pettycrew · 6 years
Was it ever posted anywhere on SM exactly how Georgia died ? do you know ? Did she escape the apartment or was she taken to Coachella and something happened there. Just curious to know.
I don’t believe it was ever said. 
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pettycrew · 6 years
Crystal wore Michael’s tshirt in Bali when they first hooked up, that was 2 years ago. Sierra has worn Luke’s tshirts and flannels recently. Crystal and Michael didn’t hold hands in public until December 2016, that doesn’t mean they weren’t a thing. lol
Like I said yesterday, if you want to think they’re not a couple that’s great. If you want to think they are that’s also great. None of it really matters since a) they haven’t confirmed anything and b) it’s not effecting their music
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pettycrew · 6 years
Hello lovely members of petty crew. I say this with no ill intent, only with kindness, and this isn’t meant to indirect anyone personally. This is just a general reminder for all. This blog is for venting, sharing opinions, and roasting. We do not feel comfortable with discussing or sharing any of 5sos’ or their friends’ personal information/addresses. We believe that to be an invasion of privacy.
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pettycrew · 6 years
I dont get why stans would think just because they are not walking down the street holding hands it means they are just friends ? seriously ? How about this, they want to be private and dont want you to know their business yet. You are right, they will say when they are ready but people forget Mystal. They were hard core dating all of 2016 and did you see them holding hands everywhere they went before they came out ! NOPE. (1)
and dont stans realise that she is supposedly good buddies with Callum and Ashton as well but you dont see her walking side by side with them. You dont see too many pics with them. she's not with their relatives and I dont even think Joy or Anne Marie follow her on IG like Liz and his family do ! come on people, get your heads out of the sand !
I think at this point, because nothing is confirmed, people can think whichever way they want. Whatever helps them sleep at night. I for one miss that nativity about Michael.
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pettycrew · 6 years
People are stupid (don't mean to insult) but Sierra and her ex did break up 2016 and posted about it in 2017 and I have it, they didn't confirm their break up until 2017. And Luke got done with Arzaylea in early 2017, so what makes you think (not you) that they're dating. Y'all didn't start making assumptions that they're are dating until mid to late 2017.
Like all of what people are saying aren't valid, like it's been seen but not reasonable, and they were seen recently together with Ashton and Calum. They weren't holding hands or nothing, just walking together along with a photographer and Sierra kept looking back to torwards the photographer. (Probably to make sure he's keeping up idk), there's a video. People were posting it, like what's it going to take for people to realize not every girl they're around means they're dating them.
Like most of us seen the break up post in 2017, probably deleted by now but it was there. Even on a few websites that talked about it.
Either way, it's not worth the time. Stop making up (not you) rumors and open your damn eyes! Yes I've seen it all too but it doesn't prove they're a couple.
I mean at the end of the day unless they say something, nothing is official.
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pettycrew · 6 years
TO sum it up for yall basically ashton & sierra became friends early '17,, then luke and sierra since june/july '17 have gotten closer and closer, she called him her bff multiple times, he has credited her in heaps of photos she's taken of him, they spend a lot of time alone together, esp at his house. It looks like they've been dating since at least October but they won't say anything. To me they seem too close nd too comfortable to be 'just friends' 1/3
Sierra responded to IG comments denying she's dating Ash or Calum (calls them her bro & cousin respectively) but will not deny dating Luke. She opened up her IG tagged photos a few months ago & doesn't seem to mind the shipping or pics of Luke/5sos appearing on her profile, which makes u wonder why. oh also luke's mom visited LA in january '18 & SIerra was with him & his mum the whole time, exactly like Arz did in Jan '17. yknow cause they're prob dating & mom's gotta get to know her
now in 2018, Sierra paints luke's nails all the time & she posted a sunrise/sunset from his house, lived in his house to take care of Petunia while he was doing promo, posted 2 vids on IG playing his piano. now we're in March & crystal + mike are still fucking obsessed with each other so C & S flew to europe to be with them, they will stay with the guys until the London show at LEAST. Crystal kisses her friends' S/O's asses so L + S are probably a thing if C keeps saying nice things about S.
As far as I can tell, at least for now, Sierra seems like a good person. And Luke seems happy and healthy so hopefully it stays that way.
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pettycrew · 6 years
Ahh yes, I specifically (Myrena that is), do have another blog for kpop! I just made a separate one so nobody had to deal with it if they didn’t want to haha. But anyway here are some of my opinions too! Note that I haven’t been paying the most attention to the boys. But I was still super excited when Want You Back came out and I still love them ):
Sound: I haven’t heard Valentine yet skfbks. I’ll listen to it later. But I like Want You Back! I know Dani said in another ask, and because we talked about it before when the song came out, and they are trying a bit poppier sound for radio plays. Which is think is a good move... they kind of lost a lot of their audience the past year and a half or whatever. Also, it’s always nice to try new things. So I guess we’ll see?
Look: I think it’s fine. I also agree with Dani, I’m not super into Michael’s hair hahaha. I don’t mind that it’s long, I just am not into how it’s styled?
