piercedflora · 2 years
That smile!  So slight… but perfect all the same.  Jesse felt warmth fill him whenever he saw it… but especially when Ryu directed it at him.  Not to mention, even dirty and disheveled, the man looked amazing.  Returning the smile, he replied, “I did, yeah…”  But first - honesty.  “I uh… I should confess I might’ve stuck my foot in my mouth jus’ now.”  His hand went up to rub sheepishly at the back of his neck.  “Mentioned the sketches to Midori… didn’ think ‘til afterwards that ya might not’ve said anythin’ to ‘im…”  His expression was both worried and apologetic.  “Hope I didn’ do nothin’ wrong.  Guess I jus’ got excited.  They’re finished, ya see…  An’ I was hopin’ maybe we could set up a time ta look ‘em over?  Maybe… meet up somewhere?  Grab some dinner?”
Jesse wanted so badly for there to be more between them, but it felt like he was going about it all wrong.  Right now, for example, he was babbling.  With effort, he forced himself to shut up so Ryu could reply.  He thought - hoped - his interest was shared, but the man was a tough cookie to read.  Sometimes he’d think the florist was interested, but other times he wasn’t sure.  Realistically, now probably wasn’t the best time to find out… not right before he was about to start on a job for Ryu.  That could be all kinds of awkward if the other man turned him down.  But asking for a ‘business meeting’ to talk about the tattoo was alright, wasn’t it?  Hell… he sure hoped so. 
For as ruggedly handsome as Cassidy could be, he could also be incredibly adorable. This moment was one of those times, and Hanzo covered his mouth with his hand to stifle a chuckle. He was too cute, looking bashful and apologetic for mentioning the tattoo. The slip-up didn’t bother Hanzo, since he planned to tell Genji about it eventually, but he didn’t mind shamelessly savoring the moment while Cassidy explained. 
“It is alright,” he assured Cassidy with a nod, and as he dropped his hand to his side, he was smiling. A reserved, but genuine smile. “I wished to tell this to Midori eventually, there is no harm done.” 
He blinked as Cassidy asked him out to dinner, but then it occurred to Hanzo that because the sketches were done, this was a business meeting, not a date. He felt a small twinge of disappointment, but he kept his expression neutral. Surely they couldn’t talk the entire time about the sketches? 
“I would like that. Where would you like to meet, and when do you wish to meet?” 
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piercedflora · 2 years
Emotions fluctuated through Jesse from one end of the spectrum to the other as Lucio spoke.  Anger, disbelief, sympathy, indignation, even grief.  He wasn’t one of those damned alphas who thought omegas needed a mate or children to live a full life… but for Hanzo to have the option stolen from him like that.  It was beyond cruel… and it made something deep within him growl protectively.  No one was going to hurt the man again - not if he had any say in it.  
“Ya don’t hafta apologize,” he said, voice soft.  “I owe Genji a lot… an’ y’all both know me.  Anythin’ starts ta happen, I’ll bow out right fast.  Let y’all handle things.”  He didn’t mention how he was already feeling more protective than he probably should.  It would only complicate things.  They needed Jesse right now.  The rest could be ignored… and chalked up to the fact that he hadn’t had an injured omega in his presence in a very long time.  Surely any alpha would react the same way… right?
“So yeah… I’m gonna help however I can.  Hanzo can stay here while he heals.  Dunno what y’all have planned for after that… but I don't’ mind offerin’ my place as a safe haven for as long as he needs.”  Jesse gave an almost embarrassed grin.  “Though I don’t reckon this apartment is half as nice as what he’s used to.”  Jesse’s home wasn’t terrible, of course.  Neat and clean, it had the same square footage as the large tattoo parlor below.  There was also access to a rooftop space that he had set up for gardening and stargazing.  But he knew he couldn’t hold a candle to Hanzo’s previous home.  “Y’all have a plan for what ta do when he starts longin’ fer nicer digs?”
As he spoke, Jesse mentally filed away everything Lucio had shared with him to go over in his head later.  It would be a good idea to put a few plans in place himself.  Not that he didn’t trust Lucio and Genji, but they had plans to react from a distance.  Jesse was the one on the front lines (so to speak) and he’d need his own plans, too.  But that could wait… at least for tonight.  Though he might jot down a few ideas after Lucio headed out and he’d checked in on Hanzo again.
Hearing Cole say he was willing to help, again, made another wave of relief wash over Lucion.
“We don’t... unfortunately,” Lucio answered after a moment of hesitation. There would be enough lies when it came to Hanzo, lying to Cole would only continue to complicate an already complicated situation. “We thought we’d have more time to prepare a place for ‘m, to come up with something, even just a safehouse.” He shook his head. “If you wouldn’t mind him staying here until he heals- at least, that would be amazing. We were caught... so, so far off guard.
I’m sorry to rope you into this Cole, I really am. I knew ya’d help if we asked, but... ’m still sorry. This ain’t your responsibility to bear, and he’s gonna to need... a lot ‘a help. Hanzo is... stubborn, from what I’ve heard. But-” he smiled a little, “I hear he has a soft spot for his little brother so- use that power with whatever level of responsibility you see fit.” 
Lucio reached over and gave Cole’s arm a firm, appreciative pat before bringing him in for a hug. 
“This is from me and Genji, thank you Cole,” he squeezed the other tightly. “I have to get going,” he started as he pulled away. “Please call me if you need anything, alright? I’ll stop after I hear from Genji next, hopefully tomorrow.” 
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piercedflora · 2 years
Jesse couldn’t deny it.  He liked when Hanzo’s eyes were on him.  A dangerous thing, maybe?  Might make him do or say things he knew he shouldn’t… just to have that piercing gaze directed at him.  And nowhere else.  If Hanzo were ANYONE else, the bounty hunter wouldn’t be using any self control over that fact.  But as of a few minutes ago this man had become his boss.  There was no way he was going to miss out on that many credits!  He knew he needed to be ‘all business,’ but that didn’t stop him from watching the man’s ass as he led them to their rooms.
When the group split he gave Rein a good-natured grin and a wave (after regaining his balance.)  It was really hard not to like the man - always so cheerful.  The kind of guy whose laughter was practically infectious.  As the sounds of the others died away, the air began to feel… heavy.  That was probably just Jesse’s imagination.  It was all too easy for his mind to fill the silence with memories of the fight he’d had with Gabe before he walked out.
He was almost grateful when Hanzo finally stopped, indicating they’d reached their destination.  There was no doubt in his mind he’d be living a lot finer than he did on the Deadeye.  Not that he’d be complaining.  No harm in enjoying himself a little, right?  When Hanzo asked if they had questions Jesse got ready to speak, but before he could do more than open his mouth and take a breath, Gabe was talking.
“You mentioned schematics and blueprints.  All of us should all have a copy of those. We’d also benefit from a comprehensive list of this building’s defensive measures.  That includes any defenses in place outside its perimeter.”
Jesse wanted to glare at Gabe. Not because he was wrong, but because he’d been about to ask pretty much the same thing.  Now he couldn’t show off his ‘professionalism’ like he’d wanted to.  Instead he had to settle for a curt nod of agreement.  “Havin’ all that will help us figure out where we need ta focus first,” he added - wanting Hanzo to know he’d had the same thoughts… even if Gabe voiced them first.  “We can compare the most likely assassination techniques against yer current defenses - see where things don’t line up, then work to fill in tha gaps.”
“Then you shall have them,” Hanzo nodded to Gabe and then Cassidy. While both men’s appearances were something to be admired, Hanzo had seen pictures of the cowboy outside of his ‘official’ file and it showed where his preferences lay. If one of Cassidy’s genuine smiles were directed at him, Hanzo was afraid he might melt on the spot. Not that he had any intention of sleeping with one of his body guards, but that didn’t stop the way his gaze lingered on Cassidy for a few seconds longer than Gabe. 
“I will instruct Haru and Genji to-” 
Before Hanzo could finish, the entire building rattled as a terrible sound shook it from top to bottom. An explosion, followed by a high-pitched, disorienting whistle felt even from this side of the massive structure, tore through the peaceful silence of the evening.
Hanzo stumbled, confusion on his face as he caught himself on the nearby wall. 
“What-” Hanzo’s question died on his lips as the direction of the sound registered in his mind. Fear gripped the archer’s chest and his dragons stirred uneasily under his skin as he calculated where Genji and the other’s would be by now. Most likely at the other bounty hunter’s quarters- it was the same direction as the blast-
“Genji-” Hanzo whispered, his expression growing distant as if he no longer recognized there were others around him. Without a word to either hunter, Hanzo darted past them and sprinted down the hall they’d just come from. Precise, fast, and focused in his movements, Hanzo ignored the unease in his chest as he used every ounce of strength and will-power to propel himself forward as fast as he could. 
He knew something was wrong, or rather- his dragons knew something was wrong, as their connection to their sister, Genji’s dragon Midori, was not it’s usual strong, passionate thrum. It’s intensity was wavering, pulsing, but Hanzo didn’t dare think about what that could mean. 
Finally he could hear it, fighting, shouting, and rounds of different phasers fizzling out as they hit the protected shoji screens down a distant hallway. The one hallway he had hoped would not be involved. As he rounded the final corner, Hanzo skidded to a halt, hitting the opposing wall with a thud that almost appeared ungraceful before he caught him on the edge. He didn’t wait to regain his composure before he peeked around the edge, and what he saw made his blood run cold. 
A huge hole had been ripped through the wall along the far end, clearly the result of the explosion they’d heard. How it penetrated their defenses, Hanzo had no idea, but he didn’t have time for those questions now. 
Right now, Rein, Ana, and a very very bloodied Genji were positioned behind a large fallen piece of wall, for cover, as a series of masked men crept closer and closer. Rein’s shield was up, deflecting any oncoming fire, and he used Ana’s blaster to return fire when he had to lower it. Ana was hunched over Genji, clearly covered in his blood as she tried to stop it, and Hanzo watched as she pulled a syringe from her pocket to stab him in the shoulder. Genji gasped and writhed, making the fear gripping Hanzo’s chest swell and the control over his dragons slip. 
Arching up and out of his tattoo as if coming to life, two electric blue dragons danced and curled around his forearm and neck, barring their teeth in vicious snarls. Instinctively Hanzo’s fingers flexed around a familiar Riser as it digitized in his hand. In a matter of seconds, a series of electric blue circuits lit up along his tattooed arm at the same rate the upper and lower limbs of the bow formed in a similar fashion to the Riser, digitizing and solidifying in two elegant sweeps. 
Hanzo could hear nothing over the worried cries of his dragons as they mirrored his own feelings, and without thinking he stepped into the hall, causing all of the masked men to pause just long enough for Hanzo to draw his weapon. A brilliant blue light flashed as Hanzo’s eyes were consumed by it, and he pulled back on an invisible string that flickered in and out of vision as if it were a trick of the light. An arrow formed, knocked perfectly and held lightly between Hanzo’s fingers, and as he opened his mouth and aimed straight down the center of the hallway his dragon’s doubled in size. 
“Ryuuga wagateki wo kurau!” 
