#>> G3 art
r1ch1e-the-killer · 2 years
everytime i listen to this song my minds is just this tbh ☹︎
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utau-bowl · 2 years
Venitz Celliea Review
Taking a bit of a break with a more casual post for fun! This UTAU intrigued me because he has a deep voice that doesn’t quite fit his image. That’s not a diss at all, I actually love it when UTAUs are like that. The creator also has a female UTAU named So Yoon. They’re criminally underrated, go see their Youtube channel if you have time.
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*Art by naff_san
Hear a Sample of Venitz Celliea
Name: 베니스 셀리아/Venitz Celliea (pronounced a bit like Venice Sell-e-a) Height: 178cm Weight: 62kg Birthday: December 24th Personality: Because he is introverted and shy, he has little change in expression and does not show himself well to others. Therefore, for those who have never met him before, he is seen as a person who is unfriendly and hard to understand. However, if you talk to him at least once, you will actually feel that he is polite to everyone and respects the other person.
Perhaps because he grew up in a scholarly family, he is calm and more mentally mature than his peers. He is also quite elegant and cultured. On the other hand, he was intelligent from an early age and was considerably smarter than others. In addition, he is so curious that he is so interested that he feels that his eyes are shining when there is a field that he is interested in.  (His personality section was like 10 paragraphs but this is the gist of it)
Official Site
Venitz doesn’t have a homepage that I know of, I found him via a direct download on Bowlroll. A TOS can be found on naff_san’s profile. The voicebank is 407 MB when unzipped and comes with partially generated .llsm files.
First Impressions
Venitz has a deep voice with a neutral tone, but forceful pronunciation. His delivery is throaty and bassy, and sounds slightly more strained the higher it goes. His voice has a trace of a non-native accent.
The default resampler doesn’t flatter his voice well at all, and it kind of affected my initial impression. Other, newer resamplers make him sound leaps and bounds better.
Venitz is a VCV recorded at D3, G3, and C4, with an estimated range of G2-A4. He comes with end breaths. The setparam generation files are left in their folders.
Venitz comes with a decent amount of “extra” samples for flexibility, there are v sounds, and others like hya and dyu. All the o samples are alternately aliased as を, but there are other Wo samples aliased as うぉ. Ve is also written like ヴぃぇ for some reason? If that’s correct then ignore this criticism, but I’ve never seen that before. Fa, fi, and fo are here, but are pronounced with a Japanese “h”. The reclist is pretty expansive at 190 samples, but the end breaths are the only really extraneous parts.
The oto uses a 1:2 ratio for preutterance/overlap, and much of it seems copypasted. For some reason, almost every line has a vowel ending like a -, with some of the aliases being blank even. It’s strange that the time was taken to copy each parameter, yet this unneeded stuff wasn’t deleted. There are also a lot of unnumbered duplicates for the ん samples.
There are some loud background noises present, like sounds of shuffling /rustling in G3′s v samples. Overall though, the audio is just very compressed. It makes the voice sound rather noisy in the editor.
With his voicetype, I personally like using him for songs that are low in the verses, but higher in the choruses or use falsetto for emphasis. His forecful pronunciation makes him useful for songs that need a little extra oomph. If you try him out feel free to show me!
My recommended flags: C10H0Y90F0
My recommended resamplers: TIPS, fresamp14, EFB-GT, moresampler
Final Thoughts
Venitz has a distinct voicetype and pretty good quality. I don’t really have time/energy to make a full cover with him so I hope someone else does. (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人 I finally have something to say when people ask for deeper/more bassy male UTAUs now cause I always forget the names of all the other ones!
