seedlingwitch · 1 year
Body Symbology and Omens
• Left Eye Twitching - Someone Intends You Harm • Left Cheek Twitching - Something Will Happen To Someone In Your Inner Circle That Cannot Be Avoided • Burning Back Of Neck - Someone Toxic Around You/Lying To You • Stabbing Pain In Temples (Also Stomach) - Negative Energy, Possibly Paranormal • “Deafness” - When Someone’s Lying To You And And You Cant Hear Them Anymore. • Right Palm Itchy - Receiving Money Soon • Left Palm Itchy - Lose Money Soon • Cramps In Stomach - Someone Close To You Is Pregnant • Lower Back Pain - Toxic Relationship And Gossip • Stabbing/Burning Left Foot - Someone Holding You Back • Stabbing/Burning Right Foot - You’re Holding Yourself Back
**Disclaimer: Remember to always check for the mundane reasonings as to why something feels a certain way or is happening before you jump into the spiritual/supernatural.
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seedlingwitch · 1 year
The following list are some of the superstitions that I’ve heard or learned about over the years, in no particular order: • Throw rice in the air to make it rain • Carry a potato during winter to ward against colds • Smell dill to get rid of hiccups • Lay thorn branches by your doorstep to keep evil away • Place chips of cedarwood in a box with coins do draw money to you • Hang seaweed in the kitchen to ward off evil spirits • Burn allspice to draw money, luck, and healing • Place a piece of cotton in a sugar bowl to draw good luck to your home • Scatter chili flakes around your house to break a curse • Scatter salt/sugar to purify a room • Put a pine branch above your bed to ward off illness • Carry a chunk of dried pineapple to draw luck • Ask an orange a question before you eat it, then count the seeds. Even # = no. Odd # = yes • Toss oats outside your back door to ensure beautiful crops/plants • Place lilacs around the house to rid unwanted spirits • Add salt to bath for purification • Write your sigils on stones and carry them with you • Put sigils on medication bottles to help quicken their efficiency or for added healing benefits • When guests come over, light a white candle by the door; it will take their negative energy and purify the home. • To get rid of guests overstaying their welcome, turn any broom in your house upside down (bristles up) • Toss salt on the front porch every Friday for good luck and prosperity • Carry a blade of grass to increase psychic power • If something or someone is bugging you, write it on toilet paper, wipe, and flush it down the toilet
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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I made this tarot cheat sheet after being inspired on tiktok <3 I hope this can help anyone who needs it!
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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Hideaway ♡
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
Rain storm
Shedding old skin
Lightening storm
Potent magical power
Good for curses and hexes
Snow storm
Home and healt work
Tornado storm
Erratic but powerful energy
Good for any ritual
Unpredictable energy
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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Visiting the park at 5 am to take pictures of roses 🌹🌸
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
Full moons correspondences
Wolf moon (January) also known as cold moon, air
Inner power, insight, assess your journey, protection, personal developement
Ianna, Freyja, Skadi, the Morrigan, Hecate
Wolves, foxes, coyotes, blue jay, pheasants
Hematite, ruby, selenite, moonstone, opal, garnet, jet, onyx, obsidian
Black, white, silver, violet
Snow moon (February) also known as storm moon or hunger moon, air and water
New starts, ambition, change, creativity, reflection
Brighid, Diana, Juno
Otter, eagle, chickadee, unicorn
Amethyst, jasper, moonstone
Purple, light blue, yellow
Worm moon (March) also known as seed moon, water and fire
New growth, set intentions, renewal, balance, prospering
Mars, Tyr, Athena, Isis
Cougar, bear, hedgehog, sea crow, sea eagle
Aquamarine, bloodstone, jade
Pale green, red, violet
Pink moon (April) also known as hare moon, fire and earth
Rebirth, discovery, fertility, goals, openings, opportunities
Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, Kali, Rhiannon
Bear, wolf, hawk, magpie
Diamond, quartz, emerald
Pale yellow, pink, gold
Flower moon (May) also known as fairy moon, earth and air
Abundance, gratitude, romance, maturity, intuition
Bast, Artemins, Pan, Cernunnos
Cats, lynx, leopard, swallow, dove, swan
Emerald, sapphire, agate
Pink, green, brown
Strawberry moon (June) also known as rose moon, air and water
Harvest, manifesting, dreams, love, good health, clarity, communication
Juno, Hera, Isis, Neith, Cerridwen
Monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock
Pearl, moonstone, citrine, blue lace agate
Yellow/green and orange