Hanzo roared, and as he released his arrow a rush of air burst from the bow, whipping the tie holding his hair back free. As loose strands fell around his face he did not waver and the dragons expanded, leaving Hanzo’s arm to follow the arrow and fill every space available in the hallway. There would be no escape, and the cries of pain and throes of death barely registered to Hanzo as he released his bow and rushed to Genji’s side. Each of the masked men lay dead in the hallway, leaving the other three unharmed. Before the bow could hit the ground it dissipated, leaving in the same manner as it had come, as if being deconstructed by some sort of digital code. The glow remained in his arm, but the dragons did not appear to return.
Ana and Rein stared in disbelief, Reinhart down the hall and Ana at Hanzo, and both turned to look at each other as Hanzo knelt beside his brother. 
“Genji-” Hanzo started as he touched his brother’s bloodied chest and he groaned. His breathing was labored, and based on the way his entire left side was bloodied and mangled- Hanzo knew who had taken the brunt of the blast. 
“I’ve slowed the bleeding-” Ana said was Hanzo shifted closer to Genji as if to cradle his head. “If we can get him out of here I can help- but his is planned- these men knew what they were doing and I doubt the timing of their attack was coincidental Mr. Shimada- I-” Ana paused when she realized Hanzo wasn’t paying attention to her. 
His eyes were glued to Genji, his expression distant as he stared at his dying brother, completely at a loss. His hands, now coated in Genji’s blood, were shaking- and she noticed edges of his tattoo rise up and jerk erratically, as if his dragons were back in his arm- waiting. 
“Hanzo!” she snapped suddenly, drawing him back to the present. Shock- it must be shock. “Listen to me closely- we have to get out of here- these men are trained and were here to kill you and your brother.” She had no confirmation of that, but who else would they be here for? “We have to get out of here- NOW.” She glanced at the others as Hanzo pinched the bridge of his nose. 
He had to collect himself, he had to calm down, calm them down... 
“Any bright ideas?” she asked Reyes and Cassidy sarcastically. “Whoever this is, they’re probably waiting if we try to leave the building, let alone the planet.” 
And as if to answer her, a second explosion rang out on the opposite side of the building. Hanzo growled as another piercing sound garbled his senses, making his dragons writhe with displeasure and pain as the building trembled around them. 
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piercedflora · 3 years
Jesse blinked, not exactly surprised that he was being told off.  But it did make him curious… if Shimada was so irritated with him, why had he been allowed to land?  It was clear he already had three mighty fine bounty hunters at his table.  Was this job so big it required a fourth?  Or was there something about Jesse specifically?  There wasn’t room for a decent reply to Shimada’s rebuke, but Jesse still managed to slip in an (almost) contrite “I hear ya,” before the man got on with the meeting.
To be fair, once he was being paid, the game changed.  When he was on someone else’s dime, he (usually) followed their rules.  Not that it happened all that often.  Jesse preferred to pick his own bounties.  He didn’t typically like being told what to do with his ship or his supplies or his time.  But he’d been curious, so here he was.  
He listened as the elder Shimada brother spoke, detailing what it was he wanted from them and why.  Bodyguards?!  Only for a moment, his eyes slid surreptitiously to where Reyes sat.  A long-term assignment with him?  Could either of them be professional enough to pull that off?  He honestly didn’t know.  But it seemed Shimada had caught that too, as his words (and eyes) singled out first Reyes and then McCree when talk turned to ‘professionalism.’
When the datapad affixed to his prosthetic chimed, Jesse did a double take at the amount of credits displayed on the screen.  That was enough to completely retrofit the Deadeye!  And then some!  And more after the mission was over?!  He let out a low whistle… couldn’t help himself.  “For those kinda creds, I’d play nice with tha Devil himself.”  That wasn’t exactly true, of course. Jesse did have a few morals, after all, but he figured it got the point across.  Any issues with Reyes would stay firmly bottled up.  He hit the ‘accept’ button with a decisive tap.  “Count me in.”
Then, almost as an afterthought, he asked, “You gonna brief us on the sort we’ll likely be dealin’ with?”  The more you knew about your enemy, the better, after all.  Specific families, the kinds of people they typically employed, the tactics they liked to use - all of that was good to know.
Hanzo watched the hunters as they considered his offer, and his eyes snapped to Mcree when he was the first to accept. His whistle and comment about the Devil earned a slight smile from Hanzo, but he hid it behind tented fingers as his gaze turned to the other hunters.
We like him We like him We like him…
A familiar purr echoed in the back of Hanzo’s mind, and his tattoo prickled as an approving hum buzzed beneath his skin. Hanzo internally chided his dragons, quieting them before they could embarrass him. Of course they liked him, his dragons shared in his emotions, and despite appearing otherwise, Hanzo found Mcree amusing. This would prove to be an interesting couple of months, he only hoped Mcree would be true to his word and arrive on time.
Ana and Reinhart confirmed after a murmured conversation between them, and Reyes made his decision last after a brief pause. All confirmed, all accepted, and now Hanzo could get down to business.
“I am pleased to have you all on board,” the clan leader hummed as his carefully constructed plan started to fall into place. He’d assumed the amount of money alone would be enough to entice even the most seasoned of hunters, and he was glad his hunch had been correct.
Another few taps on his holopad and a set of files was sent to each of their communicators.
“As I am sure you are all aware, my family’s empire is vast and we have no shortage of enemies. I cannot provide all who might make attempts on my life, but the files I just sent you will contain those that would… benefit the most from my removal. Information about the families and organizations, as well as their preferred methods of operation. If you require information that is not within those files, simply ask for it and we shall acquire it, one way or another.”
After another pause, and Hanzo rose from his chair. He gestured for the others to do so.
“You may read over those files at your leisure, and you may direct any questions to myself, Genji,” he gestured to his brother, and then did the same to his secretary, “or Haru. On most days they both will be more readily available than I.”
Hanzo then motioned for them to continue towards the door, and the air-tight seal opened with a sharp hiss.
“Come, we will show you to your quarters, then Haru shall give you the tour of the castle. Feel free to ask her for schematics or the blue prints of the building. We will take any precautions you deem necessary.”
As Hanzo talked, he walked, and led them a short distance through an intricate maze of hallways, all lined with traditional Japanese Shoji screens. Or so they appeared. Upon closer inspection lines of code and electricity flowed through the paper portions of the wall, and would feel like bulletproof glass when touched.
“There are two main halls leading to my personal chambers, and that is where you shall be positioned. Ana and Reinhart shall take one hall, Mcree and Reyes shall take the other.”
Once they reached a fork in the hallway Genji stepped to the side.
“Ana, Reinhart, please follow this way,” Genji smiled at the two, and Ana gave an affirmative nod to Reyes and Mcree.
“We will see you shortly for zeh tour!” Reinhart announced with a boisterous laugh that echoed down the silent halls. He gave Mcree’s shoulder a hearty slap before following Ana and Genji down the hall.
Hanzo led Mcree and Reyes down the other hallway, and he idly tapped at his holopad as silence fell between them. Then stopped a few doors down, and finally looked up from his work.
“These are your rooms,” Hanzo gestured between the two doors in front of them. “In 10 minutes you may meet Haru and the others at the juncture where we separated, that is where the tour shall begin. Do you have any further questions that I may answer?”
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piercedflora · 3 years
Even not knowing the guy, Jesse was kind of pleased Hanzo tried to keep pace with the conversation.  Maybe it was an ingrained politeness thing, or maybe it was a way to not focus on everything else or maybe there was real interest there.  Jesse chose his own ego and let himself think the other man might be honestly interested in his art.  With a soft chuckle he replied, “Darlin,’ once yer all rested up, I’ll bring one a’ my books from the shop.  You can look to yer’s heart’s content.”
Was it weird that he was both relieved AND not when Lucio’s voice called from the front room?  Weird that he felt… almost protective of the man laid out in his guest room?  Jesse told himself it was just because Genji had entrusted Hanzo to him.  What else could it be?  But the feeling lingered as he stood back and watched Lucio check Hanzo over thoroughly - bandaging lesser injuries and working quickly, like the professional he was.  Jesse could tell (or maybe sense?) that Hanzo was ready for some privacy by the time pills were set on the nightstand.  Not that he blamed the man.  Shit had gone down.  The adrenaline was, no doubt, wearing off and he needed to decompress - preferably not in front of strangers.  Or that was Jesse’s assumption anyway.
Without protest, he followed Lucio down the hall and into his kitchen.  “A lifesaver, as always,” he said to the beta with a grin.  Let me know if you need anything for all a’ that, okay?”  He motioned to the bag of supplies.  Work was good and money was easy enough to come by.  He didn’t mind footing the bill.
As Lucio’s words became reluctant, the alpha got quiet, listening intently to all he was being told.  No doubt his face showed his shock over the revelation that Hanzo was an omega.  Shock… and maybe just a hint of personal realization.  But he didn’t say anything, letting his friend continue.  The idea of an omega being on suppressants for so long floored him.  It was… barbaric!  To do that to anyone, let alone your own child!  Fucked up!  That’s what it was!
The proposed deception - while not something Jesse liked - was something he understood the need for.  At first he only nodded.  “I see what yer gettin’ at, Luce; I promise not ta go rockin’ tha boat.”  He hesitated and then continued, “But what about Hanzo?  Are there any studies on what might happen… him comin’ offa these so quick an’ after so long?  Are… are you not expectin’ him to even have Heats, anymore?”  It was a valid worry, Jesse told himself.  Because the dynamic was different now.  Not that Jesse couldn’t be a gentleman.  He most certainly could be, all pheromones aside.  But what would a Heat after decades of suppressants even BE like?  “I guess what I’m askin’ for is a head’s up on what I should expect… or watch for?  Or prepare myself for?”
Hanzo swallowed a scoff at Mcree's offer to bring a book of his art from the shop. It seemed like such a small thing, and while he expected Mcree to forget the offer entirely, a part of him hoped he wouldn't. A vulnerable part of him, an old part of him newly exposed after years of suppression, wanted to be protected- wanted to be taken care of-
Suddenly Hanzo steeled himself, reflexively stamping down those intrusive thoughts. He wasn't some helpless omega seeking comfort from an alpha, which is what Jesse was if Hanzo's nose was correct. Yes, Mcree had stitched him up. Yes, his eyes were soft and kind, and yes, his southern drawl did things to Hanzo that were carefully hidden, but Mcree was a stranger. Hanzo wasn't going to let his years of masking and ignoring those instincts be ruined now by some cowboy with tattoos.
It was the injuries. The stress. He was feeling vulnerable, obviously. How was Mcree bringing a book of his art supposed to fill ridiculous desires like that?
Once Hanzo was alone, a blissful sense of relief washed over him. He could finally absorb what happened, he could process, and for a few minutes he stared blankly up at the ceiling. As the silence grew uncomfortable, he shifted carefully to take the medication and down the water Lucio had left. Then he laid back, and as the pain began to ebb away Hanzo felt the weight of his new reality crash violently over him.
Suddenly he was breathless, his heart beat wildly against his chest, and Hanzo shut his eyes tightly to stop the world from spinning. It hurt, the tension in his body as he struggled to regain control of his breathing, and it felt like ages before he could inhale without intense pain shooting through his chest. His vision was blurred when Hanzo finally opened his eyes, and he was startled to find moisture running down his cheeks. This was the first time he had cried since his father had shamed him for it as a child.
