professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
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❤️I’m obsessed with rose water, I recently started using it all the time. In baths, in tea, in spells, etc. So I decided instead of spending more to buy small bottles in store I’d just make my own, if you’ve never done this let me learn you a thing! What you need: 🌹Roses (duh right) 🌹Distilled water 🌹Strainer 🌹Storage container for your water 🌹Something to do for 20 minutes •So, get your roses off the stem and pull those petals apart! Make sure you rinse them in lukewarm water to get any gunk off! •After your petals are rinsed, toss them into your pot and fill it with just enough distilled water to cover the petals! •Turn the heat up and let those babies simmer for about 20 minutes. (I did the dishes while I waited, but you do you). •When the petals look lighter pink and flimsy you’re just about done! Let it cool or keep it hot, either way it’s time to strain them! •Strain right into container or glass bowl to let cool. •Enjoy your rose water! (I got the roses for $8 on Valentines Day clearance - with some discount chocolate because why not - and I used 6 of them to make my water!) (DISCLAIMER: If you ARENT using organic roses it’s not recommended that you ingest or use this on your skin- use organic roses to make that water. This stuff is great for spells though!)
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
Magics for Heartbreak
Updated: August 5, 2017
[‘Anti-Curse’ Breakup Healing Spell]
[Broken Heart Bath]
[Broken Hearted Jar]
[Charm to Ease a Broken Heart]
[Fill in the Cracks with Gold - A Remedy for Heartbreak]
[Forgetting That Ex Spell]
[To Heal a Broken Heart]
[Heal Thy Heart Powder]
[Healing a Broken Heart Spell]
[Healing Heart Spell]
[Healing Hearts Spell]
[Healing Teas: Broken Heart]
[The Jar of Fucks]
[Mend a Broken Heart Spell]
[Mend the Heart Spell] (cw: gif)
[Paper Charm to Heal a Heart]
[Positive Send Off Spell]
[Sage Drops Spell] (for overcoming grief, but it still suits)
[Selkie Spell to Heal Heartbreak]
[Shake Out Your Devils - To Remove Burdens of the Heart]
[A Simple Spell to Help Heal the Heart]
[Spell for Emotional Healing and Moving Forward]
[Spell to Heal a Broken Heart]
[Spell to Let Go / Heal]
[Throw Away the Key - A Spell to Banish Grief]
[“Without You” Spell for the Broken-Hearted]
[Words of Love] (a spell to deal with an ending of a relationship, either of love or friendship)
[“I am healed from my heartbreak”]
[“I am overcoming my sadness and heart break”]
[“I will overcome this heartache”]
[“My broken heart is healed”]
[“My heartbreak is eased”]
[Sigil to Help Heal a Broken Heart]
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
House Cleansings & Blessings
practical and simple ways to cleanse and bless your home 🌿
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🌿 burn cedar sticks or cedar incense. cedar helps drive away negative influences, energies, and spirits. really good herb to work with when moving into a new space. helps with protection on all levels.
🌿 sprinkle a blend of salt, sage, and mint on the floors to soak up all the negative energies on the ground and vacuum up when you feel it has picked everything up. clean out all that salt from your vaccuun and dispose of it in the trash outside (not in nature)
🌿 diffuse lavender oil. lavender oil is very protective and helps bring serenity and peace into a space.
🌿 manifest abundance and prosperity by meditating with citrine and placing it in your home. place a clear quartz next to it to amplify abundant energies
🌿 make a crystal gird out of selenite, black tourmaline and white jade. these crystals will create a barrier of protection around your house and they will cleanse the hell out of it.
🌿 place pieces of selenite in windowsills, this will purify energy coming in and out of the house. immediately raises the vibration of the room
🌿 when burned, palo santo releases a cleansing smoke filled with healing energies. great for filling spaces with good health and fortune
🌿 ask your spirits/deities to cleanse, protect, and bless your space and leave them offerings when you are done
🌿 sandalwood incense raises vibrations, cleanses, offers psychic protection, and helps to open up psychic awareness
🌿 amethyst is not only a enhances the intuition and increases calm energies, it is also very protective and will shield you from psychic attacks
🌿 work with the elements for protection, meditation and visualization works well
🌿 visualize an impenetrable bubble of protection surrounding your home protecting you from all lower energies
🌿 visualize a waterfall pouring into your space washing away all stagnant and negative energy leaving your space with abundant and healthy energy
🌿 put mint leaves all around your house, in your windowsills, in your shoes, jewelry boxes, altar, etc. to protect you from evil intentions. also good for protecting your home from misfortune
🌿 wind chimes will warn you when a negative spirit is around, there sound will also help drive them off your property
🌿 cinnamon is extremely protective, i love dressing candles with ground cinnamon for cleansing and protection
🌿 burning dragon’s blood incense will create a wall of fire protecting you and your space, also a really good incense for clearing bad spirits
🌿 sleep with a lavender sachet underneath your pillow to protect you from psychic vampires
🌿 labradorite protects you and your home from demons
🌿 placing a vase of flowers in a room will lift the energy and invite positive energy in. use different flowers for attracting different things example sunflowers for happiness, roses for love, marigolds for success and creativity, etc.
