Yandere Venom (1/2)
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Word count ; 4.0k
Using gn pronouns for this one, per the request anon.
*Dedicated to @animefan3223! I love you and hope you feel better soon :)
“I hope you don’t mind,” the rather frail, dorky man commented, sliding himself onto the benchpress. “I’m just a little out of shape after being stuck in the hospital for so long, so…”
I sent him a reassuring grin. “Not at all. I’ll be right here to spot you until you get the hang of it, sir.”
I stretched my arms, examining closely as the gym member clasped his arms around the bar and pushed it. His face contorted with exhaustion and I was about to recommend something lighter, but he seemed so determined. I wanted to make further inquiries about his injuries, but I’d at least wait until he was taking a breather. This local gym was known for having friendly clientele, and I was hoping I was part of that spectrum.
He lifted the bar to his chest. My hands were ready to help him out when needed, but he managed to do one rep with ease. Then two. Then three. I was starting to wonder if he even needed a spotter —
“Oh, uh, Y/n, hey. Didn’t think I’d see you around.”
I gasped and looked up. I recognized the voice instantly, coming face to face with Eddie Brock - my ex-fiancé. I resisted a sigh, because either he came here on purpose or he genuinely never learned where I worked in the two years we were together. It was all in the past, though, and I strained a polite smile.
“Uh, hey, Ed. Do you need something?”
The client placed the bar back on, grinning. Even though his face was red and the glasses slid down his nose, he looked fairly refreshed. He stretched his arms, glancing between the two of us. “Hey, sorry to interrupt, but was my form alright?”
I sent him a smile. “Perfect, actually. It’s like you’ve been at it for years without stopping.”
“I guess I can add a couple extra pounds on, then.”
“Great. Good job, buddy,” Eddie interrupted again. “So, Y/n, about that. I just, uh, wanted to catch up now that I know you work here, so —“
“Not right now, Ed. I’m on the job. You got that, sir?”
“It’s just Neil.”
“Right. Neil. You’re dong a great job so far.”
Eddie was still hovering awkwardly, and it took every fibre of my being not to snap at him. I directed a not-so-subtle glare his direction, and the man teetered his balance between his feet. He adorned a tank top and cargo shorts, but from the state of his physique, he wasn’t as in shape as he used to be when we were engaged a few years ago.
He noticed my eyes boring into him and sent an abashed smile. I went to scowl, but suddenly, the client’s arm gave out and he yelped. A curse escaped my lips as my hands ducked underneath the bar just in time, catching it with ease. Neil panted and I helped raise it back onto the shelving.
“Shit…!” he muttered, sitting up straight and gripping at his right arm. “It gave out.”
“No worries. I should’ve been paying more attention,” I mumbled in reassurance. “Eddie, if you need something, just talk to me later. Go do your own thing. Please?”
The man gulped and nodded. He was sweating profusely, forcing a grin. “U - uh, I mean, yeah. Sure thing. Sorry about that, Y/n.”
I rolled my eyes, watching as he stalked over to a treadmill. My attention returned to Neil, who’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. I mustered a friendly grin and patted his back energetically. “You still got it. Maybe just take it easy. Do some stretches or cardio.”
“Do you have any recommendations for that?”
“I think there’s a yoga class going on right in the other room, actually,” I mused. “If you’re interested, go ahead and drop by for a free session. After that, you’ll have to pay additional fees.”
“Ah - thank you. I’ll do that. Have a nice day.”
“You too.”
After the man grabbed his water bottle and headed in the general direction of the class, I sighed in pure irritation. It had been a while since I stumbled across Eddie Brock. His life had certainly taken an adventurous turn when he ended up with some alien pet attached to his hip, and although he previously texted often before that, he’d gone radio silent up until now.
Edie Brock always managed to get on my nerves before and he certainly was now.
I surveyed the gym, but my gaze returned to Eddie. He’d broken a sweat already, and I was somewhat caught off guard when inky black slime appeared from his shoulder and formed a floating head. It attracted other nearby gym users as well, and rightfully so. At the perfect angle, I could see the monster’s wide smile and I could hear a distant - but deep - voice, completely different from Eddie’s.
