musicvidoodles · 10 years
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I liked this drawing uncolored. Based on Porter`s."Cuervos"
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musicvidoodles · 10 years
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Little sketch based on Porter’s “Al fin me daras un reno” I liked this concept of an electric man not being able to find love because of his shocking nature. Lyric translation: "I only have curiosity, why can't I ask? Why am I forbidden to love? I only have curiosity, why shouldn't I ask? Why do I spit electricity?"
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musicvidoodles · 10 years
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We All Need Therapy
Very simple coconut drawing of The Avalanche's Frontier Psychiatrist Hey I thought this was a really cool song when I first heard it and the music video was awesome, with lots of characters and fitting imagery, very nicely done. I wished to make a pic of the whole music video cast, but, goddamn they're too many and I'm too lazy. Who knows, maybe I will, but for now, here's this detailed coconut derived from my favorite line and moment in the video. 
You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
Done mostly in GIMP. I liked the details in this.
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musicvidoodles · 10 years
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Galactic Cowbow is Calling Galaxy-themed songs seem to be my thing lately, as I can't stop repeating Davod Bowie's "Space Oddity", or listening to Beastie Boy's "Intergalactic", but let's not talk about english songs here. This song, "Vaquero Galactico" (or Galactic Cowboy, in english) by the mexican group Porter has become my second favorite song of all time, all thanks to the lyricist's Juan Son's imagination in the lyrics and powerful, powerful atmosphere on the song. If you can understand at least a little bit of spanish, I would really recommend listening to taht song and the band Porter in general, or at least check out the mastermind, Juan Son.  The first time I heard this I imagined some guy lost in space, looking for the love of his life, while he comes across this galactic sphere that looks really mysterious, it shines a lot, and because of his curiosity, he leaps off his burning ship on a last effort to reach it, and when he does, he vanishes and turns into a star. The lyrics say it very clearly: So soon I'm going to arrive, I'm tired of travelling. I want to feel the warmth, and to turn into vapor I want to sink, conclude, and melt into you.... ...and that has become one of my favorite lyrics of all time, the rest of the song is really good too. This song just gives me the feels and is fantastic overall. Love the guitar, the voice, this guy's voice is angelic, like a choir, it's high pitched, but not in a way that annoys you but rather a way that really makes my ears swoon. This guy has also done English songs, though, really, really weird ones.
This is my favorite drawing as of now, I like the colors and the pose. Also, may be becasue this drawing was done by my new Intuos tablet, and I'm really happy!
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musicvidoodles · 10 years
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It's Up To Me Now Turn on the bright liiiiights.......but New York Caaaares♪ NYC is an... okay song to me, even coming from my favorite band, Interpol.  It's too slow for my taste, and I'm not saying slow songs are bad, slow songs can be really really good, but in this case, it lacks emotion in the vocals, and the lyrics here well....
subway is a porno. BUT, there's this one part I really really like, and it's when it gets loud, slow, but loud, and Paul Banks shouting desperately "It's up to me nooooow turn on the briiiight lights." I really like that part, and that phrase. So I decided to draw that specific phrase here, needs more lights, though.
There's a music video for NYC, but, it's Paul Banks kinda like, drowning and being slow and blue and grey shots, not much I can work with.
This picture I really liked too, tried to be accurate with the lightning and the colors satisfy me, blue like the music video. It says NYC on the clock, and the frame has the Antics cover on it. (why the hell can't i draw straight lines)
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musicvidoodles · 10 years
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INTERGALACTIC PLANETARY This song is so fun to lip sync and listen to, the Beastie Boys has that type of rapping I like, self-boasting and bragging but in a really fun way, a way that shouts confidence all over it. I'LL STIR FRY YOU IN MY WOK Also, the video is great and creative, following the BB around Japan while they do this trick with the camera, they speed up their movements while people are standing around watching, and they have plenty of camera shot changes during the rhymes, it's reallly fun to watch.