I'm pathetic. Hanzo thought bitterly, and he draped an arm over his eyes to hide the tears that no one else could see. Then he let the shame, regret, and exhaustion push him into a fitful sleep.  
Once Lucio was sure they couldn't be overheard, he waved off Jesse's offer to pay for the supplies.
“To be honest, I've been preparing this grab bag for a'while. Only thing I didn't include was the stuff that would expire, like the meds. Genji knew it’d be a... bloody situation if things didn't go as planned. I wasn't gonna be caught unprepared, especially when it came to Genji's brother.”
The questions from Jesse that followed, while valid and real concerns, made Lucio even more reluctant. He'd asked himself the same questions, and none of his research led to anything positve.
“To be honest with you Jesse, I have no idea,” Lucio rubbed a hand over his face and sighed for the umpteenth time that evening. “When Genji first told me about this, I actually consulted a doctor who works as a suppressant health specialist. We wanted to know what Hanzo's options were when he became the heir of the clan, or- well- if this happened.
I asked her about studies, the effects of extended use, health risks, all of it.... and there- there's just nothing about people using suppressants for this long. Any studies on break-less suppressant use don’t extend past 10 years- and most of them stop after 5 years.
Hanzo's been on these for at least 15 years. I actually think it's closer to 20, but my point is, the reason there's no studies past that point is because the effects of extended use like this can be life threatening for some. Some people are fine, but consistent use after 5 years has been known to cause damage to reproductive systems or other organs. The strain on the heart often is too difficult to measure until it's too late. It's a wonder how Hanzo hasn't had issues before this point.
Apparently Hanzo has had regular check-ups from their family doctor, and even when consulted in private by Genji, the doctor found nothing wrong with him. The only change over the years was the loss of his scent. Not that losing his scent isn't a bad thing, but when looking at everything that could happen, that's weirdly minimal.”
A guilty pang sounded through Lucio's chest with Jesse's next question, and he wished he had better answers than what he was about to give.
“I wish I had... I wish I could give you concrete answers, Jesse. Instead, I'm just gonna lay it out for you. All of it.
I have no idea what to expect. My best guess, and the doctor's best guess, is that he won't be able to have a Heat. Ever. We'd be surprised to see his scent return, let alone develop a Heat.
Unfortunately, according to Genji, Hanzo is very, very stubborn. There'd be no way to convince him to ease off of them, and I guess he's not above sneaking out to try and acquire them himself if we kept them from him. This is the next best option. Getting him off them completely is going to be better for him than letting him continue until his body does start to fail.
There's risks.
While it's unlikely, if he does have a Heat we'd imagine it would be long, and painful. Especially if he doesn't have someone to help him through it. Using toys only does so much during a regular Heat, and I just... I can't imagine if his body finds its way back to its natural functions that it would be something small and harmless.
So, in the event of this worst case scenario, if the toys don't help to ease the symptoms of his Heat we could find an escort service. There are kinds that help unmated omegas through it, but we'd need to find one we could trust to keep their mouths shut. If we can't safely do that, we have to provide him with what we can. Some meds to help with the pain and suppress some of the symptoms, which I'd be reluctant to do but might be necessary. We’d watch his vitals to make sure he doesn't... to make sure the worst doesn't happen. Unfortunately, we can't take him to a hospital. So myself, or the doctor I mentioned, would probably come watch over him. We're both betas, and I trust her, so neither of us would be affected by his hormones, nor him- us.
All we can really do is adapt, because we're in a really, really unique situation.
And I know you’d probably help regardless, but for what it’s worth- I'm really sorry Jesse. I know you didn't sign up for any of this, and I promise that as soon as we can find a better place to hide him you will be the first to know. ”
Now, for Jesse's part. Knowing Jesse would help, even with this situation thrust upon him, made Lucio feel even more guilty.
“All you have to do, really, is tell us about any changes. If he starts developing his own scent, starts presenting without realizing it, or if a Heat were to happen suddenly without any warning signs, tell us.
If the obvious signs of a Heat start happening slowly, it might be happening at a more natural pace and we could worry a little less about it being an unmanageable health risk. We might be able to just supply him with water, food, and toys and do regular checks on him, but just- all you have to do is keep me updated. That's really all we can do for him, if you're willing to help.”
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piercedflora · 3 years
Jesse blinked as Ryu left the tattoo parlor.  Had… he just been bowed to?  A grin spread across his face.  “Well now,” he murmured to himself.  “Maybe what I’m feelin’ ain’t so one-sided after all.”  Immediately, he began doing flower research - specifically which varieties grew in Japan.  Based on what he knew of the florist and his brother, Jesse figured it was a safe bet that’s where they hailed from.  
Once he’d fully familiarized himself with drawing the flowers in question, he not only sketched out the full design, but also made several mock-ups of how it would look on Ryu’s arm.  Yeah, it might be overkill, but he really wanted to get this right.  Every day he’d still stop into the shop, chat with whichever brother was there, and buy a flower to take with him to work.  When it was Ryu, he’d talk about the progress on the sketch, but never showed it to him.  Jesse liked people to get the full effect of a piece, and that didn’t always happen if they saw it unfinished.
Then the big day finally came!  The ex-con always had a little nervousness when revealing a piece to a client for  the first time, but this felt like ten-fold what he normally felt.  He really wanted Ryu to like what he’d come up with.  Stepping into the flower shop, Jesse deflated just a little when he saw it was Midori, but he kept his smile on.
“Howdy!  Yer brother around anywhere?  I finally got my sketch finished, an’ I was hopin’ we could set up a time to talk.”  It was only after he said all this that Jesse realized it was possible Midori didn’t know about the tattoo, and he hoped he hadn’t said too much.  Unfortunately, it was too late now.  Surely Ryu would’ve said something if he hadn’t wanted Midori knowing, right?
With each of Jesse’s visits to their shop, Hanzo felt a little more comfortable talking. Hanzo wasn’t the type to trust easily or quickly, but Jesse’s persistence and regular updates chipped gently at the florist’s guards. Normally he’d feel uneasy opening up to someone from behind those carefully constructed walls, but Jesse never pushed uncomfortably against them.
He became a steady presence, a regular part of Hanzo’s routine, and it slowly relieved the pressure of trying to navigate a relationship. Hanzo had few friends, let alone lovers, while part of their clan, and he had even fewer now. Admittedly, he’d never been good at making them, that happened when your demeanor was as inviting as multiple knives made of ice, but Jesse never seemed perturbed by Hanzo’s stiffness or awkward stumbling. Jesse’s visits, even if he had no updates on the progress of the piece, helped Hanzo slowly and surely find his footing. He even cracked the occasional joke, or a comment that almost sounded like flirting, but it was obvious Hanzo was unsure of himself, despite how neutral his face seemed.
The best part of Jesse’s visits was that Hanzo never felt like he had an ulterior motive. All of Hanzo’s life he’d learned to recognize the difference between a genuine smile, like his brother’s, and that of those who wanted either his money or his status. Jesse’s smile was neither. Jesse had known idea who he was- or had been, and that removed any doubt that he was anything other than sincere. Jesse’s smile was unique to him, but the warmth wasn’t unfamiliar. It was real, and Hanzo had seen so few of those directed at him.
While the tattoo was a perfect conversation starter during Jesse’s visits, Hanzo found himself looking for excuses to try and keep Jesse there a few minutes longer. Of course Genji called him out on it in private, or in front of Jesse in their native tongue just to see Hanzo blush, but Hanzo quickly got used to that too. He had his own retorts now, and Genji always smiled when he had something smart to say in return. Hanzo couldn’t remember the last time that making Genji laugh felt so easy.
It was easy and so… mundane, that Hanzo marveled at it all when he was alone. This is what it must feel like to be an ordinary person, free of the pressures of his clan and responsibilities. Yes, he’d had little to want for while heir to his- no- that clan, as it was no longer his own, but Hanzo envied those who always had a life like this.
Midori looked up from his phone when Mcree entered, and he flashed the other a knowing grin. Midori wasn’t an idiot, he new Mcree’s visits were not for him, and he was proven right every time Mcree asked about his brother. He’d also grown used to the routine of Jesse’s visits, and with the most recent ones Midori had made himself scarce while he and he brother were working. As it turned out, this visit wasn’t the usual one, with Mcree’s mention of ‘sketches’. It earned a curious tilt of Midori’s head, but his grin remained intact as he nodded.
“He is, let me get him!” Midori hummed, and he disappeared through the door behind the counter. A minute later Ryu appeared, his faded blonde hair, with dark tips at the ends, tied up into a bun. He looked a little disheveled, like he’d been lifting something heavy, and he wiped off the dirt from his hands onto his apron.
“Mcree,” Ryu smiled slightly, a rare display of emotion that was reserved for a few select individuals. Jesse was now included in that small pool of people. “My brother said you requested my presence?” Not that Jesse ever needed to have a reason to ask for Ryu, he would have come to speak with Jesse as soon as he heard his voice, but by the curious look on Midori’s face seemed suspicious.
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piercedflora · 3 years
If the situation were different, Jesse wondered if he would’ve been able to refuse that simple vocal command.  Given who and what his lifemate appeared to be, he wanted to believe he could… but here and now wasn’t the time to test it.  Head still down, he rose and made his way toward the dais.  Each movement was kept small… nonthreatening.  It felt like forever before he finally stood before the other… eyes glued to what were probably very expensive shoes on the demon’s feet.
Jesse was a little startled when a gloved hand wrapped around his wrist and he was pulled into a straddled position on the Shimada lord’s lap, but he recovered quickly.  It wasn’t as if he hadn’t been in this position before.  The difference now, of course, was that he was with his lifemate.  It changed everything.  He wanted this… but also feared it.  Feared the power this demon now held over him… and what it might turn him into.
When his name was asked for, Jesse fucked up and gave his real one.  At least he’d only offered the first and not the last.  If his new master bothered to look at the paperwork, he likely wouldn’t be pleased to see it said Joel instead.  Dammit!  And this was exactly why he needed out ASAP!  He couldn’t be making mistakes like that!  The desire to please the man… hell, to simply be near him… was overwhelming his common sense.  Hopefully he could pass ‘Jesse’ off as a middle name or a nickname if it came to that.
As Shimada began to run hands over him, the werewolf couldn’t stop his tail from twitching with anticipation.  The appendage was a damn traitor!  Not that his body was faring much better.  His skin was flushed, his nipples were hard from much more than just the cold, and only pure willpower was keeping his cock flaccid.  Willpower and focus (and a little fear.)  Jesse tried to think through the ‘how’ of his situation.  Lifemates were supposed to be meant for each other.  But there was no way he could have anything in common with a slaver!  It just wasn’t possible!  So, what did that mean?  Something was wrong with the bond?  Or maybe… was it possible this demon wasn’t what he seemed?  With the old leader dead, this Shimada son was a new player.  A rogue element.  What if he wasn’t like his father?  What if… no - that was just wishful thinking!  It was stupid.  And it could get him killed.  He needed to focus, and play the role of good little slave.  Which, at the moment, wasn’t proving too hard.
