preachersooc · 10 days
Movies, TV shows, books, podcasts, anything counts! Bonus points if you put what scared you in the tags. Wondering how common it is to be Spooked™
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preachersooc · 3 months
This man has touched many lives in the anime community and beyond. He was an amazing writer and had one of the most unique art styles that nearly everyone can recognize. R.I.P. to a legend.
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preachersooc · 4 months
Free game.
So anyone that's ever had a desire or curiosity to play Destiny 2, Humble Bundle is currently doing a pay what you want for Destiny 2 and all its expansions except the newest one to come out. I believe it is pc only but bucks for charity and in return getting all that content? Pretty neat.
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preachersooc · 4 months
The real kick in the pants about this is I live in Indiana, I make more than minimum wage; the only reason I can afford to rent the home I live in is due to a family friend owning it and not charging me the normal for indiana 1k a month for just rent. No utilities included. If for some reason, we got evicted or had to leave this place; I literally could not afford to live elsewhere as I am the only one that can work due to health reasons.
This fucking housing market is a joke.
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preachersooc · 6 months
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I don't like sleep token At all.. nooope.
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preachersooc · 6 months
My aunt died today after being diagnosed with ALS three days ago. We didn't talk much but family passing away is always difficult. Hug the ones close to you and remind them that they are loved.
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preachersooc · 7 months
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
This is both depressing and an achievement I suppose.
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preachersooc · 7 months
.... wait... that's a sign of adhd?
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preachersooc · 8 months
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preachersooc · 8 months
Took the kid to see Game Grumps live in Indy tonight. Good show, loved Dad in the beginning. Arin and Dan were awesome as always.
Great time with the kid.
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preachersooc · 9 months
For the majority of my life, I was raised in a "christian" household, with all the bigotry and the like that came with it. As I've grown up, I realize that the Christianity I believe in is not what's being taught in a lot of churches.
Jesus was a rebel, a philanthropist that would sit with prostitutes, tax collectors (( which were seen as being just as bad as prostitutes)), the poor and hungry. Jesus loved, cared and served people. He didn't judge, he loved, no matter who you were.
I know I was happiest when I cared/served/helped others, until my willingness to help was constantly taken advantage of and I grew hurt from it.
Too many people use an interpretation of the Bible to spread hate and divide instead of what Jesus spoke of which was fellowship, love and community. I'm sure I'll lose followers cos of this and that's ok. I don't hate you, I don't wish you ill no matter what your circumstances in life.
I love you and I hope you are doing well in life, I hope you've found love in any form and some semblance of peace and joy.
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preachersooc · 9 months
I don't think people understand how privileged they are truly compared to others.
You can pay your bills and even have some to set aside in case of an emergency? Lucky you.
You can actually get help with your mental health? Lucky you.
You actually have hope? Lucky you.
For the first time ever in our relationship, my s/o told me last night they were scared that I may actually unalive myself with how unhopeful and downtrodden I am.
And I am unhopeful and downtrodden. I live paycheck to paycheck with maybe 20 bucks left to pay for medication for my family, forgoing mine most of the time.
I'm a sinking ship without a lifeboat and I can't even see any flotsam to grab hold of.
But it's ok... I'm privileged.
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preachersooc · 9 months
I've done something I've never done before...
I've wrote the chorus to a song that'll never be played or sung. I think I'm going to keep writing it to see what comes of it.
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preachersooc · 9 months
I know today is difficult. Hell, it's been a struggle for me to keep it together. Fuck, every day is a struggle to try and keep it together.
But I'm proud of you, cos I can't be proud of me.
It's getting harder and harder to make ends meet. Just surviving feels like an achievement that's getting harder and harder to be happy about.
But I'm glad you did survive, cos I can't be glad for me.
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preachersooc · 9 months
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preachersooc · 10 months
The somber moans and frigid claws of blackened morn pull me from my chambers; thrusting me into an uncaring world of diesel and frozen old dairy, forcing me to convey such delectable atrocities into receptacles of capitalism that every being on this planet has once called " the nth circle of Hell". Only to be accosted from the building and forced to muster my strength in wrangling my riding demon of diesel and fear towards the next repository of capitalism.
Y’all… what do you guys do for a living… but describe it in the worst way possible.
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preachersooc · 10 months
Hang in there Brothers and always remember Cadia.
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For those we Cherish, we hang in there!
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