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
What to do when you fell out with your practice
Because I sure as hell needed this post when I did.
1. Realize that it‘s okay. Accept that it happened. Forgive yourself for it.
Maybe life got in the way and you just didn‘t have the time or energy or possibility. Maybe something happened on your path that got you scared, frightened, panicked, or even disgusted so that you had to take a step back and retreat. Maybe your focus simply shifted. Maybe you got bored. Maybe everything just got overwhelming and you weren‘t able to juggle magick and the mundane at the same time. Maybe mental illness got in the way. No matter what the reason for your fall out was, accept that it happened, forgive yourself for it. Because it‘s okay, life happens in phases, and no matter the reason, how big or how small, it‘s part of your journey and totally fine. These things happen to the best of us, so don‘t blame yourself for it. It really is okay. Pinky promise.
2. Reconnect with your god(s) and/or non-physical friends, if needed.
If you‘re a spirit companion/have spirit friends like me or are devoted to a god or certain deity/ies, your time with them/devotion to them probably fell under the brick as well. If it did, reconnect. I promise chances are they‘ll understand. As I said, life happens, and they know that too. They probably saw what you were going through. Explain what happened to them, apologize, and move on, if they allow it. Just spend more time with them again, greet them good morning and wish them good night again, invite them to join you throughout your day again. I promise, any good relationship will hold, just show that you really are sorry and put in effort to show that you care again. I’m sure they missed you as well so it’s time to make up for the time you lost!
3. Don’t overwhelm and overestimate yourself.
Chances are the longer your fall-out was, the more your “psychic muscles” lost in strength. Your intuition may be a bit more out-of-tune, you may have more trouble hearing/seeing/feeling/sensing spirits and energies. Maybe you have more trouble programing things or adding energy to objects than before. That’s okay! It’s totally fine and normal, just don’t be surprised if it happens and know that with practice you’ll be back to old strength in no time! Until then, start small and work with what you have.
4. Start small, don’t rush it, one step at a time.
Start drawing a daily or weekly card again. Start carrying crystals with you again. Start laying them out under the moon to charge again. Do small rituals like maybe doing some bath magic before you rush head-first into a huge complicated thing again! Again, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. Also, you want to build a routine again to not risk falling out again. Some ideas on what to do when building your practice up again:
lay crystals, items, water, anything out under the moon/sun to charge 
talk to plants
draw a daily/weekly card
pick a crystal to carry with you throughout the day in the morning
say mantras in the morning
infuse your tea/coffee with intent
send out your energetic sensers when comfortable and at home. slowly but surely
meditate. 5 minutes in the evening, 5 minutes in the morning. at least.
go for a daily walk at a certain time 
look through your grimoire/bos if you have one. write in it again
doodle little sigils in your free time
and many, many more
5. If needed, make a schedule.
As I said, you may want to build a routine. If those work for you, make a daily or weekly plan. Look up transits and check when you have time, then create your own magical schedule. If need be, set some reminders on your phone. Just try to be disciplined about it for a while so that you get back into your practice smoothly!
6. Reinvent your craft.
You probably changed since you last practiced, or maybe there was a reason IN your practice that caused the fall-out. If so, identify what it was. Reflect on yourself, your practice, your life. How can you make everything run together more smoothly? Maybe you want to focus more on the mundane than the spiritual, and if so that’s totally fine. Adapt your practice in a way that fits and feels good, it’s all yours so feel free to do whatever you want! Maybe you want to shift the focus IN your practice, or maybe you want to stop doing something, maybe start doing something else (instead). 
(Optional) 7. Talk to others. 
Sometimes it is so, so hard to not feel incredibly bad and like you fucked yourself or your life or your relationships up when this happens (and not just in relation to magic but other things as well). Please know that you’re not alone on this and if your own up-lifting thoughts and words are not enough, seek validation outside. I promise that’s not a selfish or vain thing to do, it’s natural and human and you deserve to be told that you’re doing just fine. Go to a trusted friend, family member, maybe blogger, anyone. If you want, you can always come to me. Talk to someone about how things are going now, talk to them about the things you just did to make yourself feel good about doing this. 
