#insert doujin joke here
todayisafridaynight · 6 months
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happy halloween :]
bonus outfit concept doodles under the cut lol:
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summocrap · 2 years
Spicy headcanons ‘cause I’ve just been in a mood all day
Obligatory be an adult before going under the cut
No one in Tokyo wears underwear. I don’t why, but those bulges are in way too much detail for anything to be getting in the way.
Shiro and Ryota wear underwear, Moritaka and Toji wear fundashi, Kengo and Gullinbursti wears a jockstrap.
Despite hating it, both Moritaka and Shino love take perverse pleasure in being treated like a dog in the bedroom.
Also neither Moritaka nor Shino like doggystyle for reasons.
Claude has made it a personal mission to sleep with every Ranker, and he’s more than a little annoyed the Player left before he could sleep with them.
And since we’re talking about the Beserkers, yes, the milk comes from Snow. Not that’d he ever tell you that.
Bathym has single-handedly raised the age rating of the Besekers exhibitions on several separate occasions.
The Old One’s actually lay eggs rather than the usual semen donation.
What kind of eggs they give you varies with each transient, from a bunch of tiny ones to a few large ones.
If you’re going to sleep with Cthugha bring more coolant than lube ‘cause that shit burns.
It was the original Maria who made those vows, not our Maria, so it is perfectly okay that she’s slept with Nyarlanthotep a few times, or at least, that’s what she says.
Arsalan’s oil works really well for a lot of things since it’s rather slippery and has a mild painkilling effect, something Zabaniyya is very well aware of.
And yes, Azazel’s artifact lets him watch everything, and he takes perhaps too much pleasure in doing so.
When Gabriel’s nudes leaked, Hati’s resolved lasted about 2 minutes before he gave in.
Nyarlanthotep was also the one who leaked them.
Of all the Tycoons, Hakumen has the largest ongoing rivalry with Kabukicho because she owns the largest “massage parlor” outside the red-light district
She and Tsathoggua dated in the past, but not anymore.
Perhaps the biggest reason she still keeps Tsathoggua around is that the dude’s fucking packing. You see the mound in his pants?
*Insert obligatory Xolotl getting pegged joke here*
For Alp, given the malleability of his appearance, he actually has an ineffective censor bar only because he wasn’t aware that doujins aren’t anatomy accurate. 
On lonely nights, Christine often makes use of her ability to conjure the masked figures.
Shennong is still a virgin. There’s not many people who survive a night with a dude who constantly secrets poison.
Breke’s ability to transform covers every aspect of the imitation, so use that for what you will.
Among the dances Otohime is rather skilled at, she’s rather talented at doing it horizontally, a fact Yamasahihiko learned very well during his stay at the Dragon Palace.
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ryqoshay · 5 years
Happy Life: Angelic Doujin
Primary Pairing: YohaRiko Words: ~1.2k Rating: K AU: Angelic? Time Frame: I’m going to say post college for now Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Reading the first chapter of my new fic, Heavenly Life: Cursed Blood is recommended prior to reading this. Yes, that is a shameless shill, but I hope with good reason.
“Riri, this… is really good.” Yoshiko set down the last page.
“You really like it?” Riko asked.
“Like it?” Yoshiko grinned. “I love it! Fighting with daggers and a scythe and dark magic sounds fun. And Riri is right there to heal and help and stuff when things get tough. And Phobetor can talk, and he’s a bratty little familiar, but loyal. And Mari… well Mari is being Mari. Gods, I don’t think I could serve under a captain like that…” A thought occurred to her. “You’re not going to make me do that in a later chapter, are you?”
Riko smiled at her girlfriend’s reaction. “We’ll see.”
“Riri…” Yoshiko whined, earning a laugh. “Anyway,” she regained her composure, but didn’t lose her excitement “I think you nailed us all pretty good here.”
“Thank you, Yocchan.” Riko replied with a smile before reaching to collect her work. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Just a moment.” Yoshiko blocked her. “I want to look at a few things again. Your drawing has really improved.” She shuffled through the pages to find what she sought, chuckling as she passed the images where her in-story self was oblivious to having been run through with a spear. But she had to pause on the depiction of Riko’s character. By the gods did she love that outfit.
“Are you sure you don’t want to post this?” The younger girl asked after a while of admiring the art. “I could guarantee some readers right off the bat if I were to announce this on my stream and put a link in the description. My little demons would love it. You know they would.”
“Hmm…” Riko pulled into herself a bit.
