#<- everyone in the underground vc and They're Right
grillbyz · 2 months
Save me undyne undertale,,, undyne undertale,,, undyne undertale save me,,,
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Yandere! Shigaraki x Reader - "Darling" (part 1)
WARNINGS : Human trafficking, gun violence, mention of death, starvation.
Stinging, frigid air whipped back red coattails. The deepeness and darkness of the night was only pierced by an eye-catching outfit, and the owner's eye-catching featured.
Piercing vermilion eyes, hard and set like twinkling rubies in the gloom, set off shaggy, ashy blue-grey hair. They made the man's other features, each shockingly, startlingly beautiful in their own right, seem dull in comparison.
Even the man's coat couldn't match the vividness of his narrowed eyes, now squinting to catch sight of-
There. A shape in the darkness. And above the figure....
Stuttering, pink neon letters spelled out "VC".
Inconspicuous. Except to those who the sign was intended for.
Shigaraki strode past the doorman, being recognised instantly - every single person in Musutafu, even everyone in the whole area of Japan itself, knew that face - and, almost as if on cue, the double doors leading to the VC swung open and closed with a bang. Oh, he was respected here.
He was known.
Better than that: he was feared.
Bass drummed in his ears and strobe lights attacked his eyes. On he walked, past the front, past the disguise.
A quieter, more secluded area here. A place for the elite. The richest of the baddest, and the baddest of the richest.
Villains' Central.
Waltzing to the main office, red sneakers effortlessly creeping over marble... he belonged here. He owned here.
But now, the villain prince was looking to own something else. Something more tangible.
The underground human trade was something the Pro-Heroes either liked to quietly ignore or didn't know about; Shigaraki wasn't sure which, but he guessed the latter. Despite his personal hatred of them, he was willing to admit that some stuck by their morals of justice.
He flinched as a booming voice called out to him suddenly.
"My dear friend! Back for what we discussed, yes?"
The grinning, red-faced villain businessman was Grimlock. Grimlock was flanked by his two lackeys, the names of which Shigaraki didn't know or care out, each low-level thugs, he guessed. The drab grey uniform of VC was mundanely recognisable, and all three of the men were ensconsed in it.
"Grimlock," he greeted, reflexively scratching at his neck. "Where are they?"
One of the thugs shifted, his movement momentarily exposing the barrel of a gun in the inside pocket of his cloak. Shigaraki's eyes were trained on it, so focused that he didn't catch what the sweaty, flustered man was saying.
"Mm? What?" he demanded.
Grimlock's eyes widened until they were like saucers, like a giant moon with a black centre in each eye. He bowed his head a little: subservient, terrified, weak.
Nodding like a mindless bobble head, so quickly it was comical, the man repeated himself.
"I-I said, sir, that they were right this way!"
The second thug, a bulky mass in grey, plodded down a corridor to his left.
"How many?"
Flash. Sharp red eyes caught movement to Shigaraki's right. He turned, fluid grace in his actions. Shigaraki looked down the same barrel he'd glimpsed earlier.
Shaggy grey-blue hair touched his shoulder as he tilted his head.
"Just- just a precaution, Mr. Shigaraki! I'm sure he'll-"
But whatever he was surely going to do, he didn't get the chance. The gun and the man holding it disintegrated, grey metal to grey ash. Grey clothing to grey dust.
Shigaraki's hand dropped from where he'd reached out to touch the barrel. And he walked on, unbothered, reaching a green door.
Skittering footsteps told him Grimlock had decided to stick close.
He produced a silver key from his pocket, a ring of them jangling in his other, and pushed the door open to reveal....
Maybe half a dozen people. Scared. Some shivered, clothes no better than dirty rags covering them.
One in the corner caught his eye. "Them."
"Oh! Our lovely darling, yes. They're new, you see, and not- exactly house broken yet-"
"I don't care," he said flatly.
Shigaraki was aware of his infamous, intimidating red glare. He turned it on Grimlock and watched the man's composure wither.
"Darling, you said?"
Red sneakers reached the corner, and a finger gently, deftly lifted up your chin.
Grimlock beamed, the smile stretching his face grotesquely. "Our affectionate nickname. I- we don't know much about them. But they're a right beauty, you see? A darling pet for our best customer."
"Pet," Shigaraki murmured, stroking your jaw. "My darling pet?"
Grimlock responded, but the question hadn't been directed at him. His words were white noise.
Your eyes met. His breath caught in his throat. Almost imperceptibly, you nodded.
Red eyes raked over you, seeing past the poor excuse for an outfit. Seeing past the chains (although, he seemed to frown as he glimpsed your wrists, rubbed red raw). Those eyes seemed to peer into your soul.
"I'll take them. Now. For free, of course."
The businessman nearly seemed ready to argue, but the ruby gaze turned on him and, predictably, he wilted. "Yes sir. Right away."
Shigaraki smiled.
He thought he'd have you smiling too, in due time.
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