stinkystonks · 8 months
RE: talking to conservative parents, I’ve found a good method to de-worming their brains is to not get riled up, just act a little bored and remind them “the news cycle only shows salacious stuff. They want you to be mad and scared because it makes you easier to control. Think about it for a second. Do you REALLY believe everything they have to say?” Or “you can’t believe everything you read or see on the internet. Remember, they earn money every time you click on their video.”
And especially when my dad starts getting huffy about Prices or Artists He Doesn’t Like, I tell him “that’s the beauty of capitalism. they have a product to sell and the freedom of expression if you don’t like it you don’t have to buy it.”
Might not work for everyone but dad’s KRYPTONITE especially is saying “but dad that’s capitalism! You LOVE capitalism!” And he either has to stop complaining or admit capitalism is bad and so far I haven’t lost
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stinkystonks · 8 months
listen. There's a whole mentality shift that needs to happen culture wide here, from the schools to the public infrastructure to pet ownership to the justice system
The proper response to your dog doing a natural behavior you dislike (digging/barking/protecting etc) it to give them an appropriate time and place to engage in that behavior
The proper response to skateboarders damaging infrastructure is to build more and better skate parks, or build skate elements into the public infrastructure on purpose.
The proper response to homeless people sleeping on park benches is to build them houses.
you see how there's like, a commonality at play here?
The proper response to a disruption is to address the root of the disruption directly, not somehow attack the disruption itself -
you don't invent a muffler by swinging a bat at the engine noise, you don't relieve your hunger by punching yourself in the stomach, you don't resolve public unrest by sending armed men to control them and you don't prevent homeless people using bus shelters as a roof by removing the bus shelters.
a whole ass shift in a basic mindset, i'm tellin' you. We need it.
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stinkystonks · 8 months
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stinkystonks · 8 months
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stinkystonks · 10 months
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stinkystonks · 10 months
i need to know emmett’s opinion on that new cocaine bear movie.
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stinkystonks · 11 months
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Origin Trio - 9 years of Anniversary Art
(Watch Bakugou mellow out and Shouto become more involved and smiley)
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stinkystonks · 11 months
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Part of a series of queer and trans prints I'll have available at this weekend's Pride market, and then in my shop after.
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stinkystonks · 1 year
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stinkystonks · 1 year
It's June 1. It's time.
Go be gay.
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stinkystonks · 1 year
I might just be stating the obvious but…I think at the end of the movie Gamora could understand Groot because she had now spent enough time with him that her brain can somehow translate what he’s saying right? So when Groot says “I love you guys” he isn’t actually speaking those words but we as the audience can now understand him because of how long we’ve been watching
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stinkystonks · 1 year
Gotg 3 was amazing and here’s why
1) It filled the void left by the avengers. A lot of the content since endgame hasn’t been anything special, just the title character and their supporting side characters with a few cameos thrown in. But the guardians work so well together. They feel like a real found family and I think that’s what I’ve been missing. Characters who really love and care and support each other.
2) It’s not interested in progressing the “overall mcu story”. There was no mention of Kang, or the multiverse and there were no cameos (not even in the end credits scenes). This movie’s only purpose was to finish the trilogy in a cohesive and satisfying way. And imo it succeeded. It kept the charm of the first two movies and went deeper into emotional depths while also having genuinely funny moments. It was so refreshing to see a mcu movie that had a clear vision of what it wanted to be and that was also made by people who care about the characters and story
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stinkystonks · 1 year
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stinkystonks · 1 year
"Almost every woman I have ever met has a secret belief that she is just on the edge of madness, that there is some deep, crazy part within her, that she must be on guard constantly against losing control - of her temper, of her appetite, of her sexuality, of her feelings, of her ambition, of her secret fantasies, of her mind.”
Elana Dykewomon, "Notes for a Magazine," Sinister Wisdom #36 (Winter 1988/89).
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stinkystonks · 1 year
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stinkystonks · 1 year
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— Sputnik Sweetheart, Haruki Murakami
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stinkystonks · 1 year
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graves grow no green that you can use.
gwendolyn brooks
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