my brain, interrupting my daydream: this is poorly researched and the narrative is not compelling
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Me writing dialogue: I am so fucking good at this. I love fleshing out my characters through their interactions.
Me reading my own dialogue: Have I ever interacted with another human being. Like, at all.
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my brain, interrupting my daydream: this is poorly researched and the narrative is not compelling
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So I usually write fanfiction for myself just to entertain my brain, aside from my actual story and book writing, but lately I haven’t been able to focus on the fanfics because my brain just keeps turning back to my fantasy WIP and its outlining. Go brain!
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In 2019, let’s make Columbus Day burn
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My earphones:
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soooo useful
I thought I might not be the only writer out there who likes to put symbolism in their stories so I found some things and what they represent!!
Alligator - stealth, survival
Ant - diligence, industry, community, remarkable strength, hard working, success, patience
Antelope - action
Armadillo - boundaries, self protection
Badger - aggressiveness, passion and drive
Bat - rebirth, longevity, joy, good luck
Bear - gentle strength, dreaming, introspection, power, protection
Beaver - builder, accomplishing goals
Bee - divine messenger, love, service, gathering, community
Bird - enlightenment, perspective, swiftness, vision, prophetic knowledge
Boar - nature-based wealth, prosperity, success, protection, courage
Buffalo - prayer, abundance, survival needs met, good fortune, healing
Bulls’ horns - a good symbol in meditation for motivation
Butterfly - rebirth, the soul, transformation, the three phases of life
Cat - feminine energy, mystical power, used to keep the wearer safe in travel, wholeness
Chameleons - ever-changing future, inconsistency
Cheetah - speed, focus
Cougar - power, swiftness, balance
Cows - red cows are a symbol of hope, inspiring symbol for nurturing efforts
Coyote - trickster
Crane - longevity. A pair of cranes symbolizes “Long Marriage”
Cricket - good luck charm, singing, Spring, fertility
Crow - sacred law, gateway to supernatural, shape shifting, illusion
Deer - graceful gentleness, sensitivity, compassion, kindness
Dog - companionship, health, service, loyalty, protection, future prosperity
Dolphin - manna, joy, childlike play, helpfulness, breath of life, harmony, intelligence, self connection
Donkey - fertility, easy childbirth, efficiency, health, well-being, and luck
Dove - peace, innocence, fidelity, love, gentleness, kindnes
Dragonfly - good fortune, magic, vision, dreams, luck, and ancient knowledge, illusion
Dragon - wisdom due to long lives and potent magic, royalty, Emperor, eternity, courage, strength, rain, Spring
Eagle - courage, spirit, bravery, strength
Elephant - commitment, strength, astuteness
Elk - stamina, pride, power, majesty
Fish - miracles, providence, sea/water magic, good luck and prosperity, foresight, fortune, salmon in particular, are associated with knowledge
Fox - camouflage, adaptability, integration, tricksters, shape shifters, and possessors of great magic
Frog - healing, cleansing, messages, health, honesty, fluidity, purification
Gazelle - awareness
Giraffe - grounded vision
Goat - tenacity, diligence, can help to achieve goals, endure criticism, and stay safe. Goat’s fur or foot - an anti-evil talisman.
Goose - safe return, love of home
Grasshopper - nobility, prosperity
Hawk - nessenger, strength, foresight, truth
Hippopotamus - emotional depths
Horses - power, stamina, speed, transportation and communication - A black horse with a white marking on its forehead is lucky
Hummingbird - joy, pure love, celebration of life
Ladybug - delight, trust
Lamb - filial piety (dutiful respect or regard for parents).
Lion (baby) cubs - inspire mercy and gentleness.
Lion (grown) - inspire strength, courage
Lions - pride, nobility, cunning, courage, just laws, fairness, the sun, images can protect sacred ground.