Yoshiko recognized this behavior and immediately stood to make her way around the table. Upon reaching her girlfriend, she leaned down and draped herself over her shoulders and hugged her gently.
“You know I’d never force you to do something you’re not comfortable with, Riri.” The blue-haired girl assured. “I just think your art is amazing and is worth sharing with others. I know how much joy you get from sharing your music, and this manga of yours is just another expression of your artistry.”
“I know.” Riko replied, pushing into the embrace a bit. “It’s just… It’s a bit embarrassing…”
“Embarrassing? Why? Because you used our real names?”
Yoshiko pursed her lips. “I was kinda wondering about that, to be honest. I mean, I don’t really mind, and I’m sure my little demons online would love it, but… Why not just change the names? You know, like that old show, <The story you are about to hear is true.>” She dropped her tone to mimic the iconic introduction in English. “<Only the names have been changed to protect the angels.>”
“<Innocent.>” Riko corrected.
“I know.” Yoshiko giggled. “<Only the needle should be changed to protect the record.>”
Riko sighed and shook her head as the other girl stretched the joke farther than was necessary. “I tried changing the names.” She admitted. “Came up with several for each of us, but as soon as I got caught up in the story or the drawing or whatever, I would forget and go back to using our real names. Eventually, I just gave up.”
“Hrm… Well, you could always change it digitally once you scan it in? Maybe I can help with the typesetting?”
“It also just doesn’t feel right.”
“My dreams have become so vivid as of late, and it is very clearly us. It’s hard to imagine us as anyone else.”
“But we’re angels.”
“Doing cool angel stuff like flying and fighting demons and stuff.”
“Well again, it doesn’t bother me. And I doubt Mari would mind.” Yoshiko chuckled at a thought. “Heck, I could see her trying to figure out how to use it as advertising for her hotels.”
Riko laughed lightly as well. “That does sound like something she might try.”
“Although… Don’t normal fic and doujin readers often frown on self-insert stories?”
“Well my little demons are far from normal, and I really don’t think they’d mind.”
“I hadn’t honestly thought about the self-insert thing, but now…”
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to make you more hesitant to publish…” Yoshiko thought for a moment about where to steer the subject next. “Will you include any of the others?”
“I don’t know.” Riko replied. “I’ve only ever dreamt of you, me and Mari for some reason.”
“Maybe because we spent so much time together as Guilty Kiss?”
“Or maybe because you and Mari were the focus pair of that angelic themed photoshoot?”
“I still think they should have chosen you instead of me.”
“Yohane is a fallen angel.” Yoshiko reminded. “My ‘Cursed Blood’ wouldn’t have done well there. Riri on the other hand is a perfect fit for an angel theme.”
“Oh c’mon.” Yoshiko rocked side to side a bit, pulling Riko along. “One of these days you’ll have to accept it.”
“I know…” Riko said with a small smile that her girlfriend couldn’t see. “But I suppose I could add the others. I’d just have to figure out how to fit them in, since I don’t remember dreaming about them.”
Yoshiko laughed. “Well now that you’ve said it, you know fate is going to figure out a way to make you remember. I believe certain individuals wouldn’t take too lightly to being forgotten.”
“You know, Riri, if you publish this online now, you’ll have enough time to build up a bit of a fanbase before the next Comiket.”
Riko chuckled. “You’re obsessed with that event.”
“Because it’s awesome.” Yoshiko stated definitively. “Anyway, once you get some dedicated readers, you can print some paper copies and sell them at Comiket. I’d even help you get and run your vendor stand.”
“You want me to sell this?”
“I think it would sell just fine.”
“You may be biased.”
“Of course I am, but that’s not the point. You might be able to work out some trades with the other vendors, which means you could get some of your favorite romance stuff at cost.”
Yoshiko grinned as she heard her girlfriend’s sharp intake of breath that indicated she understood what was being suggested.
“A~nd, I’d be willing to make us outfits so we could cosplay as our characters.”
“You want us to cosplay… as ourselves?” Riko asked incredulously.
“Well, fictional angelic versions of ourselves, but yeah.”
“Unless of course you wanna swap like that one Halloween.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll post it.”
“You will?” Yoshiko blinked. “Wait, the cosplay thing is what did it for you?”
“Only because I want to see my Yocchan in this outfit.” Riko started to stand up.
“Well you kinda already did.” Yoshiko pointed out as her girlfriend turned toward her. “Didn’t you say it was based on that one photoshoot? I mean don’t get me wrong, it was a good set and I’d be happy to try to recreate it…”
“Or out of it.” Riko closed the distance between them and pulled the younger girl into a hug.
