Hi, again! Sorry for disappearing! :P
Alrighty, so it’s been a while... 
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Long story short, I lost my writing muse (as in my motivation, inspiration, and want to write). But, on the plus side, my meds have been kicking in (FINALLY) and I’ve been getting better and better!!! :DD With that, I want to try and get back on here and write something. I’ve also been having, like, a lot of ideas and plot ideas lately, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign!
Anyway, my goal is for this week to try and get back on here, hopefully work on some drafts. Sorry for disappearing without any word. And for being sucky at replying to IMs on here or Discord! It was just kind of easier to take a break when I didn’t really have much to say writing-wise lol :P But, with that being said...
If anyone who’s been waiting on me for a reply to our thread would rather drop the thread(/s) (as opposed to picking it up again after so long), please just let me know!
Absolutely no worries! I get that it’s been a while :P So its completely understandable! And we can always do something else if you’d rather! :D I’m not even sure how writing will go but I figured it’s worth a shot to try and see what happens! xP Fingers crossed!
Beyond that, I’ll let you guys know whenever I either get all of my drafts done or at least most of them. Hopefully, I can start my queue up again and get back on track when it comes to this blog and writing! XD
<3 Aly
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I know I didn’t get on here last night. I think I probably won’t most if not all of this week. Long story short is that I’m working on my mental health well-being and it’s going good!! :D Hanging out a lot with my grandma, since she has this week off of work for a mini vacation, and doing some training with my dog. I’ve been busy and although I have some writing ideas, I’ve kind of lost of my muse in the hustle and bustle, so there’s that.
I’ll keep you guys updated though, and I’ll be better at answering people’s IMs and shit lmao xP
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It’s been a few days. I’m doing actually pretty alright :P Up and down a bit which is normall and understandable considering, but I’m getting on the right track now! XD AND doing good on training my dog while I’m at it!
I probably won’t do more than lurking today, but tomorrow I’m hoping to get on here :D <33
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I didn’t do a whole shit-ton, but I completed my goal and more! :P So tonight was a win! My goals were to message people back and write up that starter. I wanted to do some drafts as well but figured I’d start with getting my writing juices flowing with some opens. And now it’s getting close to bedtime lol xP Oh well!
Those opens will go out at some point, probs in the queue whenever I set that up again. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I can get a few drafts done! :D
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(Weeping) Angels | Closed for DrGrumpyFace
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Castiel couldn't ‘shake’ the feeling that he was being watched, or that someone was following him. Considering he was not just standing still, both situations would mean the same thing, yet somehow they both had different feelings. Although, of course, both were a ‘bad’ ‘gut’ feeling. Something just wasn’t quite right.
The Angel had made his way towards the closest ‘entrance’ to Heaven, while on a hunt with the Winchesters. They didn’t overly need his help, and word over Angel Radio was making him confused. It wasn’t far, so he’d chosen to walk instead of fly. Perhaps he’d picked wrong, given his feelings about his surroundings now.
The playground was busy and loud with lots of children and parents all gathered around. He’d have to wait until they all left for the Angel stationed there to grant him access if they even would, that is. Surely Castiel wouldn’t be the only one having the same feeling. Yet, every time he tried looking around, he could not see what or who he was feeling. He tried leaving the park; walking away but still staying close enough by. The feeling (and or person) persisted.
He made his short way back, only to look across the area. Past the jungle-gym was a small field. Exempting the side with the playground adjacent, there was a small ‘water park’ area to one side of the field and a medium sized water fountain with statues to the other. The field had some parents and families and enjoying the sun while the small water area mainly had smaller children playing around. The fountain area, however, was almost completely empty, save for a few people walking by. None of the people there looked out of place, suspicious, or like they were watching him back. Yet, he knew someone (or something) was, indeed, watching him.
Curious, with his head slightly tilted at the sight, the Angel continued his way back into the park. Maybe if he could find his brother or sister (the one guarding the ‘sandbox’) he could ask them. But the other Angel was nowhere to be found. Had they even been there previously? Maybe he’d come to the wrong place.
Walking right up towards some children playing in the sand, Castiel looked down. This was the correct spot, but why was there no guard? Why hadn’t he checked before leaving the first time? Too caught up in his ‘gut’ feeling, Cas hadn’t even bothered to check in with another Angel, and now they’d left. But why? Had they felt the same feeling too?
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I am soo sorry for such a late reply D: I got busy IRL and then sick, and now we’re here! Lol :P So definitely don’t feel bad for taking your time to answer my ask first!! Completely understandable! XD
I’ve actually got a shit-ton of muses; 13 to be exact, spanning across the Doctor Who and Supernatural universes. They’re all on my muses page HERE (/mobile version) with a summary of them and links to their full about page and info. But, to be specific to Doctor Who, I have the 11th and 13th Doctors on there and some OC Time Lords/Ladies (as well as Captain Jack and an OC ex-Time Agent as guest muses)! :D
For the ‘Why Aren’t We Roleplaying?’ meme; ● - You seem so busy (with irl stuff), and □ - I don’t have any (specific) thread ideas (also wanted to use this to say hello! And that I LOVE your Master!!
What muses do you write? Maybe I could think of something for us! 
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Semi-Hiatus Reminder
So, I only posted once about this and although I have that post linked in my description (and HERE), I did wanna post about it again just ‘cause it’s been a while.
I’m still on semi-hiatus due to my health.  
