsules.
This medicinal plant has been known by the medical world in the form of tablets and infusions.
20. Kunyit – Curcuma longa
Kunyit – Curcuma longa, also known as turmeric. It is a flowering plant belonging to the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. The rhizomes are usually in cooking. These medicinal plants are perennial, rhizomatous, an herbaceous plant native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia that requires temperatures between 20 and 30 °C (68 and 86 °F) and a considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive. They are gathered each year for their rhizomes. Partially are used for propagation in the following season, and some others, for consumption.
Turmeric plants (Curcuma longa)
The efficacy of turmeric rhizome to overcome inflammation and infection helps speed up the healing process of kidney stones, kidney inflammation, and kidney infections.
The part of the plant taken as medicine is the rhizome. It can be in the form of fresh or dried.
Rhizome of turmeric
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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List of Medicinal Plants And Their Uses For Treating Kidney Stone Disease (Part I)
Using various medicinal plants to prevent and treat kidney stone disease needs the research results as a reference.
The recommended plants have the efficacy of treating kidney stones and various accompanying diseases. In addition, herbalists commonly use medicinal plants to treat patients with kidney stones.
Here is a list of 20 names of medicinal plants used to treat kidney stones disease. They have their uses, which complement each other.
The following is the information of the names of medicinal plants, the parts of the plants used for medicine, and their uses for treating kidney stones disease.
1. Keji Beling – Strobilanthes crispa
Keji Beling – Strobilanthes crispa is a shrub that originated from Madagascar. Now is found across South East Asia. This plant is a member of the Acanthaceae family. Another name of this plant is pokok pecah kaca or pokok pecah beling in Malaysia, and pecah beling, enyoh kilo, kecibeling, or kejibeling in Indonesia. Leaves of keji beling, are used traditionally, for the treatment of cancer and diabetes. They are usually taken as tea or infusion of the leaves.
Keji Beling (Strobilanthes crispa)
The part of the plant used is the leaves. Keji beling leaves can be in the form of fresh leaves, dry leaves, or those that have been packaged in capsule form.
The efficacy of this medicinal plant as a cure for kidney stones has been recognized by doctors. Keji beling has been processed by pharmaceutical companies into capsules that can be purchased at drug stores and pharmacies.
Keji beling in the treatment of kidney stone disease functions as a stone crusher and laxative urine.
2. Kumis Kucing – Orthosiphon aristatus
Kumis Kucing – Orthosiphon aristatus is one of the plant species in the family of Lamiaceae / Labiatae. This medicinal plant is a medicinal herb found mainly throughout Southern China, the Indian Subcontinent, South East Asia, and tropical Queensland. In Indonesia is known as kumis kucing and in Malaysia is called misai kucing. Both of which translates to cat’s whiskers in English. In the USA it is known as cat’s whiskers or Java tea.
Kumis Kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus)
The parts of the cat’s whiskers plant used are all plant parts. Especially the leaves. It can be fresh leaves, dry leaves, or powder form packaged in capsules.
The efficacy of this medicinal plant is to crush stones and laxative stones that are in the urinary tract.
3. Tempuyung – Sonchus arvensis
Tempuyung – Sonchus arvensis, known as the field milk thistle, field sowthistle, perennial sow-thistle, corn sow thistle, dindle, gutweed, swine thistle, or tree sow thistle. This plant is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. Tempuyung often occurs in annual crop fields and may cause substantial yield losses.
Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis)
All parts of the tempuyung plant can be used for treating kidney stone disease. Moreover, the leaves have high efficacy.
This medicinal plant is effective to crush and laxative stones in the kidneys and helps facilitate urination.
4. Kembang bugang – Clerodendrum calamitosum
Kembang bugang – Clerodendrum calamitosum is included as one of the medicinal plants. It is a wild plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae, which is sometimes classified under the family Verbenaceae.
Flower of Kembang bugang (Clerodendrum calamitosum)
Leaves of Kembang bugang (Clerodendrum calamitosum)
The parts of the kembang bugang plant used are roots and leaves. The roots and leaves used can be fresh, dried, or in the form of powder capsules.
This plant has functiion for crushing stones, analgesic, and hemostatic.
5. Gempur batu – Ruellia napifera
Gempur batu – Ruellia napifera, known as keji beling (Javanese), tutup bumi (Gayo), picah beling, and enyoh kelo. It is an Indonesian medicinal plant. In Gayo, gempur batu mixed with several other herbs is used to treat sprains. In Java, it is used to treat urinary stones.
Gempur batu (Ruellia napifera)
The effective parts of gempur batu for treating kidney stone disease are all parts of the plant. It can be fresh or dried form.
