mugs-n-cans · 3 hours
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i never forgot them
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mugs-n-cans · 7 hours
would y’all ever consider wearing them maid outfits?🤨 for no reason in particular- just yk. For funsies
Sniper: Well we’ve never considered wearin’ anythin’ ya folks have put on us. If that answers your question.
Scout: I think if ya paid me a lot of frickin’ money and free chicken, I’d wear anythin’!
Sniper: Scout.
Scout: What! I’m not gonna lie!
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mugs-n-cans · 18 hours
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is it obvious that i’ve referenced the comics for drawing sniper especially (comics sniper is my little skrunky)
i have the insatiable need to doodle, you will all be subjected to my art in these trying times
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mugs-n-cans · 22 hours
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Scout: How much longer till we get there?!
Sniper: About, er…2 hours. [Scout groans dramatically].
Scout: It’s like a freakin’ ice box in here!
Sniper: Sit closer then, roo. Turned the heat up as much as it’ll go without overworkin’ the engine. Then we’d really be in a bloody ice box.
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mugs-n-cans · 1 day
AWWWWW that’s so cute thank you :’)
🫶🫶🫶 /p
Yo what’s up!
Scout here, obviously. Anyway, got some sorta bad news. Miss P is sendin’ me and Snipes on a longer contract, meanin’ we’ll be away for a bit, focusin’ on some super sweet, top secret business!
Knowin’ how good of a team we are, we’ll probably knock it out in no freakin’ time!
That’s all for now. Catch ya guys later, alright? Ya better still frickin’ be here when we get back!
Scout said it best, but yep! I’m going to be taking a short break… (knowing me it’ll probably just be a day or two). I’m getting stressed recently and struggling to keep my confidence up, so it’s time for a little refresher!
I’ll be closing the ask box for the time being. I’m not sure if I’ll do asks sparingly during this time but I’ll just see how i feel!
Thanks guys! Hope this isn’t too jarring! I am so horrible at stress management
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mugs-n-cans · 1 day
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little sniper doodle before work
tried out @idiot-draws’s brush ‘cause i love messin’ around with new brushes! (also it’s just really satisfying looking)
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mugs-n-cans · 1 day
Yo what’s up!
Scout here, obviously. Anyway, got some sorta bad news. Miss P is sendin’ me and Snipes on a longer contract, meanin’ we’ll be away for a bit, focusin’ on some super sweet, top secret business!
Knowin’ how good of a team we are, we’ll probably knock it out in no freakin’ time!
That’s all for now. Catch ya guys later, alright? Ya better still frickin’ be here when we get back!
Scout said it best, but yep! I’m going to be taking a short break… (knowing me it’ll probably just be a day or two). I’m getting stressed recently and struggling to keep my confidence up, so it’s time for a little refresher!
I’ll be closing the ask box for the time being. I’m not sure if I’ll do asks sparingly during this time but I’ll just see how i feel!
Thanks guys! Hope this isn’t too jarring! I am so horrible at stress management
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mugs-n-cans · 1 day
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I forgot what I was going to caption this but uhhhhhh here's a late night snack ig
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mugs-n-cans · 1 day
The fact this ask got 72 likes is insane (as if i didn’t like it myself)
72 people vs one smelly Australian man…he never stood a chance
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This is bloody tyrannical.
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mugs-n-cans · 1 day
hi sniper formally apologize for calling you smelly. and washing you. have a little huntsman spider as an apology gift
No wukkas, mate. Reckon I’ve gotten over bein’ sore about it. Though I’m still considerin’ rollin’ in some dirt just to spite ya folks.
[He takes the spider, holding it carefully]. Thanks, I guess…where in the bloody hell did’ja get this thing, mate? Scout’ll bloody flip if he sees a spider this big… [He considers something].
Nah, I’m not that cruel.
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mugs-n-cans · 2 days
In the kindest way possible, Bolt anon, you have to consider his profession. It's hard to sneak around and be stealthy if you smell like pretty flowers. And again, he is a grown adult. No one said you had to be fine with it. Doesn't mean its an excuse to force someone to do something.
I ‘preciate your effort in defendin’ me, 🐑. You’re a real mate if there’s ever been one. Good on ya.
Unfortunately, they bloody got me…now I smell strongly of lavender. It’s bloody horrible! At least when I bathe I use scentless soap, so it’s not as noticeable. Now I smell more like I’m headin’ to church than goin’ out and shootin’ blokes.
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mugs-n-cans · 2 days
Spy, is Scout and Sniper still smelly after someone soaked him in soapy water?
(If not we would need to force them into having an actual bath)
Spy: Scout regularly takes showers, and in general takes care of himself. Monsieur Sniper…hm. Oui, I suppose he smells much better than he did. I’ve long given up on convincing the bushman to bathe. He is repulsive. Unfortunately, Scout is his amoureux. I’m still not sure why Scout has taken such a liking to him. Maybe it is some mistake I made in raising him.
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mugs-n-cans · 2 days
AP, CBS. Do ya'll recognize *PC?
*Piss Cakehole
(Freak Fortress)
CBS: Sure I do! Me and him are on good terms as of now. Good bloke. Knows how to carve a mongrel. He’s got a good technique! Though I would prefer if he stayed outta my way, sometimes.
AP: I met him maybe one time. FREAKIN’ JACKASS! Anyone who gets between me and bonkin’ has got it comin’ to ‘em!
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mugs-n-cans · 2 days
yo sniper, I was wondering what Australian bird Scout reminds you of. personally I think a kookaburra.
[He thinks for a moment before smiling]. Yeh, a kookaburra is a good one, mate.
Think another one I might suggest is the willie wagtail. They have real nice calls, but they got a tendency to bugger birds much bigger than they are. I think that describes Scout quite well.
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mugs-n-cans · 2 days
Let me steal y’all’s gender PLEASE
Sniper: Well it ain’t exactly somethin’ tangible so, er…go ahead, mate, take it.
Scout: Take all the gender ya anon hands can carry, pal!
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mugs-n-cans · 2 days
This song‘s a real treat, pals! Give it a listen, lovebirds!
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Sniper: It sure is a bloody treat. Got nice vocals, mate.
Scout: A lot of these songs remind me so much of ya, Snipes! It just…sounds like ya, in a way. That probably doesn’t make any freakin’ sense…
Sniper chuckles: Nah, roo, it does.
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mugs-n-cans · 2 days
Heyyyyyy, I'm not (notably) afraid of the ball anymore! That was just a symptom of the previously mentioned being-like-seven-years-old thing! No seven year old scaredy-cat like I was is gonna be okay with a ball gettin' thrown at their face, no matter how good of a stick you let 'em hold.
*clears throat* But, uh, yeah, you can can definitely can be first batter.
-🐈‍⬛ anon
[He shrugs] Alright then, I was just lookin’ out for ya, pally! Let me know if ya ever wanna have me bat baseballs at ya, though! I freakin’ love doin’ that.
Although it usually ends in a few knocked out teeth and black eyes…
When I was seven, my brothers rough-housed with me all the time so I was pretty much not afraid of anythin’! I’ve been dropped on my head a few freakin’ times but it never affected me long term!
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