The robot is also great, along with the weird squid monster he's fighting. I really liked how this turned out, the only thing I didn't like was the poses of the boys, they look stiff and not really that excited, something the song doesn't convey. (Also I mix up the center one with the right one a lot of times x.x) Turned out much better than the last try at this pic
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musicvidoodles · 10 years
Ehm, well, I did finish that Halloween picture and I have tons of ideas for pictures from music videos and I really desperately want to draw them x.x But the computer that I have photoshop on is being really picky with the internet, and the mouse for it has been failing a lot lately, can't find a new one that satisfies me.
I really want a tablet for christmas
i really need one
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musicvidoodles · 11 years
Halloween Timeout
I'm making a picture and I want it for Halloween, sadly it is not a music related picture, but rather something I enjoy visually, about a recent game/anime someone got me into, so there will be prob a few weeks without any activity here.
Anyways, coconuts are still next.
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musicvidoodles · 11 years
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Guess what's comiiiing
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musicvidoodles · 11 years
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Based on "A Time to be So Small" by Interpol.
Alright, alright, alright I'll stop drawing what my mind thinks and actually follow the name of the URL and base my pictures on actual cool music videos. I just wanted to get this out of my mind because I really wanted to do it since I was like, 2 years younger. Also, this is rushed, pretty rushed yeah. 
Now, what do I think about the song I drew? It's been my favorite song for at least a year and a half, I don't listen it as much as a favorite song should be listened to, but if I did that, I'd get tired of it and I love the song so much I don't want to get tired of it, yeah, that's a new kind of love. I simply like the melody and how imaginative the lyrics are......alright they don't make so much sense but I like to imagine they do in my own little world hahah.
Now I'll tell you what I really love about the song:
"He whistles and he runs so hold him fast.
Breathe the burn you want to let it last.
He might succumb to what you haven't been.
He has a keen eye for what you didn't see.
When the cadaverous mob saves its doors for the dead men, you cannot live."
I love these lyrics, I love love love these lyrics, because there are plenty of ways I can take them and they hit me pretty deep. It's a very personal thing though. 
By the way, this drawing is based on the lyric: "The boy appearing on the deck and making it lurch."
"The boat will not stop moving if you tie him up until the end."
  Yeah that's all for this picture, enjoy! (:
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musicvidoodles · 11 years
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Surprise, surprise my primary language is Spanish! I tried to traduce the lyrics here. Inspired by "Calaveras y Diablitos" from Los Fabulosos Cadillacs (Fabulous Cadillacs). Usually, when drawing, I take more inspiration from the lyrics than the actual atmosphere of the song, and this one is no exception. I once drew a friend of mine's face with flowers in the background and it looked really creepy, and I loved it. I once drew my best friend's funeral for fun, and I really loved how it turned out. I mixed both of these drawing and added 2 to the mix, to make up some illustrations from the song, which I ended up liking a lot.
Also, I like this style, even tho I'm not using it very often :P
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musicvidoodles · 11 years
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This is what I imagine whenever I hear Nirvana's "Sliver". Some girl screaming at the top of her lungs. It begins with her being all calm but then as the memories start coming she becomes more angry and frustrated. Sliver simnolizes a lost childhood for me, maybe. I love the song. I can make a picture about the actual music video(which I like very much) and not just about what I imagine listening to it.
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musicvidoodles · 11 years
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Taken from "Tonight, Tonight" - Smashing Pumpkins
This is the pic that got me to make this blog. Tonight, Tonight has always gotten me in a really deep mood. The lyrics in the song are so pessimistic, realistic, and optimistic I can't help but love them, it's a song with an incredible meaning. As for the music video, I love it, I love how Billy Corgan looks, I LOVE the rest of the videos and how it's shot in a 20's movie style. I know it's a reference to the film "A Trip to the Moon" (I think that's the name), but still this is a very, very good and beautiful video.
It looks all fuzzy I know, but I liked how it turned out and I might redo it/recolor it later.
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musicvidoodles · 11 years
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Welcome to my blog!
This is a blog where I listen to music and draw either what I imagine its music video would be or some picture based from the music video! All of this can be taken as experiments, since I'm really not that good at coloring and I've been learning new things!
I hope I'm creative enough haha
(By the way, the picture there is not mine, a friend did it for me, it's a cartoon of me, but I really loved it. Thanks Gen)
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