Lizard - dreaming, foresight, ancient secrets
Lynx - secrets
Monkey - benevolence, drives away evil
Moose - self-esteem, assertiveness
Mountain Lion - wisdom, leadership
Mouse - frugality, rebirth, scrutiny
Opossum - strategy, diversion
Otter - medicine (woman), balanced feminine energy
Owl - deception, wisdom, clairvoyance, magic
Ox - evil spirits that disturb lakes, rivers, and seas
Peacock - wholeness, dignity, beauty, recognition, self assurance, pride
Pig - rebirth and rejuvenation
Porcupine - innocence
Rabbit - fear, fertility, moon magic, speed, swiftness, longevity, courage, strength
Raccoon - dexterity, disguise
Raven - magic
Robin - growth, renewal
Rooster - courageous, warlike disposition, warmth and life of the Universe
Scorpion - the “fire within” that often needs careful tending
Seal - inner voice
Sheep - sacrifice
Snake - cunning, evil, supernatural power
Spider - destiny, fate, weaving
Squirrel - gathering
Swan - grace
Tiger - courage, bravery, fierceness, strength, being in the now
Turtle - mother earth
Weasel - stealth
Whale - record keeper
Wolf - teacher, A Guide to the Sacred
Zebra - Individuality
Aloe- Healing, protection, affection
Amaryllis- Pride
Anemone- Forsaken
Angelica- Inspiration
Apple blossom- Preference
Arborvitae- Unchanging friendship
Aster- Symbol of Love, Daintiness
Basil- Good wishes
Bay- Glory
Begonia- Beware
Bittersweet- Truth
Black-eyed Susan- Justice
Bluebell- Humility, kindness
Candytuft- Indifference
Red carnation- My Heart Aches, admiration
- White carnation- Innocence, pure love, women’s good luck gift
- Pink carnation- I’ll never forget you
- Yellow carnation- Disdain, disappointment, rejection
Chamomile- Patience
Chives- Usefulness
Chrysanthemum- Cheerfulness
Clover, white- Think of me
Coreopsis- Always cheerful
Coriander- Hidden worth
Crocus- spring, Youthful gladness
Cumin- Fidelity
Cyclamen- Resignation and good-bye
Daffodil- Regard
Daisy- Innocence, hope
Dill- Powerful against evil
Edelweiss- Courage, devotion
Fennel- Flattery
Fern- Sincerity
Forget-me-not- True love memories
Gardenia- Secret love
Geranium- oak-leavedTrue friendship
Gladiolus- Remembrance
Goldenrod- Encouragement, good fortune
Heliotrope- Eternal love
Holly- Hope
Hollyhock- Ambition
Honeysuckle- Bonds of love
Horehound- Health
Hyacinth- Games and sport, playfulness, rashness
– Blue Hyacinth- Constancy of love
– Purple Hyacinth- Sorrow, forgiveness, regret
– Yellow Hyacinth- Jealousy
– White Hyacinth- Loveliness, prayers for someone
Hydrangea- Gratitude for being understood; frigidity and heartlessness
Hyssop- Sacrifice, cleanliness
Iris- A message
Ivy- Friendship, continuity
Jasmine- white- Sweet love
Lady’s-mantle- Comforting
Lavender- Devotion, virtue
Lemon balm- Sympathy
Lilac- Joy of youth
Lily, calla- Beauty
Lily, day- Chinese emblem for mother
Lily-of-the-valley- Sweetness, purity
Lotus Flower- Purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, and rebirth
Magnolia- Love of nature
Marjoram- Joy and happiness
Mint- Virtue
Morning glory- Affection
Myrtle- Good luck and love in a marriage
Nasturtium- Patriotism
Oak- Strength
Oregano- Substance
Pansy- Thoughts
Parsley- Festivity
Peony- Bashful, happy life
Pine- Humility
Poppy, red- Consolation
Rhododendron- Danger, flee
Rose, red- Love, I love you.
Rose, dark crimson- Mourning
Rose, pink- Happiness
Rose, white- Purity, heavenly, I’m worthy of you
Rose, yellow- Jealousy, decrease of love
Rosemary- Remembrance
Rue- Grace, clear vision
Sage- Wisdom, immortality
Salvia, blue- I think of you
Salvia, red- Forever mine
Savory Spice-  interest
Sorrel- Affection
Southernwood- Constancy, jest
Sunflower- Adoration
Sweet pea- Pleasures
Sweet William- Gallantry
Sweet woodruff- Humility
Tansy- Hostile thoughts
Tarragon- Lasting interest
Thyme- Courage, strength
Tulip, red- Passion, declaration of love
Tulip, yellow- Sunshine in your smile
Valerian- Readiness
Violet- Loyalty, devotion, faithfulness, modesty
Wallflower- Faithfulness in adversity
Willow- Sadness
Yarrow- Everlasting love
Zinnia- Thoughts of absent friends
Red: Excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence, all things intense and passionate, sincerity, happiness (Only in Japan)
Pink: love and romance, caring, tenderness, acceptance and calm.
Beige and ivory: symbolize unification. 
Ivory: symbolizes quiet and pleasantness. 
Beige: calm and simplicity.
Yellow: signifies joy, happiness, betrayal, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard and friendship.
Dark Blue: Symbolizes integrity, knowledge, power, and seriousness.
Blue: Peace, tranquility, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, technology, depression, appetite suppressant.
Turquoise: calm. 
Teal: sophistication. 
Aquamarine: symbolizes water. 
Lighter turquoise: a feminine appeal.
Purple: Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, honor, arrogance, mourning, temperance.
Lavender: femininity, grace and elegance.
Orange: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, demanding of attention.
Green: Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, renewal, youth, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, service, inexperience, envy, misfortune, vigor.
Brown: Earth, stability, hearth, home, outdoors, reliability, comfort, endurance, simplicity, and comfort.