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kleinen2-blog · 6 years
Akku Dell vostro 1500 pcakku.com
Das Galaxy S4 soll den Informationen zu Folge bereits im Juli an der Reihe sein. Allerdings handelt es sich dabei um das LTE+ Modell mit der Bezeichnung GT-I9506, welches mit einem Snapdragon 800 anstatt des Snapdragon 600 ausgerüstet ist. Diese Version wird lokal derzeit in Deutschland nur bei Vodafone und T-Mobile verkauft. Ob das normale Galaxy S4 mit einem Snapdragon 600 ebenfalls zeitnah versorgt wird ist unklar. Unwahrscheinlich wäre es nicht, jedoch hat das Galaxy S4 LTE+ ein Update dringender nötig: Es hat noch immer Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.Mit Android 4.4.3 KitKat versucht Google etliche Fehler im Betriebssystem zu beheben, von denen sich vor allem auf Nexus-Geräten der Kamera-Bug bemerkbar macht. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen friert der Prozess ein und entleert den Akku besonders schnell.Denn dann plant das Unternehmen OnePlus den Kauf beziehungsweise vielmehr die Vorbestellung des OnePlus One auch ohne Einladung anzubieten. Allerdings will der Hersteller für diese Möglichkeit keine genaueren Lieferzeiten angeben, sodass man lediglich einen ungefähren Zeitraum als Lieferdatum genannt bekommt. Genaue Angaben wann das Smartphone eintreffen wird sollen Käufern mit einer Einladung vorbehalten bleiben. Das System mit den Einladungen bleibt also parallel bestehen und kann als eine Art VIP-Option betrachtet werden.
Obwohl das OnePlus One sehr positive Reaktionen zu Beginn hervorgerufen hat, neigt sich die Stimmung der Fangemeinde langsam aber sicher in Verärgerung um. Schuld daran ist die nach wie vor sehr spärliche Verfügbarkeit des Smartphones, das System mit den Einladungen und die andauernden Verzögerungen. Ohne eine solche Einladung kann man das OnePlus One nicht kaufen und diese werden bisher nur bei kleineren Gewinnspielen des Unternehmens verschenkt. Zumindest nicht vom Hersteller selbst.Das Besondere am OnePlus One ist der Preis den man für das Smartphone bezahlen muss. Während ein FullHD-Display mit 5,5 Zoll Diagonale, einem Snapdragon 801 Quad-Core, 3 GB Arbeitsspeicher und einer 13 Megapixel auflösenden Kamera. Das Alles gibt es mit 16 GB internem Flash-Speicher für unschlagbar günstige 269 Euro ohne Vertrag und für 30 Euro Aufpreis sind sogar 64 GB interner Flash-Speicher vorhanden. Smartphones mit vergleichbarer Technik kosten in der Regel 500 Euro und noch mehr.
Zum Beispiel wird das Display ohne größere Überraschung aufgewertet. Das erneut auf der AMOLED-Technologie basierende Panel wird 5 Zoll groß sein und mit 1.920 x 1.080 Pixel zur Konkurrenz aufschließen, wenn man mal vom LG G3 und dessen WQHD-Display absieht. Das wiederum lässt darauf schließen, dass die Active Notifications des Moto X auch für den Nachfolger genutzt und eventuell sogar mit neuen Funktionen erweitert werden.In Sachen Speicher bekommt das Moto X+1 mit 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher den Standard der Oberklasse verpasst. Ob dieses Mal alle drei Varianten von Anfang an geben wird, was den internen Flash-Speicher betrifft – 16, 32 und 64 GB – ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch offen. Aber eine große Neuerung ist die Rückkehr des MicroSD-Slots, was einer der größten Kritikpunkte gerade in Deutschland am Moto X war. Schließlich gibt es hierzulande nur das Modell mit 16 GB internen Flash-Speicher zu kaufen. Auch die Kamera soll signifikant verbessert werden was Auflösung und Qualität betrifft.
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Was für einen Prozessor Motorola seinem Moto X+1 spendiert ist allerdings noch ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis. Als Favorit gilt ein Quad-Core-SoC (System-on-a-Chip) von Qualcomm, welchen Motorola eventuell wie schon den Dual-Core des Moto X um spezielle Applikationsprozessoren erweitert, damit die einzigartigen Funktionen wie Touchless Control und die Gestensteuerung besser funktionieren.Das sich das Design des Moto X+1 nicht großartig ändert verrät zudem ein erstes Foto, auf dem das Smartphone angeblich zu sehen ist. Die offizielle Vorstellung des Smartphones wird für den September erwartet.Dabei spielt das Mehr an Leistung gegenüber dem aktuell genutzten Prozessor nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. Denn die drei südkoreanischen Netzbetreiber SK Telecom, KT und LG Uplus rüsten ihre LTE-Netze mit neuer Antennen-Technik aus, welche theoretische Downloadraten von bis zu 225 Megabit pro Sekunde ermöglichen.
