ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
Ugh,,,,, i'm so sorry for no updating,,,,,,
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
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I don’t feel like posting on twitter but I need to dump my self indulgent scribbles somewhere
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
pink soudam
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
Gundham drummer👀
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
three best friends (two of them dating)
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
I am Kazuichi kin and I love him
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
oh look i drew them all
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
I thought about Gundham and then the realization came to me that Gundham (most likely), like Nagito, played Russian roulette in chapter 4 and I wanted to draw it
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
these are just sketches
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
Okay, what if Shuichi was the Ultimate Pianist and Kaede was the Ultimate Detective
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
Okay, I haven't come here for a year ?? or maybe two ??? anyway, now i'm in danganronpa's fandom
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
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Some of my favourite Danganronpa characters!
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
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IN HIS DR 10TH ANNIVERSARY OUTFIT!! I spent the last 3 hours of my life working on this and you know what
It was worth it 👁👄👁
Ps. His eyes are brown now and also I had no idea what badges he was wearing cuz of the super low quality so I improvized👌
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ourpodsolnuh · 3 years
ok so i have a really niche souda head canon based loosely on the song ode to the bouncers by the studio killers, there was a club like down the block from his house and when his dad would leave him locked out or when he got beat up or when he just needed a break he’d always try and get in to the club, and after years of doing it he’s grown to be like freinds with the bouncers that work outside the club, some of them just think he’s annoying but there is this one who is basically his (pt.1)
(pt.2) who is basically his new father figure, he’ll let souda in after the club has closed and if he’s beat up bad he’ll bandage him up and it just means a lot to souda knowing that at the end of the day there is at least one person who is looking out for him, i also think the bouncer kinda helps souda relaize it’s ok to be into guys and when he starts dating gundham he brings him to meet him instead of his dad and he gives gundham a little shovel talk
The first time Soda shows up is like early summer, right after he changed up his look and his dad got super pissed about it. He’s like 15 and feeling cocky and tries like, just nodding casually to the bouncer and walking in, it’s probably future dad bouncer the first time too (I’m just gonna call him DB for dad bouncer lol). DB just like crosses his arms, stands in front of Soda and raises and eyebrow cus he’s so obviously underage that DB can’t even be mad. Soda tries putting on a low voice and is all ‘hey man, what’s the issue? I come here all the time’ and DB is just like ‘sure kid, try again once your balls drop’ and Soda tries to argue but his voice cracks and he’s mortified and DB just laughs until he leaves lol
The next time he shows up is probably like a month or two later and there’s a different bouncer at the door. Soda tries the same thing but gets stopped again, but this time it’s a lady so he tries to flirt his way in. The lady bouncer just humors him for a minute then is like “hmm, one second sweetheart” and Soda is like ‘oh shit it worked’ cus she’s like looking around and he thinks it’s to make sure no one is watching, but then se waves someone over and, lo and behold, it’s DB. Lady bouncer is like “Is this that kid you were talking about” and they both start laughing and Soda just leaves cus he knows he’s not gonna get with DB there.
The third time isn’t so light hearted. It’s a really cold Fall evening and Soda shows up with a black eye and several other bruises, obviously dirty and he’s slightly bent over because his dad bruised one of his ribs. Soda wasn’t really thinking he would get in, but he figured the injuries might stop anyone from asking so he’d give it a try. Once he’s close enough to see, which is pretty close thanks to the swelling around his eye, he can tell that the blurry silhouette at the door is DB so he just gives up, turning around and sitting on the curb while he thinks of where else he could go. DB is super alarmed and gets one of the other bouncers to cover for him so he can check on Soda. He comes up behind Soda and is like “Hey kid, you alright? Need me to call your parents for you or something?” and Soda just laughs bitterly and gestures to his face and says “Nah, dad is aware of the situation” and DB gets it and is just, boiling with rage. He tells Soda to hold on, and goes to tell the bar owner the situation. It’s like a week day and the bar is slow so the owner says Soda can hangout in the kitchen or something for a while if he needs to, and DB goes to get him. Soda’s just super confused and like “wait, but you know I’m underage? Why are you letting me in?” and DB’s like “1. A kid freezing to death outside the bar would be bad for business, 2. We’re still not gonna let you drink so don’t even try, and 3″ he sits soda down on a chair in the kitchen and looks him in the eye “I’ve been where you are before, and I get that sometimes you just need a place to wait out the worst of it for a few hours.” He like smiles and ruffles Soda’s hair and pretends not to notice when Soda starts crying a little.