With anyone else Jesse would’ve been silently furious for being put on display.  The embarrassment was still there… the knowledge that something so intimate was being watched by so many.  It also hurt… because this was his lifemate, and he didn’t want to share himself this way while others watched.  It felt so very wrong.  But he had to remember.  There was no real intimacy here.  The Shimada lord didn’t look at him and see a lover… he saw property.  Despite telling himself that over and over, Jesse couldn’t ignore how good those hands felt on him as he was ‘inspected,’ claws teasing across bare skin… tangling in the fur of his tail.  The tweak to his decorated nipple surprised him enough that his heavy breathing turned into a sharp (quickly muffled) gasp.  It was hard to keep his eyes downcast, but he somehow managed it.
When one had gripped his neckerchief and pulled him in closer, it took everything he had not to intentionally inhale to breath in the other’s scent.  Then that hand moved to his chin.  The touch was far more gentle than he’d expected, but firm as it forced him to meet the demon lord’s eyes.  White.  Pupil-less.  Emotionless.  Jesse didn’t know why, but his heart sank a little.  Hell - he did know why.  Because some part of him had hoped that maybe…  He masked the disappointment with emotions he knew were expected in a slave.  Uncertainty… but also a hint of curiosity.  He wanted to seem approachable… and willing.  That was how he’d won over most of his other masters.
His eyes didn’t leave the demon’s as everyone was ordered to leave.  Apparently he pleased the Shimada lord.  Or so it seemed.  What came next Jesse could easily guess.  There was a small trickle of fear… sex would only empower the bond… would make it harder for him to say no… to leave.  One way or another, he was sure this demon would be his undoing.  As he acknowledged that fact, Jesse heard the door click shut behind him.  They were alone.  In any other situation, he would’ve said something goofball or sarcastic to lighten the mood.  But the words wouldn’t come.  All he could do was stare into those empty eyes and wonder what would come next.
Hanzo did not move as soon as the door closed behind Genji. Instead he lingered as his eyes and hands wandered, trailing claws slowly along Jesse's thighs as he contemplated his next move. A dark part of Hanzo wanted to introduce his One to every pleasure at Hanzo's immediate disposal. He could only imagine how sweet the other would taste, how delicious the sounds he might make, if the sound following the tweak of his pierced nipple was anything to go by. Given their positions it was within his 'right' to do so. It'd be easy, to simply take as he pleased, but in his heart Hanzo knew that was something he did not want. Pleasure forced was still just that, and Hanzo preferred it willingly given. At least from someone so important to him.
He still could not believe the sight, the red string floating between them, and so many parts of Hanzo wished the two of them were in any position other than this one. To court Jesse properly was not a luxury given to men in their positions, but maybe.... maybe something else would be suitable. Perhaps when this was all over, and Hanzo stood over the ruins of this corrupted empire, they might be able to do things in a way that his One truly deserved.
With an exasperated sigh, Hanzo's hands stilled against Jesse's thighs, and he leaned back against his throne. Tension eased slightly from Hanzo's shoulders, but his body remained rigid, poised as if he were unsure of how to truly relax. Then Hanzo's thumbs moved again and trailed small, lazy circles over Jesse's inner thighs.
“I apologize, I find these... proceedings- incredibly dull,” a lie to mask his selfish desire to touch Jesse in any way he could, “I did not mean to use you in such a way, but I enjoyed making the others in this room uncomfortable. No one here, outside of my brother, truly cares for me or the meaning of these events. It was humorous, my silence regarding you put everyone on edge.” Hanzo chuckled, and the claw of his thumb dragged a single line alone the v of Jesse's hip. The werewolf seemed sensitive, which Hanzo liked, and while he had no intention to take this any further than playful touching, Hanzo saw no reason not to take advantage of what he could. He wanted Jesse to want him, surely there was nothing wrong with that?
Then Hanzo took notice of the way Jesse looked at him. Though it was curious and inviting, it occurred to Hanzo that he was still in his demon form. To most, he knew it was off-putting, so a moment later his body shrank slightly, and his skin changed from it's deep gray to softly tanned. Dark pupils and blue iris' swirled, then solidified in his eyes, and his claws, horns, and fangs melted away. When the shift was complete a moment later, what seemed like and ordinary man now held Jesse firmly in his lap. The sharpness in his features remained, he was no less handsome, but his intimidating presence was a bit more subdued. There was still a tension wrung tight through his body, but there was a kindness in his eyes he could not hide as he looked at Jesse. His One was here in his arms, and Hanzo wanted to do this as right as he could.
Hanzo reached behind him to tug his coat off of the back of his chair, and the placed it over Jesse's shoulders. It was a shame to cover Jesse up, in Hanzo's mind, but he could only imagine how exposed Jesse felt. Kindness, Hanzo reminded himself as he tugged the coat around Jesse. He had to focus on kindness over his own selfish needs. The itch in his fingers to touch, along with the half-hard length in his slacks, needed to be ignored. He would not be like other masters to this man. Thankfully his coat was large enough for Jesse, his suppressed Oni form was larger than the other, and it had not shifted to fit the size of Hanzo's human form as the rest of his clothes had.
“Rise,” he ordered, and he took Jesse's hand to help his new pet off his lap. “We shall get you a bath and proper clothes. Then you shall tell me more about yourself, Jesse.” Hanzo intended to learn everything he could.
The demon lord rose from his chair after Jesse, and he stood just a few inches shorter than the other when at his full height in this form. It'd be easy enough to make himself a few inches taller, but this size became a habit when he found it meant others tended to underestimate him. Hanzo placed another firm hand against the small of Jesse's back as he pushed the werewolf towards one of the side walls. As they approached, without any prompting from Hanzo, a portion of the wall popped open and slid to the side to reveal a hidden hallway.
A young woman, dressed in a plain, light blue kimono, greeted them with a polite bow as they entered. Hanzo addressed her with a nod.
“I will see you in my chambers,” he said to Jesse with a touch to his elbow. Then Hanzo paused, and the smallest smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. “I would prefer if you keep these visible,” he gestured to Jesse's ears and tail, as he knew enough about werewolves to know it would be easy enough to Jesse to make them disappear, “they are... cute.” Then he gave Jesse another once-over before he turned, clasped his gloved hands behind his back, and proceeded casually down the hallway.
“This way, please,” the maid smiled sweetly at Jesse as Hanzo took his leave, and she gestured down the hallway in the opposite direction.
It was a short walk down the shoji screen-lined hall before the maid stopped at a wooden door, and it slid open to reveal an in-ground bath, already filled with steaming water. A mixture of different scents wafted from the doorway as it was opened, indicating scented oils and herbs had been added, and the young woman motioned for Jesse to enter.
“There are towels to the right,” she gestured just inside the door, “and robes to the left. Please let me know when you are finished, I shall take you to his chambers.” She bowed politely to Jesse, one less deep and formal than what she had given Hanzo, and the door slid quietly behind Jesse, leaving him alone in the bathroom.
A few minutes later Jesse would hear a knock at the door.
“I apologize for interrupting,” the maids voice came from the other side of the door. There was a pause before the door open, and the maid returned with a series of books in her arms. She kept her head down, so she didn't invade Jesse's privacy more than she already had. “Master Shimada would like you do select whatever clothes you wish from these catalogs. He also asks you select formal wear for the gala tomorrow, he wishes for you to attend with him. The tailor will be by early in the morning to take your measurements.” Another polite little bow as she set the catalogs down beside the bath along with a towel for Jesse to dry his hands, and she took her leave.
Inside were clothes of all grades, from what would be considered designer to casual wear. Bed clothes, undergarments, Japanese and English styles, even dresses- if Jesse desired. He had every option he could imagine, and by the maids words, Jesse had the pick of whatever he desired.
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piercedflora · 3 years
It wasn’t really Jesse’s place to comment about any secrets Genji had chosen to keep from his brother.  However, he suspected (or hoped?) his friend wouldn’t see any reason to keep hiding things.  Based on Hanzo’s words and Genji’s actions, it sounded like whatever had happened had changed things.  Permanently.  If that was the case, he’d do what he could to help his friend… and the man currently bleeding all over his guest room.  He’d never shared a space with another Alpha before… so that could prove interesting.  But Jesse knew he could find a way to make it work.
When their conversation shifted to the tattoo, Jesse grinned and nodded to his tattooed (and scarred) left arm, which was holding the wound closed while he carefully continued to stitch.  “Body art is how I make my livin’,” he stated in reply to Hanzo’s question.  “You were probably a little too out of it ta notice… but this apartment sits right on top a’ my shop.  I don’t get many requests for hand-poked work, but I know it when I see it.  Whoever did yers was a master.  Bet it took forever, too.  Good teacher for endurance an’ patience, am I right?”  As he said this, he finished stitching and began tying off the nylon thread.
“An’ I think that about does it.  Least until Lucio gets here an’ tells me I did it all wrong.”  He chuckled.  “Kidding.  I imagine he’ll probably just bring by some real nice pain killers or somethin.’  Probably some antibiotics.”  Jesse actually kept working as he talked, prepping a bandage to tape into place over the sealed injury.  “This has ta stay covered an’ dry fer at least 48 hours..  After that…  well, we can talk ‘bout tha details a bit later I imagine…”  Jesse didn’t imagine bringing up the idea of sponge baths would go over too well right now.  Even if he did think Hanzo’s reaction to the idea would be amusing.  Best not to rock the boat too much.  Not when he wasn’t sure just how long he’d be having company.
‘Out of it’ was an understatement for the state Hanzo was in when he first entered Jesse’s apartment. Thankfully, Hanzo’s mind cleared considerably once he was able to lay down and the flow of blood had slowed. Now the acute pain of his injury, spiking with small waves, and the pinch of a needle piercing his skin, helped him focus long enough to inspect the hand holding his wound closed.
“Who - who ever did yours - must have been a master a-as well,” Hanzo replied through grit teeth, and his eyes snapped shut as he fought another wave of pain. He knew just enough about tattooing to know tattoos over scars were not easy, and for it to look realistic enough for Hanzo not to notice the scar tissue it hid meant the artist was extremely talented. A full sleeve must have taken a lot of time, and on Jesse’s part, tattooing over scar tissue would typically be extremely painful.
He chuckled, or he tried to- as it came out more like a strained grunt.
“It is a great test of en-endurance,” he agreed, and his fingers twitched in his grip on the sheets. “You will - have to show me - your work,” Hanzo exhaled, and in a small way, it was Hanzo’s attempt at inching closer toward acceptance of his situation. The deep despair looming over his head felt no less intense, but if he was was going to be spending a lot of time with Mcree, living with Mcree into the foreseeable future, it would be far less painful for the both of them if Hanzo tried. Hanzo had always been a realist, and if Genji refused to let him die, then that was the next logical step.
Hanzo sighed softly when Jesse announced his work was finished, and while the pain had not lessened, the tension wringing his body taught had eased.
He was about to ask who this Lucio was when, as if summoned, a soft click from the front door could be heard, followed by a soft, “Jesse?”