Das LTE-Modem des Snapdragon 801 unterstützt allerdings nur LTE Cat4, was maximal 150 Megabit pro Sekunde im Download bedeutet. Das LTE-Modem des Snapdragon 805 von Qualcomm unterstützt dagegen bereits LTE Cat6 und das bedeutet wiederum dank Carrier Aggregation bis zu 300 Megabit pro Sekunde im Download. Daher haben sich Samsung und LG zu dieser Neuauflage ihrer noch gar nicht so alten Flaggschiff-Smartphones entschieden, damit die neuen Geschwindigkeiten in den südkoreanischen Netzen auch voll ausgenutzt werden können.Noch ist nicht klar, ob die Sonder-Modelle von Samsung und LG auch hierzulande auf den Markt kommen werden. Angesichts dessen wie Samsung mit seinem Galaxy S4 im letzten Jahr verfahren ist, stehen die Chancen zumindest für das Galaxy S5 mit einem Snapdragon 805 ziemlich gut. Bei dem Galaxy S5 soll es sich laut Yonhap News allerdings nicht um das Galaxy S5 Prime oder Galaxy F handeln, wie The Korea Times ursprünglich berichtete. Der einzige Unterschied zum normalen Galaxy S5 werde demnach der Prozessor sein.
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Das Bild wurde wie so oft von Evan Blass auf seinem Twitter-Kanal veröffentlicht und zeigt im Prinzip das was man schon kennt vom Galaxy F. Der Rahmen um das Display herum ist sichtbar schmäler im Vergleich zum Galaxy S5. Dessen Ränder sind bekanntlich dicker wegen des Staub- und Wasserdichten Gehäuses, was sich der südkoreanische Konzern vom Konkurrenten Sony abgeschaut hat. Dennoch dürfte das Interesse und die Hoffnungen auf ein Gehäuse aus Aluminium ruhen, was schon seit Jahren von Samsung gefordert wird.Ob der Konzern dem wirklich nachkommt ist eine andere Sache. Das Galaxy F selbst hält sich schon länger in der Gerüchteküche und wurde von Anfang an als ein mögliches Galaxy S5 Prime mit Metall-Gehäuse handelt. Vorgestellt werden soll es womöglich zur IFA 2014, zusammen mit dem Galaxy Note 4 und der Gear 3. Mit dem neuen Bild des Samsung-Smartphones sieht es so aus, dass das Galaxy F standardmäßig in den Farben Schwarz Weiß und Gold auf den Markt kommt. Ob eine blaue Variante wie es sie für das Galaxy S5 gibt auch geplant ist, wird sich zu gegebener Zeit zeigen.
Dem Galaxy F wird nachgesagt, dass neben einem 5,3 Zoll großen AMOLED-Bildschirm mit 2.560 x 1.440 Pixel auch der Snapdragon 805 Quad-Core verbaut sein werde. Abgesehen von einem Gehäuse aus Metall wäre auch der optische Bildstabilisator der Kamera eine Neuheit für Samsung.Verkauft werden soll sie noch dieses Jahr in den Ländern Kanada, Australien, Japan und eben Großbritannien. Wann genau es soweit sein werde konnte oder wollte die anonyme Quelle gegenüber AndroidNext nicht erzählen. Auch wie viel Googles smarte Brille kosten soll ist noch unbekannt, allerdings soll sich der Preis weit unterhalb von 1.000 Euro bewegen. Das würde wiederum mit einem Gerücht zusammenpassen, was vor einiger Zeit mal einen Retail-Preis von 299 US-Dollar für Google Glass voraussagte. Vorher muss Google jedoch die nötigen Zulassungen für die jeweiligen Märkte erhalten und sich mit der Politik verständigen.
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itsworn · 7 years
427 Ford SOHC Powers a 1955 Chevy Convertible
A lifelong Ford enthusiast, Flip Cooper would gaze upon the iconic 427 SOHC engine on display in his Casper, Wyoming, office, often fuming over the injustice of seeing so many Chevy-powered FoMoCo vehicles at his favorite car shows or in the street rod magazines. One day this owner of numerous classic Mustangs and a 2005 Ford GT decided it was time for a payback.