This medicinal plant is quite effective as stone crusher or laxative stones in the kidneys, the urinary tract (ureters), or the bladder. Another effect is to facilitate the release of urine.
6. Meniran – Phyllanthus urinaria
Meniran – Phyllanthus urinaria, commonly called chamber bitter, gripeweed, shatter stone, stonebreaker (but can refer to other Phyllanthus species as well), or leaf flower. It is a species of suffruticose, woody, and perennial at the base with the above being herbaceous. It is the herb in the family Phyllanthaceae.
Meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria)
Part of Meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria)
Roots of Meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria)
The plant parts used for treatment are roots, stems, leaves, fruit, and seeds. Use in the form of fresh, dried, or extract in capsules.
This medicinal plant is the main plant and a complimentary herb for treating kidney stones and urinary stones. Meniran has a function as laxative urine and relieve fever.
7. Putri Malu – Mimosa pudica
Putri Malu – Mimosa pudica, also known as sensitive plant, sleepy plant, action plant, touch-me-not, shame plant. This medicinal plant is a creeping annual or perennial flowering plant of the pea/legume family Fabaceae.
Putri Malu (Mimosa pudica)
From experience, the plant parts used are all plant parts in fresh and dried form.
Putri malu is very well included in the potion to anticipate the occurrence of infection and inflammation.
8. Alang-Alang – Imperata cylindrica
Alang-Alang – Imperata cylindrica, commonly known as cogongrass or kunai grass. It has a sweet taste. This medicinal plant is a species of perennial rhizomatous grass native to tropical and subtropical Asia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia, Africa, and southern Europe.
Roots of Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica)
Alang-Alang (Imperata cylindrica)
Based on experience, the part of the plant used as a medicine for kidney stones is the root.
The use of alang-alang for kidney stone disease is as a complementary herb. Serves to accelerate the healing process and remove kidney stones. This medicinal plant can laxative urine and reduce pain.
9. Daun sendok – Plantago major
Daun sendok – Plantago major, the broadleaf plantain, white man’s foot, or greater plantain. It is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae. The plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia. But it has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world.
Leaves of Daun sendok (Plantago major)
Daun sendok (Plantago major)
The plant part used is the whole plant. The form can be fresh, dried, or powder in capsules.
This medicinal plant treats the side effects of kidney stone disease. It treats infection, inflammation, and pain relief.
10. Tapak liman – Elephantopus scaber
Tapak liman – Elephantopus scaber is a tropical species of flowering plant in the sunflower family. This plant is native to tropical Africa, Eastern Asia, Indian Subcontinent, South East Asia, and northern Australia. It has become naturalized in tropical Africa and Latin America.
Tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber)
This medicinal plant can use as an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and laxative urine. All of that will speed up the healing process for kidney stones. Tapak liman plant destroys stones in the kidneys or the urinary tract, also anticipates inflammation and infection.
In herbal medicine, the part of tapak liman plant taken is the whole plant. It can be fresh, dried, and powdered capsules.
To be continued in part II
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Medical Treatment or Traditional Medicine ?
Medical treatment with medical science and traditional medicine with medicinal plants has advantages and disadvantages in overcoming various diseases.
People often assume medical treatment is more modern, sophisticated, and reasonable. Otherwise, people commonly consider the treatment uses medicinal plants as alternative medicine and unscientific.
Therefore, sick people prefer to see a doctor as the main alternative. If it turns out that the disease does not go away, then look for other alternative treatments.
Indeed, medical science has recognized advancing rapidly. All medical support facilities are complete and sophisticated. All medicines are rigorously clinically tested. So, the efficacy of the formula is pure tested.
Behind its advanced medical treatment, medical workers also recognize the lack of medical treatments. Medical treatment can’t cure some diseases, mainly degenerative diseases.
Another aspect that is still a problem for some people is the relatively high cost of treatment. Also, the chemical drugs consumed are at risk of not being good for the body. The effects can damage organs, such as the kidneys and liver.
Therefore, it often occurs in treating a disease but causes other disease complications.
Traditional medicine using herbal ingredients is not a new treatment. It’s already available since the ancestors of antiquity.
In fact, over time, traditional medicine is now advancing. Various universities research medicinal plants. It’s to determine the substances contained in them and the effects of chemical compounds on these plants.
There are advantages that chemical drugs do not own but exist in medicinal plants. Medicinal plants have no side effects and are safe for consumption by following herbalists’ suggestions.