A moment later a short man with dark skin and long dreadlocks, pulled back with a hair tie, knocked on the door leading into the spare bedroom. He wore bright green scrubs with yellow trim, and Hanzo was surprised by the... warmth in the man’s expression. Even with the sympathetic smile he gave Hanzo, something that normally would have made the man bristle, the aura around him alone was enough to tell Hanzo the sympathy was not out of pity, but understanding.
“Hey Jesse, sorry it took me a while to get here. Genji texted me and I left my shift at the hospital as soon as I could,” the man pat Jesse's arm as he passed, and he dropped a duffle bag beside the bed once he reached it.
Hanzo remained as stoic as he could with the occasional wave of pain, and he watched this stranger bend over him to inspect his wound in curious silence. He could only assume this was Lucio, but who was he really? What was his relationship with Genji? Another friend like this, Jesse?
“I’m Lucio,” the nurse explained with a smile, now aimed directly at Hanzo. “I’m Genji’s...” he paused, which did not go unnoticed, “...friend. I’m a nurse, I’m kinda Genji’s go-to for injuries.” Lucio chuckled, but Hanzo knew he was trying to breeze past his failed attempt at lying.
Hanzo had been trained from a young age to spot a lie, and Lucio certainly wasn't good at it. Regardless, Hanzo didn’t press. He had a sneaking suspicion he knew what that hesitation could mean, and if Genji had kept this hidden as well.... it made Hanzo’s heart ache.
“You’re Genji’s older brother, right? Hanzo?”
Hanzo huffed and quickly looked away from those gentle, dark brown eyes. He expected pity, and yet there was none to be found in Lucio's expression. How much did this man know about him? Why was he so unassuming?
“It seems - seems everyone knows me here,” he didn’t hide the bitterness in his tone, and he avoided eye contact from either man now. The slow creep of embarrassment was starting to become unbearable, and he suddenly longed for silence, a moment to himself to try and sort through the confused tornado of emotions spiraling through him. His instincts wanted nothing more than the opportunity to lick his wounds in private.
It seemed Lucio sensed this, and he took the bandages and tape from Jesse so he could dress Hanzo's wounds. Outside of the wound Jesse had tended, Lucio dressed a few of the more superficial ones. He wrapped a long cut on Hanzo's arm, a gash above his eyebrow, and a few cuts that marred his shoulders and chest. Lucio kept it silent and worked quickly, both of which Hanzo appreciated, and when he righted himself again he grabbed his duffle bag and fished out painkillers and antibiotics from a side pocket.
“Take these,” he set the pills and a bottle of water on the bedside table. “I'll talk more to Jesse about what you'll need, but for now, just rest.”
Hanzo nodded, but kept his gaze trained on the wall on the opposite side of the bed. The sooner the others left him to his thoughts, the better.
Lucio left it at that, and gestured for Jesse to follow him out of the room. The kitchen was their destination, and once there, Lucio set the duffle bag on the counter and explained its contents to Jesse.
“I know you know how handle a lot of this stuff, especially since that set of stitches was practically perfect,” Lucio gave Jesse a knowing look, “but if you need more of anything, let me know.” Bandages, antibiotics, painkillers, and a few extra things were packed neatly inside the bag, and when they were done Lucio zipped the bag back up.
“There's one other thing,” Lucio started, and he glanced off to the side. “I... I know Genji means to tell you this when he sees you next, but part of his last text to me said he's no idea when that'll be, and I think you deserve to know this now, rather than later. You're going to be spending a lotta time with him, and there are some... other health risks you should know about in his situation.” Lucio sighed softly, and he reached up to rub his opposite arm. He felt guilty sharing this secret, one Genji had been very, very reluctant to share with Lucio. Unfortunately, it was now Jesse's responsibility to care for Hanzo, one thrust upon him by circumstance, and he'd need to be looking out for Hanzo in more ways than just stitching up a few cuts. Mcree deserved to know all of the pieces that had fallen into place.
“You... know Hanzo is an alpha, right? That's what Genji's told you, when he's talked about his brother?” Lucio didn't wait for a response. “Well, one of the most well-guarded secrets of their clan is that Hanzo... isn't... actually an alpha.” Lucio watched Jesse for his reaction, but didn't halt his explanation. “For all of the... archaic and sexist reasons you can image, having an omega be the notorious Shimada clan's next heir was unheard of, and Genji explained to me that... Hanzo's had exactly one heat. Immediately following the first, as a teenager, he was put on suppressants, and he's never been taken off them. I can't smell the same things you can, as a Beta, but according to Genji those fake pheromones mask any trace of what could have been Hanzo's scent. It's likely he's been on them so long can't even produce an omega scent, let alone one unique to him.”
Lucio paused at this point to let his words sink in. Suppressants had their uses, but it was common knowledge that extended use could have long-lasting, permanent health repercussions. Not having a unique scent – that wasn't a great sign.
“To be honest, as a health professional, I'm surprised he hasn't started to have problems at this point. I'd be expecting to see something strange in terms of his hormones or actual organ failure, but Genji has been keeping an eye out for those things for years and hasn't seen any signs of complications.” Lucio sighed again, because now was the hard part. Getting Jesse on board.
“Genji has actually been anticipating this day for a while. He wasn't hoping Hanzo would lose, but he's was trying to set up a fail-safe for when that happened. It just came a lot sooner than he'd been expecting, and now we're here.” Lucio gestured vaguely around them.
“What I'm getting at Jesse- is that it should be pretty obvious Hanzo can't stay on suppressants. Unfortunately, Hanzo is – very, very stubborn, and if we mention the suppressants to him, there's a good chance he's gonna want to start taking them again. For Hanzo's well-being, we can't let him do that.” Lucio placed a hand on his hip, and the other reached up to rub at his temple. “I know it's asking a lot, and you didn't sign up to just – hide Genji's fugitive brother in your home, but until we can figure out something more long-term, if he brings suppressants up can you just say you'll talk to me about getting them and we'll wait for Genji to figure out what to do? What I'm hoping is that he'll just forget about them entirely, and we can just keep an eye on him. I know it's... dishonest, but I think it's the best thing for him now that he doesn't have to take the damned things....”
Lucio looked apologetic as he finished, knowing full-well that it wasn't fair for him to ask any of this of Jesse, but of all their friends Jesse would be the man he could ask.
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piercedflora · 3 years
He didn’t have the space?  That settled it.  Jesse was gonna do the thing!  He didn’t know HOW yet, but he was going to make it happen - even if it took all year.  His roof was going to become a wisteria haven!  “Anytime, darlin’.  Happy I was able to bring ya a little bit a’ home.  Lord knows, in a big city like this it’s easy to lose bits of ourselves like that.  Sorta just gets stripped away n’ forgotten…”  Jesse stopped talking, not only because he was worried he’d said too much… but because Ryu seemed to be elsewhere.  The ex-con got that.  Usually when he zoned out, it was because he was remembering his gran’s ranch.  Sometimes the thoughts were darker…memories of people and places he wanted to forget… but those didn’t seem to happen as often anymore.
When Ryu ‘returned’ Jesse grinned and shook his head.  “No need fer that.  Happens ta me sometimes, too.”  He chuckled and (a little self-conscious over the admission) ran a hand through his hair.  “As fer more questions… not right now?  But if any come up, I know where ta find ya.”  He chuckled, giving the other man a wink.  “Payment is usually done in sessions.  I charge by tha hour, an’ however long each session goes for is how much you’ll pay.  Once I’ve got the design worked out an’ you’ve approved it, I should be able to give ya an approximate idea of cost from there.  That sound alright?”
In some ways, Jesse still couldn’t believe this was happening!  It was one thing to moon and daydream over a person… but he wasn’t sure he’d ever expected reciprocation.  Usually, if someone was interested they let him know.  Maybe… Ryu always had been?  In which case, the ex-con wondered what had held him back.  But that was a question for some other time.  The florist was here now.  That was what mattered.  And Jesse couldn’t be happier!
It was wildly innapropriate, how badly Ryu wanted to hear Jesse call him ‘darlin’ again with that attractive southern drawl. His cheeks warmed, but he kept his expression neutral in the hopes that Jesse wouldn’t notice. 
As he listened to Jesse and watched his mannerisms, Ryu noticed more and more just how handsome Jesse was. The line of his jaw, the way his lips quirked into a smile, the soft hum of his chuckle as Ryu sensed he might be feeling a little self-conscious as well- Ryu liked it all. He’d been attracted to Jesse since the first time he’d walked into the flower shop, but it wasn’t until now that Ryu noticed how hard he’d been trying to ignore the pull he felt simply with Jesse in the same room. Now those warm eyes tugged him even closer, and Ryu knew he’d already lost himself as soon as he’d walked through the door. 
Ryu blinked as he snapped out of his intense stare and back to the present. He should probably answer Jesse’s question.
“That is acceptable,” Ryu nodded. He hesitated for a moment as he debated what to say next. He wasn’t used to this type of thing, especially since they’d gone into hiding, and making small talk had never been his forte. 
“I...” he had to say something to show he was interested in more than just the tattoo, right? Hanzo looked off to the side, because looking directly into those eyes was a danger he couldn’t risk. “I- I look forward to your visit, Mcree.” Ryu’s cheeks warmed again, and this time he was sure it would be visible to the other man. So, in a weak attempt to hide it, Ryu bowed slightly, turned on his heel, and left the shop at a brisk walk. 
Ryu fought a mild sense of horror, over bowing so formally to Mcree, all the way back to the flower shop, where he found Genji smirking from behind the front counter. 
Genji propped his chin in his hand and gave Hanzo a playful once-over. It’d been a while since he’d seen Hanzo so flustered.
“[You went to see the cowboy, didn’t you?]” Genji asked in Japanese, and his green eyes sparkled with amusement when Hanzo simply huffed in response.
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piercedflora · 3 years
Ballad of Fallen Angels (Space Opera!AU) Hanzo/Jesse
Jesse had to admit he’d been surprised when the message came over his comm channel.  He was a bounty hunter, after all.  In his line of work he’d caught reprobates from every corner or the galaxy and made sure they got the justice they deserved.  Hired muscle was something new.  Then again, so was being offered a job.  Normally he found his own work whenever the credits started to run low.
Glancing around the cockpit of his ship, Jesse sighed.  He wasn’t in desperate need right now, but this job seemed to be promising a massive amount of credits, and he had been putting off a few upgrades that were on the pricier side.  Besides, what was the harm in hearing the guy out?  Jesse looked at the name again.  He knew it.  Sort of.  He knew the last name.  Shimada.  They were an underworld family, one that had some sort of hold on not just one quadrant, but several.  As far as crime families went, they weren’t bad… so long as you didn’t cross them.  Jesse figured he could go, see what the job was about, and probably refuse (without too much trouble) if it didn’t catch his interest.
Which is how the bounty hunter found himself docking into one of the nicest private space ports he’d ever had access to.  According to the message, he was running about 15 minutes late.  Which was typical.  He’d never been on time a day in his life… and it had even saved his ass once or twice.