Buck moon (July) also known as hay moon, water and fire
Inner fire, long term goals, leadership, divination
Hel, Athena, Lugh, Khepri
Crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, starling, swallow
Ruby, carnelian, green calcite, peacock ore
Blue, gray, silver
Sturgeon moon (August) also known as barley moon, earth and air
Freedom, perseverance, cleansing, reaping, gratitude, peace, harmony
Demeter, Ceres, Hathor, Nemesis, Ganesha, Vulcan, Vesta
Lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon, crane, falcon, eagle
Periodot, onyx, bronzite, green sapphire
Gold, yellow, green
Harvest moon (September) also known as corn moon, earth and air
Harvest, gratitude, balance, reflection, psychic work, home and hearth
Demeter, Ceres, Thor, Thoth, Persephone, Freyja, Isis
Snake, jackal, ibis, sparrow
Peridot, sapphire, bloodstone, chrysolite
Brown, yellow, amber
Hunters moon (October) also known as blood moon, air and water
Strength, protection, endurance, rebirth, ambition, ancestral work
Cernunnos, Hecate, the Morrigan, Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Lakshmi
Stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, wolf, heron, crow, robin, owl, raven
Opal, tourmaline, citrine, rose sapphire
Red, orange, deep blue, black, dark green, brown, gold
Beaver moon (November) also known as snow moon, water and fire
Preparation, security, grounding, fidelity, new beginnings, release
Cailleach, Circe, Sybele, Hel, Holda, Kali, Bast, Osiris
Unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow
Topaz, obsidian, onyx, apache tear
White, purple, gray, sage green, black
Cold moon (December) also known as oak moon, fire and water
Completion, renewal, reflection, shadow work, transitions, peace
Dionysus, Athena, Attis, Ixchel, Neith, Wodan, Osiris, Frey
Deer, mouse, horse, bear, snowy owl, robin, rook
Blue zircon, turquoise, serpentine, lazulite, smoky quartz
Blood red, green, white, black
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
Banishing Entities
Clean and cleanse your space. Open doors and windows while you cleanse. As you get to every door, cleanse in a counterclockwise direction and state "I banish all negative energies and entities. Anything that does not serve my highest good (and the good of my family) leave now! (You can add an angry "get the fuck out" here if you wish ;) !)" In a clockwise direction state "I welcome positivity, light, love, healing, cleansing, happiness, abundance, prosperity, (good things etc.) and the protection of Diana (or whomever, you can choose elements, a deity, the universe...)." You can call the corners /elements to assist you as you cleanse the home. Make the sign of a pentagram after you state your intentions to lock the protections in.
Clean and cleanse your mirrors and do the same, but move your cleanser in a clockwise direction to banish and counter clockwise to welcome protection. You can draw pentacles with water and black salt or charcoal powder on all your mirrors and windows.
Make a simmer pot with vinegar and protective herbs/spices (bay leaf, mustard seeds, salt, lemon, black pepper, fennel, rosemary, clove...whatever you have on hand really). If it won't damage your floors, you can strain this mixture and wash your floors with it (dilute with water & add a bit more vinegar). You can make a separate floor wash with just vinegar & water + essential oils as well. You can wipe down your door frames and window sills with this too. Remember to salt the outside areas of your home after cleansing.
Cut a lemon and put slices surrounded in salt on a plate in every room, especially under beds (don't salt the lemons, just let them sit atop the salt!). If the lemons rot, the entity is still in the home. If the lemons dry without molding, your home is cleansed.
Take a nice long shower or ritual bath after you cleanse your home to avoid any residual energies sticking onto you. You can even smoke cleanse yourself if you feel it will help.
You can repeat this process as many times as necessary. Attrition warfare works if entities refuse to leave. They get weaker with every act of cleansing and banishing until they disappear completely. Of course, if you feel that this is not up to snuff for your particular situation, please find outside help!
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
I am magic.
My form, my existence, my person, myself, are magic.
I am magic by breathing.
I am magic because I am alive.
Regardless of my productivity level. Regardless of what/how much I do. Regardless of whether I accomplish.
I am magic by just being me.
I am magic by just being.
I am the magic and the magic is me.
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
Edible Flowers
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Cherry Blossom
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seedlingwitch · 2 years
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talking to nature 🌱 x
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