Flip sheepishly admits that the Tri-Five family of Chevys are great-looking classic cars, but they sorely lack the thundering power image that an SOHC engine can provide. When he heard that a 1955 hardtop without an engine and tranny was buried inside a Chevy collector’s barn located only a couple miles from his house, he spent five hours clearing out the collected junk to get a good look. The hood was in one corner of the barn, and the trunklid in another. But, the old shoebox had all of its trim in place and revealed only moderate rust in the expected areas. Following a handshake, the car was loaded in a trailer and on its way to G3 Rods in Rapid City, South Dakota. Flip then commissioned automotive artist Eric Brockmeyer to sketch out his vision of a Ford-powered Chevy to inspire G3’s fabricators.
Providing a solid foundation is an Art Morrison IRS chassis that’s equipped with JRI coilovers and Wilwood 14-inch, six-piston brakes at all four corners. An ididit column leads to power rack-and-pinion steering. Rolling stock comprises Schott Accelerator wheels (18×8 front, 20×12 rear) wrapped with Pirelli tires (225/45R18 front, 325/35R20 rear). G3 painted the frame Storm Metallic and fabricated a 20-gallon custom stainless-steel fuel tank mounted in the rear.
G3 channeled the body over the frame to achieve the desired stance, necessitating slight modifications to a crossmember and some reinforcement to the frame. The most difficult chore of the project was shoehorning the mammoth SOHC motor into the engine bay.
“You don’t realize how big these engines really are,” G3 shop manager Tyler Nelson says, adding that the inner fenders, firewall, core support, and radiator cover all had to be modified or custom fabricated around the engine. Komes Racing Engines and Johnson Machine of Rapid City freshened up the engine, which sports a 6-71 supercharger, MSD ignition, and twin Holley Terminator TBI fuel-injection units. G3 fabricated the exhaust headers with 2-inch stainless steel tubing and built the polished 3-inch exhaust system that is slightly hushed with Flowmaster mufflers. Backing up the SOHC motor is a Ford C6 tranny that has been upgraded with a Phoenix 2,800-stall torque converter and shifted with a B&M Quick Silver stick.
With the engine in place, attention turned to the body. Even though it hadn’t seen daylight in 15 years, the body needed cancer treatment in a few areas and plenty of TLC on the rest of the skin. The first major surgery opened the hood to clear the supercharger and custom-fabricated air scoop/cleaner. Then some of the more subtle body mods like shaving the emblems and door handles, adding a custom grille, and tucking in the bumpers were finished.
“That’s when Flip decided he wanted a roadster for those warm Wyoming summers,” Nelson says. “So off came the top, and we shaped the sheetmetal to make it appear as if it were a factory roadster.”
To uphold the structural integrity of the body, the rocker areas were stiffened and reinforcements from the doorjambs around the rear seats were welded in place. The front pillars were reworked but the factory glass is retained. The Speedster-influenced bubbles behind the rear seats were fashioned out of steel. Nelson then squirted on the 2005 GT Blue RM paint from BASF. All the shiny pieces were sent to Ogden Chrome for a makeover. Dakota Digital provided LED rear taillights, and the headlights are from JW Speaker.
Adding more Blue Oval–theme elements to the car is a custom dash panel that is modeled off a 1957 Ford sedan. Dakota Digital makes the 1957 instrument panel that G3 hooked up to the American Autowire Highway 22 wiring harness. Before Dan Weber of Weber’s Custom Interiors in Alexandria, Minnesota, could stitch up the Hydes leather and suede interior trim, G3 installed Boom Mat sound proofing and the quad set of Corbeau seats.
Payback made its debut at the 2016 Detroit Autorama where it was a Painless Performance Products/STREET RODDER Top 100 choice. Looking back, Cooper says he would transform the hardtop into a true ragtop instead of a roadster.
“The weather in Wyoming is not very good most of the time,” he quips.
The post 427 Ford SOHC Powers a 1955 Chevy Convertible appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/427-ford-sohc-powers-1955-chevy-convertible/ via IFTTT
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r1ch1e-the-killer · 2 years
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My Funny little monster sentai ocs... i love them a lot :3 i still havent thought of much for their like team name but its gonna be something sentai mythoranger idkk
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utau-bowl · 2 years
Gakuto Deshimaru ρν (Rho-Nu) Review
Hello again! The pace of reviews will likely quicken for the next month since I’ll be going on hiatus in late August. Want to make good on all my review plans! Today we’ll be returning to Gakuto Deshimaru. I reviewed one of his other voicebanks a while ago. It’s unusual for me to review multiple voicebanks of the same character, but I’m a huge sucker for visual kei banks so this one intrigued me. I will be using the romanized name for ρν, since I’m too lazy to copy and paste the Greek every time.