In addition to being natural, medicinal plant ingredients are easy to obtain. You can get them yourself at no cost. Even if you have to consult a traditional medicine expert or herbal medicine, the fee will be relatively light and affordable. This low fee is helpful for low-income people.
Medical Treatment
Usually, medical treatment uses two ways to overcome kidney stone disease.
First, patients are encouraged to do prevention and self-medication. The trick is to drink as much water as possible or at least two liters every day so that the salts in the bladder are not cloudy and do not become crystallized.
Another way is limiting the consumption of foods that contain lots of calcium oxalate and uric acid.
The drugs given have several purposes, including: Crush or shed stones that are in the urinary tract. Slow down the formation of kidney stones that are likely to form. Cure pain in the form of aches and fever. Overcoming complications of kidney disease. Overcoming abnormalities caused by chemical factors with the effect of lowering calcium levels (oxalate, phosphate), reducing uric acid levels, preventing or treating infections, and normalizing urinary pH.
If there is no progress with these drugs, the next step is to perform an x-ray examination of the waist.
If it turns out that the stone is in the urinary tract (kidney, ureter, or bladder) is still there, and there is an estimation that the stone is relatively large, the next step to action is surgery.
Because of the implementation of open surgery, the patient will feel pain. Usually, general anesthesia is the ideal way to treat this pain.
Another way is to use sophisticated and modern tools to treat kidney stones and urinary tract stones known as Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy.
This tool can crush stones with shock waves from outside the body. With ESWL treatment, patients do not experience any injuries and do not require anesthesia.
Traditional Medicine
The concept of treatment with medicinal plants for kidney stone disorders is the same as medical treatment.
The goal to be achieved is the same. Neither medical treatment nor traditional medicine aiming for stones in the kidneys and the urinary tract can be destroyed and shed with urine.
In addition to removing the stone, usually, herbal ingredients are supplemented with other herbs that function to treat disorders of the followers of kidney stones.
Treatment includes infection or inflammation, aches or pains, and bleeding.
In addition, the accompanying plants also treat complications, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol. However, medicinal plant treatment cannot stand alone, so medical assistance is still needed.
Mainly concerns the identification of symptoms and the certainty of suffering from kidney stone disorders or not. An X-ray or CT scan of the painful area in the waist is needed to identify the presence of kidney stones.
If it is true that there are stones in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder, then treatment using medicinal plants has the effect of overcoming kidney stones.
In general, herbal ingredients consist of several mixtures of medicinal plants. These mixed medicinal plants have specific effects.
Here are the advantages of medicinal plants in overcoming kidney stone disorders.
1. Stone crusher (antilithic)
Mainly in the kidneys, urinary tract, or bladder, some stones are relatively large. By using herbal medicine, the stone can be crushed, then come out with urine. Using stone-crushing medicinal plants must be careful. Because it is strong, then use it in small doses. Herbal medicine sometimes causes bleeding effects on the walls of the urinary tract because of the stone scratches. Therefore, when urinating, blood may come out and be accompanied by pain.
Medicinal plants for kidney stones that function as stone crushers are keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa), kumis kucing/cat’s whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus), tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis), kembang bugang (Clerodendrum calamitosum), and gempur batu (Ruellia napifera).
2. Stone dissolver
If the X-ray results show stones in the kidneys or urinary tract are relatively small or even soft, medicinal herbs are applied.
Therefore, give medicinal plants that work not so hard (only shed stones). Generally, plants that have a stone dissolver effect are also helpful in increasing or facilitating urine. As a result, the bladder is cleaned as long as they consume lots of water.
Medicinal plants for kidney stones that function as stone dissolver are keji beling (Strobilanthes crispa), kumis kucing/cat’s whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus), tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis), meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria), putri malu (Mimosa pudica), alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica), daun sendok (Plantago major), tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber), krokot (Portulaca oleracea), jarong (Achyranthes aspera), pegagan (Centella asiatica), rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa), gempur batu (Ruellia napifera), jagung/corn (Zea mays), dan pepaya/papaya (Carica papaya).
3. Anti-inflammatory (inflammation)
Kidney stone disorders sometimes cause inflammation in the urinary tract. Therefore, the herb needs to be fulfilled with an anti-inflammatory.
Medicinal plants for kidney stones that function as anti-inflammatory are kumis kucing/cat’s whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus), meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria), putri malu (Mimosa pudica), daun sendok (Plantago major), bidara upas (Merremia mammosa), semanggi gunung (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides), tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber), sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), jarong (Achyranthes aspera), kunyit/turmeric (Curcuma longa), rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa), dan jagung/corn (Zea mays).
