swan-the-bad · 4 years
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swan-the-bad · 4 years
The Path: A Monologue
This piece of writing was inspired by Riot Games new teaser
“The Path, An Ionian Myth” Characters:  7644
That's the last thing I remember screaming at him before he cut me down. When I opened my eyes the light was blinding. 
Where was I?
I quickly looked around in a panic to see if he was there. I reached for my weapon but to no avail, my weapon was gone.
Once I finally realized where I was, I calmed down. A sudden peace came upon me that I couldn't explain. It was then, as my personal therapy session ended that I heard something coming from my right. It was a fox, one with a gorgeous blue tail and white fur that charmed me.
And as quickly as It appeared, It vanished.
I took this chance to find out more about what's actually happening around me and see if everything that's happening is real or not. I got up and walked towards the edge of the land I woke up on. The view was beautiful. An enormous glowing tree was residing on top of an oddly satisfying hill. Beside the tree were a few more hills and mountains that boomed with rich views. They had Yamazakura trees everywhere. It was a fantastic view. 
Looking at all of this made me feel at ease with myself, like I had found a spot that was worthy of being called gorgeous. Yet, even in the beauty of the place, I couldn't stop thinking that something was off about all of this.
I looked to my right and there It was again. The fox was walking down a wooden bridge that led to the upper part of the mountain. 
I slowly made my way towards the fox to see where it was going. As I kept following the fox, we stumbled upon a large statue of what seemed to be a Snake Goddess. As I looked around the area of where this statue was, to my shock, I saw a lot of human-looking statues surrounded by a purple fog. I quickly left the place alongside the fox. However, I felt like we were being watched during that small visit.
We took a little while to reach our next point of interest. A giant fallen tree was our next path. It was nerve wracking to cross but I was determined to see where it would take me. Suddenly, a giant white wolf rose up from the depths of the mist. It didn't do anything to us but its mere presence was intimidating.
Something that caught my attention was that the trees were decorated with human-like statues again. Were they real?
More time passed before we got to a breathtaking sight. We reached a hillside that gave the best view point towards a beautiful mountain. It looked like a giant’s final resting point. The clouds were pink and the sun was just resting near a hill, giving a glimpse of sunlight to the mountains' creatures. It was a comforting feeling, yet it felt sad for some reason.
We continued our way towards the unknown but I had questions.
"Uh, so.. Where are we going?" I asked in a quiet tone as to not alarm the fox.
It didn't respond, of course It wouldn't.. It was a fox 
It suddenly stopped and looked at me. It didn't speak, yet their eyes spoke a thousand words. I sighed as I couldn't understand the story it was trying to tell me. We continued our path until I realized we were getting close to the enormous tree from earlier. What secrets does that tree hold? Will I be able to find them?
The path led towards a straight path in the direction of the hill that the tree was residing on. It had a stairwell that made it easier to go up. The sides were decorated with tiny statues of the trickster spirit. It felt warm and inviting. 
All of a sudden, I heard something coming from my right. A doorway lit by a purple lantern was right in front of me, Screams came rushing out from the inside as they tried to warn me to not get close. Yet I didn't hear the warnings and just walked towards it.
The fox growled as I started to get closer, which made me more interested in what was happening inside.
Once I got closer, everything turned to black in a fraction of a second. A strong feeling of discomfort rushed into my body as the pitch darkness and deafening silence was hitting me harder by the moment.
Suddenly, a wave of Yamazakura petals flew past me. I watched in horror as the petals began to shape into a familiar form. There were two entities alongside me. The petals formed to show me and someone else whose face I couldn't see due to the pitch darkness of our surroundings.
The visage slashed at the other person and they quickly fell forward. The petals were gone with a gust of wind but the other person was still there. I quickly rushed over to help them, but once I flipped them onto their back, I realized the statue was me. It had turned to stone the second I turned it over.
As I looked in horror at my doppelganger’s stony carcass, the space around me suddenly lit up.
My surroundings were filled with stone statues. I didn't know what to do at this point. 
What is happening? Who are these people? 
My mind was filled with thoughts. There was no end to them
Suddenly, I closed my eyes and thought about the situation. 
It must be a dream right?
As I opened my eyes, I looked at the doppelganger's eyes. It had no emotions yet, a chill of terror ran down my spine.
“You could’ve save them” Said the statue in a monotone voice
Something deep inside of me began to boil. 
"It wasn't my fault! Even if it was, I didn't mean for it" was all that was on my mind. In a burst of anger, I began to smash the statue of me, trying to win a discussion that didn't even begin in the first place.
Suddenly, amidst the darkness I heard a weapon being whipped upwards.
I quickly grabbed the two Katanas that were suddenly in front of me and I turned around just to see something flying towards me with his weapon in his hands. I blocked the hit and the nearby area lit up. Giant statues were surrounding me and the creature, but I couldn't focus on the surroundings.