I crossed my arms in intrigue, leaning against one of the many pillars in the vast complex. Eddie, clearly agitated about whatever the alien was talking about, began swatting. The head dodged each time, and a rumbling laughter echoed in the gym. Many people glared in annoyance, but Eddie was too caught up with the agitating alien to notice.
The head peered in my direction. We made brief eye contact, but I took in the odd features. I’d seen footage online of the entire creature, but witnessing it in person was far more different. It had a tooth grin that spread to inhumane lengths and glowing, yellow eyes. It was fairly smooth, except for the imitating sweat that rolled down the sides of its head like a waterfall.
Eddie’s footing was lost in a split second, and the alien seemed to allow it to happen, hovering in place as the man tripped and fell face-flat on the machine. Out of habit, I stood straight, about to walk over. However, ink spilled from his body and he got up with ease, still complaining loudly. I blinked in confusion, and both the alien and his human friend peered over at me.
Horror dawned Eddie’s expression as he turned away. Out of frustration and embarrassment, he turned the machine off completely and headed off to god knows where. I sighed in relief, glad that my rather obsessive ex was shamed out of the gym by his alien friend and would hopefully not bother me again anytime soon.
Tate <3 : shift’s over soon, right?
Me : yeah, just heading out. see u soon, babe.
Me : also, today was super stressful. I’ll tell u about it when I get home, kay?
I was about to send the message, squinting my eyes as I exited the gym, but I suddenly bumped into someone. I gasped, the phone slipping from my grasp and colliding with the ground. I was about to apologize profusely, not expecting someone to enter the gym right before closing time.
“I’m sorry —“
“No, no, I am —“
I peered up, and in the street lamps and car headlights, I recognized him instantly. Eddie Brock, seemingly a lot less tense, was standing before me with a panicked and awkward expression. A scowl immediately tugged against my lips and I leaned down to pick up my phone.
The man had the same idea, crouching and reaching. Our hands overlapped with one another as he apologized several times, but I was quick to swat at him. He still fumbled with his words as I snatched up my phone and stood up straight.
I glanced over my phone. Great. A few extra cracks coated the surface. Thanks, Eddie.
“I - I didn’t mean to run into you like that, Y/n —“
“What do you want, Eddie?” I snapped, shoving my phone into my pocket. “I’m busy. Whatever it is, can you just text me if it’s that goddamn important?”
Eddie froze in place, eyes wide and embarrassed. Even in the darkness, I could see how flustered he was, a deep blush coating his cheeks. There was scraggly hair across his jaw, just enough to indicate that he hadn’t bothered to shave this morning. He was wearing casual clothes, too, jeans and a teeshirt. He shoved his hands into his pocket, shuffling his foot against the cement.
“You, uh, blocked me, so…”
I rolled my eyes, about to take out my phone to unblock. However, his arm shot out and I paused, sending him a warning glare. He gulped anxiously before withdrawing his hand. I watched him warily.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Um… I’m sorry for, uh, getting on your nerves earlier,” he started, voice wavering nervously. “I was just… wondering how you were doing recently. I didn’t really have a way to keep in touch, so…”
I quirked a brow and crossed my arms. “Why does my livelihood concern you, Eddie? It’s been, fucking, two years now at least.”
“Actually,” he corrected,” Two years and seven months. And three days, but, uh, who keeps count of something like that? I sure don’t. It’s just, uh, we’re friends, aren’t we? I mean, just because all that happened… Well, I, uh, care abut you, Y/n.”
“I can tell, Eddie,” I sighed rubbing my forehead in irritation. “Of course you kept count. Listen, Eddie, you really need to let go —“
“I just think we ended things on the wrong foot, is all —“
“Life moves on, pal —“
“What we had was something really special —“
“Just fucking shut up, Eddie!” I barked. The man fell silent, and I could tell how unhappy he was about how everything was going. “Can’t you take a hint? We’re not lovers, we’re not friends, and you’re literally a fucking stranger to me. Get that into your thick skull.”
Silence fell between us. I was fuming while Eddie’s shoulders slumped in depressive defeat. He could no longer make eye contact with me, and from how his eyes twitched, I could tell there was some sort of inner debate going on.
