mr-bugs · 3 hours
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mr-bugs · 16 hours
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Happy Pride Month to all the robots out there I love you guys
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mr-bugs · 19 hours
I know who you are off newblood server........ but you dont know who I am... mwuhahasha I'm so evil (your art is adorable btw 🥺🥺)
thank you tho :]>
edit: oh i know who you are @leafas4 … thou thought thy could hide from I? no no, tis is i am clever mwuahahaAhahahajAHAHAHAHAHA
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mr-bugs · 24 hours
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One thing I didn’t expect from my new worldbuilding book is the author, roughly my dad’s age, including his opinions on furries
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mr-bugs · 1 day
My mind is a curse I cannot escape
warnings: generally dark themes, this is a collection of my recent thoughts about life and are not organized (i think) so heavy themes ahead proceed with caution stay safe and uhh yeah!
oh and its like 900+ words so uhhh strap in ig idk
I’m tired.
And yet..
Sleep evades me like the plague.
I’m tired in a different sense.
Tired of just being a pawn in her game to win against him.
I’ve gotten used to it at this point.
If I hadn’t I would’ve died along the way.
Every little fight..
Every little disagreement.
How I’ve grown to hate the idea of family.
The world has shown me examples of happy, accepting families.
Why must I be taunted like this?
It’s like holding a treat in front of a dog but it’s tied to a stick on its back so that it will forever be out of reach.
The universe owes me such things.
It’s shameful to say I’m jealous of the love shared by those families but I am only mortal.
I was denied such advantages, of course I would be jealous.
Jealous of the fact I have to live with the emotional baggage they lack.
The concept of family has been ruined for me.
And I think I’m okay with that.
Afterall, it’s not exactly my fault, is it?
That they argue.
That they lie.
That they cheat.
It’s not my fault they are like this.
Or their parents, or their parents’ parents, and so on and so forth.
Even then I feel useless for not being able to do anything.
The world around me is a blurry haze and yet I can’t seem to care less.
Days just faze by like water slipping through your fingers.
I try to grasp at the vague silhouettes and yet nothing comes from it.
Vague promises of greatness and love.
But I do not feel such things.
My mind is a constant state of numbness.
I am my own curse that I cannot escape from.
I was never blessed with such things.
Maybe if I had been I wouldn’t be such a cold monster.
A creature doomed to never be loved.
To never feel the kindness that heals the heart.
I don’t like this game the universe is playing.
I want to be loved, I want to feel as if I matter.
Death seems to bring that feeling.
When you’re dead people will talk about how much you mattered but when you’re alive nobody listens to your pleads for help.
It’s an amusing contradiction, isn’t it.
How the human mind amuses me.
I don’t exactly want to die but the idea of eternal rest doesn’t bother me as much as it should.
I’ve accepted the fact I will die one day, I suppose.
My flesh shall rot away and I will be nothing but bones.
Then my bones will be grinded down and to dust I shall return.
My existence is a poorly written drama show and I am a side character in it.
I am watching my life from the perspective of a viewer live as I act it.
A player in a game where I am the protagonist.
A side character of my own story.
A pawn in my own game.
Perhaps I’ve come to terms with that.
Maybe I’m okay with it.
Just fading into the background.
Another number to add to the census.
Perhaps I won’t amount to anything.
My name will be lost to time and time will carry on as if nothing happened.
My life is slipping away through the cracks while I watch uselessly.
What happened?
I was such a smart kid.
A “gifted” kid, if you will.
I was praised for being such an exemplary student.
But as I got older it turned into a basic expectation.
I lost what made me feel like I was worthy of praise.
Something that made me feel as if I was worth noticing.
But now.
Now nothing is good enough.
I have to keep trying.
Rip and tear at myself just to feel that praise once more.
To feel noticed.
And yet.
The praise I receive doesn’t feel.. Right
I don’t deserve it.
The kind words.
I shouldn’t be allowed to experience such nice things.
I haven’t done well enough.