4. Anti-infection (antibiotics)
Giving the plant antibiotic effect depends on the symptoms felt. But as a precaution, there is no harm in being included in the potion because it is safe.
Medicinal plants for kidney stones that function as anti-infectives or antibiotics are putri malu (Mimosa pudica), bidara upas (Merremia mammosa), semanggi gunung (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides), tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber), sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), pegagan (Centella asiatica), kunyit/turmeric (Curcuma longa), jagung/corn (Zea mays), dan pepaya/papaya (Carica papaya).
5. Anti-fever (antipyretic)
If there are symptoms of fever and chills, then anti-fever plants are used.
Medicinal plants for kidney stones that function as anti-fever are meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria), putri malu (Mimosa pudica), kembang bugang (Clerodendrum calamitosum), daun sendok (Plantago major), bidara upas (Merremia mammosa), semanggi gunung (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides), tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber), krokot (Portulaca oleracea), sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), jarong (Achyranthes aspera), pegagan (Centella asiatica), dan rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa).
6. Pain reliever (analgesic)
In most cases of kidney stones, sufferers often experience pain. Some are even very sick. Painkillers are needed to complete along with the prime medicinal plants.
Medicinal plants for kidney stones that function as pain relievers are meniran (Phyllanthus urinaria), putri malu (Mimosa pudica), kembang bugang (Clerodendrum calamitosum), daun sendok (Plantago major), bidara upas (Merremia mammosa), semanggi gunung (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides), tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber), krokot (Portulaca oleracea), sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), jarong (Achyranthes aspera), pegagan (Centella asiatica), dan rumput mutiara (Oldenlandia corymbosa).
7. Stop the bleeding (hemostatic?
If kidney stone disease are followed by bleeding when urinating, then the ingredients can be mixed with plants that have the effect of stopping bleeding.
Medicinal plants for kidney stones that function as hemostatic are kembang bugang (Clerodendrum calamitosum), alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica), dan pegagan (Centella asiatica).
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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13 Ways Natural Detox You Can Try By Yourself At Home
Toxins that have unwittingly lodged in the body must neutralize immediately because otherwise, they will be dangerous.
The way toxins enter the body can be through food, water, or air without realizing it. When the poison keeps growing to increase and is left unchecked, the longer it will be more and more. And the impact will be extremely bad for health.
Here are 13 natural detox you can try by yourself at home. Which ones have you done?
1. Drink enough water to meet the body’s fluid needs
What are the benefits of drinking enough water? Getting in the habit of drinking at least 2 liters of water must be carried out every day. Drinking enough water can help the kidneys work properly.
The function of this water is to help the kidneys who are working hard to eliminate metabolic wastes such as uric acid, urea, lactic acid, and toxins in the body to be excreted through bowel movements.
In addition, water maintains moisture, keeps freshness, and aids digestion. It also removes toxins from vital organs, carries nutrients to body cells, and makes moisture for ear, nose, and throat tissues.
2. Consume fruits with high water content
There are many choices of fruits that are useful to meet the body’s fluid needs.
You can enjoy these various kinds of fruits directly, cut in advance, or processed first in the form of juice.
The selected fruits must have high water content. What fruit has high water content? Some of them are watermelon, oranges, strawberries, and melons.
3. Eat vegetables with high water content
In addition to fruits, another way to meet the body’s fluid needs is to consume vegetables rich in water.
What vegetables are high in water content? For high water content vegetables, you can try some kinds of vegetables into your daily diet, like lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, celery, tomatoes, peppers, and cauliflower.
4. Reduce consumption of high-calorie foods
Consuming high-calorie foods is not recommended. It’s poor for the body. Avoid consuming high-calorie foods. What are high-calorie foods to avoid? They are fast food, ice cream, salad dressing, packaged fruit juices, alcohol, sweets, and soda.
Why are high-calorie foods bad? High calories in foods are tough to digest. High-calorie foods do not contain fiber. This condition can cause toxins to be difficult to expel. Why is it like that? Because the fiber content in food is vital for the body. Its function is to clean the digestive tract and intestinal walls.
5. Eat more food with high fiber content
Consuming fiber foods to improve overall health is very recommended.
What foods contain a lot of fiber?
Fruits, vegetables, and brown rice are food with high content of fiber foods. Some other foodstuffs such as berries, broccoli, radishes, red grapes, spinach, spirulina (a type of algae), chlorella (green algae), carrots, and seaweed help fight free radicals and inflammation, thereby protecting the immune system and body cells.
6. Increased consumption of vitamin C
Vitamin C contains antioxidants. It can help the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that can eliminate toxins in the body.