And then, he caved, turning his head away completely. “…Can I at least, uh, know if you’re doing alright?”
I exhaled out of sheer relief. I felt the stress wash off me as my thoughts returned to Tate. I held up my left hand, shaking it vigorously. He looked, and his entire body tensed. Because sitting on my ring finger was a ring. I almost felt bad for the guy. He was trying and he was trying hard.
“Listen, Ed, if you wanted to ‘catch up,’ you should’ve done it years ago. It’s over. I moved on. And I’m sorry for being harsh, but you really should, too.” I yielded no response, even when I lowered my hand. His age chased it, and he was clearly in a state of shock. “Have a good night.”
I started walking away, shoving my hands into my pocket in the direction of my nearby apartment. 
“Fuck! Venom, don’t!”
I turned around, curious as to what was going on, but the moment I did, something black and inky stretched from Eddie’s body like a slinky and grasped onto my upper arm. Immediately, a shriek escaped, and it was clear from Eddie’s expression that the alien was attempting to take over but was being rivaled by Eddie.
I struggled at it, but the inky substance just read over my shoulder and tugged me closer like a game of tug of war. My sneakers were squeaking against the cement and I squirmed. Eddie was doing the same, swatting at the stretched out slime. It was oddly flesh-like, as even when I poked and prodded at it, it only seemed to solidify further.
A scream threatened to escape, but I knew that because of Venom’s reputation as a hero, nobody would intervene. I would be made out to be a villain. I kept sliding across the cement until my legs caved out completely and I fell to the ground.
“Venom, stop! Or I swear to god —“
“Or you swear to god what, Eddie?” a deep voice boomed audibly, the same head from earlier seeping from his backbone. “You’ll let them get away again? Just like before?”
“Please!” I pleaded. “D - don’t hurt me. I ha - haven’t done anything wrong!”
“You’re scaring them, dude! Just let her go!”
The head exchanged glances between us. A few tears had escaped and I managed to scrape my bare elbow against the ground. The beast was still grinning, and yet, as it stared me down, it changed to a shut-mouthed frown. It sighed lowly and dissolved back into Eddie’s flesh and blood. 
I scrambled to my feet, a few sobs escaping. Eddie looked just as broken, motioning wildly. He was at a lost for words as he reached toward me. I turned, starting to walk away.
“Y/n, I - I’m sorry! That just means he likes you, I swear!”
I sent him a scowl, not stopping. “Tell him that the feeling’s not mutual.”
Eddie had never been so heartbroken and defeated, even during the weeks passing the break-up. He remembered it like yesterday; one moment, happy as can be, and the next, they’d packed their stuff up unannounced and called him a selfish deadbeat. It hurt like hell. 
But, what was even worse, was that now his alien compadre had messed up any chance he had. ‘Stop moping around and grow some balls,’ he said. ‘Just talk to them,’ he said. ‘Don’t let them go,’ he said. And now, they was walking away, thinking even more lowly of him than ever.
“Hey man, the fuck was that about?” he boomed desperately, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. Y/n was far enough away that yelling hardly concerned them, and yet, he couldn’t stop watching them. “How could you just do that? What, did you think you could scare them into submission or something?”
“Well…” Venom’s voice grumbled in slight embarrassment from inside Eddie’s mind.
“Well?” he snapped.
“Well, yes, actually.”
Eddie facepalmed instantly. “Jesus Christ. This whole thing is fucked. Never should’ve visited in the first place. I mean, they’re literally engaged!”
Venom went silent, detecting how peeved Eddie was. Sure, the symbiote cared. He cared just as much as Eddie did, if not more so. Because, for him, they were one of the same. Same body, same mind, she feelings. Venom just wasn’t a coward who watched the love of his life from a distance instead of actually doing something about his lingering feelings.
“There’s still something we can do,” Venom spoke carefully.
“What, man? What can we still do?”
“We need to follow. The fiancé of their’s… is a problem.”
Before Eddie could say or do anything, Venom took control. His ink spilled from his pores and covered every inch of his body. Only half of Eddie’s visage was visible due to Venom’s kindness, but other than that, he’d completely transformed into a bulky and strong alien shape.
