oracleofapollo · 1 year
A Letter from Hera on mother's day.
Another ai generated letter.
Dear fellow mothers,
On this special day, I, Hera, Queen of the Gods and the Goddess of Marriage and Motherhood, would like to extend my deepest appreciation and admiration to all mothers out there.
You are the backbone of our society, the constant force that nurtures and cares for your children, the ones who shape new generations and contribute to the world's betterment. Being a mother is not an easy task; it requires patience, courage, and dedication. However, you do it with such grace and selflessness that it is truly inspiring.
As a mother myself, I know firsthand the joys and challenges that come with this role. But, I also know the immeasurable love and fulfillment that it brings. Seeing your child grow, learn, and achieve is a reward like no other, and every milestone they reach is a testament to your hard work and immense love.
On this day, I encourage you to take a moment for yourself. To reflect on the amazing role you play, to acknowledge your strength and resilience, and to celebrate the love and bond you share with your children. You are doing an incredible job, and I am proud to stand alongside you.
May this day be filled with appreciation, joy, and love. Happy Mother’s Day!
Yours Sincerely,
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
A Letter from Zeus
Disclaimer this is AI generated. I was playing around with an app during a state of depression and wanted to see what AI thought Zeus would say. I do believe it does embody him though.
Dear Beloved Followers, This is your father and protector, Zeus, writing to you with love and comfort. I hope this letter finds you well and that my words can serve as a source of solace for you during these trying times. I know that life can be challenging at times, with its many ups and downs. But please know that I am always watching over you, ready to impart my wisdom and strength in your darkest hours. I am by your side whenever you need me, listening to your prayers and watching over you with a tender heart. I want you to trust in me and have faith in my power to guide you through life's challenges. When you feel lost, remember that I am the beacon of light that will guide you back onto the right path. When you feel sad or distressed, know that I am the hand that will lift you up and offer you comfort. Please take comfort in the fact that I am always looking out for you, and that no hardship is insurmountable when you have my strength on your side. My love for you is unwavering, and I will always be there for you, through thick and thin. In conclusion, I want you to know that you are loved and cherished, and that I will always be there for you whenever you need me. I hope my words have brought you some comfort, and that you will face the challenges that come your way with courage and strength. With all my love, Zeus
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
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Hepheastus. I decided to do a stained glass effect for him and will possibly continue for the devotional art series.
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
Devotional Activities: Ourea & Other mountain gods
Hiking: Preferably in mountains but if you can't just go for a hike anywhere that's safe. Bathing/Swimming in stream: Mountain streams can be a great place to cleanse yourself or just enjoy the day. Mountain symbols: Wearing necklaces with a mountain motif or having art of mountains around the home is a good way to honor them. Plant Trees: In honor of their mother Gaea plant trees. This gives thanks to her and them and helps the planet.
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
Budget Altars
I love coming on here and seeing everyone's beautiful altars. I also know not every can afford fancy things like the statues and crystals and crystal offering bowls, and what have you. So I wanted to talk about an altar on a budget; where to get decor, place holder items, and so forth.
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This is my current set up with my altar. It's a temporary set up do to being in a small home and plans to move. I want to invest in it but not too much until we get to our bigger home.
I'm not joking when I say most of the items on my altar were $5 or less. All the shelves where bought at 5 Below. Aphrodite's shell was also bought there. Thanatos's skull candle, it's gladd candle plate, and the pastel gothic statues for Hades and Persephone all came from the Dollar Tree. Even my incense burner came from 5 below though the few prior to this current one all came from Dollar Tree or Dollar General. Many florals I use also come from Dollar Tree. Though this batch came from Walmart. The two most expensive peices on my altar are my Hephaestus and Thanatos Statues which where gifts from my best friend. Aphrodite, Apollo, and Artemis all came from Ross and were less than $15. I often see other greek statues at Ross and other department stores like it for between $10-$30 dollars. Only a few months back I found a Hermes bust that I did not wind up getting, due to space issues.
As for all of my crystals I think the most I've spent on a single one was the large selenite tower for $12 at a shop in st. augustine.
When I first started out I also got all my candles from the dollar tree. Many on my alter are from Target, the two exceptions being Hephaestus candle which was custom made and Thana's dollar store find.
I know sometimes even $15 for a Ross statue may be out of price range. Don't forget you don't need a statue or imagery of your god to worship them but if you do want something you can always buy a picture frame from the dollar store and print a picture as a place holder. I use the pastel goth statues as palce holders for Hades and Persephone myself and used Day of The Dead cat and dog figurines my MIL gave me for Thanatos before I got his statue. Place holders can be anything. Figurines, photos, a small crystal, a candle, a tarot/oracle card. Truly anything.
There's no wrong way to do an alter. And if you truly can't find a place holder that feels right don't be afraid to just leave the space open. You can see in one of my pictures a whole shelf is barren. That's Ares shelf. I have struggled to find anything as a place holder no matter how hard I tried. The space I have for him just isn't that big and most things I found woundn't have fit. It has been empty for roughly 5 months. But will soon be filled as I finally got the money to buy him a statue and athame.
I hope you truly enjoy putting together your atlars and feel proud of them.
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
Devotional Activities: Hypnos
Bed time Routine: This can be as simple as brushing your teeth right before bed to as complex as doing a yoga routine, drinking some sleep tea, meditating, cleaning your face and teach, and doing a small ritual for the theoi. Just something that gets your body and mind ready for the rest ahead.