Kinds of fruits rich in vitamin C are guava, blackcurrant, kiwi, lemon, papaya, and strawberry.
7. Consuming foods that combined with spices
Consuming foods rich in spices helps to flush out toxins and make you more energetic and healthy.
One of the healthiest spices is garlic. Its function is to increase phagocytosis, which is the ability of white blood cells to fight bacterial infections or toxins. In addition to garlic, ginger can aid digestion, stimulate blood circulation, and open pores.
Chili can also be another option. Chili has a spicy taste because of the content of capsicum. The ingredients capsicum in chili can make the body sweat when you eat them. This sweaty condition causes blood circulation to increase. So it can remove toxins in the body and also reduce weight.
Don’t forget this one, turmeric. Turmeric has a striking yellow color, which is called curcumin. Curcumin has a lot of benefits for the body, such as providing a delicious taste of food, improving digestion, eliminating a distended stomach, and preventing cancer.
Next is cardamom. Spices with a tempting smell can improve digestion and make you less interested in eating sweet foods. The aroma of cardamom is well-being to solve the problem of bad breath.
8. Drink coconut water
Does coconut water detox you? Is coconut water good for detox? The answer is yes. Try to consume a fresh coconut water detox drink. Coconut water can cleanse the digestive tract and boost immunity.
As a detox drink, the main content of coconut water is composed of electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins. Coconut water contains sugar, but less sugar than soft drinks, packaged drinks, or fruit juices. It is also a carbohydrate content with a little bit of protein and fat.
What does coconut water do to your body? Coconut water is a natural isotonic drink that provides many of the benefits of a formulated sports drink. The electrolyte content in coconut water can replace body fluids lost during exercise. However, to restore hydration so that the body does not lose a lot of fluids, coconut water must be drunk in large quantities. In addition, the risk of feeling nauseous, replete, and stomach ache is also less if you drink coconut water than sports drinks.
Researchers found that the antioxidants found in coconut water are efficacious in reducing the effects of oxidative stress so that they can ward off harmful radicals. Thus, coconut water reduces the formation of crystals in the kidneys.
9. Practice breathing to remove toxins from the body
Taking deep breaths can clean and pump blood to all parts of the body. Indirectly this can also remove toxins that settle in the body.
Sit comfortably with your back straight. Inhale through your nose for a count of 7. Hold it for a count of 4, then exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. By doing this, you will be able to draw in more oxygen in the next breath.
10. Having sauna activities
The sauna can open skin pores. The condition of the open skin pores will remove toxins and all the dirt in the body. The body gets rid of toxins through sweat. Saunas also help improve blood circulation and reduce muscle pain.
11. Get enough rest and sleep
Adequate rest and sleep can increase stamina and energy.
Sleep is a time to give the body a chance to expel toxins from the body. It likes pressing the ‘restart’ button. Sleep is an activity associated with weight loss, decreased cortisol levels, and stress. It is the cheapest and easiest thing to do.
Carielle Nikkel, nutritionist and director of nutrition at Persona Nutrition adds, getting enough sleep also means giving the body time and space to get rid of toxins.
12. Have exercise regularly and be physically active
Doing an exercise routine is part of a healthy lifestyle. When doing sports, of course, the body will become sweaty.
Sweating is a way of detox or removing toxins from the body.
Someone who lives in a big city that is in contact with heavy metals, pollution, and other chemicals, is highly recommended to do regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
13. Limit Stress
It easier said than done, minimizing stress levels can go a long way towards keeping body in balance.
Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that has been linked to countless negative impacts on health.
These negatives include weight gain, increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.
Limiting the amount of cortisol in bloodstream can go a long way towards helping body rid itself of other toxins.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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What Are The Benefits of Gotu Kola ?
Gotu kola is a wild plant that grows in plantations, fields, roadsides, and rice fields. It comes from tropical Asia, commonly used as a culinary vegetable and as a medicinal herb. This herbal medicinal plant is commonly used as traditional medicine in China and India.
General Characteristics of Gotu kola
Gotu kola is a perennial plant without a stem but has a short rhizome and creeping stolons. The roots come out of every weevil and many branches. These roots can form new plants. It has single leaf dark green, kidney-shaped, long stems, and serrated edges. The flowers will appear in the axillary area of the leaf and shaped like an umbrella. Usually, ther are 3 flowers are white or pink. It has small oval-shaped fruit and tastes bitter but has a fragrant smell.
Content of Nutrients and Phytonutrients
Provitamin A (carotenoids) and vitamin C Potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Asiaticoside Isothankuniside Madecassoide Brahmic acid Metastatic acid Mesoinositol
The content mentioned above causes Gotu kola to have a sweet taste and be fresh.