“Huh? Out of… Oh…” Yoshiko managed to get out before Riko leaned down and pressed her lips against hers. “You know,” She pulled away after a moment “I have plenty of other angel outfits that we could wear right n…” She was cut off again by Riko. This time, she got the hint and reciprocated immediately.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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owlespresso · 6 years
Ironclad & Open | Hifumi Yamada
A commission for @thesocialcorty! My first time writing for Yamada. I tried to emphasize more on his core personality rather than his quirks or gimmicky aspects. Commissions are open. All info can be found HERE. My kofi can be found HERE. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Friends are few and far in between for Hifumi Yamada. You’ve come to know this in the two months that you’ve known him. Most of your classmates avoid him, deeming him to be nothing more than a creep, or a pervert. On one hand, you can understand this. Why bother to look underneath the surface when what you see on top disgusts you? 
If you hadn’t of run into him by chance, then you wouldn’t have, either. While most people avoided Hifumi like the plague, there were a select few students who targeted him as often as possible. It wasn’t uncommon for his books to be smacked to the ground or thrown in the courtyard fountain.
Funnily enough, that’s how you got to know him. After helping him pick his things up, he had still been weepy. So, you decided to take him out for ice cream. From there, it was history. Hifumi proclaimed himself to be your new best friend, even showing up to eat lunch on the roof, with you.
Being followed around so persistently was practically social suicide, but high school wouldn’t last forever. Besides, the ironclad group of friends you had wouldn’t dump you over something so minor. 
High schoolers could be so cruel. People who strayed from the norm were easily outcasted, many of them bullied. You were one of the few who didn’t care much about popularity, but you weren’t bullied because of your respectable intellect. And also because you wouldn’t tolerate that kind of treatment. Your tight-knit group of friends wouldn’t, either.
This was your last year. So soon, it wouldn’t matter.
To his credit, Hifumi was actually considerate of you. Perverted jokes and awkward moments still slipped into your interactions with him, but he was getting better at socializing. Contrary to what you thought, he wasn’t as awful a person as everyone else made him out to be.
You clutched your books to your chest as you made your way down the hall. Sometimes, you tutored other students after school. It was a quick and easy way to make money, just the way you liked it. It was late afternoon, probably four. Should you get something to eat on the way home? Or should you wait and cook something healthier? All you had was ramen noodles, at home. Grocery shopping happened every Friday, and you forgot to do it last week… Your eyes narrowed against the rich sunlight as you stepped into the school’s front yard, making your way towards the street.
Foot traffic wasn’t so bad after 3:30. All the students had already cleared out, desperate to head home and relax after a long day of work. You looked forward to getting home, kicking off your shoes and lounging on the couch. Maybe you would play some video games or just browse the internet. It had been a long week.
However, it seemed that fate had different plans for you. You halted as you heard your name, yelled loudly from the distance. That high-pitched, yet masculine register could only belong to one person.
“Hey, Hifumi.” You greeted with a soft smile. The plump young man halted as he finally reached you, kneeling over to catch his breath. He looked up to you with a grin and spoke in between pants, breath heaving in and out of him.
“Good afternoon, my blossomed beauty!” You learned that his nicknames for you came from genuine affection or jest, rather than perversion. Most others took offense to them, because he used them with people he hardly knew. You had been the one to tell him that nicknames only became appropriate after a comfortable relationship had been established. And to his credit, he had learned and changed his ways. “Allow me to walk you home! I beg!” Feeling the sudden need to tease him, you tipped your head and gave a wry grin.
“I dunno… Are you sure you can handle it?” At the jesting lilt in your voice, he straightened his spine, a determined expression on his face. Any signs of fatigue vanished.
“Absolutely! There is not a challenge in the world that I can’t handle. Looking down and cowering won’t get me any EXP, after all.” His hands landed on his hips as he struck a tall, confident pose. As if on cue, a small breeze jostled his hair and the tie of his uniform. Ever since you had befriended him, you noticed a change in his attitude. He was willing to stand up for himself, something you were grateful for. While you would defend him whenever possible, there would always be times when you weren’t around. It was comforting to know he could take care of himself.
“Well, alright.” You gave him a small smile, turning around and continuing to walk. Your home wasn’t too far from the academy, meaning that you didn’t have to take the subway or public transportation. Hifumi stayed at your side, a bounce in his step. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you. 