Stepping out of the Deadeye, his eyes widened a little at the sight of two other vessels already docked nearby.  The Bastet and the Reaper.  Damn.  This Shimada guy didn’t fuck around.  His eyes narrowed slightly at the Reaper, wondering if Gabe had any clue he’d been invited, too.  Probably not, or he wouldn’t have come.  But that was something he’d worry about later… if he had to.  For now, Jesse was far more focused on how empty the place seemed.  Someone had to be here - they’d accepted his clearance, after all.  But the massive hangar was so quiet he could hear his own breathing.  Just as he wondered if he needed to start talking to the air, a door swooshed open nearby.
There was the sharp clack of heels and a woman rounded the bow of his ship.  Her eyes narrowed as they settled on him.  “You’re late, Mr. McCree.  Follow me.  Quickly.”
Jesse had an excuse on the tip of his tongue, but bit it off at the glare she was giving.  Something told him he could’ve said his mother had died, and this lady wouldn’t’ve cared one lick.  So instead, the bounty hunter stayed silent and did as he was told.  As they walked, he did his best to take everything in.  It was one of the things Gabe had taught him before they parted ways - take in everything because you never know when something you see might come in handy.  The place was an odd juxtaposition of ancient and high-tech, and Jesse decided he kind of liked it.  Whoever had worked to merge the two looks had taste.  Jesse didn’t - but he could recognize when others did.
The rest of the place seemed as quiet as the hangar.  It was a little unsettling; then again, the message he’d received had urged discretion regarding his summons.  Maybe that’s what this was.  Himself and the others - they were meant to be a secret.  Eventually he was escorted into a room that held the same old-world/high-tech ambiance.  The walls looked to be made of paper, but he suspected the appearance was deceptive.  Paper would be a security nightmare, after all.  Inside the room was a conference table, and all the people sitting around it turned to look as he was escorted in.  Five faces, to be exact.  Anna and her husband Reinhardt - Jesse’d worked a few jobs with them in the past.  They were damn fine hunters, and he secretly liked Ana’s ‘badass mom’ attitude and Rein’s terrible puns.  But he’d also stolen a few bounties out from under their noses, too.  That’s just how the game was played.
He nodded to both of them as he took a seat, but refused to meet the gaze that was trying to bore into him.  Gabriel Reyes.  The man who’d taught him everything.  If you asked Gabe, you’d get a lot of growling about how he was nothing but a ‘damn ingrate,’ but he hadn’t walked away from their partnership for no good reason.  Gabe had… taken things too far during a hunt, something that never sat right with Jesse, but he’d stayed (mostly) quiet at the time.  Later, when a stakeout gone wrong took most of his left arm, he used the injury as an excuse to leave, and he was pretty sure Gabe had never forgiven him for it.
Still ignoring his former mentor, Jesse settled his sights on the two men at the head of the table - one seated and the other standing slightly behind.  Neither of them looked happy with him.  He was used to that.  Both men were handsome (even when glaring with such intensity) but Jesse had to fight the urge to give the seated man a teasing wolf whistle.  This had to be Hanzo Shimada… and to say he was handsome would’ve been an extreme understatement.  The man had sharp cheekbones, curious pointed ears, and a well-groomed appearance.  Jesse wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting… but this wasn’t it.  Hanzo couldn’t be that much older than him.  Well… maybe he could.  Some aliens had different life spans, after all.  He’d done his best to read up on his host before arriving, but information had been slim - no doubt on purpose.  Even his usual contacts hadn’t been able to offer much more than basics - heir to the Shimada empire, one younger brother (probably the guy standing behind him?), and a dead mother.  There were some rumors about some interesting cybernetic-style tech… but no one seemed to know exactly what it was or what it could do.
Inclining his head to his host, Jesse gave his most charming smile.  He wasn’t sure it would have any effect, but it was always worth a shot.  “Got hung up.  ‘Preciate y’all waitin’ for me.”  Off to the side he heard Gabriel snort, but he still refused to look at the other hunter.  This wasn’t about them; it was about the man who’d summoned them all here.  So Jesse focused his attention on the one who mattered (and tried to mentally prepare himself for the confrontation he knew was likely to come later.)
Despite the fact that Hanzo had anticipated the hunter Mcree's late arrival, he was no less irritated. Hanzo had done his research into all of his selected hunters, and nearly every contact he'd asked about Jesse Mcree had mentioned this particular lack of professionalism. Further research pointed towards a few jobs with near misses that appeared to have saved Mcree's life, so it explained the perpetual inability to arrive on time, but for Hanzo it was no excuse. He was not so ill-prepared that he would risk the lives of the people he'd hired to protect him.
Regardless, the tense silence that enveloped the conference room was thick enough to slice with a butter knife. To no fault of their own, Hanzo sat perfectly still and spared a scrutinizing gaze to each of the hunters before him.
Reyes seemed the most professional and no nonsense, which Hanzo could appreciate, and the formal way he greeted Hanzo assured the newly appointed clan leader that he'd made the right choice. Ana was surprisingly well at ease, and sat relaxed in her chair as she chatted idly with her husband beside her. Her husband, a man named Reinhardt, sat straighter and was far less at ease, but the conversation between them was nothing more than small talk, something meant to fill the silence and cut the fierceness of Hanzo's glower.  
The longer time stretched past the appointed meet time, the more Hanzo had to check himself. While it would have been inappropriate for Mcree to send no notice, it would soon be safe to assume Mcree had decided to turn down this job. He couldn't expect every human to summon at his beck and call, but this was beyond rude-
Hanzo slowly turned his glare towards his brother, and it softened just a hair.
“Yes?” his tone was sharp, and very obviously displeased. Yes, Mcree's reputation preceded him, but there had been apart of Hanzo that had wished to meet him for curiosities sake. He'd seen a human movie once that had fascinated him, a 'western' filled with cowboys, shootouts, strange accents- all a culture unfamiliar to him. As far as he could tell, Mcree was such a cowboy, or had adopted such a persona, and intrigued Hanzo. He had questions, and he had hoped at some point over his employment Hanzo might be able to ask them. It didn't help that Mcree was also... pleasant to look at. Of course, he'd never admit this selfish reasoning to anyone, and certainly not to the brother standing beside him, smirking in a way that Hanzo had come to recognize as Genji 'seeing 'oo much'.
“Mcree has arrived. He has requested to dock. Would you like us to allow him to land or shall I have Haru turn him away?”
Hanzo's shoulders relaxed slightly, but the irritation remained.
“Allow him to land. Have Haru guide him here, and quickly. Too much time has already been wasted.”
Genji nodded and disappeared from the room with the soft whoosh of the pressurized door sealing behind him.
Silence filled the room after that, and shortly after Genji returned to stand behind Hanzo's right side. A few minutes later Haru, Hanzo's secretary, led the cowboy into the conference room.
Genji motioned for Mcree to sit in the only open seat across from Hanzo, and Hanzo's gaze never left Mcree as he crossed the room. To say his gaze was piercing would be putting it mildly, and even as Mcree finally took his seat, Hanzo did not begin their meeting right away. He let the silence hang between them as he studied the other man, and he found it rather unfortunate that he found Mcree even more attractive in person. He had a strong jawline, beautiful brown eyes, and his voice was low and soft in a way that made Hanzo want to hear it in a few different... tones. And that charming smile- that was probably what saved him from a full display of Hanzo's wrath.
“Mr. Mcree,” Hanzo finally broke the silence, and while his voice was cold and unamused, the tension in the air dissipated like a collective sigh of relief. Hanzo gave Mcree a slow, sly smile that was not of a man enjoying himself, but a man restraining himself. “If you choose to accept this job, I expect you to arrive on time when summoned. I am a busy man, I do not appreciate others wasting my time, as I rarely have time to waste. If you were any other man, and your reputation did not position you as one of the best, you would not have been allowed to dock at this port, let alone anywhere on this planet. Be on time. Do I make myself clear?” There was only a brief pause, short enough that Hanzo's question was obviously a rhetorical, and he continued- this time addressing all of the hunters.
“I am sure you are all curious as to what job I am offering you, and perhaps why I requested a meeting, instead of sending you the specifics of the proposition over other forms communication. To put this simply, I require discretion when it comes to this assignment. I wish to hire your services, your skills, not as bounty hunters, but as bodyguards – for myself,” Hanzo paused and glanced between the hunters to gauge their reactions. Mostly neutral expressions, a raised brow from Ana, as expected. “What I say next, you will not repeat, even if you choose to reject this assignment. It is a warning, if you will. I expect you know the clan I belong to, and it will not go well for you if I find out you have revealed the nature of my request to anyone outside of this room.” Another pause after this declaration, an opportunity for the hunters to choose to back out, if unable to maintain confidentiality. Hanzo continued.
“Unbeknownst to most outside of this room, my father has recently chosen to retire, and has turned leadership of our clan over to me. It is guaranteed to be a tumultuous time the more word spreads of my transition into power, and there will be attempts on my life to try and upset the balance of the empire my family has created.
“That is where you come in. Keep me alive, however you see fit. From a perch,” he looked at Ana, and then his gaze turned to Reyes, “or the shadows.” Next he looked to Reinhardt, and finally Mcree. “Or at my side, what ever it is you prefer, you are all the best at what you do, and this is why I wish to hire you. Internal protection will do only so much, and I anticipate a different set of skills will provide the extra layer of protection that I need. It is not an easy assignment, I will warn you, and it will be long. I am hoping to only need your services for the next two months, at maximum. If I decide early that you are no longer needed, you will still be paid in full, granted that I am alive when that happens or our contract comes to an end. If I wish to extend your contract and you choose to accept, we shall work out an arrangement accordingly.”
He glanced between Mcree and Reyes quietly, because the way Mcree refused to acknowledge the other man did not go unnoticed. It contradicted the reports he’d received about Reyes being Mcree’s mentor, but then again, perhaps those were right, and things had simply changed between them.
“I have also chosen the four of you in particular because I have heard you have all worked well together in the past, one way or another,” he paused and glanced again between Mcree and Reyes, “and I trust that as professionals who understand the seriousness of this task, if anything in those reports has changed and you would rather not work this assignment with any of the selected, you will speak now. I will compensate you for your travel and time here today before I dismiss you.”
Hanzo finally looked away from the hunters and down to the holopad tucked between his elbows against the table. A few taps of his fingers and each hunter received a notification on their personal communicators. On each screen was an offer, and a button to accept or deny.
“You will receive food, lodging, and any equipment you require. Plus 1,000,000 in credits in advance, for motivation, and 1,000,000 upon successful completion of your contract. Now is the time for your questions.”
Hanzo tented his fingers together, and looked between the hunters expectantly.
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piercedflora · 4 years
“Was I a secret?”  Jesse asked, curious… and maybe a little surprised.  “Huh… I heard all about you.”  Jesse paused to think, but continued to work.  “Well… maybe not all about.  But it’s pretty obvious Genj cares about you… even if he thinks yer too stubborn for yer own good.”  Jesse said it with a soft chuckle.  “No need ta be grouchy ‘bout it, or nothin’, though.  Probably did it fer me.  I got a past.  An’ he knows I’d like it ta stay in tha past.”  The ex-con shrugged.  “Jus’ tryin’ ta keep me outta things, I guess?”
Which had changed today.  Not that Jesse would ever say something about it.  Friends helped friends.  There was no way in hell Jesse could’ve turned Genji away.  “Alright, this part’s done.  Back on yer back, darlin’.”  He didn’t wait for affirmation, just gently pulled Hanzo back towards him.  “Here comes tha next bit,” he warned before beginning.