Venom let out a low, rumbling chuckle. Some people had their heads hanging out of their car windows, taking photos with flash. They gleamed against Venom’s skin, but the monster paid it no heed. Eddie was still reeling from the heartbreak that, honestly, he didn’t care if Venom fucked things up even more. He was a goner the moment he set foot in the gym.
He was a goner the moment he let Y/n walk out that door all those years ago.
Venom suddenly outstretched his hand. He dived into an alleyway at top speed, using his inhuman strength to grasp onto the side of a building. As well-put-together and confident Venom feigned himself to be, he was just as concerned. Concerned that, for the sake of his and Eddie’s happiness, he’d have to do something a bit more drastic.
He bounded across the rooftops, oddly quiet. And then, as Y/n was spotted down below, shivering from the cold, he stopped. Eddie gulped, already knowing where this was going. It had been a while since Eddie trailed after them. In fact, he only stopped once Venom came into his life a few months ago. And, somehow, Eddie failed to realize the love of his life had gotten engaged amidst all of the city chaos.
Y/n turned the corner, peering over their shoulder. It was clear who they were looking for; Venom. But, much to their joy, of course they couldn’t see him. Venom was right above them, clinging to one of the sky scrapers. For someone so on edge, it was odd that they didn’t notice the pictures people were taking of the buildings above Y/n.
They kept walking. And then, a flew blocks down, they disappeared into a new and unfamiliar apartment complex. It was far larger than anything Eddie and Y/n had in the past. As Venom climbed up the various windows, they realized Y/n was living penthouse style. But, on the plus side of them dating someone far more endowed, rich penthouses were very open and spacious. So, that meant that, depending on what floor they were looking at, they could easily locate Y/n and the dreaded fiancé and see what the hell they were on about.
“This isn’t stalking, is it?” Eddie inquired carefully in a hushed voice, despite being very high off the ground where nobody could hear them. “I mean, we’re allowed to do this, right?”
“Eddie. This is stalking.”
Some fo the various penthouse owners noticed the odd alien creature climbing up the side of the building. Others didn’t, simply ignoring the odd shadow that passed over their apartment. And, as they climbed to about the tenth or eleventh floor, they noticed a woman sitting on a couch watching television while the front door opened.
“Shit!” Eddie cursed, but Venom was on top of it. He slid down the glass just below, peering the large head right through the large panes of glass. Y/n hadn’t noticed at all. The room was too dimly lit. Instead, they were kicking off their shoes.
Venom was an alien. And that meant his hearing was far superior to the average human’s.
“I’m back, babe!” Y/n called.
The fiancé had been snoring, only a poof of curly, blonde hair draped over the back of the couch. She suddenly sat up, a snore being cut short. Y/n laughed, apologizing at the same time, but the fiancé rose to meet their lover with a warm hug.
Y/n reciprocated, nuzzling into their significant other. As the hug ended, the fiancé placed a chaste kiss on Y/n’s cheeks. Eddie knew he didn’t have the right to, but his insides burned with jealousy. And, with Venom feeling everything he felt, the emotion was only turned up tenfold.
“God, what happened to you?” the fiancé fretted. “You’re all scratched up!”
Only as the couple gained some distance between each other did Eddie and Venom truly take in the fiancé’s appearance. She was pretty. Too pretty. She had golden hair that had natural curls and was a fairly petite woman. Y/n was far taller. She was dressed in her pajamas, consisting of a tank top and underwear. She was fairly cushy and fluffy with lots of curves, and it was no wonder Y/n fell for her. Especially if she was that… caring all the time.
Y/n sighed and shook their head. “Yeah. Today was total shit. My ex showed up at work to harass me. He left, but then as I was leaving, he showed up again! And this is the really obsessive and annoying one. Eddie Brock. The one that literally saved planet earth and all that because he’s half alien now. You’d think he’d move on to greener pastures, but nope.”
“You’re kidding! The alien did that to you?”
“Yeah. I would’ve thought it was pretty cool and exotic if I wasn’t scared shitless.”
