okaylamay · 10 years
Again, the world would be a much better place if people stopped giving so many fucks.
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This is fucking disgusting (source).
They literally stopped the whole show to make her leave. They put her in a position where the entire audience would blame her if the show didn’t go on, rather than blaming the islamophobic fuckers who refuse to preform just because a tourist chooses to have her face covered.
But hey, this is totally a “post-racial society!!! everyone is respected regardless of race or religion!!!”
"sexism isn’t even a thing anymore!! women can wear what they want!!!!" 
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okaylamay · 10 years
I'm such an atheist I didn't get this post for a couple minutes. 
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Christianity is broken http://proud-atheist.tumblr.com
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okaylamay · 10 years
I don't care about climate change right now.  I care about the landowners who will be walked upon. I care about the inevitable oil spills. I care about the polluted water supplies. I care about the loss of suitable habitat/croplands.  I care about the fact that this pipeline would go from Canada to the Gulf (aka to China) while just using the US as a road to shit on. 
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Opinion: Stopping Keystone won’t stop climate change
More than five years after TransCanada’s initial application to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline, it is hard to read the State Department’s 44-page summary (PDF) of its report on the project without concluding that it is time for President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to stop stalling and just green-light the project. And that is even before you consider the politics of an issue that Republicans have turned into a very fruitful talking point.
Strictly from an environmental standpoint, the State Department summary suggests the 875-mile pipeline — which would extend from Morgan, Mont., to Steele City, Neb., where it would connect to the already built southern leg of the pipeline — is probably the cleanest and least risky way to transport crude oil from the tar sands of Alberta to refineries on the Gulf Coast. (This assumes the oil will be extracted and transported even if the pipeline is not built, which the authors make clear is what they think is going to happen.)
Read more
Photo: Tom Pennington/Getty Images
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okaylamay · 10 years
my friend: i met a guy
me: i just started a new tv show
It's called fringe, and we're getting pretty close.
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okaylamay · 10 years
can we just collectively agree as a generation that we aren’t going to care if each other’s houses are clean when we visit bc im gettin real sick of the “the house has to be spotless or our guests will judge us” deal my parents got goin on
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okaylamay · 10 years
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THIS. This is what it’s like when you realize how deeply sexism and misogyny are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. And once you see it, you can’t stop seeing it. It’s everywhere.   I used to compare societal sexism to those Magic Eye pictures from the eighties. It’s hard to see the picture at first, and you have to sorta teach your eyes to make out the image hidden inside the graphical noise. But once you figure out how to see it, you can always see it. It’s always there.
—> Link to original comic posting
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okaylamay · 10 years
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okaylamay · 10 years
Nope, still confused. 
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Thanks BBC, you FINALLY cleared everyone’s suspects at last.
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okaylamay · 10 years
The world would be a better place if people stopped giving so many fucks.
My advice for 2014
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okaylamay · 10 years
Dr. Who at the parents'
Dad walks in the room and I'm watching Matt Smith Dr. Who reruns
Dad: Oooh, that's the old doctor
Me: Whaa...?
Dad: That's the old doctor, they replaced him with a new one.
Me: Are you trying to explain Dr. Who to me?
Dad: There's a new doctor, they got rid of this one.
Me: No, no no. They haven't. That's Matt Smith, the 11th doctor. He IS getting replaced, tomorrow at 8 pm with Peter Capaldi, the 12th doctor. Before Matt Smith was David Tennant, the 10th doctor and Christopher Eccleston restarted the series as the 9th doctor in 2005. The classic Dr. Who stopped in the 80s.
Are you REALLY trying to tell me about Dr. Who?
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okaylamay · 10 years
That's what they want you to think...
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okaylamay · 10 years
Why do you never hear this?
business: I can't afford to pay my employees a living wage.
free market conservatives: Lazy! If you can't afford one of the basic expenses of running a business, you shouldn't be running a business. Go back to school and learn how to run a business! Get a better business model! Why should you expect the rest of us to prop up your failure by feeding and clothing the employees YOU can't pay for with our tax money?
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okaylamay · 11 years
I don't usually reblog this stuff, but damn, I wish this was my living room. 
(maybe Australia instead)
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okaylamay · 11 years
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Who really benefits from the pink ribbon campaigns: the cause or the company? In showing the real story of breast cancer and the lives of those who fight it, this film reveals the co-opting of what marketing experts have labeled a “dream cause.”
If you’re a woman, take the time to watch the documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc.
Watch it on
Netflix (x)
Itunes (x)
Youtube (for now…)    (x)
NFB (x)
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okaylamay · 11 years
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click photo to scroll/enlarge
I’m back, standing atop rose quartz mountain ridges and layers of fallen conifer needles with nothing but the noisy creek carried up the canyon for company, ambiance of nature, a tiny ranch house buried in the horizon. I’m a tourist here passing through, starting to understand why people feel the need to put down “roots”. It makes sense in a place like this where the ground is malleable, penetrable; the concrete is too dense in a city for permanence, connectivity. I used to think this area and its town was stuck in time, but I’m learning that time simply does not matter when you’re here. The stream flows relentlessly, its only threat a drought. A fire obscures the tree line but the grass grows again a year later. The rest of the world carries on yelling and screaming and the louder it gets the harder it is to ignore and I’m crushed until I can physically separate myself, burrow into that cavern across the canyon floor and sleep with a sandstone blanket over my head, willing myself underwater just to drown out the noise.
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okaylamay · 11 years
And the most depressing GIF in the world goes to....
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681K notes · View notes
okaylamay · 11 years
"I was young. It was just the kind of shit that actresses have to go through. Somebody told me I was fat, that I was going to get fired if I didn’t lose a certain amount of weight. They brought in pictures of me where I was basically naked, and told me to use them as motivation for my diet. It was just that. [Someone brought it up recently] They thought that because of the way my career had gone, it wouldn’t still hurt me. That somehow, after I won an Oscar, I’m above it all. ‘You really still care about that?’ Yeah. I was a little girl. I was hurt. It doesn’t matter what accolades you get. I know it’ll never happen to me again. If anybody even tries to whisper the word ‘diet’, I’m like, ‘You can go fuck yourself.”
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