This review was requested on anon, but likely by the same one who asked for Deshimaru the first time.
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*Art by minome
Hear a Sample of Gakuto Deshimaru Rho-Nu
Name: 学人デシマル (Gakuto Deshimaru) Age: 17 Height: About 11 Scientific Calculators Weight: About 631 Scientific Calculators Birthday: December 16 Sex: Male Character Item: Scientific Calculator Likes: Mitsuha Renko, Kaiyou Mitsuyo, Math, scientific calculators, having to wear the same set of clothes, Vine, circles, triangles Dislikes: procrastination, regular calculators Personality: Now that he wears contacts, his persona fully changes to a narcissist. Almost on par to his friend, Mitsuha Renko. He usually only wears contacts when he performs on stage, with this voice, or the other voicebank of Rho, a deep power bank!
Official Site
Deshimaru has an official website on Neocities. Rho-Nu can be found at the bottom of the page above the Toki Pona voicebank. The voicebank is about 96 MB when unzipped and has fully generated frqs and pmk files.
First Impressions
This version of Deshimaru has a strong, nasally masculine voice. He was recorded at A2, D3, G3, and C4, giving him a wide range. 
Rho-Nu is a 4 pitch CVVC with a super compact reclist (just 34 base samples!) Extras are vocal fry, glottal stops, and rolled Rs. There are also standalone consonants, likely for better results in English.  The oto doesn’t seem to have been edited in setparam, since it uses whole numbers. Some parts appear to be copy pasted for each pitch, of course with the cutoff periods changed. There’s also  autoestimation cache files left over so I guess they used an OREMO base as a starting point or something like that. The VC endings use a 1:3 ratio, pretty common for this recording style. The few - CV aliases there are have the overlap set to 0 for some reason, a bit of a strange choice. Some of the CV parts in general also have the overlap a bit too small.
This is meant to be a vkei bank but I don’t hear it very much? The definition of a vkei bank is rather, loose, all it really means is that it takes inspiration from visual kei singers. But this Deshi lacks the usual accent/sound they have, other than being nasal and powerful. He still suits the genre, I just kept forgetting he was supposed to be a vkei bank while listening to the recordings. His default Rs are pronounced more like English Ls which is something.
I’m unsure if the recordings were cleaned up in post, but they have a noisy feel which makes the voice sound rather rough in the editor.
My recommended flags: B30H20Y80P100g1~5
My recommended resamplers: f2resamp, w4utau, EFB-GT
Final Thoughts
Deshimaru’s vkei bank is a good addition to the lineup and keeps his character voice feel while being more powerful. Another reason why people should stop being afraid and embrace CVVC <3
Got any other UTAUs you want me to review? Send an ask!  
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utau-bowl · 2 years
Gakuto Deshimaru χπ(Chi-Pi) Review
Lately I’ve gotten even more attention from UTAU users I’ve talked about on here and look up to and that is surreal I’m not going to lie. Today’s UTAU was made by Utautautau, whose plugins I’ve posted about many times on here. I’ve followed his circle for over a year now, and feel honored to be able to look at one of their UTAUs. Also, χπ is pronounced like “keep” in English. The more you know!
This review was requested by an anon.
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*Art by Utautautau
Hear a Sample of Gakuto Deshimaru Chi-Pi
Name: 学人デシマル (Gakuto Deshimaru) Age: 17 Height: About 11 CASIO FX-991ES Plus 2nd Edition Scientific Calculators Weight: About 631 CASIO FX-991ES Plus 2nd Edition Scientific Calculators Birthday: December 16 Sex: Male Character Item: Scientific Calculator Likes: Mitsuha Renko (platonically), Kaiyou Mitsuyo (platonically), Math, scientific calculators, having to wear the same set of clothes (so basically uniforms), Vine, circles, triangles Dislikes: procrastination, regular calculators Personality: A total nerd that has outstanding academic performance, but still manages to have a social life. He's very open and noisy around his friends and would do a lot of things for them. Despite of being extremely self-aware, he's very oblivious when it comes to love.