The fiancé sighed and shook her head. She led Y/n by the arm over to the couch. Instead of letting the mood be ruined by Eddie’s ‘annoying’ existence - it physically hurt the man to hear that -, she pulled Y/n on top of her and unpaused the movie on the screen. It was in the middle of some chick flick, but Y/n didn’t voice any complaints.
Even though Eddie knew they hated chick flicks with a passion.
It stung and it stung a lot to see the human Venom adored with all of his slash Eddie’s being be so intimate with another person. And yet, as irrational as Venom was for an alien, he could read Eddie’s thoughts. And, for the first time, as the couple engaged in something far more rated R, he felt discouraged.
But then, it was a lightbulb went off in his head. 
“Eddie,” he grumbled suddenly. “I have an idea.”
Eddie piped up immediately, replying,” Wh - what?”
“We’ll do it tomorrow.”
I pulled up to my future wife’s workplace. As I parked the car and stepped outside, though, horror immediately dawned on me. The bottom-right side of the hospital was lit ablaze, and the entire parking lot was being filled by various doctors, patients, and visitors alike. Screams echoed in the air and I was left frozen in shock. My eyes scanned the entrance, praying that Tate would exit. The woman had to. But I knew that her kindness knew no bounds, and she’d end up prioritizing her patients.
The police and fire department had surely been alerted by now. I shoved my phone into my back pocket, the donuts I’d brought for Tate as a surprise long since forgotten. They’d probably melt in the car, but I couldn’t care less. I began walking through the severely crowded parking lot, and as I made my way through the bulk of the crowd, I paused in the entrance.
“Tate?” I called, although it was easily drowned out by everyone else’s screams and cries of terror. “Tate, where are you?”
I was shoved to the ground. The people were beginning to disperse, some complete with the hospital bed itself. Some with IV bags. And same in wheelchairs. Panic washed over me as I could see clearly into the entrance. Tate wasn’t in sight, and that scared the shit out of me. After such a difficult existence, I dreaded the thought of losing the one person I adored to a fucking fire.
I rose to my feet, planning to head inside. I took but one step, and then relief washed over me. 
Tate emerged from around a corner, hauling dozens of kids with her. They must’ve been from the chemo-therapy ward because most had lost their hair or were in wheelchairs. Tears sprung to my eyes and I beckoned for her. She was panting, and yet, there wasn’t a trace of fear on her expression. She was far too focused on getting the kids out, accompanied by several other doctors and nurses.
“Y/n!” she called, a smile spreading to her cheeks. “Help me with the kids!”
I did so, entering and pushing two of the wheelchairs further. Once everyone was safely in the parking lot, I realized that reinforcements - other than ambulances - had yet to arrive. They were sounding in the distance, but somehow, the fucking news reporters beat the people who’s lives depended on them.
The moment Tate set down the loast child, ushering them to ambulances, I enveloped her in a warm hug. She reciprocated, cooing softly. “Why… are you here?” she inquired, although gratefulness laced her tone.
“I - I was dropping off a snack for you,” I gushed, before separating to look her over. “God, are you okay? Did you get burned at all —?”
“I’m fine, Y/n,” she giggled. “I just had to help in any way I could. It’s my job.”
I scrunched up my nose and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Fuck. I was scared I could’ve lost you.”
Suddenly, a crash came from the building. Gasps erupted across the parking lot. Some cheers escaped others, and that’s when Tate and I saw him. Crashing into the building was Venom himself, here to save the day and serve his 'fellow’ man.
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Terrible how these will never ever ever be finished.
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remember that rock au?
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Girls and things and whatnots
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uh …hello hello ?☎️📞
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just a wip for some ticciwork art
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Dunno if I have the motivation to finish todays a bad day 💔
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The cuties
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i did a bunch of boards for the main mansionfreaks cast as reference on personal styles. in order, nina, jane, jeff, kate, arcane, ej, dina, clockwork, BEN, sally, toby, cody. ill do a part 2 later when we get some other characters sorted out :]
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it’s been seven months of ticciwork Slow burn Now sucker MAKE THEM KISS!!
Pls we’re starving
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You guys were patient for seven months… forgive me…. They’re both wasted and will never speak of this moment again.
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