Gray: Security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity, maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness, boring. Silver symbolizes calm.
White: Reverence, purity, birth, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, winter, snow, good, sterility, marriage (Western cultures), death (Eastern cultures), cold, clinical.
Black: Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, anonymity, underground, good technical color, mourning, death (Western cultures), austerity, detachment.
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Most people would be horrified to be called communists, and then there's me who would be honored
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Good riddance, George
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♡ OC ask meme ♡
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藤原海藻  -  https://www.weibo.com/5092504453/profile?rightmod=1&wvr=6&mod=personnumber  -  https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4970776
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Fantasy Character Development
🎇 = Does your character possess magic? How do they feel about it even if they don’t have it?
🗣️ = How does your character feel about Non-Human intelligent races? If they are one how are they treated?
⚔️ = What weapon does your character wield? Why did they choose it? If your character doesn’t fight, why?
👑 = If your character is part of the aristocracy how do they feel about their responsibility? If not how do they feel about their local governing body.
🤕 = Has your character obtained any unique or important injuries/scars, what are they and what are they from?
💼 = What does your character consider to be their ‘occupation’ how do they define it? Is it lucrative?
💧 = Has the type of world your character lives in claimed anyone they loved? How do they cope with it?
🏰 = Does your character feel any connection with the land/country they were born in, what sort of connection?
🔮 = Does your character buy into destinies, fate, or prophecies? Why or why not?
😡 = Is there something commonplace in their kingdom or world that your character absolutely despises?
🥊 = Has your character experienced war or conflict, directly or indirectly how did it effect them?
😱 = What does your character fear most in their world?
🐉 = Of the fantastical elements in their world what does your character actually find strange, or hard to believe?
😈 = Does your character believe in hard, definable good and evils?
💗 = Any unique traditions where your character is from that wouldn’t work or apply in the real world?
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Article 13
I hope you all realize this is more than just “losing memes and fan art”
This affects how content is shared online. Period. This is censorship. If this is implemented it opens the door to the government deciding what you can share and when.
“Web services large and small might decide to implement the directive globally, which would diminish American users’ capacity to share memes, political satire, or news articles online.” (Meaning due to the European law, websites might just change how they operate world wide, so the rules placed on them they will probabaly inforce in countries who don’t have the law)
If this could affect Americans in this way, imagine how heavy handed it will be on those who actually live in Europe??
This is a way to control what you do, say, think and read. It’s put under the disguise of “copyright” protection, but you are a fool if you think that’s what this really is.
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The internet could change next week, and not in a good way
You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 
We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report. 
The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment. Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 
If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on saveyourinternet.eu. 
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reality check
Hello, so a lot of people might know my country, Costa Rica, for its beautiful landscapes, biodiversity and overall publicity for its wide tourism industry. And, I’m not gonna lie, it does have a wide natural diversity, some gorgeous landscapes and a big tourism industry going from beaches all the way over to mountains. But it seems as if the dark face of Costa Rica, how life really is for the majority of us here, is completely ignored by the media, because we’re “only a vacation place”. Well… we’re not. 
So at the moment, our current government is practically about to implement a plan to TRY to solve the economical crisis in Costa Rica, which has been going on for years and only getting worse. Corruption and tax evasion by the highest classes aka a lot of the actual government functionaries, has played a big part in it, but there’s obviously more causes. Now, going back to the plan, it sounds like a good alternative, except for the fact that a lot of its clauses affect the low and middle classes in our countries and not the actual high classes that are the biggest contributers to the problem. And the plan never mentions the elimination of the “pensiones de lujo”, which are retirement pensions that exceed the amount of money that the person actually lists during their working life, so the government is obliged to pay the difference, so you can see how it contributes to the crisis in a developing country. 
Basically, what I am trying to do is not to leave Costa Rica as an actually awful country in everyone else’s eyes, because it truly isn’t, it’s a beautiful country. What I am trying to do is show people a bit of the reality that not everyone gets to see, that not even people who come here and visit the country get to experience, because, after all, that is not what they came here for. But I hope the little information I can provide from first-hand experience can actually help people to not just see Costa Rica as a “vacation place”, but more as in a country with a growing crisis and lots of social issues, and really pay attention to this as much as we do to the beautiful landscapes and biodiversity. 
And bear in mind that I’m not a professional journalist, or a government functionary or none of those, but I’m just a costa rican student wth some stuff to say and I just hope you take information you hear from Costa Rica with a grain of salt, even this post, and so it pushes you to investigate further.
Thank you.
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A Recipe For You
Our 7-year old brought home something amazing yesterday. The kids in her class each wrote a recipe for preparing and cooking a turkey. Her teacher compiled these recipes into a book.
It is everything you could want in a cookbook written by 7-year-olds who dangerously understand cooking.
Here is our daughter’s recipe. Happy Thanksgiving! Come for the turkey, stay for the salmonella.
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