The Benefits of The Content in Gotu kola
As an anti-infective As an antioxidant Reduce fever/heat Treating urinary tract disorders As anticancer Stop bleeding Dropping urine Accelerate wound healing Revitalize body cells
Plant Part Used For Treatment
The parts of Gotu kola used are all parts of the plant. Gotu kola used for treatment can be fresh Gotu kola as fresh vegetables, dried form (simplified), or powder capsules (extract).
Treatment Concept
Gotu kola is good in concoctions of kidney stones, kidney infections, or inflammation of the kidneys. Why? Because Gotu kola herbs are righteous as an anti-infective, fever reducer, and urine laxative, that can speed up the healing process. Other Gotu kola benefits In addition to treating kidney disorders, Gotu kola can treat urinary tract infections, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure, fever, headaches, typhoid, coughing and vomiting blood, hemorrhoids, coughs, lack of appetite, food poisoning, eye inflammation, sore throat, rejuvenation. skin and skin pain .
The Benefits and Efficacy of Gotu kola
Treatment of kidney disorders Treating urinary problems Treating urinary tract infections Help relieve insomnia Treating typhus Treat coughing and vomiting blood Cure hemorrhoids Increase appetite Help relieve joint pain Overcoming food poisoning Cure eye inflammation and sore throat Good for skin rejuvenation Overcoming skin pain Overcome stretch marks Heal scars Overcoming diarrhea and digestive problems Streamlining blood circulation Reduce swelling Overcoming varicose veins Overcoming premature aging Treating Alzheimer’s disease Improve cognitive function Treat and prevent acne Reduces anxiety, stress, and depression
Pay Attention Before Using Gotu Kola
Like herbal medicines in general, Gotu kola can also cause side effects, although they rarely occur. What are the side effects of Gotu kola? Headache Stomach pain Nauseous Dizzy Drowsiness Soreness or irritation on the skin Allergic reaction
In addition, until now is not enough research that can ensure the effectiveness and safety of the use of Gotu kola in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should consult a doctor first when they need to use Gotu kola, either as topical drugs or supplements. Gotu kola should not be used by people with certain medical conditions or diseases, such as liver dysfunction and hepatitis, because of the risk of exacerbating. Although the benefits of Gotu kola are well known for skin health, it is advised to consult a doctor first when you want to use Gotu kola to treat skin problems or treat certain diseases.
Tips For Using Gotu Kola
Taking Gotu kola extract is started with a low dose and then increased gradually to help reduce the risk of side effects. If using Gotu kola ointment, apply a thin layer on the elbow or back of the hand to see the effect before applying it to the problem area.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Starfruit, The Sworn Enemy of Kidney Disease
Star Fruit (Averrhoa carambola)
Star fruit has the Latin name Averrhoa carambola. This plant is cultivated lots in Southeast Asia and various other subtropical countries such as America and Australia. This fruit comes from India and Sri Lanka.
The shape of the star fruit resembles a star. What does a star fruit taste like? It tastes sour and astringent when it’s young. When ripe, it turns sweet and contains a lot of water.
Star Fruit Slices
The star fruit plant breeds excellent if planted at an altitude of 0-500 m above sea level. Especially if the habitat has a lot of water and gets sunlight continuously, bear the resulting harvest will be abundant.
Star Fruit Tree
Star fruit usually bears fruit throughout the year. So, you can consume it every day. There are other varieties of star fruit, namely, bilimbi/cucumber tree/tree sorrel (Averrhoa bilimbi). Commonly, this type of star fruit is a cooking ingredient. Its function is to give a sour taste to vegetables or other processed dishes.
Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi)
Star fruit is rich in fiber and vitamin C. One medium-sized star fruit (90 grams) contains at least 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, and can meet 52% of the body’s daily need for vitamin C.
Besides being rich in fiber and vitamins, star fruit is well known to be low in calories. In one medium-sized star fruit, there are about 30 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates.
Inside a star fruit also contains minerals that are good for health, including iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, beta-carotene, and several vitamins. What vitamins are in star fruit? It ranges from vitamin A, B9 (folic acid), B3 (niacin), and vitamin C ( L-ascorbic acid).
Medically, star fruit is useful as an antipyretic and expectorant drug. The effect can reduce coughs that often hit children. Vitamin C in star fruit is very rich and suitable as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and diuretic.
Star fruit is good for curing several diseases such as fever, cough, canker sores, sore throat, diabetes, cholesterol, and even cancer. Of course with consuming this fruit regularly and with the proper dose.