The sun’s rays stretched over the city, casting brilliant hues of orange and yellow across the avenues and buildings. Time itself seemed to slow, with cars steadily driving past. This would be your last year at the academy.
A sense of nostalgia hit you. How many times would you walk this path? How much time did you have left, here? Graduation was only a few months away.
“So,” Hifumi’s voice snapped you from your train of thought, “Do you… like fanfiction?” You’ve enthused about your favorite anime and video games with Hifumi, before. But that was the first time he ever brought up fan content. Maybe he was afraid of being judged? You decided not to tease him, just in case. The last thing you wanted to do was make him feel like you were laughing at his passions.
“I do.” You nodded, and a wide smile bloomed across his face. It made sense. His main talent was doujin drawing and writing. So of course he would be into fan content.
“Really!?” In an instant, he reached behind and slid his backpack off his shoulder, fumbling with it as he walked. He seemed excited to show you something. Maybe a new doujin? Some fanart? You had seen his work, before. His skill level was incredibly impressive. He had a solid grasp on anatomy and perspective, areas where even the greatest of artists could struggle. 
But that was no surprise, considering it was regarded as his ultimate talent. Others might have scoffed at him, but you knew the countless hours he spent practicing, mastering his craft. In order to prevent him from tripping, you stopped, letting him get his sketchbook out. “Here—take a look at this!”
He flipped through the messy pages frantically, before landing on what looked to be a drawing of him. In it, he was clad in what looked to be intricate armor, a lance clutched in one hand, a shield in the other. You were no stranger to self-insert content, having browsed it multiple times before. Many people tended to regard self-inserts as “cringy”, but more were open to it, these days. 
The old prejudices against fan characters and “Mary Sues” were becoming more and more outdated, left behind. And that was certainly for the better. You allowed your gaze to roam over the details, before spotting the anxiety clear on his face.
“I really like it/” You gave him a smile. His expression immediately lit up, looking perhaps the happiest you had ever seen him. That was the kind of confidence you were hoping to encourage in him.
“Splendid!” He cheered, “I don’t tend to show people that kind of staff—self-inserts, y’know? So many don’t understand the pure craftsmanship and love that go into creating original characters!” He closed the sketchbook and put it back into his bag, zipping it shut in a firm, quick way. “Character creation is a form of art! And so is roleplaying—if you like that kind of stuff.” He waggled his eyebrows at you, prompting you to cross your arms, fixing him with a stern glare. Your spine straightened into an authoritative pose.
“I do enjoy roleplaying. But not the dirty kind!” You huffed and he deflated at your scolding. Deciding he had learned his lesson, you allowed your posture to loosen. “I would love to RP sometime, Hifumi.” Just like that, his beamed, any traces of disappointment gone. He wilted under your anger and flourished under your praise. It was remarkable how someone could change how they felt so quickly. But that was just another part of Hifumi’s personality that could be difficult for you to decipher.
“Really!?” He practically squealed, before clearing his throat and straightening his posture. “Well, I mean—that’d be cool.” He said coyly, continuing to walk down the street. You caught up easily, in a matter of a few steps. His joy was contagious, and you were soon unable to stop yourself from smiling.
Your time left at school, with your friends, was limited. But you were going to enjoy it at any cost, with Hifumi at your side.
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dailygermancest · 6 years
What got you into Germancest?
Once upon a time (nearly ten years ago!), I was actually super into Germany and Italy as otp but I was getting rather annoyed with Italy as a character…
So while on tumblr, browing for new fanart and doujin for other APH otps, I stumbled upon @ludwiginsexyuniforms’ blog! I loved Prussia and I loved Germany but I didn’t see them that way. Little smol me was like “omg what is this, this is v sinful should not look ahhh.”
But I was hooked. I fell in love with the boys being together especially with how devoted they are to each other. I quickly jumped old ship to join the Germancest ship right around when Hetalia was in the middle of its glory days.
I was in no way popular nor did I have a famous blog but I didn’t care. I loved Gilbert and Ludwig as bros, as lovers and as individuals and I was just excited to talk with other people who did. I made me some good friends through Germancest - one of which who became my girlfriend!
Fast forward to today where the fandom is dead (insert joke about Prussia being dead HERE). I wanted to see more Germancest content but the old germanbrothers blog kinda went dead too. So I said fuck it and started this account so anyone who wanted to talk about Germancest, the Germanbros in general or Germany, Prussia, Gilbird and The Dogs is more than welcome!
Tldr; it’s @ludwiginsexyuniforms’ fault
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