Crikey (that’s still my fave name for their ‘ship’): Yeah, still Petty and still not a fan. I mean... if Michael is happy then fine whatever. But I’m still allowed to be petty and not like it (but that doesn’t mean I’ll ever be a jerk to them or anything. You can not like something and not be mean about it).
Luke and Seirra: I really don’t know anything about them? I think I’ve seen some pics (maybe?), but I really haven’t been keeping up with their lives the last year ish. I’m now kind of more into 5sos as opposed to the guys? If that makes sense?
OK, well nice to see you back. What is your take on, the new sound, the new look. Crystal & Michael to date and Luke and Sierra. And in general !! I always liked hearing your opinions before but thought you had gone to Kpop so never asked anything.
Myrena ( @mikeys-jet-black-demons ) I believe has a Kpop side blog!
I can’t speak for Myrena or Sam but here’s my thoughts. 
Sound: At first I was hesitant, I missed the more rockish sound but Want You Back really grew on me and I love Valentine. I haven’t listened to any of the other songs yet though. 
Look: Appearnace wise I’m in to it (Michael needs to cut his hair). Merch wish I’m not a big fan lol
Michael and Crystal: still petty. still not a fan. 
Luke and Sierra: Whatever they are I think they’re cute and she seems like a good influence! 
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pettycrew · 6 years
The street does not start with an F, no. not the old house or new apartment!
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pettycrew · 6 years
Actually Dani it’s not that hard. There are websites that do all the work for you
I guess I’ve just never looked because I feel like houses/addresses shouldn’t be public knowledge. 
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pettycrew · 6 years
Hey anon who knows it all. Does the apartment happen to be on a street that starts with an F?
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pettycrew · 6 years
I also have done research and the house was a two level house with at least one bedroom on the main floor where the living room and kitchen were. I also found the address of the new apartment listed in Crystal Lauderdale‘ Shane before Michael announced they were moving
omg some of you should like use your investigstion skills for like the FBI or something 
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pettycrew · 6 years
Crystal's (now old) house is on a cliff, the three story house descends from the entry/street level. Stairs go down, bedrooms would be "downstairs" from the kitchen/living area. I know the addresses of her old house and their new apartment building, so don't bother disagreeing with me lol. They're in a legit relationship and anyone who doesn't believe that is literally delusional. I don't love them together either, but why on earth would anyone fake this shit for two whole years?
here were 5 people living in that house, Crystal + Mike, Roy English + his gf Aubrey, and a girl named Shay. They would have had to organise their things as they moved. Idk why other anon is tlaking about Michael going somewhere else? Crystal keeps mentioning "city life" and "Hollywood" and I found the apartment building from 2 photos she's posted lol.
One, no name calling! People are entitled to believe whatever they want to. but also, damn you did your research. I don’t have the energy or curiosity to do that lol
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pettycrew · 6 years
On the packing list it said one color tagged boxes go to the apartment. Another color tagged boxes go to storage and Michael’s house was listed under storage. Another color was trash unless a friend wanted it and another color stayed there at the house
So maybe Michael’s the number one on the house and she’s on it too. The last thing I know is they had to stay in a hotel so the house probably is being built or just isn’t ready which would explain why things needed to go to storage. Or Michael’s stuff was all going to storage cause he’s going to be on tour for the next couple months!
- Dani
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pettycrew · 6 years
Honestly, I’m not a fan of 5sos’s new sound. Though I enjoy the genre of the new sound, I don’t think the indie pop genre suits them. I expected a more grunge sound.
They want radio play though and they’re actually get it. I think it was a smart move on their part. And honestly, they’ve always had songs with that indie pop vibe to them!
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pettycrew · 6 years
What about him saying his room was downstairs? Hers is clearly upstairs
I don’t remember that. I don’t know what her house looked like either, I’ve never paid attenton lol
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pettycrew · 6 years
But did you see the packing list one of their friends showed on their IG story? Seemed fishy
I did not. I don’t follow anyone else who’s assoicated with them, just the boys. 
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pettycrew · 6 years
Ok. Well it says “Come be petty” so here I am. Ok. Do you think Mystal is real or fake? I’m not liking Michael talk about “his girlfriend” and her dogs in all these interviews. I think there’s a lot more stuff to discuss. Some interviews I’ve seen over the last couple of days have been fun to watch because they seemed to be having fun. I think Mike was living in Crystal’s house but he made a fatal mistake in one interview for siriusXM hits 1 when talking about a house party at his house cont...
in the interview he said that during a party at his house he got tired and went to his bedroom and around 2AM he came BACK UPSTAIRS to he party. Ok. If you’ve seen the many pics from C’s bedroom you know her room is on the top floor and you can see treetops from her bed. If they share a room why did he say he came back upstairs when her room is clearly upstairs which some believe is also his room?!?!?!?!?!
As much as I don’t like to think about it, I 110% believe Michael and Crystal are in a legit relationship. Michael has always fallen fast and hard for people and it’s no different with Crystal. They definietly live together and share a room together. And my personal opinion about the recent IG story about them moving is that they’re buying a house together instead of him just living at hers. 
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