milanolan · 8 years
“Then I hope it rains heavily on you. You do not realise how easy you have it. I am sure they put my van together because it is likely to turn into a blood bath from the amount of hate there will be in there.”
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“Right, okay, I’ve already decided that I’m sleeping outside, in the sand, in a sleeping bag. So I guess that means Elsa, Gabe and Maeve get to fight over who gets their own bed cause I’ll be damned if I’m sleeping in a bed with someone else. Hells to the no.”
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milanolan · 8 years
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milanolan · 8 years
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Adelaide Kane + mini photoshoots
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milanolan · 8 years
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milanolan · 8 years
Pajamas wrapping her figure and hair up in a messy bun, a yawn escaped Mila’s mouth; her hand highering to catch it. Eyes tired and small; her body snuggled itself into the armchair. It was unusual for Mila to be seen in such way. She was not one to wear buckets of makeup; fake products splattered over her pale face, but she took care of her features, brushing every millimeter of her long, brunette hair, purposely making sure every inch of her body looked elegant and presentable at every moment. With Alex not one bit of that mattered. Not the tired eyes, nor the messy locks. She just looked normal and plain and it didn’t even matter.
Her days since the engagement had felt full of life; the colour yellow being the ideal definition, Mila showered with cheer every day. More days she had been starting to spend at Alex’ flat. Luckily so, else Imogen was sure to get fed up of the brunette’s constant yet unusual giggles and smiles. With a beam on her face, she was ready to great her girlfriend with no more than words full of excitement. Though her eyes gazed across, stopping themselves from showing much emotion at all. Her lips pulled apart, eyes slowly growing concerned. “What is it?” Mila asked slowly. “Whatever is your...problem, is mine too.”
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Alex & Mila
The kettle hissed. But the noise that bled into the room, demanding Alex’s attention, seemed distant to her. Lonesome at the dining room table, she found that the seething whispers only pulled her further into her thoughts. It was as though the was dreaming. Everything spilling together and fading, making it impossible to engage in with the neat reality. 
The sound was slaughtered into a sudden silence. Alex winced, feeling as though she was being forced into the movement of time, towards something she did not wish to happen. The last few weeks had been painted with nothing but bliss for her and Mila. Since the engagement, she had drifted along in a flurry of excitement. But in the shadows, there was always the truth of what she’d done. Cracking their shelter of idealism. Alex had to tell her. It had been the secrets she’d kept before that had forced them apart. She couldn’t continue their relationship without thorough honesty. Mistakes has to be learned from. 
She deflated back onto the chair with two coffees. Her eyes speared the mug before her, realising how ridiculous it was. ‘Here’s a coffee, and the truth that I am a murderer’. Though it was routine, to prepare drinks for the both of them in the morning, and with what was forecast she felt like she needed to bring something mundane into the situation.
As Mila entered, a smile stained her lips, scrubbing away the concern of her expression. Only marginally. “Good morning.” The cup crawled across the table, with Alex’s manipulation, toward her girlfriend. Small talk seemed amiss. “I…I don’t want to keep anything from you.” She announced, as though there was no continuation of the sentence; that is was a declaration detached from any meaning. She continued. “I don’t want to drag you into my-… my mistakes. But there’s something you need to know.”
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milanolan · 8 years
Mila was in a daydream as she wandered the studios feeling nostalgic. She’d walked into the room Cora was practicing in by mistake and quickly took a couple of steps back. “Sorry, I was not aware anybody was around,” she spoke with a smile. “Cora, isn’t it? You dated my brother, if I remember correctly.” Mila’s eyes looked around the room again. “I did a few lessons in here once. I suppose I was okay at it but I was too impatient to continue.”
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Dance practice was never usually something Cora enjoyed. Her father would always drill the idea into her head that she had to be perfect, or else she would never be good enough, which led briefly to a fear of dancing fueled by a fear of failure. But ever since moving back to Stamford, Cora had found passion again in dancing. So on Monday night of her first day back, she broke into her old dance studio and started to dance again.
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milanolan · 8 years
“As much as I would enjoy to...no. This is real.”
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“…Are you windin’ me up?”
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milanolan · 8 years
“That would be because spirits are alcohol. Interesting how you would take that route rather than the ghost route. You must spend a lot of time around alcohol, am I right?” she questioned, lifting a brow. “I am afraid your input has not helpful in the slightest.”
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Hazily coming out of his daydream-eqsue state after feeling a small tap on his shoulder, Dimitri quickly shifted his torso around to come face to face with the person in need of his attention. “It depends,” he said causally, raising his eyebrows in gesture. “Mila Spirit sounds like some kind of alcoholic drink, whereas the name Alex Nolan reminds me of an annoying kid in class who always has their head up a teacher’s ass.”
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milanolan · 8 years
“I did. It was hardly anything special; a decision made right in the moment. But one I will never regret. When I saw her standing there at the wedding, finally I knew what I wanted.”
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Elsa grinned excitedly at her friend. “This is amazin’ news, Mila! Congratulations.” She pulled Mila into a hug. “So, who proposed to who? I want all the details.”
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milanolan · 8 years
"I am unsure. I have never been to a lesbian wedding before, but i figure every wedding needs some best men. And be very thankful because I have not even asked Finn or Dean. I will need to find another special job for those two." Her eyes watched Marcos' as her hands squeezed his. Mila had felt a little something for him a matter of months ago, but nothing as strong as how she felt for Alex, though she felt a little guilty for that. "I have given the job of maid-of-honor, or chief bridesmaid as I would call it to Imogen. That concerns me a little, but I suppose we will see how it goes."
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Marcos smiled more warmly when he heard Mila’s request. As he looked at her, he realised she was probably happier now than she had been in months. He would learn to push his feelings aside; as, to him, hers mattered more. “As if you even need to ask,” he replied, taking hold of Mila’s hands and giving them a squeeze. “Though aren’t I technically your maid-of-honour?”
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milanolan · 8 years
“She and Roxanne were the first people I met when I moved from Australia, aged fourteen.”
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How long have you two known each other?
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milanolan · 8 years
“Much too Spanish,” Mila replied, widening her eyes. The situation was a shame, she was beginning to like Ellie. “I am engaged now. You and Marcos can do as you wish. It was hardly my own fault that he fell for me.”
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Ellie spun around, her almost smile immediately dropping. “I don’t know, ‘ow about Mila Garcia?”
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milanolan · 8 years
If you had children what would you call them?
Finnley & Jasmine
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milanolan · 8 years
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milanolan · 8 years
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milanolan · 8 years
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Mila brushed her hair nervously with her fingers. She was surprised by his reaction and a little hesitant to accept his joy. She was smart enough to see past a fake-smile, but didn’t feel it would help anything if she delved in to question it. “Does this mean you will be my best man? Alex can have one too but I would like you to be mine.”
Marcos raised his eyebrows in surprise, then drew his eyes down to the ground. Was it jealousy he was feeling, or just shock? He didn’t know. But, regardless, he forced himself to smile at Mila. He’d missed her. And if he couldn’t have her as anything else, then he’d have to settle for friendship. “I know,” he said quietly, and he pulled her into a hug. “Just forget about it, alright? I was bitter for too long and I know you didn’t mean it. You’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose you.” He kissed her gently on the cheek. “Congratulations, yeah? I’m happy for you.”
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milanolan · 8 years
“You can still look, but you cannot touch.”
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“Are you and Alex off the market now?” She asked with a smile.
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