sreejithanoop · 11 days
Traditional Art Forms Of Kerala
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Kerala is all about vibrancy, vigour and life. You may think it is because of the amount of happy sunshine the small southern state receives throughout the year or the abundance of natural goodness found in its every niche. Whatever the reason maybe, vigour is definitely the keyword in Keralite culture and this joie de vivre is visible in almost all aspects of life there. From the hearty Onam celebrations, tongue tingling fiery cuisine, the muscle relaxing massages, dazzling festivals to active arts, the art and culture of Kerala is bursting with energy. Although, I witnessed only a tiny slice of this vibrancy, the memory of those experiences are engraved in my mind forever. A seasonal boat race, a quirky Tiger Dance festival, an impromptu Syrian Christian dance ceremony, a Cochin evening of Keralite performing arts and most recently the intriguing Theyyam ritual…Kerala has wowed me with its energetic dazzle.
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sreejithanoop · 29 days
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