After that Soda occasionally comes by just to try his luck with the various bouncers, but they know who he is, so even if he wasn’t so obviously underage, he’d have no hope of getting in for a drink. On nights where Soda’s dad is being violent, they let him in the back door to hang out in the kitchen till the morning, and he eventually starts killing time back there by fixing little things like leaks and whatnot as his way of saying thanks. They don’t really talk about his situation much, but eventually the whole staff knows about the pink haired kid with the shitty dad and none of them bat an eye when they find him sitting in the kitchen anymore.
Once he turns 16 the owner hires him on as a dish washer (not sure if that’s how it works in Japan, but 16 year olds were allowed to cook and clean in bars where I grew up so shhh work with me). He doesn’t really have regular hours and when he shows up the owner usually has him doing maintenance instead of dishes, but it gives them something to point to if people ever start wondering why there's a kid in the bar. DB is sure to check in with him occasionally (How’s school? You eating enough? Got yourself a special friend at school yet?) but never presses him about his dad.
One day Soda shows up and he’s really beat up again. DB and some of the other staff members talk it out and decide they could pool enough money together to get Soda a shitty apartment nearby. DB lets him know and Soda is incredibly grateful for the offer but declines (I don’t want to be in debt to you guys, besides, I’m getting better at getting out of the house before dad goes off, I was just being stupid today). DB is like “Okay little dude, if you’re sure. But there’s no expiration date on the offer. We’re here for you cus you’re part of the family now.” and Soda starts crying cus it’s been a long time since hes felt so loved and that’s probably the moment DB starts filing adoption papers in his head haha.
One day DB brings his husband to the bar for a date night and Soda’s mind is just blown because up until that moment he just thought every gay guy had to be super effeminate but DB and his husband are both buff as hell and super masc? He does a lot of thinking after that and probably has a couple conversations about it with DB where he thinks he’s being subtle but DB knows exactly what’s up and is super supportive of Soda exploring his sexuality without ever pressuring him to come out.
(The day Soda tells him he’s bi, DB is just so excited and he’s accidently calls Soda his son while telling him how proud he is of him. They both laugh it off and it becomes a joke around the bar that Soda is DB’s son from a fling he had way back before he realized he was gay)
When Soda brings Gundham to the bar and introduces him as his boyfriend the whole staff just loses their minds. Lot’s of them congratulate him on his new goth BF, but plenty of them are warning Gundham about what DB will do to him if he hurts Soda. Gundham is legitimately a little scared, and when Soda introduces DB as his “dad who isn’t shitty” Gundham is confused and terrified and just does his best to act polite. DB starts with the whole “If you ever hurt my son...” shovel talk thing but Soda eventually stops him, insisting that Gundham is a good guy and also that he doesn’t need protection. DB is in full dad mode so he just says something like “You better be using god damned protection.” and bursts out laughing. After that everyone chills out a bit and welcomes Gundham like he’s already part of the family.
The insane party they throw for Soda’s 20th birthday is only ever out done by the one they throw for his and Gundham’s wedding lol (DB walks Soda down the aisle of course)
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ourpodsolnuh · 4 years
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Here’s all the PvE mission textures for bosses.
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ourpodsolnuh · 4 years
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just be home by 8:00
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ourpodsolnuh · 5 years
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"This guy thinks that if you laugh all the time, that makes him funny."
I'm REALLY like new Joker movie
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