The roots of the star fruit plant can treat headaches and joint pain. Star fruit leaves can treat ulcers, stomach ulcers, and purulent skin inflammation.
Starfruit has a lot of health benefits. But for people who have kidney disease, it is forbidden to consume it. Why star fruit is dangerous for kidney diseases sufferers? The high oxalate content inside star fruit is dangerous for people with this disease.
According to an expert on kidney disease, Dr. Med Salim Lim, a consultant of renal medicine in Singapore, star fruit contains oxalic acid. In healthy people, the kidneys filter and remove them. Whereas in people who have kidney disease, the core toxins cannot be removed and worsen the condition of their kidneys. Occurs obstruction or blockage in the kidneys, resulting in acute or sudden renal failure.
Star fruit contains neurotoxins or nerve poisons. These substances are more dangerous because they can affect the work of the brain and nerves. Unfortunately, not many people understand it, even medical personnel and doctors. It is better to be extra careful in consuming starfruit.
People who have high cholesterol or diabetics should also be careful and are advised not to consume star fruit. The high sugar content in star fruit can harm the health of the diabetic’s body.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Happy Easter 2022
Wishing you a very Happy Easter that is filled with plenty of love and happiness.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Selamat Paskah 17 April 2022
Selamat Hari Paskah.
Semoga hari ini membawakanmu berkat cinta, kegembiraan, kedamaian, dan harapan.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Selamat Memperingati Jumat Agung Wafat Yesus Kristus 15 April 2022
Selamat memperingati Jumat Agung.
Semoga Tuhan membuat Jumat Agung ini menjadi awal yang bahagia dalam hidup kita.
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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18 Fruit and Vegetable Juice Recipes To Treat Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders
Kidneys are organs of the body that play a role in the excretion process, the disposal of toxic substances out of the body.
The excretion process is disrupted in people with kidney and urinary tract disorders so that toxins and substances that harm the body cannot be removed and can interfere with the health of other body organs.
The role of dietary regulation is significant in patients with kidney disorders. That is to harmonize the intake of nutrients through food with the limits of the ability of kidney function.
Fruits and vegetables to treat kidney and urinary tract disorders include grapes, jicama, coconut, passion fruit, watermelon, strawberries, asparagus, pumpkin, Gotu kola, Chinese cabbage, taro, and watercress.
Various fruits and vegetables mentioned above can be consumed directly or processed first into juice to make it easier and more practical to consume.
More variety makes you don’t get bored. Everything can be made yourself at home.
Here are recipes for fruit and vegetable juices to treat kidney and urinary tract disorders.
Young Coconut Ice
This drink can overcome urinary tract disorders. The ingredients needed to make young coconut ice are a whole young coconut, 100 ml of orange juice, and ice cubes. Split the young coconut, separate the water, dredge the flesh. Place in a large bowl, add orange juice. Serve with ice cubes. This drink is refreshing, can be used for two people.
Strawberry Juice
This cold drink can overcome urinary tract disorders. The ingredients of this fruit juice are strawberries and lime juice. Prepare 100 g of strawberries, wash, cut into pieces. Then, prepare 1/4 cup cold water, a tablespoon of lime juice, and ice cubes. Put all the ingredients in a blender, process until smooth. Pour into a glass, serve.
Watermelon Cucumber Strawberry Juice
The ingredients needed to make this mixed fruit and vegetable juice are 50 g of strawberries, 100 g of watermelon, and 100 cucumbers. If you like, you can add in the ice cubes. Start to put all ingredients in a blender, process until smooth. Pour into a glass, and consume immediately.
Taro Juice
Taro is a root vegetable that grows in the soil. The Latin name for taro is Colocasia esculenta. This vegetable can improve kidney work. The ingredients needed are 125 g of boiled taro, 1/4 tsp of salt, and 100 ml of water. Put all ingredients in a blender, process until smooth. Heat and bring to a boil, then let cool. Serve immediately.
Strawberry Pineapple Guava Juice
These mixed three fruit juice ingredients are strawberries, pineapple, and guava. To make it, prepare 100 g of strawberries, 100 g of pineapple, 100 g of guava, and 200 ml of drinking water. After the ingredients are ready, put all the ingredients into a blender, process until smooth. Pour into a glass, add ice cubes if you like. Consume immediately.
Jicama Juice
The Latin name for jicama is Pachyrhizus erosus. Jicama is white, has a crunchy texture, and tastes slightly sweet and refreshing. The water content in yam is high. Jicama can treat kidney stones. To make jicama juice, prepare 100 g of yam, peel the skin. Then 150 g of water, and shaved ice. Put all the ingredients in a blender. Process until smooth. Serve cold.