He fell into silence for a bit, then decided he didn’t like it.  Speaking was more of a way to put himself at ease, but maybe it would help Hanzo, too.  “Yer doin’ real good with tha pain…”  Jesse’s eyes skittered to the impressive tattoo which covered the man’s arm in a full sleeve.  The work was quality… and it definitely hadn’t been done with a gun.  True artistry.  And painful as all fuck.  “Not that I’d expect anything less from a guy with a tat like that one.  Bet that was a real bitch.  Mighty fine work, though.”  
Hanzo didn’t respond right away, but regardless, his expression held no hint of the pang of regret that rang through his chest. He’d never considered Genji had a secret life outside of home, but in hindsight, it made a lot of sense. What all was Genji keeping from him?
“Genji... did not share this part of his life-” Hanzo’s voice stuttered for a moment as a wave of pain washed over him, “-with me. I am... was... a busy man.” A man obsessed with taking over his family’s clan, and now a man with nothing to live for at all. He’d failed. All of the work he’d done, his desperate attempts to please his father and prove his worth... now it all felt incredibly foolish. If Genji had been living a secret life like this, what had he missed with his blind ambition?
Jesse’s words stung. Knowing his brother loved him so, even when he had failed Genji in so many ways (ways that were more apparent now than ever before), it painted a picture of his reality that was painful to acknowledge. There was a phrase in English... about hindsight, and Hanzo felt it’s burn as acutely as the tug of the sutures in his skin. Since it seemed neither Genji nor this man were willing to let him die, Hanzo would have to make it up to Genji if he could. He wanted to know about Genji’s life- all parts of it, and at this point, it wasn’t like he would have anything else to do. His entire life had been planned for him, and now... now he had nothing, and Hanzo had absolutely no idea what to do with that nothingness. 
The silence was uncomfortable, at least for Hanzo, and while it lasted he closed his eyes to focus on steadying his breath through the pain. The minor injuries coupled with the one Jesse was sewing shut made for some incredible waves, but it wasn’t something he couldn’t handle. 
Hanzo let Jesse pull him onto his back with a soft grunt, and Hanzo’s fingers curled into the sheets beneath him. He was breathless and his brow was lined with sweat, but at least half of it was over. 
“It was... indeed painful,” Hanzo replied, quietly grateful that Jesse had broken the silence so he could focus on something other than his wound being sewn shut. His brow quirked at Jesse’s comments, and he debated explaining that training himself to endure pain had all been a part of the... plan for him. Both to prepare for the tattoo, as well as potential dangers that came with being a high-profile Yakuza member. 
“What do you know... of the work?” He knew the piece on his arm was a work of art that even a layman could appreciate, anyone could see that just by looking at it, but with the way Jesse spoke of understanding the pain he’d endured, it made Hanzo curious, and gave him an excuse to keep Jesse talking.
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piercedflora · 4 years
Bless the Broken Road
Jesse felt a hand in the small of his back and resisted the urge to flatten his ears.  As Masters went, this guy wasn’t all that bad, but it was the situation that had the werewolf on edge.  He was being ‘gifted’ to some newcomer.  Well… not new, exactly.  The family was old.  VERY old.  Not surprising since they were a demonic bloodline.  But the Shimada Clan had recently changed hands (or so he’d gathered from overheard conversations and slave gossip) and his Master was offering him up as a ‘welcome’ gift.
On one hand, he didn’t like this one bit.  Not only would he have to earn a new Master’s trust… but the guy was a damn demon!  On the other hand. A new Master gave Jesse new opportunities.  After all, he wasn’t just some ordinary slave.  Not anymore.  He’d chosen to be here.  He was gathering intel.  This supernatural ring of elite Masters and their slaves was going down if it was the last thing he did.  And if he failed to please this new Master… that time might be coming quicker than planned.  His tail flicked unconsciously with agitation.
“Relax,” a voice whispered softly in one ear.  “You know I would never give you to just anyone.”
A statement which meant nothing to Jesse.  The demon’s prestige didn’t mean he’d be a good Master.  The werewolf was only being gifted because he was the best slave his current Master had.  To offer anything less would be an insult to the Shimadas.  He said nothing in reply… he wasn’t expected to.  Regardless of how much trust he’d earned with the man standing beside him, Jesse was still just a slave.  His opinion in all of this didn’t matter one bit.
If Reyes had any clue what was about to go down, the vampire would’ve been here extracting him in a heartbeat.  The entire organization had heard stories about the Shimadas and their ties to the slave trade.  When he first found out what was going down, Jesse was tempted to ask for an extraction then and there… but he realized that it could be an amazing opportunity.  Infiltrating the Shimadas?  How could he pass that up?  Jesse didn’t mind a little pain if it meant others might be saved from a life of slavery.  Hell, it wasn’t like he couldn’t handle it.  Being a werewolf made him resilient.  Jesse was sure he could handle whatever some demon wanted to throw at him.  Well… mostly sure, at any rate.
A small shiver ran through his body.  It wasn’t that cold in the room… but he wasn’t moving around… and he wasn’t wearing much.  His Master had chosen a theme he no doubt thought suited Jesse’s southern drawl.  The werewolf wore a fringed, dark red leather thong tooled with a western pattern, a red bandanna which hung loosely around his neck, and a 24 kt nipple ring crafted to look like a miniature revolver.  Beyond that, all he had to keep himself warm was his naturally furry self.  Even in his human form, Jesse tended to be on the hairy side.  Right now, he was somewhere in between wolf and man.  Another request by his Master - supposedly in order to heighten his appeal.  He wondered if the new Shimada demon had a thing for animal features.  A lot of people did, he’d learned over the years.  It was a mostly harmless and incredibly amusing fetish (at least to him.)  Lupine ears protruded from Jesse’s head and a bushy tail of deep ruddy brown swayed gently at his lower back.  All the rest of him was decidedly human.  Jesse had suggested claws and teeth, too, but had earned himself a glare.  No… it wouldn’t do to come off as threatening, would it?
The most frustrating thing about all of this (aside from the lack of clothes) was not being able to observe.  Slaves were always expected to look down.  It wasn’t just a deference thing, either.  It was meant to protect Masters from people like him.  After all, if a slave did manage to escape and make it to the authorities alive, it was much harder to identify a voice.  Sometimes Jesse would risk it.  But not here.  Not when his actions could put him and his current Master in a dangerous position.  So Jesse waited, eyes downcast, trying to take in everything he could about the proceedings.
And that was when he heard it.  A voice that seemed to thrum through him, reverberating in his very core.   Although he’d never felt the sensation before, instinct told him exactly what it was.  WHO it was.  His lifemate.  Jesse struggled not to tremble.  To force the instincts aside.  No!  It wasn’t possible!  He was misreading himself.  There was NO WAY his lifemate could be here!  In a room full of people Jesse would gladly give up his life to destroy.  Why would the Fates DO that to him?!  He wanted to look up, to catch sight of who the voice belonged to… but it didn’t take long to figure it out.  The Shimada demon - his new Master.  Jesse’s heart plummeted.  There was no helping it.  He HAD to ask for an extraction now - had to distance himself as quickly as possible.  This mission was beyond compromised… and the longer he stayed here, the harder it would be to walk away.  And he would have to walk away at some point.  Jesse couldn’t be a party to slavery… not even for the sake of his lifemate.  Even now, the thought of leaving tore at him… and for the first time in his life, Jesse McCree hated being a werewolf.
This day had been hundreds of years in the making, and as bored as Hanzo found himself, he hadn't imagined it would be this dreadful. Perhaps if his intention wasn't to gut the entire organization from the inside, he might have been enjoying himself, but he considered most of those in attendance to be a waste of space. So, the longer the proceedings ran, the most impatient Hanzo became. Hanzo was known for being a very, very patient demon, so the fact that he was at his limit was a testament to how pointless the prattle had been for hours.
After the tea ceremony initiating him as the head of the Shimada clan, one that hadn't been performed in hundreds of years, Hanzo had changed out of the simple ceremonial kimono and into a tailor-made suit. His appearance after the ceremony was important, and would say something to the rest of the ring on how he intended to run his clan. Every inch of his appearance had to be perfect.
His message started with his suit. It was made especially for this occasion, and used gold-lined embroidery to create intricate blue and green dragons that curled along the lapels of the jacket. Symbols very obviously representing himself and his brother- as they both carried mirroring tattoos on either arm of a blue and green dragon respectively. In their demon forms the tattoos transformed into blood-red oni, where the head of the dragon changed into a detailed mask unique to the brothers.
Currently, the jacket draped over the back of the sturdy dark wooded chair, perched on the raised platform where Hanzo sat. The sleeves of his button up were rolled to his elbows, and over that was a perfectly fitted vest with similar designs to the jacket, though simpler. A pair of black leather gloves donned each hand, cut low at the wrist with holes for pitch black claws to poke through. His perfectly pressed slacks reached a pair of formal shoes shined to perfection, and only his long black hair, currently tied into a bun that exposed the shaved sides of his head, looked 'out of place' in his flawless appearance.
During the ceremony, Hanzo's hair had been down and he'd worn his human appearance, for the sake of tradition, but now he'd exposed his demon form for the room to see. A reminder that he was more than a simple human. Two large horns protruded from the front of his head, and two sets of white fangs, one from the top of his jaw and the lower, peeked out from beneath his lips. Dark red patterns swirled over his his gray skin, across his cheekbones and his chest, and his white, pupil-less eyes followed the proceedings with a stillness meant to hide his boredom and make the room uneasy.
He was known for making himself impossible to read, so the only enjoyment he felt over these displays of loyalty and wealth, the first opportunity to show off as well as earn direct favor from the Shimada clan without suspicion over offered gifts, was how uncomfortable his silence seemed to make everyone else. Imagining each of these men delivering him an arrogant and empty speech, dead at his feet, also amused him.
Hanzo had been zoning out for some time, aimlessly replying to the gifts offered with a wave of his hand so a servant would take the gift and put it into one of the side rooms of the great meeting hall, when the final gift was brought before him. His attention returned to what was in front of him for the final time that evening.
It was a slave, much to Hanzo's chagrin (and surprise considering how heavily each of the major players in the room relied on that corner of their market, and Hanzo had hoped the fear of repeating the gift of a slave and ruining their chance to stand out against the others would hinder such a gift- so either this man banked on that and took a risk, or he was an idiot). The slave was handsome, and dressed in what must be the skimpiest cowboy outfit Hanzo had ever seen. A set of ears protruded from his head, and a matching tail arched back from his hips, both of which Hanzo felt an increasing desire to touch the longer he looked. He wondered if the man offering this slave knew Hanzo had a thing for such an aesthetic, cowboys had always intrigued him, and the hair and animalistic features were attractive in their own way, but together it was a surprisingly appealing mix for this demon lord.