My crohn’s shit is getting under control, but my head-stuff, not so much. Its gonna take a while of being on my new meds to even see if it’ll help at all. So far it’s been a lil’ less than 2 weeks, so I guess I’m kind of just being impatient on that front. Which is understandable, but yeah.
My main reason for making this post is because I feel bad about having everyone wait so long for a reply from me! And it hasn’t even been super long, but it’s been long enough! Over a month now on my oldest threads, I believe. There was also most of last week that I just didn’t get on here and didn’t do anything at all D: I’m trying to work towards that not happening again, but it very well might. Depression sucks, ya’ll!!
Anyway, as I've said before, I’m trying to get on here more now. Today is the start of that :D So wish me luck!! I think I’m, roughly, half-way through my drafts, so if I can get a lil’ bit done over a good handful of days, I should be set!! Just need to actually do the work is all lmao xP
Thanks again to everyone being so patient with me : D You guys are the best, and I promise (to everyone) I’m still interested in continuing our thread!! I’m just super-duper slow rn xD <3
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It has been so long D: I’m still feeling a bit iffy, but it’s mostly mental shit that was already a thing before I caught a cold lol :P Figured I’d kind of just jump into my drafts tonight, see what happens. I don’t have, like, an overwhelming feeling of writing motivation or anything, but I was getting bored just watching YouTube videos yesterday so xP Spur of the moment thing right now!  
Fingers crossed things go well!!
(Also I’mma actually reply to people I’ve yet to D:)
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I was gonna try and get on here today since it’s Monday and, like, it was gonna be the start of a week where I get on here and get shit DONE! But I sick :(
I’ve got a cold. My head is big and hurts, my nose is stuffed and also hurts, so I’m breathing mainly outa my mouth. And I am SO hot D: Ahhhh
Probs gonna be a few days, but I swear I am coming back to continue drafts (and reply to people’s IMs) at some point!! D: D:
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Alrighty! XD 6 more drafts done tonight! That makes 20 in total waiting to be queued, and only 18 left to reply to!! I’m officially more than half-way through!
Even though its late, I think I may be leaving now to watch a movie with the fam. We’ll see though, but either way, I’ll be going to bed at some point and am probably done writing for the night lmao xP So consider me lurking!
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I’ve done 4 drafts so far. I mostly still have writing muse, just kinda being lazy lmao xP So someone should make me do more drafts instead of just watching Reddit videos on YouTube!!
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New School | Closed for SuprnatRP
It was bad enough that his family had moved, causing him to switch schools, in the middle of the school year. The first day for him would be just another Thursday for everyone else. But now he was running late. At least, he assumed so, given the lack of students outside or in the halls. At his previous school, classes started at 9. Here, at Lawrence High, classes started at 8.  
Sighing to himself, checking the time (5 to 9), Castiel vowed to kill his brother for making him late. Not literally, of course, but Gabriel would definitely be getting yelled at by the teen considering he’d been the driver that day. Being late was not a good way to start his first day!
Luckily, the week before, his parents had already enrolled him and gotten everything ready paper-work wise. All he needed to do was show up. Too bad he’d missed almost all of the first period already!
Castiel took a deep breath as he walked towards the open door of his homeroom class. This was probably the worst part of joining a new school, and being late just made him feel worse and more anxious. But there wasn’t much he could do about it now. He knocked on the door, getting the teacher’s attention as they were (most likely) wrapping up their lesson.
“Hi. I’m looking for a Mrs. Lancaster? I’m a new student, and sorry, I know I’m late.”
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I forgot to post that I was leaving for the night before I left yesterday! D: Oh well! I did 5 drafts yesterday which, considering I got online here from, like, 2-10 ish, I know it's not a lot, but it’s also way better than getting zero drafts done, so XD Anything is a plus!!
Let’s hope I can get some more done today! Mental health-wise, I’m kinda up and down so far today :/ Which isn’t fun, but fingers crossed writing some shit will help! XD
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xtimelxrd replied to your post “Pride Icons!”
Those are amazing. :3
Oh, thank you so much!! XD <3
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Pride Icons!
With Pride Month (June) now upon us, I decided to make some various Pride Icons for my muses and one of my URL in circular Gallifreyan (similar to what I usually use). I’ll be going between these as the month goes on. Posting more just to share cause I’m quite proud of these xD lol
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So, it’s been a lil’ while :P This past week was pretty busy and long but it’s almost over! XD I see Monday more as the start of a new week than Sunday.
I’ve still got some ships that can be written up, as well as first replies, but since I’m falling quite a bit behind on regular replies and I’m here earlier in the day, I think I’m just gonna focus (mainly) on drafts today! XD So fingers crossed I can get a good bunch done!!
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Alrighty :P I may be just about writing-out for the night! lol But, on the plus side, I got all of the starters I owed done!! Moved on to trying to tackle ships instead, between replies and first-replies. I kinda go back and forth between the three. I think once I’m done writing up the ships I’m able to (as in the relationship has moved far enough along or I’ve plotted with the other mun enough), I’ll make a new starter call!
For now, I’ve got 9 out of my (currently) 33 drafts done, just waiting for the queue! Obviously, that number doesn’t include starters made for me cause I’ve yet to add them to my tracker (and they won’t go into the queue). Not too bad for a night’s work! XD They’ll all get done at some point, and then I’ll set the queue up to start running again!
The rest of the night, until I go to bed in the next hour or so, I think is gonna be spent just lurking! So, switching my status!
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