shyannesthings 1 month
Hallie Parker is Gay and Tie Dye Girl is her girlfriend
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shyannesthings 9 months
i cannot stress enough how much of an impact changing the way you talk to yourself can have on your mental health. swapping out self deprecating jokes and changing unhealthy sentiments like "i hate myself" and "i want to die" to kinder, more forgiving ones like "i need a break" and "i'm trying" can make such a difference to how you view yourself. the things we say to ourselves become a part of our lives and so we deserve to me kinder to ourselves in our heads.
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shyannesthings 9 months
I don't want your love or your affection anymore. It's too late for that. I just want your money and your health insurance so I can fix what you did.
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shyannesthings 11 months
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Forgot to tell you my hairs now blue but I鈥檓 re dying it this Sunday because I don鈥檛 like how light it is
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shyannesthings 1 year
That moment when you feel less important to your favorite person, have even addressed the issue to them, and yet they continue to do the exact things that are making you feel that way. So you throw yourself into you small business to try to distract yourself, but it doesn't help because you are depressed, stressed and heart broken. So you continue to work really hard but take small breaks to cry because you start overthinking about the situation and can't hold it in any more. But you can only do so much work because you are tired, broken and broke. So it is a never-ending cycle of trying to do your best and feeling like it isn't helping.. and then your birthday is right around the corner and no one wants to do anything with you, including that person, so you pretend to be ok when you really just want out of the hole you are in.
So feel free to donate my CashApp and PayPal so I can have myself a lonely birthday that won't be super horrible. My name on both is RavenKissingRoses
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shyannesthings 1 year
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shyannesthings 1 year
Shout out to disabled people who are, ya know, existing with symptoms - whatever they may be. Who are exhausted/fatigued some (or all) days. Who are in pain. Who live in a world that doesn鈥檛 understand them, a world that isn鈥檛 built for them.
I hope you have the time to cuddle your favorite stuffed animal. I hope you watch an amazing episode of your favorite show. I hope you meet a doctor that smiles and sees you and works with you. Much love to you all.
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shyannesthings 1 year
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A meme about my current situation because this is how I cope
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shyannesthings 1 year
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shyannesthings 1 year
See this why I don鈥檛 like talking to people when all they do is victim blaming and now they keep being up the abuser and telling me off for things I don鈥檛 even do and what everyone else does
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shyannesthings 1 year
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When you鈥檙e an animal whisperer
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shyannesthings 1 year
Is it normal for you to like talk to friends and listen to what they say respectfully but when you say something they say no one cares
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shyannesthings 1 year
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shyannesthings 1 year
Lol guys I just got yelled at in the car
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shyannesthings 1 year
It鈥檚 always okay to reach out and i finally learnt that
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The covered stuff is personal information of family members like names and faces to that鈥檚 covered for their privacy
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shyannesthings 1 year
Like my sister talking to my Nan and saying she鈥檚 so hard done by and going off about things I did years ago I鈥檓 changing but everyone putting me down about things I used to do on how my hygiene was and is I锟斤拷m trying to get better but everyone yelling at me and shit doesn鈥檛 help it just puts me back in the mental state I was once in. If I鈥檓 tired oh it鈥檚 because of a devise if I have a headache it鈥檚 because of my phone but like my phone was my coping mechanism. If I don鈥檛 do something straight away then I do nothing if my sister does something then I鈥檓 absolutely useless and I don鈥檛 do anything. It takes time for people to change people don鈥檛 just change in an hour. Apparently all I do is wings and complain but when anyone else has an opinion yeah that鈥檚 valid but if I do no you鈥檙e to young you haven鈥檛 been through anything, you can鈥檛 know these things about yourself well yeah I might be young but I was forced to mature way to early. I hate that people in my life say there here for me then go talk shit about me and that I鈥檓 sos selfish. When people complain that Im so indecisive or picky no I鈥檓 not that鈥檚 just my excuse so i don鈥檛 get get called selfish for wanting something (not that it ever works) so I just say I don鈥檛 want anything. Like they ask what do I want for my birthday or Christmas or when we get money I don鈥檛 want anything.
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shyannesthings 1 year
I got a new piercing and should be back to school tomorrow hopefully, I should鈥檝e been at school like three weeks ago but court stuff because of my parents splitting up got a bit messy
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