Not enough.
Never. Enough.
Everything I do is mediocre.
I need to try harder.
Till my bones wear down and till I cannot give no more.
It will never be enough.
An endless cycle of hellish torment that will never cease.
An unlovable monster born from a cruel society.
Too much to be loved and too doubtful to accept it.
Even then it claws its way through life, just for a distant star in the sky.
How his words soothe me.
How his presence keeps me alive.
A star I love and yet cannot touch for my claws will ruin it.
Everything I’ve let go has my marks on it.
My blood.
My words.
My touch.
I do not deserve to have nice things.
But, I cannot let him go.
He is my light.
My guiding star in the treacherous seas.
He is a flower I cannot touch for my rotten hands will wilt him.
Maybe he finds me boring.
Too much.
Too little.
Too uncaring.
Too caring.
He will get tired of me.
He will not love me one day.
I do not deserve him.
One day he will figure out I am not enough for him and leave.
I think I am okay with that.
Not really, I’d die if that happened.
But I shall rest easy knowing that he chose someone better.
I’ll rest easy knowing he’s happy.
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mr-bugs · 1 day
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spread of mirage and gabriel in silly little outfits!!!!
gabriels second outfit is based on Heejin from ARTMS’s outfit for some of the Birth promo!!
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mr-bugs · 1 day
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mr-bugs · 1 day
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a sort of "proof of concept"... I might take another whack at it later...
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mr-bugs · 1 day
I know who you are off newblood server........ but you dont know who I am... mwuhahasha I'm so evil (your art is adorable btw 🥺🥺)
thank you tho :]>
edit: oh i know who you are @leafas4 … thou thought thy could hide from I? no no, tis is i am clever mwuahahaAhahahajAHAHAHAHAHA
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mr-bugs · 2 days
doodles of @minophus 's (sorry for the mention XP) pupbriel :3 minos and sisyphus is there aswell, i think minos would be like those noodle dogs for absolutely no reason besides i got a vision. sisyphus a bear because he told me himself that he would be facts
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mr-bugs · 2 days
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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mr-bugs · 2 days
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Reblogging this manually. Op doesn't want credit for fear of being terminated.
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mr-bugs · 2 days
wonder what they're talking about
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... its doomed yaoi
oh and uh minos prime doodle so i could experiment with his viens XP
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mr-bugs · 2 days
Alright so here's what we've got so far for the TDP Limited Edition. It's 16 more pages than the original book (552 pages in total) and it's said to have new stuff. They could be anything. Little bits of extra lore, illustrations by Joy Ang, whatever. It seems pretty cool! It releases in September of this year. Here's the cover, spine, and back cover. I love this artwork so much,, also appears to have gilded pages! Red! Neat!
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ID below cut
[ID: the cover of “Wings of Fire: the dragonet prophecy. Limited edition.” shows Clay sitting besides the underground river, his wings spread and mouth open. His tail and one of his hind legs are in the splashing waves below, as if he had just slipped into the water or got out of it. The cave ceiling is dotted with glow worms, their silk threads illuminating the scene. The pages appear to be gilded with red.
The back cover shows Queen Scarlet standing on the edge of her rock balcony between two pillars made of various materials. Her head is tilted up and she looks down in surprise or disappointment. She’s wearing her gold coat of chain mail hung with rubies and a lot of intricate jewelry that matches it. Blue ribbons decorate the cornice of the balcony above her and sway in the wind. Big golden text at the top reads: “Discover where it all began in this exclusive limited edition of the dragonet prophecy!” Below is the blurb. The spine has the title and “limited edition” written on it in gold, with a close up of Clay from the cover at the top, bordered by a yellow stripe with the series symbol and “book one” written on it. End ID]
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mr-bugs · 2 days
Child of Men playing God
(10 pages continues under cut)
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mr-bugs · 2 days
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The gays are out
They're holding hands, just to clarify cuz i know it's not super noticeable
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mr-bugs · 2 days
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happy pride!
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