Official Site
Deshimaru has an official site on neocities. This voicebank is about 100 MB when unzipped and has fully generated frqs. I linked directly to his page, so click the “take him” button under the corresponding voicebank you’d like to download.
First Impressions
Despite being your typical poindexter, Deshimaru has a very deep and powerful voice. It is hurt a little bit by UTAU’s extreme sawtooth noises in baritone/bass register, but that isn’t his fault so I forgive him. Chi-Pi is supposed to be a powerscale, but he’s more powerful throughout. I respect any male singer who records a C4 pitch for his UTAU, but the voice cracks and instability muddles up the power of Deshimaru a bit.
Deshimaru is a 4 pitch CVVC recorded at A2, D3, G3, and C4. He uses a very lite reclist (only 50 samples, and that’s including the extras) but is still very comprehensive. There are even alternate pronunciations added like English L and fu/hu samples. Interestingly, each of his recordings is in hiragana but has a letter at the end denoting what set of sounds the sample represents. By now I’m fluent in hiragana, but thanks anyways. He has a wide range, only petering out below D2. He also has glottal stops, vocal fry, and 3 types of breaths. I love it when there’s vocal fry for every vowel combination like he has too. His voice overall is nasal yet still resonant and deep.
My recommended flags: B50h100
My recommended resamplers: TIPS, EFB-GT, w4utau
Final Thoughts
Deshimaru is a compact, easy to use CVVC with a unique voice and tone. I would strongly recommend him to anyone who wants to flesh out their voice library folder!🤓
Got any other UTAUs you want me to review? Send an ask!
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utau-bowl · 3 years
Maria Fuwa IFRIT Review
Hello again! Is everyone having a good spring? The weather is starting to heat up where I live. It seems the UTAU community is always really active around this time too. This review was a big undertaking because of how huge Maria IFRIT is, but I hope I did ok!
This review was requested by iosion.
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*Art by iosion
Hear a Sample of Maria Fuwa IFRIT
Age: "18"; is said to be older than that Gender: Female Height: 5'5" Weight: N/A Species: Qilin/Kirin Birthday: 04/04 Character Item: Boba tea (brown sugar flavour) Likes: Robots, hacking, video games, pyromancy Dislikes: Losing, bitter-tasting food, crowded places, the authorities
Official Site
iosion has a site on neocities with their UTAU downloads. When there, go to “Downloads->Voicebanks” in the side banner and click Maria’s icon. Her downloads are hosted on Bowlroll.
First Impressions
Maria is an impressive voice, with five core pitches and two appends. She has a mature feminine voice with a bit of powerscale flair. I was introduced to Maria back when I was a newer UTAU user, but I never used her. Her designs are really pretty. 💙
Maria was recorded at G3, A#3, C#4, F4, and A4. Like you would expect, she has a very impressive range and can go down to C2 or up to C6 pretty comfortably.The G3 pitch is slightly softer and gentler than the other pitches, but not by much. She gets a little louder in the higher ranges. In general, her voice is strong and loud. 
Her soft append is recorded at G3, A#3, C#4, and her strong append is at F4 and A4. There are two extra prefix.map files to switch between each append or customize to your liking. I had to fiddle a bit with the suffixes to get the appends to work with the default prefix.map, so I would recommend using the premade ones. I feel that the shouting append is made to be used minimally, since it doesn’t sound much different from the core high pitches and has some oto issues (mainly with vowels/overlap). Her soft recordins resemble whispering, especially when paired with the right resampler.
IFRIT also has vocal fry, glottal stops, end breaths, inhales and exhales. The inhales/exhales often don’t sound right in the software (as usual), so using the end breaths is ideal. The vocal fry is very nice and is available on all vowels!
Adjusting consonant velocity may be needed to make Maria more understandable.
There are also a few exvoice files included with Maria, just a few simple words. They could be useful for videos.
My recommended flags: A-80B0Y0F0P70
My recommended resamplers: f2resamp, EFB-GT, fresamp14
Final Thoughts
Overall, Maria is a very comprehensive and beautiful voicebank! The oto has been updated numerous times, and there are very few issues I found while using this voice other than some easily fixable ones with the prefix.map.
Got any other UTAUs you want me to review? Send an ask!
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