💗 No matter what, it’s all good. I promise. These things just happen and there is no reason to blame yourself - please take good care of yourself and know that you come first - magic and everything else second.  I hope this was useful to some, I know it helped me as I’m just getting out of a fall-out, too. I hope you all have a magical day~! 💗
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
Planetary Days
Monday/Moon: Healing, compassion, psychic abilities/awareness, fertility.
Tuesday/Mars: Sex, passion, protection, courage, take action, battles
Wednesday/Mercury: Divination, studies, automatic writing, spell writing, wisdom
Thursday/Jupiter: Money, prosperity, money spells, growth/expansion.
Friday/Venus: Beauty, love, love spells, friendship
Saturday/Saturn: Exorcism, home cleansing/clearing, endings
Sunday/Sun: Vitality, protection spells, healing (Sun is the life force)
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
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This was a job seeking spell I did on the night of the super blue blood moon and I’m sharing for anyone interested!
You’ll need:
- A glass jar/bottle with a cork - A green candle (for money) - Himalayan salt (for dissolving self doubt) - Crushed eggshells (for strength) - Crushed red pepper (for vitality) - Black pepper (for a commanding presence) - Cinnamon (for prosperity) - Sugar (for a bit of sweetness) - Rose petals (for confidence) - Thyme (for courage) - Rosemary (for focus)
1.) First light the green candle, focusing all of your intent on future employers contacting you by phone or email.
2.) Add the Himalayan salt first then layer as you please taking that time to visualize yourself sitting in an interview.
3.) Draw a sigil on the cork if you wish.
4.) Once you feel you have enough wax for the seal, snuff out the green candle while saying, “I want a job, I’m going to get a job.”
5.) Seal the bottle with the green wax and keep it in a place where you’ll see it often!
Good luck!
Note: The very next morning after I did this spell I received a phone call for an interview!!
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
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Money spell! Reblog to charge it with your intent; the more people see it, the more powerful it becomes. Magic should be fun!
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 6 years
✨ Days Of the Week + Magick ✨
Each day of the week is ruled by a planet which possesses specific magickal influences. Use this knowledge to further your own practices!
MONDAY (MOON): Peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, psychic awareness, purification, fertility.
TUESDAY (MARS): Passion, sex, courage, aggression, protection.
WEDNESDAY (MERCURY): The conscious mind, study, travel, divination, wisdom.
THURSDAY (JUPITER): Expansion, money, prosperity, generosity.
FRIDAY (VENUS): Love, friendship. reconciliation, beauty. 
SATURDAY (SATURN): Longevity, exorcism, endings, homes, houses.
SUNDAY (SUN): Healing, spirituality, success, strength, protection. 
(Credit to Llewellyn’s magical almanac. Happy spellcasting)!
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
Protection Pouches
These little beauties have always worked for me, and actually seemed to keep my mother from being killed or paralyzed by a bad car accident last year, so I have a lot of faith in them.
You’ll need: 🐝 A small square of fabric, or a small sewn pouch if you have one already available. 🐝 The following supplies: Basil, Cinnamon, Clove, Dill, Mint, Lavender, Rosemary, and Sage. A small black stone or a small piece of quartz or tiger’s eye And one black and one white candle.
Spell Work: 🐝 Place the herbs in the fabric square or pouch while invoking earth. 🐝 Light the candles, the white on the left and black on the right. Invoke fire. 🐝 Meditate lightly to dispell negative energy and press positive energy onto the stone(s), which should be held in your hands. Invoke water. 🐝 Extend your aura over the bag while placing the stone in and tying it shut. Visualize a shield of spirit and invoke air. 🐝 at this point, I find that a lot of people like to preform some sort of chant to better embolden and access the forces: “May whoever keep this charm, Be protected from every harm, Cast off all bane and ill, Upon this wish, I cast my will.” Invoke spirit (active) during this portion. 🐝 Finally, invoke any patron or matron deity you may worship, follow, or are dedicated to. Then cleanse your circle with a smudge of Sage and you’re done!
*a pentagram configuration is certainly not necessary for this, but for some it does provide ease and structure during the ritual.
Best wishes darlings!
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
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“___ can not see me” sigil.
Free to use. To aid in shielding yourself from a person or group of people, to not draw their attention to yourself. Great to use against annoying people, stalkers, bigots, etc.
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
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I charged this sigil by meditating and putting it under the moonlight a whole night, but you can charge it either with daylight or just by meditating on the result you want from it. I also cleanse the room or space where I want the result to be.
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
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tag yourself I’m #20
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
You’re welcome
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
Fuck you I’m an art student I don’t do math
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 7 years
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Stay Soft Patch
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professionaldeadkid ¡ 8 years
this distance makes my heart ache
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