simlish-savvy · 8 months
consider this blog inactive :(
ok, real-talk, I haven't posted here in the LONGEST time and I don't really have the time/energy/motivation to update EVERYTHING I've done in-game BUT I also don't want to delete the blog for the inspiration it could provide me and other players
SO, I have started a new page dedicated to the combo neighborhood I'm playing right now: Riverblossom Valley + Bluewater Village -
if you'd like to follow, feel free :)
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
Natasha Una: What makes you happy?
Luis Aspir: You do.
Natasha Una: Oh.
Luis Aspir: Why, what makes you happy?
Natasha Una: Cheese.
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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grilled cheese girl
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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local grilled cheese enthusiast
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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what’s been going on in Riverblossom Hills so far :3
Martin: both Betty Goldstein and Catherine Viejo have passed on of old age, leaving Andrew and his newly aged-up adult son Jacob all alone in this big house
McGreggor-Shikibu: this blended household consists of the farmer Leod, his wife Cleo (who kept her last name), and their daughter Charlotte…Cleo also rolled the want for another baby so they may be trying for another one (or two) soon
Greenman: Rose spawned two more PlantSims after Daisy - Petunia and Dandelion - while also having two sets of twins with Jason (who also turned PlantSim thanks to pesticide) - Heather & Oakley and Basil & Bracken…Daisy is a Romance sim and is currently involved with two sims: Andrew Martin and David Ottomas
Roth: don’t let the happy picture fool you - Stella got caught in an affair with Peter Ottomas (that’s who’s baby she’s carrying) after their twins (Lucien and Laura) aged up into children…Sandra despises her mother but can’t stand to leave her younger siblings by themselves in the chaotic household
O’Mackey: Gabe and Patricia got together after waiting until Jules was a little older and out on her own, but now they have little Jasper to keep them busy
O’Mackey II - Jules is currently juggling her job in Journalism and writing her own book on her PlantSim relatives and how they’ve adjusted to “normal” society
Teatherton: Alexandra has been causing some relational disruption(s) by romancing both Morty and Stella Roth and also Leod McGreggor (who she got pregnant by and had a son, Jackson)
Ramaswami: these two have been making fast friends in their new neighborhood and have quickly started their family: Mohinder, Shanti, and their unborn twins
Ottomas: ah, yes, the infamous Ottomases - Samantha had her twins (Ryan and Kelvin), promptly had #6 Joanna, and then had #7 Leslie…and, unsurprisingly, she’s expecting #8…as previously mentioned, Peter is conducting an affair with Stella Roth and poor Samantha is none the wiser…Sharla and Tommy have really stepped up to help raise their younger siblings
Ottomas II: David is enjoying his life away from his family but is also looking to start one of his own one day soon
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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the triplets are teens!!! Farah, Leslie, and Nadia (from left to right) have all reached adolescence :) btw, they are the daughters of Pascal and Stella (Terrano) Curious 
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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some of my current Strangetown tots!!
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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all 7 Smith teens!!!
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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I won’t spoil their names just yet, but I had to come and share these three…Pascal and Stella (Terrano) Curious had a set of triplets and I’m flabbergasted at how they turned out…I mean, I was expecting cute, but definitely wasn’t expecting this cute!! edited to add: they are still tots in game but I wanted to share how they aged up as well
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
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I come bearing some Strangetown with a Twist spawn :3 first, we’ve got the Smith triplets who have recently aged up into children: Jeremy is on the left, Jade on the right, and Jacob in the middle then, we’ve got Astrid Beaker, oldest human spawn of Loki and Circe as well as Halley Subject (in blue) and Nemesis Beaker (in black) playing cops and robbers next up is Rusty Grunt, more than likely only child of General Buzz and his new wife Crystal (Vu) Grunt following him is Sirius Loner, alien spawn of Ajay...who I have NEVER had abducted in all my years playing so it’s quite a change of pace and rounding out the update are the Kim twins, Romulus (on right) and Remus (on left) playing in their shared bedroom...Cynthia is also expecting one more baby who should be born this round :)
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
Strangetown with a Twist: the Beaker household
we've got Astrid (Loki and Circe's first born), Nemesis (Loki's first alien spawn), a whirlwind romance between Nervous and Lazlo (Lazlo is in an open relationship with Erin Beaker), Halley (Nervous's alien spawn), and Vidar (Loki and Circe's second born) - only one not pictured is Tyche Beaker (Loki's second alien spawn)
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
Strangetown with a Twist: the Kim kids
Justin Kim (Fortune), Diana, and the twins Romulus and Remus (Romy is the one with the pointed ears) - debating letting Robert and Cynthia have one more
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simlish-savvy · 3 years
playing Strangetown with a Twist :)
in order: Jack [shorter hair] and Julian [longer hair] (first set of twins) Joseph and June (second set of twins) Jeremy, Jade, and Jacob (surprise triplets!!!)
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simlish-savvy · 4 years
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update on the Mole triplets: they’re all toddlers now!! we’ve got Ava and Benjamin playing with the blocks while little Charlie prefers to draw
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simlish-savvy · 4 years
my therapist: so how are you doing today?
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simlish-savvy · 4 years
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...my friend made me choose “random” on my trips&quads mod when it came time for Jaiden to give birth: Ava, Benjamin, and Charlie were the result
...also, can we appreciate how excited Lukas seems while he and Jaiden are having a conversation about the newborns?!? he is the father, after all, but I’ve never seen a sim get this energized over talking about babies
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simlish-savvy · 4 years
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to finish the update, here is a neighborhood shot :) thanks for sticking with me while I caught you up with all the shenanigans I’ve gotten into with this quaint little town
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