Orange Melon Strawberry Juice
This juice has compositions mixture of strawberries, melons, and oranges. Prepare two oranges, take the water. Then, 50 g strawberries, washed, cut into pieces. The next ingredient is 100 g of melon and 200 ml of drinking water. Put all ingredients in a blender, process until smooth. Pour into a glass, serve immediately.
Gotu Kola Tea
What is Gotu kola tea good for ? Gotu kola tea is good for treating urinary tract disorders. This drink ingredient is Gotu kola leaves (Centella asiatica), a wild plant that grows in many Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, and India. This plant is getting inside in superior medicinal plants that are efficacious in overcoming kidney disease. How to prepare Gotu kola tea ? To make Gotu kola tea, you need 100 g of Gotu kola leaves, two tablespoons of lime juice, two tablespoons of brown sugar, a pinch of salt, and 200 ml of drinking water. The way to make it is to grind all the ingredients, then consume it.
Gotu Kola Smoothie
A variation of the drink from Gotu kola is the Gotu kola smoothie. Prepare 100 ml of Gotu kola tea, 50 ml of plain yogurt, and 50 ml of fresh milk. Put all ingredients in a blender, process until smooth. Serve immediately.
Asparagus Juice
Asparagus is efficacious to facilitate the urinary tract. It improves kidney performance. To make it, prepare the following ingredients. Get 100 g fresh and young asparagus, 50 ml orange juice, 50 ml pineapple juice, 1 tbsp brown sugar, 2 tbsp lime juice, 1/4 tsp salt, and 50 ml drinking water. Put all ingredients in a blender, process until smooth. Pour into a glass, drink when cold.
Banana Pineapple Strawberry Shake
This mixed fruit shake drink recipe is for 2 cups. It is a refreshing drink blend of strawberries, pineapple, and bananas. To make it, prepare 50 g of strawberries, 100 g of pineapple, and a banana. Chop all the ingredients, put them in a blender. Add 1/4 cup shaved ice. Process until smooth. Pour into a glass, serve immediately.
Grape Juice
Grape juice can help kidney function. The ingredients needed to make grape juice are 250 g of grapes. Remove the seeds, put them in a blender. Add 75 ml of drinking water. Process until smooth. Pour into a glass, add ice cubes if you like. Serve immediately.
Orange Mango Strawberry Juice
This mixed juice is a delicious, healthy, and refreshing drink. Soon prepare strawberries, mangoes, and oranges. The composition is 50 g of strawberries, 100 g of mango, and 100 ml of orange juice. Put all the ingredients in a blender. Process until smooth. Pour into a glass, add ice cubes if you like. Serve immediately.
Celery Chinese Cabbage Watercress Juice
This mixed vegetable juice is a combination of watercress, chinese cabbage, and celery. Blend of watercress, chinese cabbage, and celery in this drink can overcome disorders of the urinary tract, treat a magical feeling when urinating. The ingredients needed to make this drink are 50 g of watercress, 50 g of large stem celery, 50 g of chinese cabbage, and 200 ml of water. Put all ingredients in a blender, process until smooth. Pour into a glass, add ice if you like, drink immediately.
Strawberry Apple Grapefruit Juice
To make a glass of this juice, you need 50 g of strawberries, 100 g of apples, 50 g of grapefruit, and 100 ml of drinking water. Process all ingredients in a blender, then pour into a glass. Add ice cubes if you like. Drink right away.
Passion Fruit Juice
Passion fruit tastes sweet and refreshing. It has high water content. This fruit is good for maintaining kidney health. To make it, prepare 400 g of passion fruit and 200 ml of water. Cut the passion fruit in half, separate the flesh and seeds. Put in a bowl, add water, mix well. Store in the refrigerator, serve cold.
Pumpkin Juice
This large fruit can treat kidney disease. To make a glass of pumpkin juice, you need 100 g of boiled pumpkin, a tablespoon of brown sugar, and 400 ml of drinking water. Process all ingredients in a blender, store in the refrigerator. Serve cold.
Watermelon Juice
Watermelon juice is a diuretic, can help overcome urinary tract disorders. The ingredients are 150 g of watermelon flesh, two sweet oranges (take the water), and ice cubes. Blend watermelon until smooth, pour into a glass. Add sweet orange juice and ice cubes. Serve cold.
Of all the recipes above, which one is your favorite?
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mentaripagibali · 2 years
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Good Friday 2022
May God gives you mercy, forgiveness, and love in your life to make it a beautiful life.
Wishing you a very Happy Good Friday.
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