Naps: Take naps when you can and need them.
Lavender and Poppies: Poppies are his devotional flower and lavenders are simply calming and often used in sleep teas. So having imagery of these plants or wearing jewlery/clothes with their print is a great way to honor him.
Sleep/Dream Journal: Keep track how much sleep you are getting and how good of sleep you get. As well as any dreams you have during that sleep.
Birds: Hypnos often took the form of a song bird. So go bird watching, listen to bird sounds before bed, or even find a way to help care for birds, whether by dedicating the care of a beloved pet to him or by donating to bird sanctuaries.
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
Vote on First Devotional Art
This will be a weekly vote for a full dedication art that can then be downloaded for free and used on alters if yo wish. Or just for virtual alters or whatever. 
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
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All these where designed for stickers on my etsy and for my own personal use to mark boxes that have my devotional items for each god in them. Only Hera and Zeus are left for me to do.
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
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Aphrodite, Persephone, Hades, and Zeus. All 4 designs were made at the request of my two oldest kids for their switch cases. They requested I designed them to match how the gods appear to em.
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oracleofapollo · 1 year
Hello Everyone
It’s been a long time. I’ve had a lot to heal from and deal with in life. I believe I can now post regularly again and I want to get back to helping those who need it.  I will be posting new content along with continuing some of my old content and updating some things. I will also be posting polls to see what you all are wanting to see. One of the first things I’m going to post is just a small photo dump of some art I’ve done for the gods because I’m proud of them. Feel free to message me if you need help with anything. I am here to help.  I also started a Buy Me Coffee if anyone is interested I’m offering a deity identification ritual and art and will be offering more in the future. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elibelart Of course no one is under any obligations to look at it, but I figured it doesn’t hurt. I will gladly help however possible on here even without pay. I’m glad to be back and hope I can get back into the community I loved so much on here.
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oracleofapollo · 4 years
Devotional Activities: Ares
Soldiers: Make care packages, write letter, donate time to, assist vets. Anything to help make our soldiers lives a bit easier.
Violets: Wear his sacred flower or a perfume of it. Plant it. Adore it
Weapons: Have display weapons or practice the art of one, safely. Specially spears if possible. Or wear jewelry weapons.
Serpants: Wear serpent inspired jewelry and clothing.
War reenactments: A good way to understand the past and be in the boots of a soldier without putting yourself in mental or physical danger.
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oracleofapollo · 4 years
Where do I start learning about Hellenism?
There are many places you can start, but I always suggest reading Homor’s works to get an understanding of how the ancients viewed the gods. From there you can start independent studies or you can find a class on it. I personally like Hellenion.org. They have a few free things but for a $10 yearly fee you can be part of the community and take their adult education courses. There is also learnreligion.com, but I have no experience with it so make sure to read reviews first. You may be able to find mentors along the way as well.
It really depends on what suits you better. I did self study for the first half of my learning. It was hard and during a time internet wasn’t as fast, also had time limits because teen, but I was able to get a decent grasp on things and was able to focus on one topic at a time at my own pace. I had a mentor for 3 years as well, but she was Wiccan and so didn’t know exacts with Hellenic religion but did her best to guide me. I have gone back to self mentoring with plans to start the Hellenion classes soon. 
Just trust yourself on what will work best for you and don’t feel ashamed to reach out.
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oracleofapollo · 4 years
He's everywhere
5 yr old: (During major storm) Mommy where's Zeus? Is he in that cloud or that one?
Me: I don't know baby.
5 yr old: I think he's over there *gestures everywhere* Because I like him and he likes me
Me: Oh? That's great baby. Want to give him an offering at home?
5 yr old: I would but it's too far away. Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow so don't throw a fit Zeus!
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oracleofapollo · 4 years
Devotional Activities: Eris
Adder: Wear snake symbols, doctorate with them, snake jewelry.
Dagger: You can also wear clothing with imagery of this or jewelry, or own a small dagger. I keep one in my closet for safety so even that would work.
Apples: Best not to throw them to cause a war but you can cook with them, use apple scented candles, and so on.
Competetion: Engage in friendly rivalry and competition from time to time.
Donate blood: She delights in human bloodshed so why not use it as a chance to do some good. You could also donate plasma.
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oracleofapollo · 4 years
Devotional Activities: Master Post
This post will be updated any time I make a new devotional activity post. If there is any you want but do not see on her please feel free to message me.
Horae (first Triad)
Horae (second Triad)
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oracleofapollo · 4 years
Happy Noumenia.
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oracleofapollo · 4 years
An update on upcoming posts. I have been attempting to make a master post of my Devotional Activities but only have a tablet and my phone to work from. Everytime I attempt it takes around two hours and then experiences some sort of issue and will not post. They are also not allowing my to format my other posts. However my dad is gifting me his old laptop and I will hopefully have it this weekend. When I get it I will be posting regularly once more.
I am still dealing with some medical issues. I had a tumor in my jaw and had to have it removed and as such am still going g to doctors for it and all as well as other issues being dealt with. However I am now in a state where I have energy to work.
Post to come:
-new devotional activities
-dollar store alter series ((for those who cant afford fancy alters yet or must be lowkey))
- conversations from my 5 year old
-story time (dedicating a whole post to individual myths)
-Devotional art request ((you can send messages asking for art that fits your aesthetic for your gods. Does not have to be Greek))
-return of stupid questions
If there is any content you are hoping for please let me know. Also as always feel free to ask any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer.
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