Hanzo had never told a soul about either of those desires, so he knew that wasn't it wasn't intentional, just a happy coincidence, if Hanzo's lack of desire to own a slave meant he'd be happy about it. It didn't, but unfortunately he couldn't reject this particular gift. This was a necessary part of his plan that he had reluctantly accounted for, and he had to play this part of this position until the last leader in this slavery ring was dead. He could deal with this. He could play the kind master, and this man would be quite the prize to wear on his arm as he-  
Hanzo's musings were cut short when a long, thin red thread caught his eye. He'd only seen his Thread of Fate once or twice, a flicker of red tied to his ring finger, floating into the distance until the end faded into nothing. Always a flash and then it was gone, and Hanzo had always assumed there was never meant to be someone tied to the other end.
Genji had seen the same thing, and at first Hanzo thought it was because they were demons. He imagined that that severing their ties to a human life had severed their ties to their One, and part of their curse was that they now had the ability to see them. That theory was proven wrong of course, Genji had found his One a few years ago, a siren that performed at a club Genji frequented when he thought his brother wasn't looking. Hanzo knew of this, but said nothing, and instead sent a guard or two to follow Genji for his protection.
Hanzo knew Genji well enough to know that even if he had asked his brother to stop, for his own safety, he would lie to Hanzo directly, or outright refuse. Genji had never outright stated the siren was his One, but when the topic had come up and Genji revealed they'd met- it was obvious to Hanzo that there was an irresistible connection there he couldn't understand. Context clues helped him figure out the rest, so the most he could do was protect his brother where he could. They were both stubborn in their own ways.
The stories of one's Thread of  Fate had fascinated Hanzo, even as a human, but after so much time he'd come to wonder if it was something he wasn't meant to have. The idea of feeling 'complete' or 'whole' - that the unyielding emptiness in his heart, made larger with his death and transformation, would be filled- it was a fantasy beyond his years, and he was a very, very old demon.
With all his doubts, Hanzo was not prepared to see a vibrant red thread- solid and unwavering as it had never been before- linking his finger to that of the cowboy kneeling near naked in front of him.
His One.
Hanzo stared, his shoulders tensing in a way only perceptible to Genji beside him.
His One was a slave- and a sudden swell of rage, rising like a fiery dragon from the depths of his heart, burned in his chest. His One was a slave and had been for who knows how long, and Hanzo had no idea. Soon his One was to be his slave, but that meant- Hanzo couldn't- this isn't what he wanted for his One- this isn't how he wanted to meet his One- to treat his One-
The urge to rise up, to take this stranger into his arms and hold him close, to protect him, to treat him as no one else could, to bond with him- the need to fill that hole in his heart- was almost overwhelming, and the dark claws of Hanzo's hand curled tightly into the armrest of his chair. A long stretch of silence followed as Hanzo struggled with a rush of emotions he could barely contain or explain, and tension in the room spiked the longer he remained silent. The stare he leveled at the slave looked as if it alone could kill a man.
He always responded quickly after a gift was presented, why was he silent now? Did this gift displease him? Was he angry? Were they all about to watch a man get killed?
It wasn't until Genji placed an easy hand on his brother's shoulder that Hanzo blinked and returned to himself.
“Come here,” without missing a beat, Hanzo made a gesture, a downward motion with his hand to beckon the slave towards him. Once he was close enough, Hanzo's gloved hand took Jesse's wrist and tugged him into his lap, so Jesse's bare thighs straddled his own.
“What is your name?” Hanzo asked, his expression softening as his hands began to 'inspect' his knew gift in front of the entire room.
He struggled to contain his excitement as his hands spread over Jesse's knees and slid up, and he was grateful for the layer of leather that separated them. He wasn't sure he'd be able to keep his hands from shaking as he did now without it.
His thumbs dipped low, tracing the inner pads of of Jesse's thighs before trailing up the V of his hips. As they moved back, Hanzo's fingers found the base of Jesse's tail, where he rand a hand along it experimentally, and he marveled inwardly at the softness of the fur. From his tail Hanzo's hands slid up Jesse's back to inspect the lines of his shoulder blades with his claws, then down his arms to inspect his fingers, and a brief moment to stare at the thread that bound them together. He could not linger there, so his fingers moved up again to rake through the hair of Jesse's chest. Yes, Hanzo rather liked the hair, and with a smirk he didn't resist the urge to carefully tweak Jesse's nipple and the ring that adorned it.
Part of Hanzo felt guilty, taking this little display so far. He wished desperately that his was not how they had met, that he could properly woo his One with all of the charm and attention he could muster, but the demon in him was too selfish and too impatient to save his first inspection for a time with more privacy. Even if he wanted to do this the right way, these were the cards they were dealt, and Hanzo had to play them correctly or risk losing everything- including his One. He could only hope that there was a way to play this that didn't mean losing his One in the end.
Plus, he'd been waiting patiently all day for this torture to be over! He had no idea his One would quite literally be dropped in his lap! Already Hanzo could feel a pull in his heart, like this was simply not enough, and resisting that pull alone was almost torturous! He had to indulge, just a little.
Finally, Hanzo's hand reached the handkerchief around Jesse's neck and he tugged the cowboy a little closer. His free hand reached up to inspect one of Jesse's ears before it moved to his chin and gripped Jesse gently, but firmly to force the other to look him in the eyes. They were beautiful, a rich golden brown that made something in Hanzo's heart melt. They made him feel warm. Full.
It was then that the tension in the room was felt by Hanzo, thick enough to cut with a knife and dead silent save for himself and Jesse. It was as if the whole room was holding it's breath.
A shiver of pleasure ran through Hanzo, again only perceptible to Genji.
“I am pleased with his gift. Leave us,” he said with a voice that seemed to fill the entire room, his eyes never leaving Jesse's .
All at once motion broke out in the hall, and Genji, who had been standing at Hanzo's side, stepped forward with a polite, empty smile on his lips. He was grateful for this day to be over as well.
“Thank you all for attending, and for your gifts. We shall see you at the gala tomorrow,” He reminded them as everyone began to file from the room. Genji followed them, and only when the last person had left did he glance back at his brother and close the door quietly behind him, leaving the two alone.
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piercedflora · 4 years
Jesse kept taking notes as Ryu answered his questions, his mind already trying to hash out the details.  He was excited about this piece!  And not just because it was for the man he’d been mooning over for weeks now.  This was going to be a detailed and colorful challenge, and the ex-con loved challenges… of all kinds.  
He stopped writing to eye Ryu appreciatively, grinning as the florist seemed to literally brighten at the idea of there being wisteria in the U.S.  “Sure there is!  Ya mostly see it down south.  My gran used ta have a ton a’ tha stuff draped all over her back garden.  Not sure if it grows this far north, but I bet it wouldn’t be too hard ta find out.”  Jesse couldn’t help beaming, pleased that he’d been able to (even unknowingly) help Ryu out.”
The ex-con found himself tempted to offer the use of his roof for garden space, but held his tongue.  For all he knew, Ryu had a perfectly fine garden at his own home.  In fact, being a florist and enjoying plants enough to want a tattoo of them, Jesse figured the man probably had a damn fine garden.  Still… he’d never really done much with that space, and having some wisteria to remind him of his gran might be nice…  And just like that, Jesse found himself wondering what a set-up like that might cost.  He might need to do some research of his own.
“I... thank you Mcree. I did not know I might find Wisteria here... I do not believe I have the space to grow it, but I might need to see...” Hanzo lost himself in thought for a moment and tapped a finger idly against his chin. If he spoke with Reinhardt, he might be able to arrange something.... 
A moment later and Hanzo returned to himself, his shoulders stiffened and his cheeks warmed as he realized his thoughts had wandered. 
“Apologies. Are there other questions I may answer about the piece? Is there an initial deposit I must make?”
Painted Flowers
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piercedflora · 4 years
Jesse was… surprised when he got no response from the injured man.  What the hell was going on here?!  Didn’t the guy want to live through the night?!  It would seem not, as Genji indicated they’d both have to work to shift the stubborn man onto his side.  Both brows shot up when Genji called the guy his brother.  He’d never met Hanzo, but his friend talked about him a lot - on his way to becoming the head of the Shimada Clan.  What in the hell had happened?!  And why couldn’t Genji take his brother to the Clan’s doctor?!  With a grunt of confusion, he helped adjust the prone man’s position.  “This would be a helluva lot easier if you weren’t bein’ an ass,” he muttered under his breath, not caring if he were heard or not.
When Genji spoke, Jesse shook his head.  “Don’t apologize.  Do what ya hafta do.  I got this.  No way in hell I’m gonna let anyone out-stubborn me.”  He grinned and gave his friend a wink.  “Now get.  I’ll keep an ear out for Lucio.”  As Genji left, Jesse finished preparing his supplies.  Then he spoke, not caring if he got a response this time.  “Listen up, you - I don’t plan on disappointin’ my best friend, so whatever plans ya might have fer kickin’ tha bucket - they stop now.  Yer not dyin’ on my watch.  So suck it up!”
He knelt beside the bed - tempted to not give any warning before beginning, but he didn’t want Hanzo jerking away, so the Alpha continued, “I’m gonna start workin’ now.  Clean out tha wound as best I can, an’ then stitch it closed. Won’t lie - it’s gonna hurt. Hopefully Lucio’ll be here soon an’ he can look over my work, make sure I didn’t fuck anything up too badly.”  For a moment Jesse’s eyes drifted over Hanzo’s nude form.  It was impossible not to admire, after all… even if the guy was an Alpha, too.  Then he was back to business, cleaning everything as thoroughly as he could before beginning to stitch the flesh back together, hand firm and steady against Hanzo’s heated skin.
Genji gave Jesse’s arm an appreciative squeeze before he disappeared into the night. 
Hanzo ignored any comment Jesse made with a pointed silence. His pride was too wounded to care about this secret best friend Genji had kept, or his snide comments about keeping Hanzo alive. On any other day, Hanzo would have demanded more information immediately, and retorted with a few snarky comments of his own, but the hollowed piece of his heart was too fresh and too painful for him to care about much else. Or so Hanzo thought, until Jesse started to stitch him back together. 
It was painful, and pointed, and after Jesse started, knowing full well Hanzo would have to return to his back so Jesse could stitch the entry point of the wound at the front of his hip, Hanzo found himself speaking despite himself. 
“How does my brother find himself a- ah- a secret best friend?” Hanzo suddenly asked through grit teeth as he nearly growled out his question. Part of him debated attempting to stop Jesse’s attempts to stitch him up, but he knew in the end he was too weak to do so. He was getting patched up whether he liked it or not. 
In contrast to his thoughts around deserving death after such humiliating circumstances, Hanzo was surprised to find the steady hand against his skin... comforting. Physical touch was not something Hanzo shared with many people, and just a hand was enough to soothe something in Hanzo that was threatening to break. He couldn’t admit it to himself now, but he was happy this stranger cared enough to try to help him. Even if that care was for his brother, it meant his life still had value to Genji, and as much as he wanted to believe his life meant nothing after this loss, there was hope. 
Of course for now, he would maintain his stubborn defiance- he was still certain he should die, and this stranger should let him do so!
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piercedflora · 4 years
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piercedflora · 4 years
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Wisteria & Sakura by jun
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piercedflora · 4 years
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its been bugging me that i havent posted anything here in a long while so heres some ow doodles ive done recently 
(dont tag as kin/me)
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