We clashed swords with each other non stop. It felt like my arms were gonna fall off due to how strong it was attacking. Figuring out its fighting pattern, I realised that it was like a circle. It would attack, dash to my left, attack, and then dash to my right.
And all of a sudden, it changed its way of attacking. 
The creature's attacks began to get heavy and in a single blow, it sent me flying back, breaking one of my Katanas in half. The creature suddenly swung towards my face and I screamed in a flight or fight reaction and in a single motion, I grabbed the creature's weapon and shoved him away from me.
The creature's weapon was heavy. It's sharp yet menacing look wasn't all for decoration. Its weirdly shaped edge was what made it dangerous. An edge that could break bone and cut through sinew if it landed a good blow. The color pattern was charming yet it would give anyone a good fright. Dark red towards the outside with hints of grey. The inside was crimson red with strange writing on it. The sword was just bait for people easily charmed by flashy things. If that thing somehow landed that final blow, I would've been a goner.   I began to concentrate on my force. I couldn’t let this creature roam around freely. I was going to take this thing down for sure. After a few seconds of concentrating, I dashed towards the creature, splitting it in half. Unfortunately with how heavy the creature’s sword was, it left my body in ruins.However, upon striking that final blow, the room suddenly vanished and a white light began to fill the surroundings.Feeling at ease, my body relaxed and my mind was now calm.Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I turned around and to my dismay, I saw It looking at me. Without having time to react, the creature opened its mouth and quickly lunged at me.As the rest of my body slowly started to dumb down, all I could see was a white light slowly taking over my mind.
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swan-the-bad · 4 years
It was 3 AM, Or that’s what I remember.
My mind was filled with thoughts I couldn't grasp. My life is in shambles, Losing my job did most of the work on ruining me. Felt like I was trapped in my apartment until the timer of life ended. My apartment was all I had after all.. No one remembers me. It was 3 am, I Woke up due to a constant noise of crying.. No.. it wasn't crying, It was the soft noises of the rain splashing against my apartment window. It caught my attention mostly because I've never really payed close attention to the rain, Now that I look at it right.. it's calming. After my 25 years of existence.. I Feel.. warm, It's a really comforting feeling. Have you ever thought water could make you so happy yet so afraid? Afraid that one day it'll run out. Run out like everything alongside the water, Maybe it's just me.. Once i got done thinking about the warmth of the water which is also cold like us.. Maybe the water is similar to us? Enough thinking. I Needed to experience the water's constant whimpering with my own eyes. I Needed to cry and mask it with the rain. But I didn't want to say it out loud. My body was still half-asleep but I rushed to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. Before cleaning my face I looked at the mirror, I Saw myself. A destroyed man, Without family. without a job, nothing. A Man trapped in his own thoughts. My feelings were getting more violent so I quickly washed my face and grabbed some clothes to go outside After doing everything I had to. I Walked towards the front door and picked up my umbrella. I put my hand in the handle and think, "Will the water be my friend? will it want a piece of my thoughts? or will it drown my thoughts alongside the leafs and dirt on the street?" I Slapped my face and proceeded to open the door.. a cold breeze hits me, The cold remembers me yet I don't remember it. The outside was different, It had this... magical appearance. A Soft fog covering the streets while water quietly dropped alongside the wind going through certain spaces creating this ominous feeling in your chest. A Few streets down and I still haven't seen people in the street. Where are they? Do they fear getting their clothes wet? Do they wonder if going into the streets while it's raining can be frowned upon? I Lost everything I wanted, the rain is my friend now. Upon looking at my sides, I Saw faces of familiar people.. My neighbors? They're looking at me weirdly, like.. I was acting like an insane guy. I Don't blame them, I Think that myself sometimes when i'm inside my house. I ask myself if i'm fine all the time. Four walls, one floor and one roof. Covering my small space is a small bed with a single pillow, a really tiny kitchen and my bathroom. The bathroom is tiny aswell. Four walls and one floor and one ceiling, as things should be. Sometimes I wish I had a bigger house, but as I said. My life is in shambles. When the night time comes I ask myself. "What did I do to deserve this?" And I cry softly into the white pillow. Looks like wet balloon instead of a pillow at this point. I Always ask myself at night time these funny questions. Y'know? sometimes I answer them.. Sometimes I don't. That's the beauty of existing.
But then I realized, I'm stuck into a reality that doesn't exist. The rain is a reminder that my life is like the water, comes and goes. Leaves a path of dirt and water then calms down. When will I realize I'm the guy at fault? The rain is just a reminder of everything I've done. The rain exists to drown out my thoughts, yet I don't believe in it. The rain is my friend yet I don't consider it.   That's where I realized.. Sometimes you gotta drown out your true feelings to not drown in other's fake empathy. And that's when I also realized, I'm fine being friends with the rain
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